Is breastfeeding and smoking marijuana safe?

My mom smoked when she was pregnant with me back in the 80s… I skipped a grade and excelled in school. :woman_shrugging:t2: If this mom is letting second hand smoke get to the baby, I’d say that’s the only issue.


Simple. Mind your business!



Ok. When I was 10, smoking weed… (I stopped long ago).

I was stuck babysitting one night, and I went out and smoked a joint with my friends. I had to bring my baby bro along. He was like 2-3 so I was like 12-13. Anyways I say him dow like 10 feet away from us. Smoked the joint then went home. Noticed my bro was acting odd, realized really fast he was high…

I’m not against weed. I don’t use it, but I don’t care about others who do.

Just don’t do it near children.

And please don’t judge. I was a child who was 24/7 stuck with my brother. It happened once and I quit that night.


I dont hv a problem with weed.
But srsly if you cant stop smoking ciggs, weed or anything recreational WHILE PREGNANT then you dont deserve to have that baby.


not your place or in laws place to get involved. if her partner has an issue than fine they should talk. breastfeeding and weed smoking is not harmful for the baby as the tiniest trickle gets into the breastmilk. smoking around your baby, whatever it is, is harmful for your baby though

I don’t think it’s appropriate… I feel like if you chose to smoke t alone when the baby is sleeping or not present. She’s old enough to choose what she wants to do but the baby has no say. I hope the mother can adequately take care of the baby while on it… :confused:

If eating onions, garlic and broccoli can give your nursed baby gas, I am pretty sure smoking dope while your baby is nursing is harming her/him.


Tell your mil to mind her buisness

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No different than alcohol. Give her a break. Not your business. It’s legal in most states


It really is a very small amount that gets passed if any. Tbh i smoked during both of my pregnancies and neither one tested positive for any drugs when they were born. They’re not going to take the kids for pot. Definitely not. IF she does call CPS all they’ll do is come do a hone check. See if kids have food clothes clean living space no accessible drugs. Ive always kept mine locked up where my kids cant reach. It would be petty to call CPS over pot though. Far more worse things happen to kids and CPS needs their time and resources for the more serious cases like child abuse and dangerous situations.


I’m not a weed smoker, but I’m not against it. I see it as a medicine, so I don’t believe it would cause any negative effects on the baby through the milk, if anything there’s probably benefits to it, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to smoke around the baby. I have a couple of friends who did that and their kids are happy and healthy to this day. So I don’t see anything wrong with it. No harm to baby. Just the habit of smoking around a child is a bad thing in my opinion. I say keep that part out of sight.

Naw weed dont do nothing if anything probably helps the baby sleep and feel nice and relaxed for mama :smiley:

Girl…ain’t your baby, ain’t your problem…Find another hobby then worrying about others…


How about it’s nobody’s damn business because it’s not your mother in laws kid and it’s not yours either


What do you mean by smoking it around baby? Because literally smoking a joint while holding your baby is a HARD NO! Like :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: but if you’re saying she smokes a joint outside and than comes inside after is totally different and I don’t see anything wrong with it as long as she washes her hands etc her baby isn’t getting high through the breast milk if that’s what you’re asking. It’s the same as you’re allowed to have a couple drinks while breastfeeding.


Honestly there is far more worst things she could be taking. If it helps her let her be.

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Some of y’all are acting like she pulled out a crack pipe. 🤦 if she’s exhaling in the baby’s face, yes, say something. Other than that, it’s nunnya.


My doctor actually suggested it during pregnancy bc I was nauseous & said it would boost my appetite :woman_shrugging: that being said, 2nd smoke if it’s rolled with a tobacco paper isn’t the best, if it’s out of glass or something else she’s in the clear (from what my doc said anyways)


That’s an issue for husband and wife and everyone else needs to get their face out of it. Unless she is blowing smoke into babies’ face, this is not abuse in any form.
Anything that mother in law is concerned about, she can mention to her son and together the couple can talk about it. Nothing else needs to happen.
If you get cps, divorce :woman_shrugging:, like wtf, involved that opens another can of worms. CPS is not a savior of children and I would not ever recommend contacting them unless absolutely necessary (actual, real abuse like neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, mental abuse) this isnt it


Pretty sure the baby will be just fine! I don’t personally smoke but I know several moms who do and their babies are perfectly fine.

