Is 23 to old to start over?

You are never to old to start fresh! Go for it!

Age has nothing to do with walking away from a bad relationship. I don’t care if I was 70 .


Its never too late … so set your goals :grin:

You got this. Do it love. Go back to school and focus on you solely. You gotta judge a man by his characteristics and not his illusioned potential.


I moved back in with my parents at 37🤷🏼‍♀️never too old to start over❤️

It’s never to late. Hold you head up high and go for it. Much love to you.

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Its never too late im 45 and still going to college.You can do it!


Dude , you’re still so young . Any one can start over at any age.

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Absolutely never to old to start over!

Hun, you’re young. Do it now. Good luck!

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I started over at 32 with 2 kids 8 & 5. It’s scary to think about. You have your parents to help out and lean on. Once you fall into a routine and find you have time for your daughter and her needs as well as time for yourself. I found that I had consumed a lot of time and energy in regards to the drama my ex caused. I could plan my days around school for the kids and me, their extra curricular activities, homework and new friends. I was then responsible for everything but somehow it was more relaxing. You are definately not too old. Many people after they graduate work a few years before they further their education. I was happy with my decision. Most importantly don’t waste your energy worrying about something that may or may not happen. Allow yourself to ‘cross your bridges when you get to them’ and treat obstacles as a learning experience. You will do just fine. I wish you the best.

Your young I started over in my late 40s. 23 your still a baby in my book. Go for it.

I’m 31 and i just started over last year. My son is almost 2, i moved to a different state to get away from my baby daddy and moved back in with my parents. It’s been hard but i just bought a condo for my son and I. So my answer is no. It’s better to start over then stay in an unhealthy relationship, it will also be better for your daughter. Good luck! You got this!

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Don’t look at it is as starting over. Bettering yourself in all areas in your life & child. Having family that support you & move forward is awesome.


Your far from being to old young lady, to start a new and better life for you and your daughter ! You have a whole life ahead of you… you can do this, take that step and you won’t regret it .

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Never too late. Also, 23 is still young. You got this.


Im 33 and starting over…and blessings are just falling into place. You got this!


I am 53, although I have no children around me & I’m still in my house, it’s a local authority house, I have had to start again. It’s taken me 3½ years to pick my self up but I paid of all the debts I was left with & am now getting the house into shape as I was left with a mess as we spent thousands on him perusing his hobby. I have no family support & the only money I have is what I earn each month, but I’m doing it!
You can too, it may seem hard at times, when those time hit just think of what you came out with, your beautiful child. Good luck. Xx

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I’m 28 and just finishing my first two years at the end of summer. I’ll be 29 this year and mine just turned 5. It’s NEVER too late!

I’m 27 and I’m still in college, I live with my parents, they are super supportive, and I have a 14 month old. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to support the little ones.

Do it! Think of it as starting a new new future. Starting over entails possibly revisiting the same situation or circumstances again. Begin a new future for you and your child :orange_heart: move back with your parents. It does not mean failure. It means you recognize the need for a change. :kissing_heart:

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You need your family who support you now it looks as if he never will. Good luck.

It’s never too late to start over. Do what’s best for your child.

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I say get out now for you and your sons sake.It’s NEVER too late to start over. No matter your age,no matter how many children. What is for you will come to you. Do for you and your son. Focus on YOU. Love yourself. Blessings to you :two_hearts:

Do what you need to do for YOU and YOUR CHILD… … it’s NEVER to late!

It’s never to old to start over !!!

Never too late…23 is a perfect time for a fresh start…you’re still young :slight_smile: best wishes!

It’s never too late to do what’s best for you an your child!!

Do it…you are still very young and do not stay for the child’s sake!!! NO ONE DESERVES TO BE CHEATED ON!!! Move on with your life and start enjoying it instead of being miserable!!!

If your parents are good with y’all moving back in, do it! Just remember each of you is having to make adjustments … be kind, and appreciative … you know as a parent you’d do anything for your child. Start over and give yourself grace as you begin again :heart:

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I’m 28 and just got my associates degree. Going for my bachelors next. 23 sounds perfect. Your daughter can watch you work hard for what you want in life and work through obstacles to get it.

It’s not to late. Do what makes you better and in turn it will be good for your child.

Go home girl, don’t look bk, forward to new and better things!!

It’s not too late, its just in time. Cherish this time its a second chance to get it right.

