Is breastfeeding and smoking marijuana safe?

My nephews mother smoked weed her entire pregnancy and he is a 6 ft tall handsome man that pulls a constant 4.2 grade point. He is in national honors and takes college classes as a senior in high school also he doesn’t smoke weed and has no desire to


Just like alcohol THC only crosses in very small amounts. There isn’t a whole lot of research out about it either which way rn but either way other than exposure to second hand smoke she really isn’t doing any harm. Be thankful she isn’t doing “real” drugs. Most states have legalized marijuana At this point bc of it’s medicinal value. I think it’s time to let go of the anti weed idealization


Rather her smoking weed than cigarettes while pregnant or breastfeeding :woman_shrugging:t3:


There is no proof it’s harmful to a baby. None #420mom


It’s none of anyone’s business but the mother and father.


If you can drink while breastfeeding you can smoke to. Now smoking in the house or while holding baby isnt hood but its 100% safe to enjoy a smoke or drink and then breastfeed. Safe to drive, safe to nurse

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Stay out of it. It’s not her place.


Tell her put baby on formula baby will be fussy while getting mothers breast milk if baby tests positive through child could be taken after warnings and further testing show positive that’s how it is in ohio anyway


There is research that shows mothers who smoke marijuana during pregnancy and whilst breast feeding cause permanent altered responses on their children. People who think it’s okay to smoke marijuana will always say it’s ok and those who don’t will always say it’s not okay. The decision should be based on whether there is a possibility of long term effects on the baby as the baby is unable to stand up for itself. I think that tells you what your responsibilities are.


Don’t agree with smoking indoors, it increases risk of cot death.


I did :woman_shrugging:t3: both of my babies are perfectly healthy and rarely sick. Both NICU babies also. But I didn’t smoke in the house, second hand smoke is bad for you


Maybe have her actually approach her on the subject see how it goes adult to adult maybe she has a real reason that would help some up everything for you either way have everything be civil try not to judge

There are natural canniboids in breast milk… it’s natural, its probably helping her with PPD related issues. None of yo buisness.


There hasn’t been enough research to give you any definite advice. So imo I would not

There’s not much proof that it’s harmful, sooooo little passes through the breast milk it’s not enough to even do anything at all. The benefits of breastmilk highly outweigh the risks of smoking while breastfeeding. Also, tell her to mind her business.


I smoke for medical reasons and literally couldn’t quit when I was pregnant bc i was soo sick. I was taking 3 separate nausea medications with very little relief and lost over 30lbs. My daughter was born at 32weeks (sever preeclampsia nothing to do with weed) my dr.s knew my whole pregnancy and so did the NICU. They still allowed me to breastfeed and gave her my expressed milk when she had her feeding tube in. The amount that is excreted into the milk is less then .5% in the very few study’s done


For both yourself, your husband, and your mother-in-law:

Not your circus, not your monkey.

You can think what you want in private of course, but bringing it up is a big NO.


I wouldn’t say anything…it wont stop them

If she is smoking around the child, that is CPS worthy.

If she is smoking outside, away from baby, I dont know if it is CPS worthy, but she definitely needs to mention it to her babies pediatrician.

We have no idea how it affects developing babies.


However smoking cigarettes around a baby is definitely not safe (2nd hand and 3rd hand smoke) it SIGNIFICANTLY increases the risk of SIDS and other diseases. So it’s possible it could be the same with marijuana, but again not enough research has been done to say for sure

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To be fair women round corner smoked weed while preg and after and had local authority’s involved who were fully aware and appernlty the child was not at risk bare in mind it’s against the law but ok people are just some what stupid

It would be the smoking in the house around the baby that I’d take issue with if she was my partner, not the smoking of the cannabis itself xx

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I mean it’s her baby she has the right to do whatever whenever. Though your mil might not agree the baby will be just fine. I think she should turn her concerns to something else and more constructive.


In some cases doctors have recommended the cbd or thc qualities for pregnant or brestfeeding mothers to assist with nausea… i can honestly count 5 ppl i know personally at least that this was the case… their children are brilliant and very healthy and excelling in all areas … meeting milestones ahead of the curve and measuring off the charts at infancy … super healthy happy babies … i also know that when a woman who consumes regularly becomes pregnant… it can actually cause a shock to the baby to quit cold turkey… a doctor and family members pressured her into quiting and she lost the baby …


If you had weed you should stop breast feeding for at least to day , after that the milk will still have trace of weed but not very high levels

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Also… god forbid that baby end up in the hospital. If the baby came up positive for it, social services would get involved.


Don’t they give babies thc for medical reasons?? I don’t see the harm in it and you shouldn’t be nosey about someone else’s kids, if they are taken care of properly then mind your business


I would be more concerned with the smoking and driving than I would be with the breastfeeding and smoking, or honestly even the second hand exposure. Why was she smoking at your MiL house? That’s just random, and dangerous if the baby was with her. She couldn’t stay sober for a little while until she got home? For me that would be the issue.


I wouldn’t take the risk

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Not hard to open the door, walk to steps and light up outside. Smokes or other stuff.

