My mother in law called my husband, and I am asking for advice on what to do. My brother in law and his wife have a two-month-old baby girl, and we all just found out she’s breastfeeding and smoking marijuana around the baby. My mother in law asked her about it when she observed her smoking at her house, and she told her that only a small percentage of TCH ends up in the baby’s system. She seemed slightly offended that she brought it up to her. She left my mother in laws house and went to a friend’s house to continue smoking. My mother in law wants to talk to both of them and tell them she doesn’t think it’s right that she’s smoking, but she doesn’t know if she should speak up. She’s concerned for the baby. Any advice?
I work in an OB office and thc def transfers from breast milk into baby. Even more than alcohol actually. A lot of drugs transfer from breast milk. I also have a good friend in cps and she confirmed that as well.
Smoking around the baby is wrong. Any type of second hand will hurt the child. She needs help if she won’t stop for the sake of her child
It’s none of your guy’s business. I use cannabis and breastfed my first for 17 months. He’s over 2 years old now and extremely smart and healthy. I also exclusively breastfeed my 4 month old and still use cannabis and he’s healthy and meeting milestones early. As long as she’s not using it around the baby, I see no issue and what she chooses to do isn’t up to any of you.
There are no 100% proven studies yet. But the few that have been done show such a small amount goes into the breast milk that it’s unlikely to affect the baby. Now if she’s smoking a joint while nursing there’s a whole different story.
Myob is what I say, there’s kids out there getting abused at minimum and your worried about thc in breast milk.
It’s TRUE that only a small amount of thc gets into the more… in addition to the fact that cannabinoids are NATURALLY produced and found in breastmilk. Over the counter pharmaceuticals are way worse. Some research should be done before they stick their nose into business that isn’t theirs.
She probably smoked while she was pregnant too
Did you know that there are cannabinoids in breast milk?
Baby will be fine. While i don’t think it is the best idea purely for legality reasons. It will not harm the baby. Thc is a natural chemical the body makes. It does transfer through breast milk, but wont harm the baby. She shouldn’t be smoking in the same vicinity as the baby. Second hand smoke isn’t good for anyone no mater if tobacco or vape or pot.
However not your baby not your business. No physical being done to the child. People need to worry about their own flaws. Drinking is far more dangerous
It’s none if yall own business…is this kid is your but not then still kept your nose out of it…
Actually by the way I smoke cannabis also alot people had called cps on me yet I still have 4 children and my all docters and my children speical dr is on my side sooo cannabis is better than smoke,alchohol end of it…why cannabis grow where from think about it god make them cannabis for some reasons on this earth lol
That’s disgusting, definitely not safe, I’d report them, drugs and alcohol goes through the breast milk and will affect the baby. If you can’t give up your stupid druggy life, then don’t have kids and ruin theirs
So what mind your own business
Do you people get paid for asking these dumb questions
Talk to them ,baby is smoking pot to
Theres canaboids in breast milk …
If your going to do crap like that bottle feed the poor baby a normal mother puts their child first
Cannabinoids are naturally in breast milk. Just FYI. That’s why new studies show that it isn’t taboo like it was once thought to be. Do research. Also U don’t know why she’s even smoking marijuana. Some people use it medicinally. And better than some meds would be if they’re transferred.
Good luck with call CPS… those people can chagred you for call on them false accusations
Why take the risk? Your baby should come 1st…if you have to smoke weed put baby on bottle
Oh honey!! It’s legal in a lot of places. Cannabinoids are in breast milk. Leave her tf alone with her baby. For real.
Mind your own business. I have two very health cannabis babies Your information about only a small amount of thc in the breast milk is wrong btw. Even if it did. Healthy happy chunky baby is all you will have. Bye bye with your nosey
Do you really need to ask?
I’m more worried about, does she drive? is she driving high with a baby in the car? is she doing it in front of her child and weed is better than smoking and alcohol
My daughter had her child removed by CPS for smoking Marijuana. All she did. We fought them for 7 months, cost a lot for an attorney. CPS wanted to put baby up for adoption vs reunification. Corruption at its best. It was an anonymous call that started it. Worst thing ever !!! He is home and all is good. She learned a hard lesson. Not worth possibly loosing your child over. TX. Just friendly advice to be carful CPS runs deep state corruption in all states, even the legal states as its classified as neglect. Just information for everyone to be safe no matter what you do and your choices. No judgment here.
tell karen to mind her business uts not her kid
I smoked throughout my pregnancy and while breastfeeding we produce a natural cannabinoid in our body and breast milk which gives “milk drunk” cannabinoids are essential to brain development. On top of that it helps with depression anxiety pain nausea which nothing helped me other then marijuana. It’s actually upped my milk supply. Smoking weed makes me a better mom. Helps me be calmer when I’m stressed and want to get out of bed on really hard days.
