Is anyone forced to quit their job due to covid?

Not really parent-related but wanted to see if anyone else has tried and applied. Is anyone forced to quit their job because of their children not going back to school? Did you file for the pandemic unemployment? If so, was it accepted? My son’s school isn’t going back this year and doing virtual learning, so I am going to have to quit my job to stay home with him, and I know you can qualify for the PUA unemployment if you needed to do so due to this virus. I am just not sure how this works as I have never had to do it before.


quitting due to lack of childcare does not make you eligible for any IDES benefits.


This is a problem for alot of parents :frowning:

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My husband had to quit his job due to covid because they kept cutting his hours. He applied and they denied him because he made the decision to leave. He was told only if he was to be laid off/or fired is when he would qualify.

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You shouldve done paid family leave. They shouldve offered it to you actually

Not yet but give it a few more weeks. A lot will have too.

In California the unemployment weeks are extended. I quit my job due to covid back in April and I am still getting my unemployment as well as after my claim expires I can still get an additional 20 weeks. And you can use covid19 as an excuse as qell

Pandemic Unemployment (extra federal money) expired in July. Right now all you can receive is your state unemployment amount. Quitting makes you ineligible for unemployment.

Look into the FFRCA before you quit. It qualifies you for up to 10 weeks of 2/3rds pay if you have to stay home to educate your children.

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I’m very surprised of how many people are not aware of their rights during this pandemic. Employers were supposed to have a flyer posted so employees know their rights. The CARES Act in in effect until 12/31/20 and part is, if schools are closed due to Covid they are eligible for up to 10 weeks of their gross salary if they must stay home due to Covid 2/3 of your gross salary is required to be paid. There must be less than 500 employees and more than 25. Go to Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Employee Paid Leave Rights | U.S. Department of Labor


I don’t have a ton of advice here but I did the same thing. I quit my job to supervise virtual learning because it would have cost us almost $450/month to send her to a daycare that offers virtual learning assistance and we just don’t have an extra $450 a month to do that. Hang in there momma!

Not having child care also kids not being able to go to school is considered child care, does qualify you for the Pua. Feel free to message me if you have any questions I can help.

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As far as I know you can only file for unemployment if you LOSE your job, not if you quit. I qualified because everyone in my company was let go.


See I’m lost here I live with my grandparents I work at a chicken plant and idk if we are doing remote learning or two days a week… my husband is leaving and going to bootcamp so it’s just me I wanna quit my job to stay with my son and do the virtual learning but idk what’s best. I pay 179 a month for one child for daycare

Mary Coles we can probably qualify

As of right now the extra pua is no longer being sent out, just normal unemployment until they agree on terms of heals bill


Not if you quit only if laid off


In the same situation! I was thinking of going part time, so only on weekend I can work since my parents can watch then and seeing if that helped me qualify for UE since I had to take reduced hours. I’m so stressed about all this, I’ve always worked

No, it won’t qualify. They will tell you to search for work with different hours. That is what happened to someone I know in the spring.

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I know someone that quit due to being scared of pandemic and they qualified!

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Yes, however pandemic unemployment under the cares act has expired. We will see if they come up with something else.


I got laid off as a school nurse. No school, single mom can’t work even if I had a job still.

Yes in certain circumstances you can quit and they will determine if your case is eligible due to the reasoning.

Hi girls… I’m not sure what hrs. U work. And what you can afford. Elite childrens academy for pt is 50 for 3 days. Ft is of course more. Please pm if u have any questions. My daughter loves it there. And thay are doing e learning there to. Good luck

You can’t unemployment if you quit? :woman_facepalming:t3:

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I did as a single mother have to give up half my pay to be home to school my child. I did not sign up for relief but now I’m in major debt

You qualify but it’s not much $

There is no more pandemic unemployment. It ended july 31st. Only traditional unemployment is available


If your school is your childcare you can file because of COVID. Under normal circumstances you cannot quit and file. I’d first talk with your employer and let them know your circumstances, and if/when you do file make sure you state it is because of COVID related lack of childcare. You have to state that or it will not be approved.

Do you have an HR dept where you work? I work for a larger company, so it could be different, but there is paid leave you can take if you don’t have childcare for your child due to the school being closed for COVID. This would keep your place at your job until you can see how/if things change. Look into the families first coronavirus response act. This info is under there.

Before you quit you should look into local daycares that are providing virtual learning classes, home school co-ops in the area, or a stay at home parent in the area who would help you out and let you pay him/her. If you can do one of those and keep your job then you wouldn’t be chancing it.

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You would not get unemployment they will redirect you to apply
For the emergency leave

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Try FMLA at work I saw something (not sure how real it is but seems like it should be) that if you’re in this situation your work should let you have that!

You can get unemployment if you have to quit due to lack of child care , I requested a leave of absence to find childcare when the world opened back up since I no longer had someone at home to watch her . My company denied my request so I quit and got unemployment. I didn’t know want to but they left me no choice .