No age is to late to start over…You have to do what’s best for you and your child…

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Your never too old to start over and have a new life😻


No matter the age, it’s never to late to start over


OMG, no it’s not too late. Your whole life hasn’t even started yet.


I started over again at 35 with 3 kids after 17 years of marriage… took me 2 years after that to finalize my divorce.

Old!! Never use that word to describe yourself !! Ambitious!


Do it if you’re not happy and he’s treating you bad then leave start over move back in with your parents go to school better yourself not only for you but for your child staying in an unhappy relationship for the kids isn’t ok you deserve to be in a happy loving life long relationship which In turn sets a good example of how a relationship should be like when they grow older

Here’s the the thing, in two years that time will have gone by regardless. Don’t you want to be more ahead then than you are now? Start, then don’t give up. Remember 2 years is coming you can be in the same spot wanting to start or you can see how far you have come and that gives you strength for the next 2 years. Also keep in mind that you will probably qualify for ELC if you need it.


Absolutely not! Get away from him and go for your dreams!

Never to late to start over! I have a few friends in their 40s that are starting over because they are finally wanting to let go of their toxic relationships.

It is NEVER to late to start over. Build yourself up for you & your daughter honey!!

Girl your NEVER TO OLD to start over. I was 30 when I started over. 32 when I had my second child 37 when I went back to college. Starting over can only give you a better chance to get where you want to go. You can do it!

Oh honey, I was 23 with newborn twin boys with medical issues and my daughter just turned 3 when I left their father. I moved back in with my parents for a couple months and at 26 went back to college. Plenty of road blocks on the way but now I’m working on my bachelor’s and own my own house. Focused on me and my children for many years, and after 8 years I found the greatest man I could of ever imagined. Always take care of you and your children first, the rest will work itself out.

It’s never too late to start over and become a better you. Do it

Never too late ! You are strong, you got this! You deserve the best for you and your child

It’s NEVER to late to start over!!! NEVER!!! When I was 45yo I found out my husband was gay & I started over. Do what’s best for you & your child. He will never change if he never has any consequences for his actions

Well I’m 35 and I started my master with my 4 month baby and finished it in 16 months. You have no idea how young and lucky you are. Keep studying and take care about you and your baby!

It’s never too late to start over. Do whatever is best for you and your child. You have your whole life ahead of you. You got this mama!

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Left at 27 and just graduated with my first degree in human services. And an added bonus i got to start again with an amazing man. Never to late to walk away and try again.

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Girl it never too late! Send the jerk on his way…… and begin a new ,beginning for you and your child.

Girl, you are just getting started. Go to school, get your degree, don’t look back.

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Not too old at all. I am 39 and just started over!! You can do it.


Uh, 23 is still young as hell. I’m 41 and will be going back to school at 42 and unfortunately still haven’t even started a family as I walked away from 2 engagements. So, do what you have to do. 23 is young. There’s a difference between moving home to mooch off of mommy and daddy and moving home so you can make a better life for yourself.

It is never too late to start a new. The best thing you can do for your child is SHOW them how to make a great life and staying in a failing relationship will only teach them that bad relationships are acceptable.

Never too late leave him go back to your parents and go to school and follow your dreams you have your whole life ahead of you and you will find someone that truly loves you and your child

It’s never too late to start over. You are so so young and barely starting in life. Do not stay in that toxic relationship. Better yourself for your child and for you. Show her how to be a strong independent woman that does not need to put up with that kind of behavior from a man. Look 3 yrs ahead and ask yourself would you rather your child see you going to school and succeeding and be happy or see you arguing with her father and crying everyday because of what he’s doing. What choice would you want her to make if she was an adult and in your shoes? You and your daughter deserve so much more.


Never too old. I’m 33 with 4 kids and today is my first day in summer classes at my community College. The best thing you could do for yourself and your child is to continue education!

It’s NVR to late!!! :muscle:t4::muscle:t4::muscle:t4:

I started over at 35 it has been good please get out of your situation and pursue your dreams

Absolutely not too late, there are many who just get started in their twenties. You are so young yet, life is just getting started. So glad you are leaving this toxic, disrespectful relationship and making yourself and child a priority, you both are worthy of so much more!! Best wishes for you both as you embark on your journey of self discovery, self love!!! You go girl!!! :hugs::+1:

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No do it and do it now you have plenty of time you are still so young! I’m 37 and if I could go back to 23 I’d do everything different just saying.

