Is a 6:30 bed time too early?

They’re little, they need a lot of sleep if those bedtimes work for you then that’s great, don’t over stress! You’re rocking it!


If it works for your family, it’s fine.

Kids that age need 10-14 hours of sleep. You’re doing good, mama

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Do what’s best for you and forget about everyone else…

No one knows your babies better than you! Do what works for you. Schedules and routines are great! You already sound like you are doing a great job and it works for your family :grin::tada:

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My daughter goes to bed by 7-7:30 and we get up at 7 every morning. Her naps are at 12 and she usually makes up about 2:30. Shes two. Works out just fine

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I put my 16 month old down between 630-7 every night. If it works for you and they’re well rested because of it, there’s nothing wrong with it.

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All sounds great to me!

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My 2 year old is asleep at 6.30 and normally gets up at 6am with No naps during the day and my 3 nearly 4 year old goes about 7-7.30 and gets up about 6.30 x

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We have an 8 and 4 year old and we do 730


Whatever works for your family is best. We have an 8:30 bedtime but school here doesn’t start until 9 am, and my 3 yr old stays home with me. They’re usually up on thier own around 7. It’s just what works for us.

It’s not too early! Kids that young require 10-13 hours of sleep at night (NOT including naps). I put my 4 year old to bed at 6:30p because I get her up at 5:45am. It still doesn’t seem like enough sleep at times!

I love the time change. We all get to bed around 7

The only reason you would need to change it is if the toddler is not sleeping. Like if toddler is getting up way earlier than you want. Or if he is not napping and you want him to nap, you may want to let him stay up a little later. But if it’s working, don’t worry about it. I always went to bed really early when I was a little kid.

Do what works for you… It seems fine to me.

Nope. That is not too early at all. As long as it works for you that is all that matters. And the other people should be quite unless they want to babysit overnight lol

I have 5 and 8 year old boys and both go bed 7-7:30 x

If your happy getting up that early , it’s great .
However if you would like them to sleep later in the morning , later bedtime .
Good luck Momma

What works for you and your children is no one else’s business. Different doesn’t mean wrong.


My 6yr old and 16mo old are in bed between 7-730

All kids are different! Do they sleep through the night? If yes, your good. Of not adjust naps or bed time.
My oldest (14) never had a bed time, she could take 3-4naps a day & still sleep 9hrs a night.
My 2nd (6) OMG if she sleeps between 4-9pm it’s never good. If we try to put her to bed before 9pm (from the time she was born) she is up between 11pm-2am.
My 3rd (5) goes to bed at 830pm & she awake 530am. She not allowed to get out of bed 7am.
My 4th (3) is a night owl he is pit to bed at 8pm he doesn’t fall asleep till 11ish & up at 730am. No he doesn’t nap during the day.

I do the same, bed between 630-730. They are usually up between 630 and 715am, even on late nights. You are doing great

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My 2 yr old is in bed between 630/7. You do what works for you and what is best!

What works best for you! My 6 year old has a 7pm bedtime on school nights. She gets up at 6am.

If it works for you then it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.

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Whatever works for you guys it’s all based on your schedule I put my son to sleep later because I’m up later and sleep in later so that schedule works for me and works for him it’s you don’t have to explain to nobody why you’re doing what you’re doing you’re their mother that schedule works for you so keep it a great idea

You’re morning people, that’s ok :wink:

My brats 2 & 7 go to bed at 730

Do what works for you. My oldest goes to bed at 830 9. And my youngest he stays up all hours lol sleeps when he wants. We try to get him into bed at a decent time but it doesn’t always work

It’s the same for my kiddos

My first daughter went to sleep super early. Like 430pm…its just what worked for her and how much sleep she needed. Just do whatever works for you and yours.

Do what works best for you. You know your children better than the ones saying that’s an early bedtime.

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I’d hold off till 8pm but that’s just me

My lo is 1 year old & she basically has a similar schedule. Up at 6:30, nap at 11 & sometimes 3, bath, snack, cuddles then bed around 7:30.

My 1 year old is out cold by 6:45. She gets up at 6:30am

My 18 month old twins go to bed at 6:30/7pm every night. Wake up between 6:30-7:30am the next morning.

My almost 2 year old wakes up between 8-9am. Naps 1230pm-230pm/345pm. And bedtime is 930pm. Sometimes she stays up later so she can see her daddy when he gets home from work.

My 2 and 4 year old lay down at 6:30pm and are asleep usually between 7-7:30pm. They don’t take naps and are up between 7-8am every morning.

It seems early to many but thats probably. Because their children are waking between 7 and 9am…If it works and they are healthy who cares.

My toddler (almost 3) and 6 yr old go to bed between 730 and 8 depending during school nights.