Dude if I hadn’t of had marijuana while pregnant with both of my kids I would have literally killed myself. I would have starved to death and dehydrated myself from throwing up SO much. My pregnancies were so terrible and marijuana was the ONLY thing that helped. Both times.


All you mind your own business people, would you feel the same if the child was being abused or neglected?

She specifically said shes smoking Around the baby, which is not right.


Nothing is fine when breastfeeding a baby. Lay it down damn wth

Ok first off some states that are legal actually give a medical card to pregnant women. And I know a lot of women who smoke pot while pregnant and breastfeeding and their babies are fine and healthy and definitely a lot smarter. If you are so worried if you are pregnant stop smoking at 6 or 7 months and with breast feeding pump and dump or pump enough if you know you are going to smoke.

I say follow your gut. I did a little searching and found the below link from a reputable site :woman_shrugging:t2: as a mother of a newborn I personally wouldn’t smoke if I knew THC was being transferred to my baby. Now after reading the below article and knowing it could effect a baby’s development I personally would be concerned about that baby also. Just my opinion tho.

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I’m going to be the odd ball out here and say this, in my town they will take your child over this. I have 4 and I didnt smoke with mine. To each their own, but if breastfeeding, your child is getting what ever is in your system in theirs. I think it’s wrong point blank, but again to each their own. :woman_shrugging:


I was a smoker during my pregnancies. Neither tested positive and that was the only way I could keep any food down. Both of my children and thriving and they are unbelievably smart! BUT I would never smoke with my children in the room or in their face. I was also in a legal state and my doctor said if it helps then do it.


Your mother in law needs to mind her own damn business, and so do you.


If she’s smoking it while she’s supposed to be taking care of baby thats a hard no. But if it’s occasional when she’s not solely responsible for baby it’s fine. And NEVER while in the presence of baby, babies should NEVER get secondhand smoke from any source

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I personally wouldn’t do it but if others want to than that’s up to them. If the baby is taken care of than that’s all that matters.

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Mind your own business


It’s a plant, not a drug!!


It’s illegal but also none of there businesses , it’s not crack it’s a medical plant , cannabinoids are already found in breast milk but in my docs office there’s posters that are against it really save yourself the time n mind you’re business or do ur own research


We always keep the smoke stuff outside of the house in the garage where no kid could reach. Im 7 months pregnant and I smoke here and there, it really helps the pain in my back so I can sleep. In the beginning it was the only way I was able to eat anything without feeling nauseous. I believe its medicinal if treated as so, don’t abuse it. It certainly better than booze which I don’t touch at all.


That baby is not harmed and yall need to mind yall business.


I am currently pregnant and smoked durring breastfeeding with my son and this pregnancy i also smoke cigarettes unforchantly due to medical problems last time i tried to quit the cigarettes my ob told me it was better to smoke a joint even with the little studies that are out there insted of a cigarette in this case my son has excelled at certain things it has multiple benefits for adults and children that have been prescribed it. However as for doing in front of a child in most places it is illegal to smoke around anyone under 21. I personally use cab gummies to help my 3 year old sleep due to melitonin giving him severe night terrors.

I smoked. And my baby is growing faster mentally psychically than my twins did! She’s only six months and she’s maybe two weeks away from starting to crawl. Her eye to hand coordination is just amazing. She listens and follows my every movement. Don’t read in to biased articles. It’s usually someone who didn’t even take time to do any studies on it. It’s literally only their opinion. Look for actual studies and solid facts. I’ll post some in a sec.


Mind your own business


I smoked through all my pregnancies and breastfeeding and my doctor was totally fine wit it because I was taken off my prescription medication, it’s completely harmless to baby! :purple_heart:


Don’t panic it’s organic.
Seriously. Baby will be fine.


Everyone needs to mind their business and move on. I smoked breast feeding both of my boys and through my last pregnancy. Both are healthy and happy. No problems. There is NOT A THING wrong with that baby. :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::purple_heart:


As long as shes not smoking in the babies face shes fine. By the time thc OR alcohol reaches your breastmilk its not even enough to transfer to a baby. That’s why they now say as long as your sober enough to hold your baby then your sober enough to breast feed. Same with tch.


Completely harmless unless shes hotboxing her baby


it is safe, better than a lot of other horrible things out there including prescription medications. no worries, the baby is safe. If you take a close look even caffeine is bad, they tell you to avoid gassy foods, fried foods and what not even tylenol is not safe if you believe them. Raise your children however you want to, be a badass woman, and disregard stupid people and their comments. you know what’s best for your child because it is your baby not theirs!