The issue of smoking and then breastfeeding isn’t as bad as it sounds, in fact its better than a mama who drinks alcohol and then feeds… BUT smoking while nursing is another thing or even smoking around the baby, now that is an issue I would be concerned about second has smoke is dangerous… but if she is simply smoking (in a separate area) and then feeds I would honestly just leave it be it’s not worth the fight and complications it will bring…
The only problem I would have is if she was smoking in the house. Any smoke is unhealthy for a child to be around.
I think it’s absolutely fine. There is nothing in marijuana that would hurt the baby in any way, actually beneficial for mom and baby
I smoked the whole time I was pregnant/breastfed with my youngest. She perfectly fine. My doctor told me it was okay because theirs already cannabinoids in my milk. You should really just mind your own business.
THC is naturally found in breast milk. Your body produces it naturally.
There is no harm with her smoking, but she doesn’t need to do it in the house around the baby due to the smoke in general
Cannabinoids (which is in marijuana) are naturally produced in all breast milk. Her smoking pot and breastfeeding will not hurt the baby at all. She shouldn’t be smoking pot in the home with the baby though. If she is smoking pot, I’m sure that her doctor is aware already. I use marijuana products (CBD edibles and oil) and I’m pregnant. My OB is aware and is fine with it. She just said to use edibles and oils instead of smoking because any kind of smoke is bad for baby. She knows there are tons of benefits from CBD products (which have low or no THC in them). It’s helped me eat despite how sick I’ve been my whole pregnancy. I’ve used CBD products thru pretty much all of my pregnancies now (I have 7 children including the one I’m pregnant with currently) because of how violently sick I get, and it helps keep me out of the hospital from dehydration and malnutrition. It’s also helped with my horrible migraines and my anxiety and has kept me off pharmaceutical/prescription drugs that are actually harmful to babies. There is nothing wrong with using CBD products (which is what it sounds like she is using since you mentioned low THC content) while pregnant or breastfeeding. Most OBs actually prefer the use of marijuana products like edibles and oils over the use of prescription drugs now.
It doesn’t harm them if it’s in your breast milk? I’ve been wondering lol
She should speak up. I do not think that marijuana is a drug or is bad for grown people, but there is absolutely no evidence that suggests it is good or bad for babies, or if it doesn’t affect them at all. With no studies there is just no way of knowing and shouldn’t be a risk a parent is willing to take just because it helps them.
Mind your business. Smoking and breastfeeding is safe, as long as mom is smoking away from the baby obvi. I see nothing wrong with it.
Smoking around the baby- probably not the best because of the actual smoke.
But nursing- she’s fine. It’s better then medication
Jamaica is the only place that has done studies on smoking while pregnant / breastfeeding. Sounds like MIL and mom should both read up on it.
Also I’m for marijuana being legal and medicinal marijuana being used as a treatment more than BIG PHARMA drugs, but some of you openly stating certain things please be careful there are so many spiteful strangers online who would use stuff like that against you.
If any THC winds up in the baby’s systems that’s too much. CPS will take that child, do we all know what happens to kids in foster care sometimes, they’re abused/neglected. She needs to stop smoking or stop breastfeeding
Some OBs recommend it especially during pregnancy for nausea/vomiting
Okay 4 things things
- Marijuana AND hemp used to grow everywhere, all of the animals used to eat it, We used to eat all of the animals and in turn we had a constant flow of cbd in our systems. It is natural.
- You don’t smoke AROUND children, Ever.
- THC does not reach the babies system only cbd does, You know the stuff that’s causing at least 7 types of cancer to eat itself and disappear…
- I have a 7 month old exclusively breastfed and I smoked during pregnancy and bf, I have a 6yr old who I smoked all through breastfeeding too. My 6yo is smart as hell. Your parents need to step back, Because if that was me, Its a pretty good way to put yourself offside if you haven’t done ANY research.
Either way… MIL should mind her business. It’s not her child.