If you quit not furloughed or laid off or fired you cannot file unemployment

My husband filed for it since he had to quit to stay home with the kids, they rejected his claim

I did. I received regular. Yes you do not get the extra 600 at this time. But you will qualify for regular benifits because of the pandemic. When my regular benifits are up… I also get an extra 16 weeks in addition to. So basically… yes, you need to try. U need proof from the school and proof that your job is unwiilling to work with you and yes… you can file for this.
I will tell you the process is slow. It took me 12 weeks to start getting mine after claiming every week. Good luck

I didn’t lose or quit my job but we got closed down since March due to Covid and I applied in May got denied then I reapplied in June and got approved.

No working from home

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I’m afraid this will be the case being a single mom. Unfortunately I work for a company of over 500 so I will not get money if I quit

Unemployment is issued by the state you live in so it may depend on the terms for that state.

This is a state by state thing. Some states the PUA has ended, some states are requiring job searches, some have extended it. You would have to contact your Unemployment office and see, unfortunately though if your state ended it you will not qualify


My dad gets social security but was also working part time as a banquet bartender. He didn’t qualify for regular unemployment but he did get the pandemic unemployment. It wouldn’t hurt to try to get it.

Yes. I had to quit due to my daughters daycare shutting down and Covid and I got approved. It’s very situational though. They ask if your work had an FMLA option you could take for the time off instead. With me, it wasn’t an option because I am pregnant and would have had to have taken fmla at the end of this year. I did get approved though.


It depends. If you are self employed (I am) and applied for PUA, yes lack of childcare/schools closing is a reason when you file your weekly claims. At least in my state it is.

I’m not sure about normal unemployment.


My SO hasn’t gotten a dime yet. Now its my turn to stay home. This is ridiculous. If there is no school and you have young children what can you do?!

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You would file for regular unemployment first. (Some states you’d also qualify under FMLA - family medical leave) if your regular unemployment benefits run out, they usually will be extended because of the pandemic. If you do not qualify for regular unemployment, then you can qualify for the Pandemic unemployment.
There is help out there even though you might have to jump through hoops to get ahold of someone.
First step…apply to unemployment online.


I wouldn’t think so because usually you have to be fired for a reason without cause. But with all these new rules my mom was able to get it and she is self contracted and usually if you are you can’t get it. So this corona has loosened the grips and laxed some rules. So maybe?

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Yes I have applied and I’m currently getting it because school closures and no childcare ,but getting partial because I’m still working 2 day’s out of the week and had to cut down my daily hour’s.

I was denied for quitting my job and had to file an appeal the closes date I got was for December they said they always deny the first application if some one quits

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I had to stop in order to school my son virtually as well and I am self employed. I was accepted claiming no childcare due to covid


You should take the leave first, FFCRA, 2/3 of your pay for 12 weeks. Then if you do t return to work after 12 weeks, the employer can terminate you, leaving you eligible for unemployment.


My friend filed and she put she had to stop work due to school closing due to covd 19. And she got her unemployment. Now my job filed it for me and i got a one time payment in april but now i need unemployment i cant get it due to the owner filing it for us

The first Pandemic Cares Act provided for this pay was 60%. Speak to your company’s HR department to see if you qualify. I can’t recall if it was under the extended FMLA section or not. But essentially if your company has less than 500 employees you might qualify. I believe the company pays it then gets it back from the feds - there us a separate pay code to track it.

It can be tricky. My job said that I would not be approved for unemployment on account of care has always been an option in Indiana (Indiana child cares were not mandated to close as they fell in the loop hole of being essential for essential workers children). I actually have worked at a daycare this entire time but they dont have have school age care. So even when my sons elementary school closed , they told me I could "technically " find other care. But ofcourse that’s incredibly difficult: finding quality, affordable, safe school age care that is equipped to do his e learning.


I was able to do 16 hours at work and the rest unemployment per my job but only until October then after no idea what we do next.

We are in this currently. Husband has to quit to stay home, no day care, i work full time and now all virtual school. He has applied for unemployment and we will see…

I was on leave when this pandemic took place but I had to file unemployment and my employer signed off on it because I have upper respiratory issues so I was approved

I don’t think nevada is offering it as employers are not obligated to work what u want this is a right to work state n they don’t care

Yes. I applied because I had to quit due to schools shutting down and no childcare and I stated that reason and I was approved


I’m high risk and they put me on leave due to pandemic or national disaster. Call HR and see if they give you any options.

I would stay employed and just pay someone to homeschool or sit with him while he does the online schooling if you know what I mean

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Before you quit, are you sure your employer isn’t willing to work with you because your child will not be in school. Reach out to them and explain your situation. Many employers are being flexible and working with their employees and letting them work from home, work different days or different hours. Can you work with neighbors, friends, coworkers who may be in the same situation and could team up with you. Don’t think quitting is your only option until you explore others.

In some states you will absolutely qualify. It just depends on where you live

I opted to leave my job because of kids education

You can use FMLA leave to stay home for a while to care for a child, that way you wouldn’t need to quit.

If you are unable to get unemployment see if there is a stay at home mom near you with the same age child. A mom who has a mutual friend reached out to me and asked if it would be ok if her child could come over. Lucky our kids are same age just different elementarys (same town). I’ve been a sahm since for 2yrs

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I had to quit I have elementary, junior high, and a high schooler. I don’t know what to do.

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Yes. I was technically laid off but am unable to return to work due to school being out and my daughter needing someone home to care for her.

FL sucks so i kepe getting denied because i work a contract freelance job- even the funding that was suppose to go to contract workers I am getting denied for :frowning:

My morning sickness started before Covid but I was in the middle of switching jobs and training at my new one when my attendance fell down hill from leaving daily they let me go but when morning sickness settled to morning/afternoons I tried applying back as a waitress for evenings Covid hit and no one was hiring since restaurants were closing.

So this may or may not be your case, my sons school is doing virtual as well and the school is collaborating with child care workers to provide free child care for parents who HAVE to work. Might be worth looking into?

Not forced to quit per say. I had just had my son in January. And was working at a salon. So, I can’t go back right at this moment. I’d love to.

I heard from other mom groups u can. But it’s not ur full paycheck. It’s like 2/3 of it. And not for all yr long. U will eventually have to get a babysitter or a daycare. Or do without a job unfortunately. And the extra $600 ended in July.

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Yes at the beginning while applying for the PUA it asks if you have to provide care for your children because he/she cannot go to school as a direct result from COVID-19. Even if you did work and they cut your hours, pua can pay the difference. You can be partially unemployed and still work and receive unemployment. PUA in Ohio is extended until December 31 2020.

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My daughter gets it but the PUA doesn’t get the extra $600 or $400. She got $200 more twice and that’s it. That and it goes on a card that took almost 3 months for her and others I know to get. That’s if you haven’t missed the cut off. Pa has ever ended for filing for it.

I had to leave my retail job but I was lucky enough that I found a job at a camp

I heard they are only doing it in cases like that if your child is under a certain age or has disability that would require constant attention on the virtual learning.

I have a friend who is a teacher and she has to go back to her school to teach.
That is required by her school. She has no other options.

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U can be disqualified if u quit ur best option is to file for FMLA if ur employer contest it it’s going to be head to get it

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I didn’t have to quit my job yet but that all thanks to my mom thank god but I did have to drop to part time because my kids not going back to school and my job is so awesome they are willing to work with me on this so that I still have a part time job and my husband finally got his job started back off as his job had shut down for last 6 months due to covid

Me. I am facilitating my special needs child’s remote therapy, so I can only work remotely which was not possible at my last job.

In Michigan I quit in may due to kids being off School and it was approved

Well I got denied after being home four weeks with covid and they never responded to my appeal or email

I was. 2 kids and people at my work had COVID and I couldn’t risk it.

The daycare I worked at had to shut down because so many of the parents weren’t working (got down to 5 kids in the building). They still haven’t opened back up and I am trying to help someone open another but getting inspections done is taking forever because of Covid. Now that the pandemic pay is gone I’m only getting $178 a week, thankfully I saved a few weeks of the pandemic pay so I can pay bills till this other daycare opens. If I didn’t work in childcare I’m not sure what I would do if schools closed.

Not yet… but I’m sure it’s coming if I don’t get back this fall.

Most states of you quit you do not qualify. If you are fired laid off or hours cut significantly is generally the only way you qualify.

My kids are doing online as well. I joined Monat for extra income. Hope you get everything worked out!

My work is trying to find hours for me the days my boys go to my ex husbands. so I can do school with my 3 little guys, So going from 40 hours to who knows maybe two days a week if I can do days if not maybe a evening shifts. It’s up in the air at this point.

I was laid off due to COVID and didn’t qualify for unemployment and have never been able to reach anyone regarding the PUA. Good luck.

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mine wasnt approved. it called that “personal reasons not related to work” because i put with the hours cut down from covid i could no longer afford daycare

My husbands job is still not open. I was put on furlough. And now that I’m back to work it’s not any better

Pandemic assistance is what you apply for if your denied unemployment.

My daughter was ill and missed work…was tested for Corona several times but because she displayed symptoms they wouldn’t allow her through the door…weeks later…still ill and under dr care her work told her she can come in regardless of her symptoms…dr wrote note stating her symptoms and how she shouldn’t be around the residents…then they told her they were going to say that was was being terminated but they reported it saying she quit…now unemployment is denying her claim in spite of submitting dr notes…speaking to a representative saying she didn’t quit and they were just saying she did because they didn’t want the hassle etc…so now …today her claim has been denied …while filing her weekly report it was reported because of Covid 19 she is unable to work because of her 3 kids…so the rep told her to say she didn’t look for work…she did now nothing…

My sister was furloughed for three months due to covid so thankfully she was able to oversee her three kids’ crisis learning chaos. Now it is a week before school starts and the schools there STILL have not released any outline of the module, whether it’ll be more flexible or not. She’s stressed to the max since her employer keeps asking what her plans are. She may have to file soon sadly, if she can :pensive::weary:.

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I think the extra unemployment benefits ended in most states last Sunday. Also they usually frown on people that quit.

my daughter in law in NC did the same and they denied her

I’m going to have to quit my day job & stay home due to virtual learning.

Its only for 10 weeks though. Afterwards you have to get a job and it stops.