Minding your own business is free and will likely end up with u not getting your ass whopped


Impressed with the comments on this thread ladies!


How can marijuana affect your baby if you’re breastfeeding?

Prominent health and medical groups including the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Medical Association (AMA) recommend that breastfeeding mothers stay away from marijuana because it might affect a baby’s brain development.

Is It Safe to Use Marijuana During Pregnancy?

CBD Oil: Is It Safe to Use During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding?

Pregnancy and Pot: What to Know About the American Academy of Pediatrics’ First-Ever Official Guidelines
In fact, in light of the growing trend of pregnant women turning to marijuana for morning sickness and other symptoms and continuing the habit while nursing, the AAP issued its first official guidelines on marijuana use, pregnancy and breastfeeding in 2018. In their new recommendations, the group reaffirms that pregnant and nursing moms should not use marijuana in any form because it isn’t safe for them or their babies, both in utero and after they’re born.

Why? THC is known to bind to lots of protein receptors in the brain — that’s why it makes a person high. But those same protein receptors are known to play key roles in helping the brain develop properly, so researchers think that exposure to THC could alter brain development in subtle ways.

Studies surveying mothers about their little ones’ behavior found that babies exposed to marijuana through breast milk were more easily fatigued and had poorer suckling skills than their peers.

Research also showed marijuana use could have longer-term effects: Babies exposed to THC in breast milk had poorer scores on motor development tests — which assess a baby’s movements and responses to his environment — at age 1.

The studies on marijuana and breastfeeding have lots of caveats. They rely on questionnaires that could be answered incorrectly. And many mothers who smoke marijuana may expose their baby to THC not only through breast milk but secondhand smoke as well.

In fact, a 2018 AAP study in the journal Pediatrics found that many children whose parents smoke pot regularly tested positive for marijuana exposure. Because marijuana exposure in kids has been linked to a number of health conditions and risks, those findings suggest that not only is smoking pot unsafe during pregnancy and breastfeeding but near children.

Can you smoke pot around your baby if you’re not breastfeeding?

Though controlled studies on the subject are still sparse, those out there suggest enough risk that most health care providers will tell you to not use marijuana while breastfeeding.

And even if you don’t breastfeed, there’s reason for both you and your partner to avoid marijuana. Not only can THC affect your baby if he ingests it through your breast milk, but there’s some evidence that the babies of moms and/or dads who smoke pot may have a higher risk of asthma and other respiratory problems, middle ear conditions, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

This could be caused by breathing in secondhand smoke, and some experts suggest that parents’ ability to care for a child may be impaired when using marijuana. For those reasons, ACOG released an updated policy statement in 2017 urging pregnant and breastfeeding women to avoid using marijuana.

If you’d still like to use pot while breastfeeding, talk to your doctor. But most experts agree, it’s generally safest for your baby if you stay away from marijuana when you’re nursing — and at home in general when you have little ones in the house.


If you REALLY gave two fucks, you would be contacting Child Protective Services, not the internet. If it wasn’t a big enough concern for you to do that, mind your own business.


I personally love marijuana but would not smoke while breastfeeding and have never around my children. But the baby will be fine and CPS will not take the baby over weed. So I don’t think MIL should step in because likely all it would do is damage the relationship. She expressed her opinion, now she should drop it.


doctors dont reccomend it because there isnt enough studies. I dont smoke but there are FAR more things that are worse. Especially if it helps PPD its better that the anti depressants they would prescribe.


Everything that grows in the advertise for healthy and good for you…yet when we smoke it…people are quick to judge…yet it’s better for you than …MAN MADE MEDICINES!!! #FACT


I don’t think it passes much through the milk to be a problem.
My issue would be the smoke around baby and if she smokes to much to be able to hold baby comfortably.
If its just a small hit outside away from bubs to calm anxiety i would mind my business. But if shes smoking to get high and stupid and its effecting her ability to mother safely then I’d intervene


Although it is none of your business, I would recommend moms to be careful when smoking weed. It hasn’t been heavily researched into and you wouldn’t want to harm your child unintentionally. I had to stop medications cold turkey or stop breastfeeding to be put on medication and it is horrid