Oh speak up that is your grandbaby
Drinking coffee or popping aspirin is waaaaay worse than the lovely, all natural marijuana. Tell your mother in law to smoke a joint and chillax
Any smoking in an enclosed environment is not good for children
I did/do with both my children. I even had a Jamaican prenatal nurse with my first and it is perfectly safe. You obviously shouldn’t be smoking near your baby because the smoke itself isn’t very good but smoking it in general isn’t going to harm her baby. It is actually the safest thing you can do if you needed anti nausea meds or anti anxiety meds. My prenatal nurse and doc with my last pregnancy had even stated that it’s healthier and safer than any med they would be able to prescribe you for any number of problems you may have.
You honestly have to ask? Your sister in law is a moron. You should call CPS
I wish the world would chill about marijuana. Smoke it, just not around the child.
Cannabis while breastfeeding is fine and can be beneficial for the mother, way better than medications but smoking around baby is a different story and should be done so at a safe distance so baby is not inhaling any second hand smoke.
The mother in law should call the police and child protective services immediately. What a freaking moron.
Im pregnant right now and I smoke everyday
I wouldnt smoke pot around my baby lol idk what the affects are on breastfeeding, but I wouldn’t smoke around my kids because its not safe. Babies have sensitive lungs and cant handle the same amount of smoke adult lungs can. Its dangerous and stupid. Nothing wrong with pot, but common sense would tell you not to smoke it around a baby.
Smoking around a child isn’t okay.
But if they’re not in the presence of a child then shut up.
Everyone says mind your business until cps takes that child Smoking weed while being a mom? Fine… but breastfeeding and putting it into your child’s body. Not okay.
Where I live if you test for marijuana you will lose your child as here it’s a drug same with all the other drugs
In the US, I believe to date there isn’t a study done without other variables… ex. cigarettes, suboxone, alcohol or other things. The US based study in Jamaica is the only study I know solely involving Marijuana and the government didn’t like the findings so they cut the program after like 6 years. They followed fetal exposure until the kids were like five.
My advice… you and mother in law need to smoke a joint and chill the fck out
Anything not necessarily good for us obviously isn’t going to be good for our babies, it’s just like smoking cigarettes. It doesn’t do serious damage like other drugs or alcohol but it does effect the baby. I’m not against smoking weed but like why tf can’t people just wait till their babies aren’t secondhand receiving it
Not her baby not her issue. She needs to mind her damn business.
I’ve smoked during both pregnancies and while breastfeeding both children are healthy smart and active. Its fine…
Talk to both of them. Or report to police or child service
Yeah I smoked and breast fed and my son is just fine. Only a tiny percent goes into the breast milk. She really needs to mind her own business. If I were your sister in law I’d tell her off. She is over stepping herself. Any and all studies done on smoking weed while breast feeding are poorly done and don’t account for other factors like a persons metabolism. My son walked at 6 months old and is beyond ahead of himself so the bullshit that it makes your kids slow is just that. Should she smoke while holding that baby. NO. Nor should she do it inside in my opinion.
It is federally illegal and every state has a law that states it is a felony to give a child THC. CBD is different and used for various medical purposes. It will only take 1 call and for them to test the baby for the parents of that baby to get into major trouble. Honestly you should report it. We still have 0 quantifiable studies on the effects of THC on a tiny body and brain.
Don’t call CPS. That’s a horrible move. It’s not the smartest decision. However, there really isnt enough evidence to prove or disprove good or bad. She is correct with the THC content and only a little getting to the baby. Maybe suggesting CBD vs THC. It will not be good if doctors or authorities get involved. If she is gonna smoke. There shouldnt be a problem. Just dont breast feed maybe. I personally have my own opinions on it. Smoke inhalation is worse. Read up on pros and cons. On both non bias and bias for both and against. Then make the determination.
With all that being said. All medication taken goes through the breast milk. Anti depressants aspirin and so on. If its benefiting her for medicinal reasons.
Yes. Thc does not pass through breast milk.i know from personal experience.
understandable why you’re worried; but she is an adult and it’s none of your business at the end of the day. It’s her child, and I’m sure the father knows and if he hasn’t said anything, then you guys shouldn’t.
there’s some INCOMPLETE and SCANT research to suggest it MIGHT not be good long-term…but at the end of the day, there’s no conclusive evidence.
it DOES get into the breastmilk…but very little amounts.
And this is coming from a person who doesn’t personally smoke anything of any type, and I strongly believe that even if it got to the baby…it wouldn’t be enough to do anything to the child. Also, if she’s smoking good stuff and without unknowns mixed in, it should be entirely safe. It’s more harmful to be on certain medications than to smoke weed, it’s more harmful to drink, or even smoke cigarettes…but weed is harmless as long as they’re being responsible.
For all the Karen’s, what’s the difference between smoke weed and breastfeeding vs smoking cigarettes while breastfeeding? I bet you don’t lose your shit at people who smoke cigarettes while breastfeeding, yet cigarettes are more harmful for both mother and baby. there needs to be more education around the benefits of marijuana…
The mother in law needs to butt the hell out and so don’t you. Not your baby not your concern. Calling CPS is a bitch move on both parts of it’s been done or going to be done. If the baby isn’t neglected, or abused leave well enough alone. I hope if you have children you are a damn saint…
Call cps asap.this is child abuse,and neglect
I smoked while I Breast- fed (not while I was pregnant) because I have a tumor on my pituitary gland causing a bunch of health problems like hypothyroidism, restless leg syndrome, chronic pain & fatigue , migraines with & without aura , and more … (this is only when I was 20, I’m 24 now with the same issues) but it was safer for my child than to pass god knows what from tons of different medications they wanted to put me on. Sometimes the benefits outweigh the risks . I’m a medical marijuana patient and I spoke in length with my doctor about it. It’s legal in my state and I was prescribed it from my doctor.
The problem is they havent studied it enough to know the affects of breastfeeding and thc use on a developing infant. Im all for the legalization of marijuana but I personally would not nurse and smoke at the same time with the lack of evidence that it is safe just like I wouldnt take my old antidepressants because they werent proven safe while nursing
Mind ya own business! And it’s totally fine. Many pregnant woman smoke to reduce nausea…
I have a friend who smokes and breastfeeds. Her baby is so calm! I swear i almost asked her for a few ounces. My baby is so active i don’t know what to do with her.
As long as she’s not smoking around the baby, breastfeeding is absolutely fine.
My kids turned out fine!
Just because it’s legal for her to jack herself up doesn’t make it right to put an infant in harm’s way. People blow my mind!!
Your mil should mind her own business. The baby isnt being harmed and our body already makes cannabinoids in our breast milk. That’s why they say milk drink
Smoke isn’t good around a child in general, not good for the lungs and it also dries out your skin. I think the pot itself wouldn’t do much, though might get you in trouble in some states if you smoke with a newborn. Also, it can be dangerous to be high while you’re looking out for a baby.
I smoked while pregnant and breastfeeding. My son is 21 and finishing his bachelor’s degree. Nothing wrong with him!
Marijuana passes highest in breast milk compared to most drugs
Whole pregnancy and whole 2 years breastfeeding. My son is exceptionally smart. He will be 5 soon❤
How about stay out of her business … unless she’s beating or starving the child…
Not enough information on it to really know long term effects…however, most kids end up fine.
Definitely don’t smoke around the kid though
I don’t think there are enough studies showing if it’s detrimental or not. But I’d be more worried about the smoke than the baby getting it from the breast milk.
Be worryed its not that bad for her but not breast feeding it shouldnt be any where near the children
I did not smoke while pregnant but I did occasionally while breastfeeding. I had plenty of clean pumped milk for my baby. As long as it’s in moderation its probably ok. No matter what, i think the mom in most cases can determine what is best.
How stupid can u you be to ask that question.
Its not her place. I know plenty of wonderful mothers that not only smoked Marijuana while pregnant but have continued while breastfeeding. I have not ever seen a single thing wrong with any of those babies.
If she going to light up the child needs to be in a different room. Just my opinion on it. But as breastfeeding her I say thats fine.
Breastfeeding and smoking isnt a big deal. She shouldn’t smoke in the same room as the baby but its safer than cigarettes
Its really none of your or mother in laws business.
Both of you need to mind your business. I smoked with both my kids are they are healthy as hell. Without weed I would for sure be snappy and a terrible mom because I would lose my patience. Weed is not like alcohol you can be a functioning weed smoker
I smoked when i breastfed my son. He’s just fine at almost 4. I also smoke during this pregnancy and will smoke ans breaatfeed my daughter. Baby is fine. 2nd hand smoke probably isn’t the best but as long as shes not doing drugs then i say let her be🤷♀️
She should. The girl probably won’t listen but still. It’s ridiculous anymore. I was told to do it by family when I was breastfeeding to make my baby calmer, like wtf get TF outta here with that bs I don’t want my baby high.
Would this still be a question if she was smoking cigarettes? Would you care to say anything then ? I feel like you have more of a problem with the weed part then you do with anything else maybe just mind your business!
No! Is this a real question???
I smoked while pregnant and breastfeeding, absolutely nothing wrong with all 3 of my children.