Children NEED rest and sleep! Keep on keeping on, I wish I’d have been that vigilant with mine!!! If your children are happy, healthy and well rested you are one up on some!!!

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I’m literally on the same schedule with my 1yo! :joy::heart:

Do what works for you and your schedule. My 1 and 3 year old are in the bed by 9 sometimes the 1 year old goes around 730-8 when she is tired. We wake up at 730am to have them at daycare by 9 and I pick them up at 5pm dinner at 630-7, then bath, and playtime in their playroom until bedtime.

Do whatever works for you. No one here can answer if it’s too early or not :slightly_smiling_face:

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You do what works for you dont listen to what everyone else says

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Do what works for you. They are your kids!

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My grandkids are 13, 10, 9, and 7 they go to bed but 8-8:30, why? They have to get up at 5:30 too get ready for school.

Your kids, YOUR BUSINESS! If that works for you…go with it. Sounds like a pretty good schedule.


Sounds like a dream come true

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My 12 month old sleeps from 8-8 but we’ve started moving the bedtime up to 730. I think that you just do what works for you!

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My 2 and 3 year old go to bed 5.30-6 every night :smiley:

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Perfect betimes and the same times I used for my 5 year old. Even now on a school nite it’s 7.30 bedtime.
Your their mother so you know what works for them and for you don’t let anyone tell you otherwise x

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This is basically what my 20 month old does.

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Do what works for you and your schedule mamma!


My 6 year old goes to bed at 6:30pm so that he’s asleep for 7pm. He gets cranky and unreasonable if he stays up any later. Don’t fix it if it isn’t broken. What works for you and your family may not be what’s best for anyone else but that’s okay. :slight_smile:

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My children sleep from 7 pm to 6 am daily, many dont understand my early bed time but they need those hours. My now 9 year old is a zombie without it. My four year old doesnt nap, hasnt since he was roughly 1 and a half. No need with the correct amount of sleep.

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Sounds totally normal to me! with an early rise like that, you’re 1-year-old is probably totally done by 6:30. Plus, an early bedtime means that you get some time to yourself in the evening!

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My Almost 1-year-old twins go to bed at six and that works for us if they’re up later than that they are so cranky some people say that’s way too early but it works for us so I don’t care. They are your children do what works for you guys

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My 1yr old and 4yr old are in there beds for 630 and asleep by 7pm and sleep till 6/7am when i have let them stay up for special occasions they have been a total nightmare grumpy tearful the works so they obviously need the routine that they have :woman_shrugging:

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I think if you are comfortable with that schedule you should stick to it. Sounds healthy and we’ll adjusted to me & you parents can enjoy some "alone time, this way.

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If it works for your kids then keep them on the same schedule that they know instead of transitioning my kids are 2 and 4 and they go to bed at 7!

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Nah my 2 year old goes to bed at 6

I say whatever works for you! My in-laws are always on me because my 19 month old goes to bed around 8 830 depending on if he goes down for a nap or not!

My 2 yo was going to bed at 9 and getting up between 8 & 9 with no naps during the day. We’ve started having her go to bed at 8 and she gets up around 7/8. Everyone is going to have a different opinion on what bed time should be. I personally don’t like getting up at 6 am, so I’d rather her go to bed at 8 or 9 so I can get 1-2 more hours of sleeping in. If it works for you it shouldn’t be anyone’s business.

Your kid your decision either way lovely :slight_smile: my 1 and 3 year old are 6.30pm ish and my 7 year old 7.30pm ish. All three are early risers regardless of time they go bed so, so it works better them going bed early and having a full nights sleep x

u are performing a miracle


Girl while they’ll sleep let them lol. I have teens now, no rest for the wicked lol. Don’t worry about what other ppl think. Its a consistent schedule and it’s a pretty decent one. Sounds like you’re doing a great job mama!

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My son is 5 and still goes to bed at 6:30-7pm. He wakes up at about 6am on his own everyday. I firmly believe his early bedtime is important to his growth and development as well as his attitude. There’s no disadvantages to an early bedtime. Kids need far more sleep than teens and adults.


Weekdays is 7:30 for both my 6yo and 2yo. We all wake up early for school so that’s the main reason why, oldest is super cranky when he doesn’t get enough sleep and that doesn’t help him have the mindset for school. Although on nights when my oldest plays a baseball game or on weekends it’s a little later


Yea u do what works for u honestly! My kids go to bed at 8:30 my daughter (7) wake up at 645am for school on weekdays and my son (2) stays in his crib awake till about 10pm (just playing and talking to himself) but for that reason he wakes up around 10am.