It’s not the smoking that would bother me… But smoking AROUND the baby??? No.


Maybe she smokes because she has nosy ass in-laws up her ass.


Look up the Jamaican study :heart:

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Cannabinoids are in youbl breast milk anyways. I’ve smoked marijuana thru both on my pregnancies due to HG and continued after, even while breastfeeding one of my.children
I domt smoke around my.children.
And it’s none of anyways business.


I’ve talked to many women that have not only chosen to smoke but also were prescribed it while pregnant and breastfeeding. It helps both the mother and the baby. I’m a Native American so therefore i know all about all the goods and bads about Marijuana. It’s a PLANT it’s medicine and is alot healthier than any pill or any man made drug that women typically use while pregnant or breastfeeding. No harm to it at all.


My concern would be if the marijuana is ever laced with something else, fentanyl, cocaine or meth.


I waited until he was about 9 months old then only did it a bit. Now I smoke it everyday and he’s almost 2 and still nurses occasionally. But I didn’t when he was really little and breast milk was his only source of nutrition.

I think if there was actual smoking around the baby would be the issue not the weed. But I live in Oregon, what do I know about weed


My OB told me that he would prefer me to smoke a BAG of marijuana than to smoke a single cigarette. The baby will be fine, he said studies found that it only causes a high birth weight. So, I assume it would be no different once the child is born. However, I would not smoke in the same general area as the baby, due to second hand smoke.


I mean… if you have to ask…

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Mind the business that pays you.


I smoked while pregnant with my first daughter and while breastfeeding and she is seriously the most advanced in her daycare(I know im biased but that was their words lol) I always smoked outside tho, its the smoke in general around the baby thats an issue with me


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You should join the group Parents Who Actually Science and ask this. There’s doctor’s, scientists and nurses who are also parents on this group who only go by the facts. The admins only allow articles that are fact checked. It’s an amazing group.

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I rather a woman breastfeeding to use pot instead of pills.or meth or alcohol


You will have a sleepy baby is what the breast feeding lady told me


I actually smoke most of my pregnancy and I have a health baby boy.


Nope. Mind ya own bizz now.


In front of or near by no, in general though, baby will be fine.

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She needs to not be breastfeeding so long as she’s smoking… and definitely not around the baby…


My mom smoked while pregnant and around me… i had the worst learning delays, and all my cousins were in gifted classes. I still hold her accountable. But shes 56 and smoked her way into a nursing home. I liked the smoke once, but then i grew the fuck up.

Tell her to deal with life like the rest of us fucking have to.


Mind ur business there is nothing you can do but ruin a relationship or stress out a new mother


Whatever you do DO NOT call child protective services on her for this. It is a disaster and they put you through hell and make you jump through so many hoops. All the cases are treated the same whether you smoke a little marijuana or smoke crack. I think it’s ultimately her decision what she wants to do with herself

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:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: none of your business if she’s smoking. It’s her choice to do so. It’s safer than cigarettes, alcohol, and a closed mind


Smoke is bad for babies she should at least be smoking outside as for the breast feeding I have no idea if that would affect the baby

Man I would just be too paranoid of something going wrong I wouldn’t touch it. To each their own though. That’s her child & her body. If she decided to do that nobody can tell her she has to stop. I would just leave it alone.

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I did it. My baby is perfectly healthy.

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Smoking during my whole pregnancy was all that saved me and my baby girls life…and yes only a small amount of thc is transferred…but I wouldn’t not advise smoking right near the baby…go outside first.

I wouldn’t so much be concerned about her smoking while breastfeeding as she is right, if any gets in the baby it isn’t alot… and I’ve heard non actually goes to the baby as breast milk already has thc in it?(unsure how true that part is) I would be concerned about her smoking with the baby in the same room though

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Totally fine… and keeps mama sane.

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You, are an idiot. Read a book and please stay in your house forever!


I would say she shouldn’t do it around the child or at all if she’s breastfeeding.


Have you tried THC? Maybe it’ll calm you down a little. If the baby is fine leave her be. HER child her choice…if she was abusing the baby it would be a different story. But THC is not gonna hurt the baby if she’s breastfeeding. The baby might sleep but that’s it.


All 3 of my babies are happy and healthy. And well taken care of. If anyone criticizes me about doing so, kiss my buns, Karen. Lol


Totally fine. Will probably have a better behaved kid than most lol


I fully support marijuana, and I live in MI where it’s recreationally legal. I however quit smoking when I found out I was pregnant, and still don’t smoke because I’m breastfeeding. I know a ton of people that do though, and their babies are fine. I think this is a “mind your business” situation


If your mother in law knew how many doctors tell their pregnant patients to either begin or continue to smoke during pregnancy and while breast feeding. The only concern doctors have is not operating machinery and to know where your thc is coming from, since dispensaries have come into popularity the latter of the two is a lesser concern now a days.


