Is breastfeeding and smoking marijuana safe?

Can I just put this out there? Although marijuana is possibly safe while breastfeeding(there really isn’t that much RELIABLE info available) you probably shouldn’t do it unless you grow your own or get it from a reputable source. Marijuana alone is not a bad thing. It has MANY healing properties. HOWEVER, when you’re purchasing it off the street from random dealers, you don’t know what it could’ve been cut with. SOME dealers cut the product with other things to increase their profit. See you might think you’re buying a regular bag of weed but it could be laced with embalming fluid, coke, meth, PCP, etc… They mix these things in to make a stronger product and increase their clientele. So I would advise ANYONE that would like to smoke while pregnant or breastfeeding to grow their own product or if you live in a state where it’s legal then go to a dispensary.


I thinks it’s horrible that a mother would breastfeed and smoke weed. If you know your going smoke just pump store and smoke all you want. Now everyone is happy


I smoke, however I get just CBD that has 0.1% THC. I know people who smoked with THC though and their kids are older and doing just fine!


Mind ya business home gurl.


If she breastfeeding and smoking marijuana or any kind of drugs its gonna get in the baby system


Your body (specifically the breast) has natural caniboid receptors. Also, once ingested it passes through the liver amd kidneys and your body filters it. If she self medicated I doubt she is an all day smoker. Even by eatying it, the amount spread to the baby is so little they don’t get high… Has to be better than me breast feeding on percs after my c-section… Im not a smoker. But I used to. Do some research before judging that girl.


She should mind her own business.


2.5 percent goes into breast milk, even less is absorbed by a baby.


It’s ok if she smokes but not around the bubby, smoke in any form is bad. So just ask her to please smoke outside and change her clothing after.


Stay out of other ppl’s business.


That’s really between her & her doctor, especially if she’s in a legal state. There obviously should not be any kind of smoke around the baby, but if she’s going outside, smoking, & later breastfeeding it’s really not your concern. Would you have something to say if she was taking antidepressants or anti anxiety meds or prescribed painkillers after a cesarean?


I smoked marijuana while I was breastfeeding my youngest daughter. I also smoked that entire pregnancy because my hyperemesis gravidarum was so severe. She’s fine. My sister did with all three of my nieces and nephew, they’re fine. It’s safer than any kind of pill or medication made by a pharmaceutical company.


Sounds like some noisy nonsense that’s going to end up in a time wasting cps case. Personally i don’t smoke but i 100% think that’s better than other medications for an anxious or depressed mom to take and pass in the milk


No. Why are you high when you’re taking care of a baby? Why even take the chance?


It’s not legal in most areas. But it is safe. I have six very smart, healthy and happy kids. I smoked during all 6 pregnancies and breastfed all 6 kids and smoked then as well. It honestly helps with a lot of things. However. It’s also not for everyone either.


I smoked weed while breast feeding all three of my kids. They’re fine. 1 with a degree the other 2 in college now.


She ask for opinions, she got them. Mine us you are a dumb asd lady.

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Omg no amount thats passed onto the baby is ok, wtf if wrong with people these days, some poor kids just never had a chance in life with some parents, well I wouldn’t call them parents, only breeders


I would be more worried if she is smoking it around the baby and exposing it to second hand smoke.


THC does not pass through breastmilk

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But some people think it’s perfectly fine to drink and bf :woozy_face:


it is safe, better than a lot of other horrible things out there including prescription medications. no worries, the baby is safe. If you take a close look even caffeine is bad, they tell you to avoid gassy foods, fried foods and what not even tylenol is not safe if you believe them. Raise your children however you want to, be a badass woman, and disregard stupid people and their comments. you know what’s best for your child because it is your baby not theirs!

Go and join Breastfed Cannababies :peach: You can get a lot of information on smoking and breastfeeding! :heart:


Omg it’s totally fine to smoke while pregnant or breastfeeding

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A. Mind your business.
B. Soda, candy, genetically modified meats, processed foods, the air we breath… I could go on. Is probably a whole lot worse than a plant.🤷


What ever you injest goes into your babies system. Many years ago I breast my infant son after eating fresh strawberries… He broke out in a terrible case of hives…

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I’m 37 weeks n i been smoking since like 13 I quit as soon as I found out I was pregnant iwould not smoke when breastfeeding either


It’s important to mind your own business.

