Is a 6:30 bed time too early?

2 year old, 8:30pm bedtime

Do what’s good for you. I had my son on that bath at 6:30 bed at 7 scheduled until last year. He’s 8 now. That’s what worked best for us.

If it works for you (and I looks like it does), then don’t change anything.
My son is 13 months old and I put him to bed at 8, he wakes up around 5:30-6:00.
I would love if he could sleep earlier so I could have more time for myself, but every child is different :slightly_smiling_face:


Do you girl
Who cares what others think. When I sent my kids to bed at 7pm, people would say “that’s too early”. Guess what? It wasnt. They slept til about 630-730am the next day. My kids are great sleepers. Let them say whatever, if that time frame works for your family, then go for it.

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It depends on the family. Our sleep hours are different because my husband works second shift and baby is adjusted to be able to see daddy before he leaves and when he comes home. Meaning she goes to sleep around 12 at night and wakes up at 12 the next day. It works for us and she gets plenty of sleep :woman_shrugging:t3: (she’ll be 1 this Thursday so no school hours to worry about. When she starts school it’ll be different)

Sounds like your spot on mama. I have a 10 8 and 7 they all go to bed between 7 and 8. And always wake up refreshed for school. Scheduling and stability is the key.

Nah totally normal! Enjoy it :slight_smile:

I wish, my daughter is almost 2 and the earliest she falls asleep is 10:30.

Up to you. I have two Grandsons that put theirselves to bed.
The rest are solar pwered…

If it works for you and your babies I say keep doing it

Girl you are doing good

Don’t fix what isn’t broken! We are usually in bed by 7:15 and up around 6…that’s what works for us. I’d much rather have some time to myself at night and wake up a bit early.

It’s whatever that works for your family

Both my babies go to bed at 9, 4 month old and 3 year old and they get up at 7

Bedtimes are all about what works for you and your family. My sister in law’s always has an early schedule for her kids, but it works for them and they are early risers. My daughter loves to stay up late and sleep in late and so do I, LOL. So when she was young we never really did have a schedule once she was over 2, but I was a stay at home mom at that point, so there was no reason to get up very early. We don’t even do dinner until 6, but when she started school I found that an 8/8:30 bedtime is perfect for her. We now get up at 6:30 on weekdays and I do let her stay up late on Friday and Saturday nights (no bedtime on Friday night and with an extended 10pm bedtime on Saturday nights).

If it works don’t break it.


My son has always went to bed at 9. But I worked 1-10 my entire pregnancy so I think he’s just on whatever schedule I was. If it works for you and your family, don’t sweat it❤

If it works for your family, it is perfect! Very different from our house but what we do works for us, so it’s perfect too!

It’s not bad at all my son who is almost 6 has a bed routine which is dinner shower and in bed by 7 can watch movie in bed till 730. Find it easier to have kids in a routine

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Who cares what family thinks… tell them you will do what you feel is right for your kiddies. …your doing it all right! Sounds good to me. My 8 yr old goes to bed at 7, and is sleeping with in 10 min. Been in ber own bed since 5 months old.


Your just ahead of the game :ok_hand:t2: great job momma it’s amazing that you have them all of a set schedule I had almost the same schedule until my third child was born :disappointed::sob: and then it all went out the window now I two on a schedule and my third does not sleep until 1/3 am until like 6:30:7:30 min-sund :weary: I literally pick him up and do everything I can to wake him up and it’s doesn’t work he’s back to sleep or up at the same times it’s hopeless but he is my best listen kid so I guess

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I mean, no? Lol it’s what works for you. Bed time for my 2yr old is between 7:30/ 8. Sometimes he stays up later if he had a late nap, but that’s mostly what we try to stick to. Dinner @6, bath 6:30, let him hang out for a bit wind down then go to bed.

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That’s absolutely fine! If that’s when your children are tired, then so be it. I’ve actually read an article claiming that 6:00pm is the best time to put kids to sleep at! Keep doing whatever works for you :blush:

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If it works for you , don’t change it .
I think that’s perfect
Gives you some alone time or quality time


Pediatricians will tell you it doesnt matter what their schedule is as long as its consistent. As long as their schedule works for you that’s all that matters.
I know people who keep their kids up a bit longer so they will sleep a bit later in the morning…they still get the same amount of sleep that other kids their age get but it works better with the parents schedule

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Whatever works for you and your family 🤷 it sounds like a good schedule to me.

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Thats early to me but my kids are 1 and 2 they sleep around 10-12am latest and hardly ever tbh they both wake up at around 8 if we all sleep in they wake up around 9

As long as you have a schedule going it doesn’t really matter. My friend syays up til 2 w here because she’s never established a schedule and they sleep all day so :woman_shrugging:t3: my kids have had this schedule pretty much since they’ve been born

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Sounds good to me. Gives them plenty of rest.

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Don’t fix it if its not broken
Every family is different. What works for someone else may not work for you. At least you have a regular bedtime.


