I don’t get why some of you feel like you have to micro manage what’s is said or done on the father’s time. If he is safe, being fed, and happy just let it go.
I personally talk to my children about all the things and have since they were about that age. As teenagers I feel confident that they will hopefully continue to make good decisions about their lives based on knowing the reality of the world. I 100% expect the same for them from their stepmom. Takes a village and bad stuff happens when no knowledge is shared.
So this was talked about with the father present and on the father’s time. Not really your place to say what can be talked about when he’s with his father
First of all, she’s watching Twilight. If you’re gonna worry about anything, worry about her taste in movies
Umm, you’re divorced so it’s not a foreign conversation to him.
I started conversations young with all mine and discussed things age appropriately. Why?
Bc with what children hear in school, I’d rather they hear things from me so they have a baseline.
A basis for behavior, explained at his level isn’t really a bad thing.
If he has internet access, I can tell you, he may know more about things than you think.
I’m curious why you’re worried? How in-depth did she go? A general chat shouldn’t be a big deal but full on details may be too much. Depends on if he was uncomfortable with it.
I honestly CANNOT believe this thread!!! I’ll be the odd man out all day long if it means keeping my CHILD from worrying & stressing about ADULT topics/issues! Yall keep on being your childrens Friend and lazy parenting…I’ll stick with the hard way and let my 7 year old be a kid for as long as I possibly can!! Smfh
She’s not even angry! Y’all are doing too much in these comments and being FAR too judgmental. She’s ASKING, key word asking if it’s inappropriate cause she feels like it is and that’s okay. Talking about cheating isn’t bad, just depends on how she did it and the way she did it. What words she used etc. Other than that it’s fine I think. But I cross the line at talking to him about her sister’s divorce. He’s a child not a girlfriend to gossip with
So you don’t want your child knowing about divorce when 1) you are divorced from their father or 2) you guys were never married?
Isn’t that big of a deal
I have had to talk to my kids about death… so I see no reason why cheating and divorce shouldn’t be talked about…
Tell us what the real problem is. Are you upset that they have a relationship? Because I don’t see a problem.
Once is OK. If she talks about cheating a lot of the time, it’s a problem. And Hollywood gossip does seem a weird thing to talk about with a child. And seems like she could’ve picked out a more appropriate movie for a 4th grade boy. How old is she? She sounds more like a teenager.
I don’t really see an issues with that, but you should talk to her if you dint like it. He is your son.
In my opinion, nobody should be having grown up conversations around kids…let alone telling a child about grown up business.v
There is HUGE difference in TEACHING them about it and just TALKING about it
Seems like shes pretty open and probably enjoys talking to ur son
One, why is a 9 year old watching the movie. Two, he obviously felt comfortable enough to ask her so that’s a good thing. Three, you have to understand that this is what co-parenting is. Your child isn’t always going to come go just you when he or she has questions.
My ex husband and his now wife gave our son a very graphic sex manual filled with all the photos of every type of sex act you can imagine….he was 6 or 7. I was pissed. If he has questions answer them but he didn’t need to see all sorts of S&M and kink etc. at that age imo.
I guess I’d prefer If mom or dad had the conversation with my children but we don’t really have any topics we won’t discuss with our children in an age appropriate way. If they are asking there is a reason for their curiosity. I’d prefer my children to feel comfortable asking then going somewhere unreliable
Maybe she’s hinting at divorce…
Also did your son just come out and tell you this? I feel like most 9 yr olds wont bring this up…
I would not be happy. That isn’t the step-mom’s place to bring up to the kid. If the kid asked what it was that would be different. I mean, I wouldn’t tell my step-kids out of the blue things like that, and even if they did ask I would defer the question to their Mom or Dad. Basically, what I am saying is I respect the rights of other parents to parent how they see fit for their kid because I expect the same courtesy in return for my kids.
Sounds like he’s already had some divorce/separation exposure since he has a step mom. It wouldn’t concern me. Also, they watched the movie with all three of them. It may have been a convo between the adults that the child was there for.
I don’t see a problem unless the 9 year old feels uncomfortable. Cheating and divorce are topics that children will find out about anyway.
Yes…in my opinion it is inappropriate to discuss adult things like that with a child. I think until it involves the childs actual parents that’s only time that needs to be talked about. But either way they hear it, it should come from the parent wanting the divorce to explain everything. It shouldn’t come from anyone else.
Is that really what happened?? That’s crazy I never heard of that before
Your looking for a problem.
Well a lot of people cheat on their partners which is sad but I don’t see an issue with her talking to her son about it.
I feel like some of us forget how we were at that age and by 9 years old I had lots of questions on different topics and I was curious.
I feel the step mom is open and is actually creating a bond where your son will feel comfortable talking to her about things as he grows. I personally feel like you’re looking for a problem.
i mean i dont think this particular situation is a big deal…if its a trending pattern of not seeming to understand whats appropriate to talk about then maybe try and have a calm talk with her…but in a super peaceful way
I talk to my step kids about everything. They come to me with questions they don’t feel comfortable asking their mom. If you don’t like that, talk to her about it. It seems she is just trying to bond with him. Keep in mind tho, a step parent is still a parent. Just because she parents different than you does not mean she is wrong and you are right. You are both his mom and have different ways of doing things and that is ok.
No better time to talk to a child about ANY topic, than when they’re interested.
That’s prob the least of your worries. 9 year olds know way too much for their age nowadays
Are you looking for a problem?!? She’s his stepmom so there’s already been some type of separation/divorce or what have you that he’s been exposed too its life glad they have open communication! It takes a village
I never hid anything from my daughter,she was 3 when our family was torn apart by a cheating husband. All her questions where why this,why that, I answered truthfully to what I could, I have always tried to do that right down to my Great grandkids.
She just talks to much but nothing is inappropriate about it….
I had a step mom like that and it made me grow up way too fast. I feel like that opens the door to curiosity in some children, you can always ask your husband to tone it down a bit
Sounds like you’re fishing for a reason to start a fight!
Sounds like you just wanna reason to complain
No. He should know about real life things. It’s good for kids to know know about sex, cheating, and various other things early on.
I think it’s fine. He’s not a toddler, I’m guessing from your story here you probably haven’t even had any type of sex talk with him yet… something you definitely need to do… soon…
I don’t think it’s inappropriate. Maybe it’ll teach him later in life that all women can’t be trusted and he won’t let women walk all over him.
Also clearly your kid knows what divorce is cuz yall are living in separate homes with other partners lmao…
It sounds like you’re looking to start trouble, cheating happens it’s a normal thing to talk about…no reason to intervene. 9 year olds now know about a lot worse than cheating
She sounds like an idiot. Kids should not be on the receiving end of adult conversations. For the love.
Its reality. He hears worse from school
Lol. I think you are being ridiculous. He isn’t a baby. And I guarantee he knows way worse from school and friends.
I don’t think it’s a big issue!!
Shit, my 1 1/2 year old is about to be SOMETHING then! I gossip with her about EVERYTHING she gets out of daycare and I just talk my life away to her and don’t nothing back
she’s going to hear crap like that from other people so it might as well be from me.
I am very open with my kids and give answers. The know the technical terms for body parts. They know people make mistakes. They know bad and good and that sometimes there is a great area. They each have been through stuff and being open and honest made it easier to explain and talk about. I don’t thunk it’s inappropriate unless she’s talking about a family member cheating. Trust everyone, they hear and see worse.
Not a huge deal, my 7 and 8 yr old know what that is. That age is quite knowledgeable anyways, more than we think.
The kids old enough to understand what it is and know it’s wrong. I don’t see an issue. She’s not telling the kid about sex/porn or drugs.
Sounds like you’re finding reasons not to like her or start a fight let it go I’m sure he’s heard about that and more from school
It was the producer of snow white and the huntsman NOT twilight lol she got that mixed up fr.
Honestly? I mean if that’s what his stepmother does be thankful, there are worse stories on this page about step parents
Old school people don’t want kids in the room when adults are having adult conversations but this cheating and divorce thing he has been exposed to it already it’s better to talk with him so he understands
Not a big deal- she’s not doing anything bad.
Leave that woman alone.
It’s a real life situation… he’s gonna learn about it anyways so why not now…
She sounds weird af. Who the hell talks to a nine year olds about that stuff? Give him a toy car.
That’s weird on her part
That’s kinda weird I’d make a comment about how you would like relationship advice to come from either you or his father but I wouldn’t make a big deal out of it lol
Taking a sentence and turning it into a novel! Hun … Its ok to be upset. However he moved on and is happy with the new chick. Don t worry ,., u will be happy too! When you heal and put down the emotional baggage
At 9 years old kids are dating and talking about sex so her talking to him about something like that and was true is NOT inappropriate.She didn’t say anything bad or acted nasty in any way.Atleast she’s willing to talk with him and be honest and he clearly didn’t mind talking to her either…
Unless your 9 year old is very immature ans sheltered there is absolutely no reason not to have those discussions. My son is 10 and has already had his first little girlfriend over a year ago. His friend was just telling me the other day that him and his girlfriend broke up because she cheated on him. All I could think was cheated how, did she share her fruit snacks with another boy? You absolutely cannot shelter kids at that age. You will only be harming him. If he watches tv or has any friends or family he already knows about relationships.
Really depends on the child. In today’s world sex as well as immoral behavior is being validated in children at early ages. Movies, tv, internet and via school and friends. Kids as young as 12 are having sex, (a mother recently asked for advice on this and then there’s sick adults who are saying it’s ok)maybe younger. It is better to get the information at home.
If she’s only giving him information on cheating, and how it’s not right, have to wonder what her point is.
Also I may be out of touch but Twilight was more of a teenage movie, not really something for a nine year old boy. But remember to choose your battles wisely. Calmly discuss your views on this with your son and try to keep things open so you know what is happening when he’s away.
I think he is eves dropping. Doesn’t sound like a conversation you would have woth a 9 year old.
Bitter babymoms always tryna find something to bitch about with the stepmoms. Like at least she’s trying to communicate with your child. She wasn’t inappropriate about it. If he’s grown enough to be watching the movies which she technically cheats in the movies too then he’s grown enough to hear about it… I mean, really… at least she wasn’t having the sex talk with him when there’s sex scenes in the movies
It’s a real life situation? If he hasn’t already been exposed to it, he will be. It should be talked about. Divorces happen. Cheating unfortunately happens. People make stupid decisions, if we pretend that kind of shit doesn’t happen he will be in a massive shock once he’s an adult if not sooner
Yeah that’s not really a big deal lol. Unless she’s saying in detail what cheating is then it’s okay. A lot of kids already know about cheating by that age. My kids think cheating is when you have another boyfriend or girlfriend when you already have one. Your kids would’ve found out sooner or later because even if you never told them, I guarantee you the kids at their school would cover that for you real soon. I can understand where you’re coming from, but just remember there’s bigge things to worry about than that for sure.
Eh- I’ve met many mature 9yr olds. I find it’s better to be transparent with them young.
I think you’re making a mountain out of a molehill. Relax.
I was always honest with my kids at an early age but it depends how open all of you are with your son and how detailed you want to get with any subject. At 9 he probably couldn’t care less but kids also know a lot more nowadays then you think.
Don’t sweat the small stuff.
Sounds like you need to move on and stop looking for reasons to complain.
That’s wrong on her part
Really? This is real life. You don’t want to prepare your child for the good, the bad, and the ugly that life can actually be? Fairytales aren’t real life. Life has ups and downs. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get through it. Sounds to me like you’d rather wallow in your own pity party than face reality. This isn’t the hill you need to climb and die on.
Oh come on… stop being so nit picky
I’m a step mom and my step kids mother isnt in the picture so their dad and I have them full time and the connection I have with these kids is amazing. It was challenging at first but I didn’t give up. Cut her some slack you can talk to her about this like adults and just say hes not at that age so please dont talk to him about it
I dont find that conversation weird honestly. I am a open book with my kids and will talk to them about anything though.
Is your son coming back to you and telling you this stuff because he is sending you get upset about it??? My nephew does this, but he does it with his grandma and then tries to look at her facial expressions to try to get his parents in trouble…
I think the movie Twilight is more graphic/inappropriate for a 9 year old than the conversation they had. Seems like you have a problem with the stepmother.
My 6 and 5 year old know what cheating is lol they asked why aunty and uncle arent together anymore. Not a big deal at all tbh
Talk to your children about life and they’ll understand it better as adults.
Better him hear from her then his friends with God only knows what kind of details. I was expecting it to be a 2 year old you were so angry about. Lol
he’s 9. It’ll be fine.
I may be the odd mom out here, but I agree it’s inappropriate. It’s not “cause a scene” inappropriate, but definitely inappropriate. We just don’t discuss adult situations with our kids in our family
I think it depends. If he’s a young, innocent 9. Then he’s probably too young. If she just said it’s wrong. That might be ok. If her heart is in the right place, maybe just ask to wait until he’s older.
Obviously he trust her more to be honest with him
Talk to your kids about what they are mature enough to handle. Sometimes they are not mentally and emotionally ready. They are kids and just because they ask doesn’t necessarily mean they are able to fully understand with maturity what you tell them.
Ummm…why? That’s life…people cheat and people divorce…its really not that big a deal lol He’s 9…
My son and I talked about sex and periods and relationships of all kinds at 9…I’d rather he learn facts from me/ adults…because you’d be very surprised the things kids say to eachother at school…at a very young age…
It’s life situations. It’s appropriate.
Unless he lives in a bubble it’s been pit out for the world to know
I mean what was her point though. I’m sure he didn’t care and just wanted to watch the movie
But in reality they will need to learn about these things. Might as well tell them while their young and steer them in the right direction. Use those as bad examples of how adults should be and how relationships should be.
Inappropriate for my kids when they were 9. Keep them innocent as children.
It’s never too early to learn that cheating is bad. It causes a lot of trauma & pain. Not to mention the trust issues.
If she just came right out on her own free will and told him about a cheating scandal… that’s weird!!! Sounds like she must of been involved in something similar to just bring it up without being asked. And why spew something like that out to a 9 year old.
Just talk to her or the father and explain your concers
What is a nine-year-old doing watching twilight? That seems weird to me. Let alone being told about cheating. Guess I’m old fashioned.
I don’t see anything wrong with it. Even if he was younger than 9.
In appropriate, I wouldn’t like it.
It’s not a difficult question to answer if a child asks tbf. Someone had 2 boyfriends/girlfriends and neither knew. It’s not nice or fair but it happens. As things do and 9 isn’t that young
I honestly don’t see the problem. It’s not like she was talking about sex.