I was diagnosed medical marijuana while breast feeding. I smoked halfway through my pregnancy and my doctor knew. My son is 5 now and he is head of his class in reading and math and a bright healthy kid. The baby will be fine. It has lots of medical benefits for adults. If it’s legal in your state to use it recreational or medical I would not even judge this mother and mind your buisness.


I smoked with all 3 of my pregnancy. My children had 3.5 GPA and higher. What do we believe? Not enough studies are done. I’m 64 and partake daily. Have for 40 some yrs.


Fuck off with your judgey comments and laughing faces. She asked a question and it’s a legitimate question.


The baby will be just fine. My only son was smoked with the entire pregnancy and the entire time i breast fed. Hes in the top of his class reads at a 7th grade level. Hes in 4th. His teachers rave about his scholastic achievements. My dr even okayed me smoking pregnant and breast feeding


It’s actually really common. Around the baby specifically is bad. She should smoke outside, but smoking in general? Nah. Baby is most likely fine.
Tell her about the Facebook group Blunts & Boobs. They’ve got lots of information on this sort of thing. It can help to educate you and your MIL. But for the most part, this isn’t your business.


Answering a question with a question: Would anyone be questioning her motherhood if she was taking a prescription antidepressant (lab created bullshit) for PPD while breastfeeding?

Let me answer that for you: nooooope, they sure as hell would not. Why? Because it is “normalized and socially acceptable” to shove synthetic shit in our systems.

So, let me get this straight. She wants to question how her daughter in law is choosing to medicate. That’s a joke, right?!

If that baby is LOVED, clothed, and fed, y’all have NO right to speak on it. :woman_shrugging:t2:


I heard it’s good for both but ask her to do it outside

If she’s smoking while baby is latched , I’d definitly say something , or call someone . But if she smoked beforehand , and after a little bit baby wants the boob , idk . There are so many unanswered questions about it . I’d definitly ask if they have researched it and thought about it . But idk what else you can do .

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I’m from Australia and my lactation consultant from hospital said that the smallest amount on the reaches breastmilk by the time I had to express again , perinatal dr has also suggested for me not to stop as I cant take anti-depressant


Common sense says it’s probably not the best idea to smoke anything during pregnancy. And definitely not in the presence of small children.


Either way that’s between her and the father not MIL and SIL. 🤷 #youasked


Do the research. The benefits of breastfeeding far outweigh any potential negative impact of the thc…which are little to none.

The baby will be JUST FINE.


She shouldn’t be smoking marijuana in the presence of the baby or in the home. That’s disgusting in my opinion. Doing a recreational drug legal or not is a personal choice and she’s making that choice for her baby. If she occasionally smokes while breastfeeding I think that should be fine. She should try to smoke after breastfeeding rather than before and if it’s constant and all day I would say that’s a huge issue but if it’s once or twice a day it shouldn’t effect the baby at all.

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I see nothing bad about smoking pot. But I dont believe anyone should smoke while they are pregnant or breastfeeding. And if you aren’t either of those…I also think people should smoke outside


I’d ask a doctor about that not random weed smokers lol just like a asshole everyones got a opinion.


If she’s hot boxing the baby then definitely intercede. If she’s just smoking then feeding the baby, leave it alone.


I smoked during both my pregnancies and both of my children are incredibly smart


She really should say something. Smoking around children is not in their best interest. Smoking while breastfeeding is not safe, thc contaminates breast-milk and will enter the babies system. No amount is safe for your baby. If you can’t even quit smoking while pregnant and breastfeeding why the fuck did you have a baby. If she won’t listen to rain report her to the correct authorities. And no this is not an overreaction, children come before your own selfish wants.


CPS would take that baby if it was reported.i dont no how safe it is for the baby but there is alot of adult that use it it does have medical use anything the mother eats drinks or smokes the baby will get.


Omg. There’s nothing to be concerned about. Tell her to do some research and she’ll figure that out.


See I smoked while I was few months pregnant to help with nausea and depression but not while breastfeeding. I still continue to smoke to this day but not around my kid, I always take it outside. She’s very smart for her age and at the top of her class.

If shes smoking while the baby is latched then yes say something, but if shes smoking before or after then there’s nothing wrong with that

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Not that I smoked through my pregnancy or breastfeeding period but I just wanted to say that I love the comments and how open minded society has become when it comes to this specific topic👌


Marijuana increases the risk of SIDS


Lol so living in PA, CPS doesnt even bat an eye at THC anymore because it’s so common. I would much prefer to see a momma smoke a blunt then stick some lab made BS meds into the baby’s system. However, this is a touch and go convo because everyone has their own opinion. As a smoker myself, I would have thanked my mother in law for her opinion and kept it moving.


Unless she’s deliberately blowing smoke in that babies face…
You might wanna take a step back and mind your own.


Tripping over nothing about her smoking while breastfeeding. If she smoking w the baby w her then yeah she could bring it up but Not in a rude way . If weed is legal they won’t take the baby away for those people saying they would :roll_eyes: a friends brother tried telling court the baby momma smoked weed (They we’re fighting for custody) and they gave her the kids back because weed is legal .

What would cps do? That’s really all that matters