My two year olds bed time is 7pm… earlier if she seems extra tired or had a short nap. It’s been like this since she was 1. Sleeps til morning (5:30-7:30 depending on the sun/what she feels like). Who cares if people think it’s weird, I like rested children.

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Always use what works for your family!

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I haven’t gotten there with my son, but I think that time frame is great. Kind of has them prepped for waking up early once school starts in a few years.

Yeah, my 2 , almost 3 year old goes down between 6-7:30pm and up at 6am. She tells me when she’s ready for bed. Then my 4 year old is a nightmare to get to bed. They are all different, u just do what u think is best. The opinions of others does not matter.

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Waking up at 6am and nap time at 1030am. Then bed at 630 sounds great to me. They need about 12hrs of sleep a night anyhow. Whatever works for you! Plus that’s a lot of mom and dad time at night. Which makes for a happy marriage and happy life and happy kids! My kids are 4 and 8 and they are both in bed by 730pm, sleep through the night and wake at 645am. This schedule is never changed. Summer, weekends, when it’s still light outside for 3 more hours after that, nothing! Sometimes on special occasions when we aren’t home at 730. (Bday parties, holidays, Ect) Neither take naps anymore though. My girl friends think I am crazy too but it works. Not their lives. And my kids ARE NEVER EVER cranky or falling asleep at a store or when we go to the fair. Or at an event. Or in the car. They get all their sleep at night. I think it’s best that way. Also my oldest starts falling asleep in class if she goes to bed any later than 730 on school nights! Works for us!

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I wish my kid went to sleep that early😭

Same here! Even if my son goes to bed later he’s still up by 6 :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Bedtime is what works for your family- and your schedule- until school starts

Sounds perfect to me. Kids love routine, you get a little time to yourself and you’re all rested!!!

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I think 7:30 is very appropriate.

Its a personal decision just sayin

That’s the bedtime routine i used for my kids many years ago

You do you and what works for your kids, don’t worry about anyone else and what they think! You’re amazing


Its your children you set your own schedule

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Stick to their needs.

That’s how my kids went to bed . Always the same time every night regardless of whether it was summer or winter . All of them were good sleepers and in their own bedrooms from 6 weeks . Keep doing what ya doing .

Those are good hours for them. I call them school hours. It t is easier to start training them for school hours while they are little than to try once they start school. They need 10-12 hours of sleep at night. Plus as a parent you need a few hours to unwind before sleep.

I can remember in the fifties my children used to go to bed on dark and get up at daybreak was normal for us

You should stick to whatever works for your family. Nothing ever fits the shoe to nosey people :unamused:

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My kids are in bed by 7. I have a 6 year old, 4 year old, a 2 year old and a 15 month old (11 months ajusted). My 6, 4, and 2 year old wake up at 7. I send my 6 and 4 year old to school. My 15 month old wakes up by 8 and my 2 year old, 15 month old and i nap at 1130/12 and were up by 2.

You do what works for you and your family. Who gives a donkey what anyone says.
My daughter is 5 and we try to have her to bed by 9 sometimes it’s later sometimes earlier. You do what works for you as a family

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I’m the same. My 2 year old wakes at 5am. 10am nap till 1pm then lunch then dinner at 5 and start rocking at 6.30pm and is asleep by 7.15 pm.

You do you… If it works for you then do it

Yes keep it growing kids need more sleep

I think it’s great that you have your children on a schedule regardless of what time they go to bed,I’ve known lots of so called parents that let thier kids stay up till wee hours into the night. So I wouldn’t worry about what anybody else thinks or say, think your doing a fantastic job, that’s off to you

Keep doing what your doing, routine and consistency is key :point_up_2::ok_hand:

Those are very good hours for them so keep to those times

Normal. That’s a perfect time for young kids

Perfect time I think. My little girl (4) is asleep by 6.30 lol. But she needs it

Yes Great Schedule Good Job !!! Stick to it and don’t change a thing! Children now days do not get enough sleep and you are setting lifetime foundations for your children to have great sleep habits and that effects everything in life, including their health, mood, learning rest, performance, attitude, abilities to function to full potential, schooling etc…

Do whatever works best for you and your kids. My 3 and 5 year old go to bed at 8:30 and my 8 year old goes to bed 9:30 on school nights and 10:30 on weekends. My 3 month old goes to be whenever she wants lol


Not far off my daughter is usually asleep by 830 at the absolute latest shes 4 this month but she will have a solid 12 hours so depending on her wake up is the time she will go to bed that night :joy: I think I got lucky with a great sleeper though shed sleep in till 11 if I let her :sweat_smile:

This is our exact schedule I have an 18month old and 3yo! I do get some odd looks when I say we go to bed so early but the kids are happy with it & so am I :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

My 2 year old is in bed by 7-730

If it works for you and your family everyone else in the whole world can literally gtfo. Lolol. Dont worry about it mama, you’re fine. :heart:

Always go with what you know, what works well. Normal bedtimes, no worries.