Never too old!! Go to to school , get that degree and find peace. You got this girl!

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D sky is ur starting point.
And no one is too old 2 restart, Go 4 it!:muscle:

You need to move on from him. If you don’t you are teaching that child in the wrong direction. Get some gumption girlfriend. Doing yourself this favor is better for both of you. And you are never too old to learn anything.

You not too old if I could live with my parents now I wish I could I can’t mom’s been gone for fifteen years so I have been on my own

23 your life is just started go for it never to late to better yourself

I went back to school at 30 as a single mother when my daughter started kindergarten and got my degree in accounting. It wasn’t easy but I am so glad I did it and got a much better job.


Never too late. I started over at 53 and love life now. God is good

My dear its never too late to start over u are too young to allow these people to keep u back d future is yours my dear

Honey at 23 you are just starting out. But no it I’d never too late to start over no matter what your age. Take your baby and have a more stable life for you and them.

Your young go back to school and if your parents let you move back in do it!!! You still have your whole life!!


Girl, 23 is super young. I joined the air force at 24 and got my RN at 35. You’re not dead yet and you’re no where near being old! Go live with your parents and get yourself back in school. If I can do it, anyone can. Get out of that toxic situation before its really too late.


Its never too late! You do what you’ve got to do for you and your child!

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23 is not to old to start over you have good plan ahead of you go home and start over you deserve better than what you had good luck.:four_leaf_clover:

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Never too old to make a new beginning…

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You are just the right age. Do it right now.


It’s never too late. You can do anything you put your mind to! :raised_hands:t2:


It is NEVER too late to start over. Best of luck to you & your son :blush:


Never too old dear. You are still young. Move back to your parents if possible. Make a new start.

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Never too late! I’ve started over more than once. It’s much better than raising your child in a toxic environment. You got this!

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Get out and go home get your education Don’t keep wasting your life with him Never to late

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Its never too late hun. Im 33 in 3 weeks. I’m jus finishing college come Aug and I have no children.

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Its never too late to start over again. You’re still very young, it’s going to be easy. Good luck.

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Never to late to better your life for your kids!

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23 years old, honey you’re not old your life is just beginning.
Start over girl, take your son and go with it. Good luck🍀
You got this.
Best wishes


Never put yourself down .You are at a age where life is just starting go out and forfull your dreams

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You’re never too old to walk away from a toxic situation or too old to make changes so you have a happier ,more successful life. You’re only 23 ,still very young you have so many opportunities waiting for you & girl ,you deserve so much better so stop wasting your time with this guy… move forward and have the best life for you & your child💜

I was in my thirty’s when I moved back in with my parents. Nothing wrong with it. If you need it and your parents are willing to help then you should go for it. And it’s also never ever too late to further your education to better your career. Good luck sweetie! You’ll do great!

No matter what, time is still passing, and you will continue to be older. Do what you need to do for you and your daughter, while you still have time.

Definitely not too old. I’m 28 & in my second year of uni with a 2 year old & another on the way.

You are never too old, to do anything in life.

Never to late. I moved back home when I was 20 bc my ex wanted a divorce, never should of married him thats another story for the books, but finally moved out when I was 28. Now 5 years later I’m getting ready to buy my grandparents house… it’s hard being a single mom but grandparents make the best helpers…

Divorced at 36! Started Nursing school. Was a RN by age 40. Had a fabulous well paying job for 25 years! You can do this!


I think I’ve got you all beat. I started college in my mid-fifties and as a result, had my last, best job of my life!!

Oh sweetie pie I’m in my mid sixties and I’ve been around the block a time or twenty and gone to more rodeo than I care to count. It is NEVER EVER to old to start over. It won’t ever change no matter how many times you forgive him. You can either continue to forgive him, which that won’t change. So forgive him and go on with the heart ache. Or be happy that you have your parents to go home to, too help you with going back to school, their grandchild and safe home for the two of you. But realize you will have your parents to have to listen to. Being a parent doesn’t stop at 5 when you are clocking out of work, as you know. It continues on to ever land. They will have expectations of you being a responsible adult/parent and good student. Please don’t ever think anything is to late. Nothing is ever to late. Your just late getting where your going. God bless and much happiness to you.

Never to late. Your life is just beginning! Take care of you and your son. You and he are all that matters.