But also… my momma smoked with me… After me… and besides a pretty strong attitude once in awhile I turned out alright. I do have tattoos and cuss too much… that might’ve been a side affect too?

Oh and I won’t name any names but someone very close to me smoked during and after and her child just got put into an advanced school because she’s way too smart for her age… just raise em right and they’ll be fine!

Oh and teach em not to be racist too.

Oh and mind your business :slightly_smiling_face:


Her baby, her choice. It’s also safe sooo :woman_shrugging:t4:


Never mind speaking to them report her to the police for your grandchilds sake

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Wow i am in shock people thinking its ok to smoke an Illegal drug while pregnant them poor babies.


Some saying that it is safer than taking pills …if you smoking some for medical reasons ok .but if you smoking just to get high / stoned than that really sucks


Brittany New shes not pregnant anymore she’s breastfeeding and read the damn post more clearly :roll_eyes:

Prob better then smoking ciggies tbh, but putting anything into your body that is harmful to your baby, should be avoided, and is selfish af in my opinion. :smirk:


So it’s ok for a woman to drink alcohol then proceed to breastfeed her baby but it’s not ok for a mother to smoke weed and breastfeed? Chill out about weed, we have bigger problems in the world. My advice is to mind your business. If i was this poor lady I’d tell all of you to piss off


It’s fine. I have been doing it for a little over 15 months now :hugs:


I like how ppl say mind your own business when a child’s well bring is at risk. Everything you injest or smoke goes into your milk. Why would you want to be high or drinking with a 2 month old anyway. Which means she probably smoked through her whole pregnancy. Don’t have children.


I think this world is crazy!!! Marijuana is a drug and not legal in most states and a lot of people I know have lost their kids even newborns when they are born with it in their system! So that “little plant” y’all speak of is STILL tearing families apart! Prescription drugs, alcohol, meth and drugs of any kind, even smoking is not good for your children to be around! Point Blank! Yes I was a pot smoker and I had my kids and STOPPED completely for them! Y’all can say what you want to about me but it is what it is! Drugs still tear families apart and my children are far more important than a joint!


I smoked my whole pregnancy with my 2.5yo and my current pregnancy. I also smoked weed the whole time I breast fed my daughter. She has a speech impediment that has nothing to do with the fact that I smoked weed. And it is actually shown that the smallest traces of THC go into the breast milk. I should know because I’ve already did the research and asked professionals what they thought. THC is a natural chemical that is in our brains already and it helps let us know when we’re hungry. So do your research before you try to attack someone for doing something that is beneficial for them because you don’t know why she smokes.


Girl mind your own fucking business lmfao that baby is FINE

I wouldn’t have even put this in a group. Everyone has their own opinions, if I was breastfeeding I wouldn’t be smoking marijuana, however, it’s their body and their choice . Them smoking isn’t gonna get the baby stoned . They do intake very little, but I wouldn’t even take a risk. But if you have nothing but negative stuff to say, I wouldn’t even comment . You especially shouldn’t call the cops or child services on someone for this . Speak to the person about it and explain how it makes you feel .


Anything mom consumes, baby consumes as well.


Cada quien tiene su opinión es verdad , pero debería de avisar a la policía,si es algo normal la tomaran como loca , si usted tiene razón pues a ver qué procede ,

It’s none of your business, don’t be those family members. Just let them parent how they see fit. Baby isn’t being harmed from that.


Honestly there is more harm from the co2 than the thc but either way it is wrong

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I personally wouldn’t ever smoke around my children, while pregnant or breastfeeding. That is just my opinion. Obviously she has other views for herself and her family. Mind your business and let it be.

It is fine. Actually none of her business. If it were my MIL she wouldn’t have apart of my child’s and my life. I smoked while pregnant and nursing for years.


It does nothing!!! Get the panties out of your asses.

Hope this helps you guys

It’s perfectly fine. Boob babies get a “high” off breast milk whether mamas smoking or not because of the hormones. If baby wasnt affected in the womb, nothings going to change on the outside.


U literally shouldn’t even eat hot wings when breastfeeding cuz it metabolizes into the milk and affects the baby so no go for weed and breastfeeding. Smoke all you u want that’s up to you but don’t do it pregnant or breastfeeding cuz now your affecting the child too. Tell her it’s common sense and by all means do it and just formula feed, problem solved. Good luck!

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This a way for her to get her child taken away, she should be very careful bc if she was smart wouldn’t be smoking while she has a baby.


Yes while we all would pass judgement at moment about how reckless your sister inlaw behaviour is, especially if she is contributing negatively towards her new baba.We shouldn’t be to harsh as she has been through alot. And also requires support during this time. Maybe try babysitting to relieve her from the stress maybe she has postpartum depression and is not handling it well. Maybe she herself doesn’t know. Weather she is a good mama or not should not be the question right now what should be the question is how yourl can assist during this overwhelming time. Remember we all raise our childs differently and must live with the outcome of it. It rather sad when an innocent new born is involve seeing as he has not consented to also being high. Lets pray for her asking God to give her wisdom so that she can raise her kid with Godly values. Your mum inlaw must know her place and choose her approach wisely. Her role is to support the family and pray.


Breast milk has cannabinoids in it naturally.


Not around baby she needs to take it outside i do my doc said it’s fine I have medical issues so the good of it out weigh the bad but I would never around the kids I’ll step out on my porch if I need to


In my opinion the fact that she smokes isn’t a problem. If she exposing the baby to second hand smoke by smoking in the same room as the baby it is a problem. I personally wouldn’t smoke in the house with my baby if I smoked.


If she is wrry just call well far or talk to her

But it’s just a plant with buds like I thought we were supposed to be one with the earth :peace_symbol:


It does not hurt the baby. I know dozens that smoked thc while pregnant and breastfeeding. None of their beautiful children showed any impact at all. Most are straight A students now.


The weed is not the problem its the damn smoke… Any smoke entering the body is bad PERIOD! Just eat it and breath HEALTHY air! You smoke that and it leaves resin on your lungs. look at the bong, resin!!

I think momma knows best.


There’s not enough information about nursing and smoking to be comfortable smoking and breastfeeding, imo.

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Any THC in the babies system is too much. Any smoke inhaled causes lasting damage in your lungs.
I’m all for medicinal use of cannabis, but smoking it is just stupid.


Any type of smoking leads to lack of oxygen to the baby.


But I’ve also seen articles about other cannaboids being present in milk naturally.

Breast milk is suppose to help them develop their brain even better than formula but in this case that retard is killing her babies cells . Who is that stupid not to realize . The baby is better off with formula . The mother in law definitely should speak up ! This pisses me off so much . The baby is more important than smoking !!! :rage:


I used cannabis my whole pregnancy and 18 months of breastfeeding… Not a single thing wrong with him and he is healthy and sharp.
It’s not bad it’s all just bullshit spread by misinformation and old scare tactics.

No it’s not safe, cps can and will take a child for that.

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But its no ones business but the moms. And frankly that’s safer to use than her loading herself up on prescription antidepressants and anxiety meds.


There’s more tar in that then cigarettes


As a nursing mom, my little girl is 5 months and I just went to breastfeeding classes in December 2019. They are doing studies now that it is legal in some states, HOWEVER, it has linked in the past to higher chances of SIDS. As well as there are concerns of behavioral issues in the future or developmental delays. The last two haven’t been confirmed and are a large part of new studies.


Mothers Mary Community

Maybe she should smoke it away from baby. I’m sure it could be harmful to babys lungs if she smoking anywhere near the baby.


Smoking would be one thing but breastfeeding too would be concerning. I would suggest either quitting or formula feeding


No it’s not safe. It can show in the baby’s pee. Hopefully she stops breastfeeding if she continues to smoke or at least put the baby on formula


Personally, I am pro cannabis use (even for recreation) and I have a medical license for it even, but it’s probably best for mom to not use while she’s breastfeeding. Cannabis stays in your system for quite some time, and baby will also have it in her system.


Yes it is safe , THC is know to heal also , and she is getting very little amounts in her breast milk, also it is no one business but the mothers!


I don’t mind if mothers are smoking pot and breastfeeding, in moderation. But to smoke pot around the baby is wrong.


If she’s a good mom otherwise and cares for her child then move on.


Are you stupid ,yes you are

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Maybe she is smoking or consuming weed because she’s depressed and can’t breastfeed while being on a pill? At least she’s not on anything hard core. maybe she’s stressed, go over to help out. What if she has approval and wouldn’t tell you because you’re judging?


Bottle feed and smoke pot. Breast feed don’t smoke pot!! It’s that simple.


OK I HIGHLY FUCKING DOUBT THIS WOMAN IS HITTING A FUCKING BONG WITH BABY IN HAND. pretty sure this woman is smoking weed in “general”.

Where I live it illegal. If you get caught smoking, even with a medical card and breast feeding cps is required to do an investigation and it’s a misdemeanor. I don’t agree with it but I also feel if you chose to breast feed you should avoid heavy drinking as well. But this is my personal opinion :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Shows up in blood will show up in breastmilk simple as that. Cool smoke weed I have nothing against that but smoking and breastfeeding a new born and any baby how selfish can you actually be? Beyond disgusting!! Just shows that they can’t put their habit aside for a few months for the sake of their child! Morals are all wrong with that one! Don’t want to give up smoking go buy damn formula or what can’t afford that because of their pot smoking habit and rather feed that instead and give baby tainted breastmilk!! :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3:

I wouldn’t worry about weed personally. I know a lot of people that smoked while pregnant and breastfeeding and their children are fine. They have no long term or short term effects. They’re all extremely intelligent children. She’s right, very little thc gets into the breast milk and it doesn’t affect baby the same way it does mom. There are a lot of doctors that tell women to smoke while pregnant to help with morning sickness and appetite because it’s safer than the drugs they give you which have been proven to cause birth defects. On top of that, 99% of the people I know are 100% functional while high. And the high doesn’t even last that long. I’d let it go. Baby is fine.


Call cys same as drugging the baby


Um no. I’m all for cannabis and smoke it myself but no, not while breastfeeding, the thc goes through your milk and your baby is essentially getting high… plus you can get in shit for it. Not worth it. Wait until baby is older, also choosing to bottle feed so you can smoke pot is dumb and selfish.

How many mandatory people in this group ?
We are committed to reporting this as it’s abuse to a infant …
I would report her ASAP


I personally don’t smoke while pregnant or nursing and last I knew there wasn’t enough studies done to know one way or the other with breastfeeding but it does cross over.
A friend actually tested positive at delivery, they let her take the baby and dss came buy and gave her a little crap. She told her that’s all she does and the case worker left and didn’t come back BUT she also didn’t breastfeed.

You dont need a baby if you can not stop smoking to breastfeed. Drugs and Drugs!!! Baby will get taken away if dr finds out or anyone decides to call cps on that matter


You could lose custody seen it before. It’s called your poisoning your baby


Did the mother in law ever have an alcoholic drink while Brest :zipper_mouth_face: feeding remember when you point your finger at someone 3 are pointing back at you


I wouldnt risk it. Feed baby formula and smoke away from children if you feel the need to smoke. It didn’t kill me to give up weed or alcohol while pregnant and nursing.


Passive smoking not good for the baby


Any kind of second hand smoke is harmful!


So my sons bio mom smoked weed during her whole pregnancy and while breastfeeding and my son is Autistic. No one can 100 percent say that it’s not from the weed so I would definitely say something. I know several people that smoked weed during their pregnncies and their babies had some kind of delay or autism. Even as natural as CBd isn’t always good for babies and children.