Stick to your routine . No reason to change it up.

You do whatever works and is best for you and fuck the haters and nay Sayers

Do what works for you. My kids had a 7pm bedtime not too long ago at 7, 3 and 2. Now they go to bed at 8pm

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Nothing wrong with what you’re doing, keep on keeping on Momma! :slightly_smiling_face: My five year old goes to bed at 7pm and my year old goes to bed at 7:30pm for school nights, we get up at 6:30am, and if they’re not on time for bed, they tend to be cranky the next day. Even my mother thinks I should let my son stay up a bit later on school nights, but I know my kid, he gets hateful if he goes to bed any later.

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Great schedule kids lava consistency

Our boy is fed, bathed and asleep in his bed by 7pm every night. He is 3 months old but the routine has been great for him. It’s the perfect time for little ones. Do what works for you and your babies mumma!

Do what works best for you and your family.

If it works for you go for it. My daughter was a night owl before birth and still is. Plus I was a single mom by the time she was 2. Bed time was 8ish and now she 17 it in the bed by 10.

for their age i think your doing an awesome job… of course as they get older give a bit more time but sounds like they are doing well with it and not giving issues… if it aint broken momma dont try and fix and and TRUST YOURSELF!

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Stick to it!! You guys got it down packed!! My sons the same way! Somedays. We wake up at 6, and go to bed around 630 sometimes 8ish. Depending on when he takes his naps throughout the day. (Hes one) but stick to it!!

Go with what works best for you and your family.

My 4yo goes around to bed at 830 as does my 7mo. Youngest wakes up at at 7-730am and eldest about 8-830am

My son is 2.5 yrs old and has been going to bed at 730 since I can remember

My 20 mo. Old goes to bed between 7-8 depending on the day. With daylight savings and getting dark earlier it’s been about 7 but definitely do whatever works best for your family.

It’s unusual but not necessarily a bad thing. If it works for your family, then keep on keepin on. Mine won’t go to sleep unless I force him to and if I try to get him down before 9 I’m just going to have to lay there with him flipping around for an hour so what’s the point? Haha were night owl over here.

My almost 8yo still goes to bed at 7pm every night. Granted I have to wake him between 430 and 5 every morning to go on my school bus run but I find even on weekends when he sleeps in he rarely asks to stay up past 8.

I had my daughters bedtime set to 7:30 till she was 4 and could start school. Now it’s 8-8:30

If u put them to bed at 6:30. What time to they get up in the morning?

Stick to what works for you! You are giving them structure and that’s what they need at that age. Good job mom!


That’s a healthy schedule. Keep up good work

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My 7 year old goes to bed at 8 on school nights and weekends and summer she goes to bed between 9-10. My 9 months old goes to bed between 630-730

2 year old goes to bed at 8 everynight start bed time stories and jammies 730 if she gets a bath that night we start around 715

I used to bed my to eldest at 6.30 in evening they were bathed every night and they slept round till 7 am next morning I even pottied them at 10pm so as they didn’t have accidents I was very lucky my other two were the same but sometimes they wouldn’t go back to sleep so half hour play till 11 then they were asleep right round till 7.30 8 in morning …they also were bathed every night I believed the warm bath helped them to relax …so to me 6.30 isn’t too early for little ones

Do what works best for you. I still have my 6 and almost 5 year olds going to bed around 7:30 and getting them up at 7 am. Some days they stay awake talking and playing until 8-8:30 and they have a harder time getting out of bed in the mornings. If they actually fall asleep quickly than it’s not a chore getting them out of bed in the morning.

Wow. You’ve got a solid routine going Mum. Awesome. Well done to you 🙋


I have a 3 1/2 yr old and an almost 1 yr old bedtimes are 7pm for the little one and my oldest one stays up til 7:30-7:45 they are up by 6-6:30 AM. It’s what ever works for you momma, sounds like your babies are in a routine and it’s best that way just from experience… I can’t imagine not getting any time to myself to wind down and I can’t do that with children that go to bed super late. Plus they get so grumpy if they don’t get enough sleep

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7-8 bedtimes for us too! Has always been thay way. I am personally an early bedtime person too though

My 12 month old is in bed at 7PM and sleeps to 6 or 7AM. My other kids are in bed by 9

Stick to what you know…if it’s not broken don’t fix it.:star_struck::star_struck::grinning:


That’s fine I don’t think there’s a set time for these things. Do whatever suits your family.

My advice is you need to do what ever you feel is best for your children because you are raising them nobody else is :100:.

My son is 5 and goes to bed at 6:30. We get up at 5:30 am to get him ready for school and me for work. Kids need a lot of sleep. If it’s working for you and your kids then I say keep doing things the way you are.

If you have good routine stay with it, it works for you, doesn’t matter what anybody says

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Wow lol we eat dinner at 630 :joy::joy: I have a 2 year old and 11 month and they’re in bed by 9 at the latest and up at 7