Thank you Dr edekobi I will be forever grateful for what you have done in my life I have been married for ten years and no baby. I go to different hospitals to know what is wrong but I can’t find any solution so I was online and i saw a testimony of how Dr edekobi help a woman to get pregnant will his pregnancy spell and i give a try and he told me what to do which i did and how am very happy I was pregnant and he casted his spell and now i have given birth to a set of twins all thanks to Dr edekobi you can contact him on WhatsApp if you need his help +2347061551204 or email [email protected]

From personal experience and using a midwife with both of my children, my mid wife educated me as to why studies on marijuana are hard to get.
Women who often times use “drugs” during pregnancy are often times using more than one substance and it is hard to determine which substance caused what.
To each their own, and do what you feel is right.
I’ve used marijuana most of my life, and continued through out pregnancy. For me it helped with eliminating my nausea, and kept my appetite up. I have a healthy 5yearold who is above and beyond in all testing, and a healthy happy baby.
It’s no different than mom having her “mommy juice”


The baby won’t be affected in a bad way from the THC if affected at all since it is just a small amount. Not quite the same scenario but I had to smoke through both of my pregnancies or I would’ve miscarried both my son and my daughter that I’m expecting any day now (my doctor actually suggested that I do). The only reason I’d say to stop would be is if the state y’all live in test the baby occasionally for any drugs their system.

You do realize woman are prescribed thc with cbd for anxiety and it’s the only safe route to take when you are breastfeeding due to the medications being much more harmful to the child… talk to a doctor before you even think this could be harmful :rage:


If you have to ask probably not


I smoked during one of my pregnancies and he was born prematurely at 34 weeks (that wasn’t the cause btw) and he was in special care and I was pumping my milk I had a few tokes of a spliff a few days later and I’m not even joking he slept for pretty much 3 days! (He was tubefed so didn’t need to wake him for feeds etc) I felt so guilty I gave up then and there I haven’t touched it since then and that was three years ago

I cannot believe the comments here. Just because something is natural doesn’t mean it is safe!


Omg mind your own business or learn something about it b4 you guys freak out its fine


Nope. Nope and Nope. It’s still illegal and she and him could very well lose custody of that baby. It’s still considered a controlled substance.

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Until more research is done into how it truly effects the fetus and infant I think its more of a matter of opinion. There’s a lot of “data” that has been cherry picked from both sides of the argument i use it lightly only when needed for pain or sickness during pregnancy. I’m a firm believer in it being a very beneficial medicine as it helps me alot pregnant or not

Choosing to smoke is her decision. However, smoking marijuana leads to an impairment that most Social Service Agencies would consider a risk for such a young child. The baby should alwayd have a sober caregiver. Most stated may test for drugs in the babies system which could lead them to a whole host of issues regarding custody depending on the area they live in.


There’s nothing to speak up about and there’s nothing to be concerned about it’s not like she’s shooting up heroin


When I had my first, I breastfed her one night after smoking a joint. Well after I did that, my daughter was looking at her hands like “whoa dude… Look at those things…”. I never toked and breastfed again. I did smoke when I was pregnant with my last 3 though. And they are all fine


I personally think its pretty selfish. I guess it’s all in your morals thou… Before I got pregnant I smoked/dabbed SOO much SOO often. The second I found out I was pregnant I stopped because it’s not about me anymore. The baby doesn’t have any choice but to ingest what the mother ingests, so I’d rather control it to the best of my ability. Sure it’s not a hard drug, but it’s not fair to subject your baby to something against their will before they can have a say.


I heard that after a couple hours it shouldn’t be in your breast milk and shouldn’t effect the baby, but there also isn’t enough research to back up what the doctor says. I can understand smoking it if she has issues sleeping, mental or physical problems, but I don’t agree with doing it for fun while breast feeding.

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Did with my babies and they are just fine and are incredibly smart with great development. I wouldn’t in excess amounts of course. Nothing in excess is very good for anyone. It’s really up to you based on your research. I did a lot and found other women’s opinion who had as well as know some personally that did and i found there’s really nothing conclusive on either. I’ve yet to come across a situation that someone smoked for stress and something went wrong. I say go for it. I feel it helps me be an even better mom.


