Is it appropriate for my sons step mom to talk to him about cheating?

My son’s stepmother was watching Twilight with my son and his father. She decided to tell my son that Bella and Edward dated in real life; she then proceeded to tell him that they split up because Bella cheated on Edward in real life with the producer of the movie. My son turned 9 in May. Is it appropriate for her to be talking about cheating on him? Not long ago, she also had a conversation about her twin sister getting a divorce from her husband. Idk I just feel like those aren’t conversations to be having with a 9yr old.


As with anything, I feel that this is all about what your son’s level of maturity is. Some kids are entirely uphased by things that other children linger on and are disturbed by. My best advice is to politely and privately discuss this with your son’s father just to make your feelings known.

Why? She’s his mom too, and that might be how they bond, those are not even bad things for him to learn at his age, you just sound overprotective and jealous

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it appropriate for my sons step mom to talk to him about cheating?

Oh my God

Youre just trying to cause problems


Sounds like you just don’t like her and are trying to cause drama


Hunny, your 9 year old knows a lot more, about a lot more…than what you must think. :flushed:


Did you and dad break up cause you cheated on him ? :eyes::joy:


Adult situations don’t need to be talked about with kids period unless he asked a question or had a concern No


You must have cheated on his dad huh lol


I don’t see an issue


Pick your battles. This is not one of them.


It’s life issues… as long as it wasn’t graphic detailed, the concepts should be discussed with kids. As children they have friends whose parents are divorcing or are divorced or were never together, they will encounter discussions on cheating and loyalty in general. These concepts are already in their lives and experiences… the more they know about them the better equipped they are. Keeping topics taboo that are life concepts doesn’t seem the best course of action.


I mean, instill good morals as young as you can.

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Your petty as hell!!!


I don’t see an issue, my 9 yo wouldn’t really care :woman_shrugging:

Yes, it is appropriate. He lives on the earth, this is life.


Life issues and consequences around them personally I don’t think this is a problem


Lol tell her to get some girlfriends and stop gossiping to a 9 year old boy!


I dont see the problem tbh. I think your just trying to pick at petty crap


Sounds like your bitter.


Why go into detail? He is 9 and she needs to stay in her lane.


Lol this is hilarious. I literally just talked about the exact same thing with my 9 year old this morning cause we finished watching breaking dawn part 2 & she asked me if they dated in real life.


I think it’s fine but you should also explain that monogamy is a choice. People aren’t cheating if they aren’t monogamous


I don’t see anything wrong with it, your kiddo probably asked, as long as she didn’t go into detail like “they caught her in a jacuzzi with a director doing adult stuff” simply saying she cheated doesn’t seem like an issue

It’s real life stuff, gotta learn about it eventually if he hasn’t already.

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I mean, I don’t know that I’d let my 9 year old watch Twilight, but have no issue with the rest of it.


It’s inappropriate, he’s 9, don’t need to help him grow up any faster

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You’re ok w a 9 yr old watching twilight so…


It’s not that big of a deal. I talk to my 8 year old about worse stuff than that


Sounds like a pretty good step mum if they’re enjoying films together and chatting about mundane things. I would feel incredibly happy knowing that my kids had such a relationship with their stepmother if my husband were to ever split up with me.


Sounds like you just don’t like stepmother and are trying to find issues with her. Your son lives in the real world, I’m sure this wasn’t an hour long play by play but just a little conversation.
I’d be happy that she cares enough about your son to actively spend times with him and have interesting conversations with him.


A talk about Life. Yes appropriate. She sounds like a someone bonus mom.

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What’s the issue? Thay their teaching him about morals. And as far as the divorce, still don’t see it wrong especially if the child was used to seeing them together and now that won’t happen


How do you know it was directed at your son :face_with_raised_eyebrow: she could’ve been talking to his father and him sitting right there over heard it. Sounds like your just trying to find reasons to start an argument with her.


If he asked about it what does it matter

I can’t begin to understand how this is a big deal or how you even put any thought into this. Learn to pick and choose your battles and don’t make a big issue out of nothing. You will only hurt your son.


I wouldn’t have an issue with it, as long as she mentioned something about cheating being a bad thing. My son is 10 and I’m always telling him how to treat a lady.

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Its a part of life, it may happen to him later on , or he could possibly do it to someone he is with. Thankfully someone had the conversation… you are worried about that talk yet how do you feel about him probably already going through sex ed in school…

Clearly you have an issue with the Stepmom.
You know what, stop always finding issues and problems with stepmoms, not everyone wants to take your place, appreciate that there’s someone who loves him just as much as you do and who is there to teach him life lessons as well.

Not all stepmoms are evil and vile and bad.

But hey if it bothers you that much, go and take it up with her instead of complaining on a public group about it.


Too young and not her place!


I mean we had to address what happened with George Floyd and the riots in Atlanta. So cheating seems like a mute point.


My son is five, by the time he is 9 I expect to have some groundwork laid about dos and donts in relationships. I’ve already split up with his father, will eventually marry the man im with, he will kno that not all relationships work out and he will know why some relationships end.


Haha yeah that’s kinda strange to bring up to a 9 year old

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I just had the EXACT same conversation with my 8 year old daughter about Twilight. :joy: In all seriousness though, kids these days know a lot more than we think. It’s not a big issue. You should honestly be thankful that your son has a bonus mom that does things, like watching movies, with him and talking to him about things. You’d have cause for concern if she had put on a porno to explain the birds and the bees to him. The divorce conversation is the same thing. Especially if she’s his step mom. Chances are he’s met her sister and her sisters husband and might wanna know why Aunt “insert name here” is still coming around but Uncle “insert name here” isn’t. I really don’t think there is an age to young to talk to your kids about stuff like that. I mean, you don’t need to explain divorce an infidelity to a 3 year old, but at 9, he’s old enough to know certain things.

Someone needs to have that chat.

Honestly your child only has 9 more years until they themselves are considered an adult. I think having adult like conversations is okay as long as you’re explaining what they mean and what the consequences of those actions are. Ask your kid if he knows what cheating is, why it’s wrong and what the consequences are. He’s almost to dating age anyways.

If you feel the stepmom is overstepping her boundaries, or sharing information you feel your child is too young to know, have a conversation with her. There’s no point in being mad about it enough that you post about it on the internet.


So, you’re okay with the 9 year old watching Twilight. Just don’t have conversations about reality. :woman_facepalming:t2:


Its so weird to me when people post the same status in different groups. Im sure they will all say the same thing

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She sounds like she needs a girl friend to gossip with. I don’t think it’s inappropriate just like kind of weird that she would even talk about it like she’s TMZ or something lol

I mean she’s not talking about anything gross. It’s divorce. Kids know what that is. Seems like you’re bitter. And just don’t like Stepmom. Trying to find reasons to be mad or whatever about her.


I mean you and your husband are divorced right? Doesn’t he know about that?


Petty that you want to limit conversation topics. If it doesn’t directly affect your child choose your battle. This is just petty.


I think its fine and your reaching for something darling… the fact that your asking about that alone and not also the fact that he was watching twilight says enough


:joy: lord have mercy. The kid is 9. Probably goes to public school. I’m sure he’s seen the entertainment segment of the news. This is NOTHING. He’s watching Twilight. Bella’s parents are divorced. She’s dating a damn vampire hundreds of years older than her… oh and let’s not forget the weird love triangle between her, the werewolf, and the vampire. Perhaps the stepmom should discuss why the whole movie is a little fucked up? This is wild :joy:

I was 9 in 1982 and back then these things were not discussed. But today’s kids are so smart and well beyond advanced then we were back in the day. Be grateful she is helping raise a son who is aware and not naive.


I get what you’re saying. There’s certain conservations that as parents it’s our place to talk to our kids about. We decide when. Honestly a 9yo isn’t really going to understand cheating because they don’t understand relationships. It probably went in 1 year & out the other. If he’s asking questions tell him it’s an adult subject & when he’s old enough to understand relationships you’ll explain what cheating is & why it’s wrong. As far as divorce he’s from a seperated family so he kinda gets it. I’m sure kids in school have talked about their parents getting divorced. Just talk to your kid about other people’s business not being his concern & that he shouldn’t pay much attention to his dad’s gf trying to get him involved in stuff. This woman sounds like a gossip. It’s crazy that she is gossiping with a child. It’s going to happen everywhere though.

It’s reality . I see nothing wrong with talking about real life situations lol


To young and not her place he is 9 good grief

I mean she can say stuff like that if it’s in context of something they are watching doing or discussing but she shouldn’t bring up those sorts topics of her own accord for a a rant or chat or else that really is wrong. I’d just run it by your ex and say will you make sure “name” isn’t having too many adult topiced convos with our boy as he’s only 9 and innocent. If she’s a nice woman it shouldn’t be a problem. But I wouldn’t worry tooooo much. But if you’re uncomfortable say something he’s your child too!

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I’m in the minority here in that children don’t get a lot of carefree years so I think adults need to not introduce them to adult/teenage issues until they hit that age. I don’t think it’s wrong per se but unnecessary. No need to worry him with topics like that so early. He’ll have more years dealing with adult drama than not so no need to push it on him.


I don’t think it’s inappropriate, but at the same time it just seems like a weird conversation to start up with a child.

Just wait until the puberty and sex talks. Step moms are supposed to be involved

It sounds like you’re just wanting control. Well, you don’t have it.
It is FAR from inappropriate and your child is going to hear A LOT worse from friends!! Relax


Did you cheat on your ex & feel guilty?


Are you sure she told him and held a conversation with him specifically or he just overheard her?

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I’d be more upset with her watching Twilight with him.
As long as she didn’t go into the specifics of sex and stuff I don’t see why it would be an inappropriate convo

Not like she was talking to him about sex. I mean she didn’t saying anything wrong to him. U and his father are divorced so there’s no difference

I think it’s better to tell them young so they’ll know what goes on…

Why not plant the seed that some things are wrong, when their mind is still open enough to take it?


These seem like pointless conversations that don’t even have a learning point to them. Just random bs she wanted to bring up bc it popped in her head. Nothing he actually needed to know. I understand reality and kids needing to know what’s going on, to an extent. But no one should be bringing up adult situations to my children that aren’t learning experiences. There’s a time and place. Not while he’s trying to enjoy a movie and shes like “oh yeah and their personal business…blah blah blah” he doesn’t need to know that. Just my opinion. I’d be having a talk

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My daughter is 9 and if she hears something she doesn’t know about she will ask. I don’t address things that until she asks. Then we will talk about whatever it is. Kids these days are learning to young about things and that’s bc of all the social media and tv. Shows that are supposed to be for teens are more like rated R movies back in my day!

Seems like real life lessons

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If father didn’t have a problem with it, you shouldn’t either! Period!


Your son already knows about breakups/divorce from you splitting with his dad. Just sayyyying. :tipping_hand_woman:


imo these things exist in the world. they see it every day, from places you don’t even realize they’re seeing it. why not be proactive & talk to kids about stuff like this & help them develop appropriate & informed thoughts & opinions? kids are not living in a bubble & more often than not there are appropriate ways to discuss almost anything with them.

Now like my step son asked why his mom and dad aren’t together so I’ve explained they broke up but not randomly explained divorce or cheating

If your son brought it up and asked a question, it would be fine for her to answer it.

But if she is bringing this stuff up out of the blue, directing the discussion at an 8 year old, and giving details that he doesn’t need to hear at his age, yeah, that’s weird.

But since you weren’t there and didn’t hear the conversations you have no way of knowing, and you really can’t do anything about it. If you mention it it would just cause trouble.

Just listen to your son, and if he brings up anything that is said to him that he doesn’t understand or is over the head of a 9 year old, you can explain and help him understand.

But don’t criticize his stepmom in front of him for it, or he may feel that he is the cause of any friction in the family, and will be afraid to ask you any questions in the future.

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My 10 year old daughter knows more than I did at her age bc I tell her everything. If you don’t, someone else will. Like the step mom.

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U sound petty and sheltering ur child


Inappropriate? Not at all. Unnecessary? Sure maybe(still not really, they’re valuable lessons to be fair) but who cares lol hes 9, probably went in one ear and out the other. Hes gonna hear a LOT worse than that🤷‍♀️


The movie twilight is rated PG-13.
If you’re okay with your son watching a movie with this rating, I don’t see an issue with the conversation had.


Imo instill it in them when they’re young. My son saw the pain I went through for years cause of cheating…he his 36 been with the same girl for 20 years…never cheated…won’t even look at women…he says he has what he wants why look. Wish I could find one of those lol


I mean 9 year olds know about things like that right? When I was 9 friends had their little boyfriends who made friends with other girls and we called that cheating lol

Omg :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: it’s not that serious. He goes to middle school in two years and will he hearing worse than that. Just say that you have a problem with your husband’s new wife and move on.


I think the step mum should tell the story correctly because Kirsten Stewart who played ( Bella )didn’t cheat on Robert Pattinson who played ( Edward ) with the producer of twilight she actually cheated with the producer of the movie called Snow White and the Huntsman.


As long as she wasn’t graphic about details & explained that cheating isn’t good for reasons X,Y,Z- I don’t see an issue with it. He’s probably heard way worse at school, he’s going to need to know these things pretty soon anyway.

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Y’all keep sheltering these kids and they’re never gonna make it in the world. The world has real life issues and there’s nothing wrong with them knowing about things so they’re not shell-shocked later. Plus it was a movie they were watching and she was just talking. I talk to my step son about real stuff cuz he’s getting older and needs to know things can happen and things can still be okay after. People can argue and fight but then can make up and be ok. It’s good for kids to see these things can happen and are a part of life. It’s reality.


I wouldn’t want my kids hearing all this so young. But that’s just each to his own. If you didn’t like it, you should tell her I think.

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Sounds like you’re looking for a reason to be mad at her. I don’t see anything wrong with it.


Am I the only one who is going to ask how she knows what was said during a movie that she mentions only the stepmother, dad and son watching? :thinking:


Stop sheltering your children. Come on.


Okay y’all can stop calling her petty. Some people believe that certain thing’s should not be said to children or talked about till they’re older. Feeling uncomfortable is NOT being petty. She’s asking for advice, insulting her or dismissive is not advice fyi. If you as a mother feel uncomfortable with these type of conversations, you should talk to her about it and she should respect your boundaries.


Is this real? Let your kid crawl out from that rock your hiding him under. Ignorance is not really bliss…


Better early than never…guess tou to should have spoke bout it first…try keep piece in family…talk to your ex bout it…maybe u three should have discussed it…my opinion

very inappropriate indeed and I’d talk to your ex about it to tell her to shut up about teen and adult situations especially since your child didnt ask about that

I think you just hate his stepmom and look for any reason to complain. Be grateful he has a stepmom that wants to spend time with him and move on!


I like that he has a trusted adult to talk to about the not so great realities of life. This will be a blessing later.
I’d always rather have too much open communication, than not enough. This wasn’t inappropriate especially given the nature of the movies.


Definitely not appropriate…
But the movie isn’t appropriate for a 9 year old either… So…


I think it’s fine. Use any moment as a teaching moment in my eyes. Instill morals young. No biggie. Step mom is still a mom. I’m a mom and step mom and I teach all my children the same across the board. If not me then who