If it was part of the movie that’s one thing, but that’s just random like she was talking to a friend about them or something not a child.
He was watching Twilight! That conversation about monotone Margies cheating scandal probably saved him from a good 30 minutes of watching mind numbingly bad acting.
Plus he’s 9. It’s not like he’s going to jump on his bike and go cheat on his wife because she told him a tabloid story
I talk to my son about life situations cheating, violence, mean words so he grows up knowing theirs things you can’t take back and sometimes it’s best to talk to them young
She talked to him about factual events that really happened? Yeah…dont see the problem. My parents ‘shielded’ me from things and I am still resentful that I wasnt told the truth and taught about regular everyday stuff. I was robbed of conversations and experiences that would have helped me learn, grow, and make better informed choices. Hiding or avoiding real life is never a good move in the long run. Kids become adults, and learn from everything on the way up. Let them.
My 7 yr old goes on fire calls with me let them learn things of the world don’t shelter them
Oh for gods sake…you are nitpicking…
You already think it’s an inappropriate conversation to have w/ your kid sooo
She’s explaining the movie lmfaaaaoo
Really!!?? It’s life, if that’s the worst thing that his step mom has done consider yourself lucky.
Its reality get over it
What do you think in inappropriate about it
I mean, its weird, but it could be worse.
Be real with kids. They’re humans, they need to learn. Stop sheltering the world from children or else they won’t be able to function.
Well, considering you he is in their home, you really have no control of what she talks about. So may I suggest that you find another hobby other than pulling apart your EX HUSBAND’S new wife?
He’s 9 and you think that he’s too young to hear about divorce and people cheating on each other? Being overprotective and shielding our kids from real life things can be just as harmful as not being protective enough and letting them hear too much. He’s probably heard about worse from his friends or at school lol chill out Mama!
That is TMI for a 9 yr old period!
Why do people feel the need to burden children with adult problems??
Personally I would not like it, it’s an adult conversation with a child. 9 yr olds don’t really need to know about cheating or divorce, it’s not like it was pertaining to his own parents or family. It’s def weird & I probably would say something wonder how all these other women would like it if an adult was talking to THEIR kids about borderline inappropriate sh**
You still bitter eh.
Considering its more common for children to come from separated homes these days divorce cheating etc it’s all pretty common place tbh sheltering your kids from life and the reality isn’t a good idea cause when it does show up in their lives they aren’t even close to equipped to deal with it…
Lmaooo stop being petty.
It’s real-life come on now
That’s real life girl? If you don’t tell your kids about real life, someone will have too? Put your big girl britches on and do it yourself then?
My daughter is 9 and knows what both of those are. And more. The more they understand early, the easier life will be to navigate and understand later.
I mean if she’s going to tell him grown up stuff she should at least get it right…… she cheated on Robert with the director of Snow White and the Huntsman…. Splitting hairs
Lmfaoooo! This is the dumbest post! How did this make the cut!
Its actually important for kids to understand also its her choice its her kid
Its just a conversation
If it isn’t something you want talked about in front of your child it should be respected
I personally answer any question my son may have. I dont go into detail unless explaining a word he doesn’t understand but I feel it keeps him coming to me with questions instead of going to others. He is 6 we have covered all kinds of crap from rehab to anatomy lab
LOL he would be watching worse on TV and in video games tbh.
But if it makes you uncomfortable talk to her and hash it out x
I’d be ok with it. He’s 9 not 5. It’s what happens in real life. As long as she also explained that cheating is a no no.
I would honestly hate to be your ex husband
He already knows about it… and more
You just sound petty. He’s 9, chill. I bet you he knows much more than that.
No I wouldn’t like it if that was my kid. 9 year olds shouldn’t be treated like an adult and adult problems.
- It’s talking to him about cheating. She didn’t tell him that KStew had sex with the director of Snow White and the Huntsman. 2. Why is it a problem to talk to a nine year old about divorce? Clearly you’re not with his dad so your child SHOULD be told about divorce and why people get divorced so he understands.
It’s a odd conversation but no biggy .
Have you asked her why she felt like he needed to know?
Remember be chill , if she’s married to your ex remember this…
Kids graduate , get married have babies (your grandchild) and other huge milestones in life and should never ever have to pick a parent to attend or be nervous their parents are going to make a scene… if your child comes home fed , clothed and not abused in anyway then no need to fight .
If you didn’t want him to know about that sort of stuff maybe don’t let him watch M rated movies
The news carries worse information and #1 it’s your kid but #2 I’m realistic with my kids they know what’s out there and should learn that people aren’t always as they seem
Considering my parents divorced at that age… it isn’t too early… it happens. Its really life
If dad is happy for these conversations to happen on his time with his kid then you cant do alot about it, you can speak with the dad but if hes comfortable then he has as much right as you do.
I dont see what the problem is tbh, shes just sharing some knowledge about actors and actresses in the movie, theres nothing wrong with kids knowing at any age what cheating is, you as a parent know what you want and dont want your child subject to so if your uncomfortable with it just tell the woman not to talk to him about these things.
I don’t think so… And he’s your kid… If your not comfortable with it then it shouldnt be happening.
I don’t see nothing wrong with explaining what cheating is.
I also don’t see anything wrong with explaining divorce, especially within the family.
I think it’s good that she having conversations with him and involving him rather than ignoring him….
Nope I’d allow it… all part of life
I think it’s not bad at all & atleast he will no why it is and hopefully choose not to cheat.
No more inappropriate than the twilight films themselves, which contain alot of violence and sexual references
Has she been cheated on it maybe stuck in her head or did your ex cheat on you with her he is 9 and can learn that stuff tbh its not brilliant to talk about she could tell him that he has to be a good men when hes older and be loyal seems like shes either got it in her head or is scared it will happen to her x
You sound triggered like you’re a cheater or something
At the end of the day love , she’s not talking to him about things that aren’t realistic or that don’t happen. Maybe tell the truth and admit you don’t want them to have a relationship
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it appropriate for my sons step mom to talk to him about cheating?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it appropriate for my sons step mom to talk to him about cheating?
It sounds like mom cheated and now wants to find something against step mom and worries she or dad might say too much.
If this is the worst thing she’s done, then I think she’s doing fine! She is in your kid’s life, and she needs to bond with them. I know that must be really hard for you, but it’s a good thing for your child. Pick your battles.
I think it would depend on how your son took it. If he just casually mentioned it to you and was unbothered, then why would it bother you?
I don’t see any red flags, the new wife was probably just making random conversation, it happens.
If it left your son feeling uncomfortable, then you should address it. If it didn’t it, I don’t think that “legally” you have the right to say anything in regards to how your son is parented when he’s with dad.
Maybe you should consider taking a step back and detaching a little bit for your sake. I know it sucks, but if hearing things that happen when your son is with dad is going to trigger you then it’s best for you to create healthy boundaries for yourself. Dad is there, it’s his time, it’s his rules, it’s his way. As long as your son is ok, there’s nothing that would justify you trying to get in the middle… unless it’s an issue for your son. Which, at that point, you should encourage your son to talk candidly with dad.
Why would she tell a 9 year old any of that shit?.. Why is she having adult conversations with a 9 year old… The child didn’t need to know that some actress cheated on her boyfriend that has nothing to do with his life… He also doesn’t need to know about someone getting a divorce when it’s not his parents… Step mom needs to keep adult conversations to the adults…
I am the step mom in my situation. And I talk to all of my children the same, bio or not. I try not to have adult conversations with my children, but being that I am step mom, they know that separation is a thing. And I personally would feel more comfortable explaining to my children “cheating” if it didn’t correlate to anyone they know.
I talk to my kid about stuff like that and she’s 8. I don’t see any reason to shelter her from stuff like that as long as the conversation isn’t used to bash their bio parent(s) in any way.
I don’t see a problem with it. Kids learn allot in school from friends. So chances are he already knows about both of them anyways even without you all talking to him. I guess it depends on what all she said. I’d not have a sex talk vs of cheating talk with a 9 year old. But teaching them proper basics. There’s nothing wrong with.
What I find funny about this is, women who complain about step parents doing this or saying that that their child, WOULD BE THE SAME WOMEN who would be PISSED if the same step parent didn’t include the step child on something, or treated the step child differently because they are the step child. Get over it, seriously. Unless the step mom is literally telling your child “your mom is not your mom, I am your mom” BE THANKFUL YOUR CHILD HAS ANOTHER PARENTAL FIGURE IN THEIR LIFE THAT LOVES THEM.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
I’m totally honest with kids. It’s not like she’s telling horrible personal stories about you or her. I had the divorce conversation early on because sadly it is a normal aspect of life. Kids have questions, I’d rather tell them the truth than leave them in the dark. Yes it’s weird that she went out of her way to tell him that about twilight, shit I didn’t even know that. But he probably didn’t care, at all, he’s a nine year old boy.
My daughter is 8 and overheard a story on the radio about someone having an affair. She asked.me what that meant and I was honest with her. I personally dont see an issue
My son is five and I speak to him honestly, within reason. I do not lie, and wouldn’t consider this inappropriate. If you can explain how a relationship works, you can also explain how certain actions hurt relationships. I would also explain that people who hurt people are hurting inside, AND that it doesn’t excuse the action. Teach empathy and boundaries. Everything in life has a lesson if you’re willing to be honest with your kids.
I used to work in an elementary school cafeteria. You’d be surprised the conversations that third graders have about so and so’s boyfriend “cheating” on her. I’m not sure they even know what it means to be honest.
Sounds like she was just talking in her home, I do that… just rant on about stupid stuff like that
…My 7 year old nephew could understand that concept. It’s really not a big deal… he’ll learn about it sooner or later and children are smarter than we give them credit for.
It’s fine lol, kids that age hear much worse at school. I know I did. & I’d personally rather raise my kids to be knowledgeable than sheltered. That’s a personal choice though.
I don’t see a problem with it. My daughter was pretty young when I explained to her about cheating and love (leaving out the sex stuff)
It seems inappropriate ; since it was not in the movie subject and the child wasn’t asking about this info……
personally I think she ( step mom) may have been “ triggered” by this movie to some previous trauma. Or she was being passive aggressive toward the father
Dad was there. I think you maybe sensitive to " stepmom" being in your sons life.
This is a non issue to get feathers riled up about.
He’s old enough and I’m sure he plays video games so he’s heard and seen worse
I talk to my nieces all the time about stuff like that, they’re 5 and 8. I think it’s never too young to talk about real life issues
Adult drama is not for children.
I wouldn’t feel great about it coming from a step parent (but that depends on the relationship. I’m a super hands on mama and although we’re super open, I like to be in control of the way my kids learn/hear things while they’re young) but if you’re worried about the conversations, have a chat with her about it. Open and honest communication is the foundations of great parenting - especially when multiple parental figures are involved
In my op, I feel like this is nothing to even worry about. Or even have a discussion about. She’s not telling them anything inappropriate or saying bad things about you. It has nothing to do with you. I’m just curious why you wondering so much about it almost like you have some sort of feelings toward the stepmom. Hmm?
I’m just saying because I have step son’s, and we have down to earth honest conversations about life and alot of things.
Definitely inappropriate. Unless it’s a situation happening in the family that cannot be avoided in front of him (he over heard and asked about it, he walked in on a parent kissing someone else etc) there is no need to bring any of this up to a kid, especially when they’re not your kid.
I think since dad was there and didn’t have a problem with it then it must’ve been on his level. It’s hard to find out someone else is having these talks with your children. She didn’t just bring it up without a reason. They were watching a movie that relates. It could’ve been so much worse than this. Maybe you should ask them to leave real life occurrence talks for you to have with him. I wouldn’t make a huge fuss over it. I can absolutely understand that it upset you. I just feel like it was probably a passing conversation. Nothing bad meant from it. It’s good to know he’s got a step mom That’s active in his life. Befriend her so she knows where you draw the lines.
Bigger picture: I think you’re trying to find something to attack your sons step mother with
I have always been straight up with my kids about everything…no matter what it was…let me tell u how much that helped me now that I have 3 high schoolers…they talk to me…and I mean actually ask me questions and know that I’m there for them and will be honest even if its a hard truth… I think they will be much better prepared for life this way and they will also know I will always be there no matter what… That being said we all parent differently… It’s just what you decide is best for you and your child.
Sounds to me like mom is grasping at straws trying to find something to be upset about. Come on.
It’s real life stuff. I’m sure he knows about divorce since you and his father aren’t together. The cheating bit can be explained in an age appropriate way. I have a 9 year old and I can guarantee she knows what cheating is but it’s been explained in an appropriate way. It comes up in movies, music and real life. They ask questions at this age so instead of hiding it just tell them in a way that is appropriate.
He’s your son. If it makes you uncomfortable for her to be talking about certain things, have a conversation with her and let her know how you fell about it. Y’all are a team raising that young man.
We have to teach our kids real world situations that happen in everyday life I feel like. They might not be able to fully mentally grasp it but they will one day! And the “stepparent” part shouldn’t have anything to do with it my child has a wonderful step parent and I expect her to teach him or talk to him about real life things.
Childhood should be a magical time, they can start to learn how to deal with grown upshit when they become teenagers xx
If dad was there and didn’t see a problem then there isn’t a problem . Unless your child is being put in danger or being Mistreated then it up to the other parent. Yes I’m a stepmother for 9 years and my kids also have a stepmother. Choose your battles wisely.
What’s inappropriate is your son watching twilight not the conversation.
Did your ex cheated with stepmom? Maybe she is trying to soothe her conscience.
Tbh yeah, it’s a little odd to talk about with a child that age, especially since he never asked about it or pointed it out
Welcome to real life situations
Well when my daughter was 10 she said she had a boyfriend at school lol… and few months later she said they were no longer dating because he cheated on her with another girl … kids are not stupid these days
Is the issue the content of the conversation or that you feel threatened by the step mother’s relationship with your children and you are trying to control that by nitpicking? Therein lies the difference.
You’re the mom if you think it’s inappropriate that’s all that matters.
No i dont think she did anything wrong. Yall overreacting
I mean my son is 7 almost 8. If he asks we discuss everything. We have had a cheating talk already. His response was “hmmm” BC it’s irrelevant to him he just likes his knowledge.
I wouldn’t throw it on the table like a discussion about Santa though.
Cause at 9 they are supposed to be hidden from reality? Lol…
Just general conversation and information thou isn’t it really she could be telling his dad and him be sitting next to them and listening if he didn’t learn what cheating was he’d of just learnt it somewhere else I don’t see a problem with it
Parents get mad at step parents for breathing
My sister in law told my daughter Santa clause wasn’t real while babysitting. She was 4. Let the parents have the conversations out of courtesy…
***but I wouldn’t raise a fuss over it. Talk to your son as much or more… and you’ll have your foundation placed regardless of “outside information”.
I think it’s the moms discretion… problem with coparenting is that not all moms have the same parenting style. Some moms overshelter and others overexpose. Finding the balance is key. If you feel it’s inappropriate for your child, chat to the step mom. Ask her to just be a bit more discrete with your son until he becomes a teen perhaps? I don’t know… we come from a generation of being oversheltered, sometimes its better to introduce these things with age appropriate words… but my kid is only 2.5 so what do I know. It does seem a bit unnecessary to talk about celebrity gossip. Maybe she meant no harm, trying to treat him a bit more mature than he is maybe?
It’s not really an inappropriate conversation. Lots of kids find out about those things while their parents get divorced.