Until she’s using needles to boot heroin, stay out of it. If the baby is cared for and safe, then why create waves :woman_shrugging:


This just sounds like all of y’all are trying to mess up her family… obviously y’all don’t like her.
Please do research, the whole family…


I smoked for decades before after during and still. Perfect baby. Reaches all milestones early. There are no studies that show marijuana alone affects your baby. Don’t be fooled by tests that were preformed on people that also smoked tobacco and drank as well as smoked weed. Read high times articles on it.


You shouldn’t be smoking ANYTHING while pregnant or breastfeeding. Your doctor will tell you that. CBD & THC are NOT the same thing either. :roll_eyes: It’s so weird seeing mothers on this thread saying, “I smoked this & my child is fine…” & “my child has this issue, this issue & this issue but the doctor’s say the smoking is unrelated.” Almost like bragging? Unreal. I know of one woman that was a heavy smoker (cigarettes mostly) & her daughter was born with a black heart. Another that smoked all forms/strains of marijuana and had not one but TWO autistic daughters. It’s all fun, carelessness & games until your child is born with a birth defect, severely underweight or grows up to have serious emotional/developmental issues. Plus, marijuana usage is still ILLEGAL in most areas! I’d do & say what you believe to be in the best interest of the child.


Definitely mind your own business… When I had my first child, I smoked it after because honestly, it was the only thing that helped me sleep at night when he finally actually started sleeping through the night, and helped with my post pardom depression. Then I didnt smoke it for a long time, he is now 5 and I have a new born abd I’m considering it again because I’m also having trouble sleeping. Everyone deals with everything differently.


I’d definitly direct this person to breastfed cannababies it’s a group that specialises in this :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Unless she is smoking alot alot the baby is fine. If smoking all day long it can cause problems.

If she is sooo concerned why not research it. Outside of the U.S. its been going on for a loooooooooong time. Why does she think she knows better than the mom?


You naturally have cannabanoids in your breast milk even if you don’t smoke or never smoked before… Weed is a great way to build the white blood cells as it produces sooooo many, so my son got adverse reactions from his 6 week vaccines, it’s was really bad… Fast forward to the night we ended up in hospital because of it, the only reason he got let out sooner than normal was because he has such a high white blood cell count and at the time I was on cannabis oil and breast feeding, both my babies are super intelligent and super healthy🤗


Remember if it’s not your problem and it doesn’t effect your life stay out of it … Otherwise things could get real messy in a quickness… Also I support breastfeeding moms and Pot …


It’s no one else’s business bar the mother of the child. No one knows Why she is smoking in the first place and what would you prefer someone that can look after and love the baby or someone that lays around all day and dreams of endings everything? If you aren’t close enough to know if you should talk to her then you probably shouldn’t mention the smoking and try gaining her trust and supporting her more mentally instead of judging her. Maybe after that you could talk to her about her personal choices to help you’re understanding. I smoked while I breastfed ,my doctors and health visitor knew and told me to carry on what I was doing as I have mental health issues and usually suffer suicidal depression and anxiety really badly but smoking helped so much (didn’t smoke around baby tho smoke and kids do not mix) I was judged by my family and it didn’t make me stop because I needed to be able to be a mum to my boys but I did stop talking or seeing my family. My kids also don’t have a relationship with them. Hope this helps you and there is a way to fix the damage already done to the relationship xx


My morning sickness was SO SEVERE and all day long with my first-the only thing I could keep down was Hershey chocolate bars and plain leaf lettuce. I was hospitalized for dehydration countless times and at the end for early onset labor because I was constantly vomiting. Obviously that wasn’t good for the baby.

We moved during my pregnancy and both OBGYNs in two different states recommended that I smoke marijuana to quell the nausea/vomiting and increase my appetite. It worked wonders for me.

I also smoked marijuana during breastfeeding and it helped my milk production immensely. His doctor and mine both said that the amount of THC in breast milk is so little as to have no effect on the child. The CBD does pass through a little more, but that is not the stuff that gets you “high”.

My son has hit all milestones early and is now on his way to 13 with no side effects.


I did with my last baby first 3 I didn’t as I smoke it for health reasons but she was the quickest to do most things my other 3 had failure to thrive she is 16 months old and the height of my 3 yr old eats everything and anything and has a complete different attitude than the others more chill and cheekier than the others personally I think it helped rather than hinder anything.

No she shouldn’t mention anything. Moms always know better.
People smoke cigs and breastfeed, drink alcohol and breastfeed, take meds and breastfeed etc
Marijuana isn’t that dangerous (doesn’t consider a drug) and many people smoke pot for psychological reasons!
Always a mom knows better!