I have a 2 yo and 1 yo. We start baths after supper about 530. So bed time for them is about 6:30-7:00. Sometimes if they don’t nap around 1030. Then we skip naps and they go to bed at 6-630. Cause they are tired. Our days start at 6:30am.

730 has always been my 5 kids bed time growing up, my youngest two are 12 and 13… 1 is asd as well. And both are medicated at 630, my 17 yr old will go to bed at 8pm some nights maybe 930 at the latest…
We always had the routine of tea, bath, meds and bed by 730… definitely do able and nothing wrong with it

730 is perfect kids need there sleep.

Yup perfect time, my son goes to sleep at 7 and the latest 8 and wakes up 12 hours later :woman_shrugging:t2: takes a 30 minute nap at 12 pm

Yours to make that call. I think it is but that’s because i don’t want to wake up at 6am

My kids 2 and 3 years old go to bed at 6h30 and are asleep by 7h they have a 2h nap from 1h till 3h and wake up at 6h-6h30 am

If it’s working for you and your children, then don’t worry about it.

If thats what is normal for your family dont change it. My boys go to bed at 9pm. They’re 1, 3, and 7. Their dad gets home from work at 7:45 so they get a hour to hangout with him before bedtime.

I wish my 2 year old could go to bed that early. I’m lucky if he goes to sleep by 1030/11. I work 2nd shift and get out every night between 10pm and 11pm. My boyfriend drops me off and picks me up. So he has no choice but to go to sleep after we get home

Do yourself a favor and raise your children the way you see fit. My children have been on a set schedule since day one and (my oldest is 14 next month) I have caught so much strife about it. I don’t regret it. Because when they are kept on a schedule getting them ready for school (when they do start attending) won’t be such a pain in the butt. Let your family criticize you, you are doing what you see best for your children. They can just :stuck_out_tongue: off!

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7pm in our house and he will sleep anywhere up until 9am without waking,dont listen to others it works for you and thats all that matters.


I personally think it’s fantastic. My soon to be 11mo is usually in crib n asleep by 7 n usually wakes about 5:30-6ish…but cuz of this stupid hour fall back, he has been waking about 430ish but still will have the same bed time. He is hitting milestones n teething like crazy so his pcp told me that can lead to a bit of a regression of sleep…but I’m jealous actually. I think that’s a great bed time setup

Wish mine bloody slept. Enjoy it while you can

Whatever works for you!
My husband doesn’t get home until around 7 Pm so we don’t eat etc. until then and our toddler (2yrs old) goes to bed about 8:30/9:00 and gets up at 9:00 am. Nap at about 12:00 and then that’s that.

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Great to see you have a routine the bed times seem ideal,I had 4 children and they all had set bed times when they were 13 they could stay up till 9 .30 ,

Mine had later bedtime more like 830 if not they would have never seen their dad. All would sleep well past 7 but if it works for you do it.

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I have a 7 yo and 8 month old my 8 month old is usually bathed and getting his last bottle around 7-730 and bed then my 7yo goes to bed between 9-930 unless I have to get my husband from work then they both go bed at 1030 when we get back

Stick to what works for you. My 2 year old goes to bed at 7 and my 5 year old goes to bed at 7:30. I didn’t really get sleep schedules started until they were older but wish I would have started when they were babies still

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I have a 9, 8 and 5 year old all in bed by 7 and wake up between 5:30 and 6. If they go to bed any later i dont get them up for school witch start at 7.

I put my kids to bed by 8pm it’s not too early

It’s whatever works for you. For us that would never work, I have older kids who don’t even get done with sports until 7. Then we eat and talk. Dad doesn’t get home until 8 ish most days. Bed is 8-9 for the 14 mo old (sometimes he misses seeing daddy). He wakes up usually by 6 am, but still takes 2-3 naps a day. Big kids go to bed at 9 and 9:30

If it’s working, why question it? Kids need a lot of sleep.

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You do you. There is no right or wrong. Everyone is different.

My little one is 1.5 year old … She is in bed by 6:30 during the week and up at 6 in the morning. On weekends we push her to 7-730 for bed time… Any later then that we have one very very very grumpy baby!

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That’s brilliant don’t lose that I’d all mine in bed for that when small,

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Do what works for your family. No one else should have anything to say about it 🤷


My two year old usually goes down at 7 most nights sometimes 8 for regular bed times. He’s up at 7-8 am

Depends on how early you want to wake up. Lol

My son will be 2 in February and I have always put him to bed by 8! When he was smaller he went to bed at like 7- 7:30. I think it’s totally normal

You should do what works for your schedule not others.


I have my kids all winding down at 630 preparing for the next day, brushing teeth and packing backpack and in bed by 730. We wake up at 530 am. But mine are 9,8,6,3 and 1 yeara old.