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oh god how many druggies are here and u even let your children smell that shit :sob: thats disgusting


Unfortunately a small minority of mums don’t always know best; firstly I would say is the baby well cared for, is the home environment a safe clean place for the child. Are the babies basic needs being met and is the baby thriving in weight and development wise.
My only concern would be is the cannabis clean cut depending on where her supply is coming from. Because she can’t guarantee what’s in it really and what the baby is getting therefore how can the risks to this baby be known. Ultimately she is right to be concerned because she has no idea how much she is smoking either. It one thing smoking it at weekends to relax when the baby is in bed but on a daily basis even at someone else house then to leave and finish smoking at someone else house says this is a more than a just a weekend habit.

The baby is fine. Cannabis WILL NOT harm the baby. I hope everyone leaves the mama alone and minds their own business.


Call CPS. THE BABY HAS RIGHTS. What is up with people and babies. Any drug is bad for your child.


It’s fine, stay out of their business 💁
There’s already natural cannibanoids in breastmilk. My aunt smoke it while pregnant and breastfeeding and my cousin is so super smart, laid back & met every milestone early, he’s an adult now.


She’s the mother, not your MIL. Unfortunately your MIL has no place to tell Sis how to parent. Mind your own business ladyyy.


A lot of people are telling her to mind her own business! It is her business, if she truly believes that the baby’s life, and health are in jeopardy!


Not her place or her business. Y’all sound like she doing crack.


The smoke around the baby isn’t too good because second hand smoke never is but marijuana in the system passing to the baby is so little that is has basically no effects and if any there is research showing alot that it helps with brain growth and more. My mom did it with me and my 2 brothers. I smoked during all my pregnancies and had healthy pregnancies except with my twins I had to smoke to keep myself from constantly getting sick and had prediabetic symptoms but they came out 100% healthy it was only me who was having the problems. There is research showing small amounts in young children can help with learning disabilities and learning in general it helps the brain to be able to slow down and focus better especially in kids with ADHD and ADD. But for that you use CBD because kids don’t need the THC. It’s also proven to fight cancer and some people have used it for seizures as the only method to help.


Mind your damn business man. What’s with these post about people complaining about other parents and “their” kids. Worry about yourself or your own.

Kid will be fine. If she starts smoking crystal meth, doing crack, cocaine, drinking excessively or opiates/heroin then id worry.
It’s none of you’re fucking business anyways if the child a developing correctly . What’s sad is if it was prescribed medication, a lot of yall would be waaaaay more for it. marijuana has anti inflammatory properties and well known for its nausea relief.
Only way I could keep food in me cause of bud.
Have a very intelligent independent 18mo and a decent little set of words he says. He is so smart and I’m sure he will be absolutely brilliant

My smoked weed all day every day when she was pregnant with me in the 80s. I turned out fine. Does she need to blwoing smoke in a babies face? Absolutely not. Yes, it may show on the baby’s drug test but to completely fair…we put worse into our children on a daily basis. It really does depend on the situation I think. Is she a good mom?? I take RSO for my 3 autoimmune diseases, which is THC oil. Not CBD. My child is a thriving 5 yr old and I’m able to get up and walk around which wasn’t possible until surgery last year. I think everyone has a different situation that can be judged by anyone. Unless she’s a bad mom and the child is in danger… I’d stay out of it for now!


Talking to her is only gonna cause tension and problems, and she is still gonna do it and guess what the baby will be fine! No she shouldnt be smoke near the baby but you arnt gonna stop that either…as long as its ONLY pot its gonna be fine!!! Come to us if she starts doing real drugs!!

Lord leave this momma alone and when the mil gets involved she will stop having the mil over so if u value the baby and being in the babys life mind ur own buisness


I smoked with both of my pregnancies and breastfed and 27 weeks now and smoke marijuana. I have talked to my doctor about it and have done a lot of research and it’s fine!!! Hopefully people leave this girl alone and the baby is perfectly fine. Obviously I did not smoke it around my children in the same room but it was in my system often !


Let me add this in. I worked on the border. The drugs smuggled in to the US are mostly put in the gas tanks of vehicles. Drug smugglers don’t care of your health. They also add things like cattle dip to give you a greater high. Just think about what this does to your brain


Where I’m at if she or the child has weed in their system they will take the kid. :woman_shrugging: