Is it appropriate for my sons step mom to talk to him about cheating?

Your son just turned nine and she’s talking to him about cheating what the hell is wrong with her She’s out of her mind


So youre obviously split from his dad. So he knows about divorce/separation already. Your problem seems to be more so that you’re bothered they have a relationship and speak openly.


Dear God you guys worry about what your exes girl is talking about but don’t care what your kids are finding online… You are not raising children for the world we were born into.

Worry about getting your kid prepared for real life.

You can’t protect your kids but you can teach them to protect themselves. Kids in china are learning more by the age of ten than most graduated adults in the united states.

P.s. if he’s watching twilight
I think what the girlfriend is doing is besides the point

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I do agree that it seems a bit extreme to be talking to a 9-year-old about people’s relationships. At 9 years old they’re focus should be different. It’s not like he asked about it. Especially if the conversation about the birds and the bees hadn’t been brought up yet. There are just aspects of life that children just don’t have to know. Now if he was about 13 years old 14 then I would say it’s okay if she brought it up. But at 9 years old even though kids are smarter than we think they have to know that there are boundaries and people’s relationships is it something that should be brought up randomly by another adult. Whether or not it’s about somebody’s real life some things aren’t even our business. One way to look at it is it’s just teaching him to gossip. She has her nose where it really doesn’t belong LOL. It would be different if she was trying to help teach him to be with just one person that you’re with, because those are things that parents don’t teach kids. They expect them to automatically know this. Parents don’t teach their children as you grow up to start relationships don’t hop from one girl to the next. Father is definitely don’t teach this because, l well, you know. How does the father feel about it? Obviously he has no problem because he hasn’t said anything. I’m going to sound a little bit like I’m contradicting myself but as another commenter said, you have to pick your battles. She’s probably said that much or worse when you’re not around, and it’s already in his head now. I was just mention it to the father and tell him how you feel and just let it go.

A divorce isn’t a dirty word. Cheating happens. Shielding them from real life makes them susceptible to experiencing these things without knowing what they are or being prepared.

It’s cool if you wanna shield your child from EVERYTHING, but not everyone else will respect your wishes. Nor do you have the right to ask a random stranger (for incident) to not teach your child that because you don’t believe in it. Your child will grow up, they will need to understand things. Maybe instead of holding your child back, you show him that’s life, sometimes those things happen.

Conversations should be age appropriate. Was she answering questions?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it appropriate for my sons step mom to talk to him about cheating?

Absolutely old enough

So its ok for your son to watch twilight which has sex monsters violence etc (much of it toned down) but a conversation with a boring middle aged woman about problems a child gives no shits about, is just far too inappropriate. Sounds like someone’s being a controlling mommy, luckily that totally wont statistically end up horrible…

I will draw a custom yellow cartoon character FAMILY portrait inbox me

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I think you’re fishing

Kids are aware of more than we give them credit for. I don’t think it was inappropriate. I think it’s time he starts hearing these things from the adults closest to him so he doesn’t get false information!

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Yes, it is appropriate.

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No not appropriate at all.

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I feel when these touchy subjects are explained to a child of this age range it should be explained a little more to let them know cheating is hurting another person and it is not truthful. And to reassure the child understands that people sometimes separate due to a number of reasons but it is healthy to do so when adults need time outs from one another and when they no longer can be health around one another. The personal family divorce situation I feel is not a conversation to have around anyone but for the two adults to discuss in their own time. If the child questions the situation then I feel it’s a prompt to explain, otherwise it may worry the child they may not understand what is means or why completely and could cause many questions to come that are not a child’s concern of that age. It more dramatic I feel and is a little traumatic sometimes or a bug quick change that should be explained or spoken about at the right times when brought up. Talking about a movie and relating it to life is not bad though if done PG explanations.

Come on if you don’t speak real life to ya kids there not gna no anything my kids I tell them real life things they ask me and I tell them the truth there only going to look it up or ask some one else

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Kids are curious it may have been talked about and she filled in blanks of his questions at the time …

You’re really mad about someone explaining this :rofl: using twilight as a reference :rofl::rofl:

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I see no issue here at all. It sounds more like you have an issue with the step mother…besides, these are real world things. It’s not like they aren’t appropriate, and he’s NINE. It’s not like he’s too young to know these things. NOT TO MENTION, didn’t you get a divorce? Hense, the step mom? He’s already seeing and living that because of you and your ex. What does it matter if his step mom tells him about her sister? His step mom is his family too now, whether you want her to be or not.


What’s the big deal here?

Those are life things. I think it would depend on the extent

A era ago this wpuld be too to young. Im in my early 20s and agree its way off point the hoe should talk to her own kids bout cheating period def not a good convo to hashout with a damn kid.

My at the time 9 year old has had questions I believe its important to be honest with them if they ask.

I’m sorry but you sound kinda petty


Certain conversation shouldn’t involve kids. Talking about bella and Edward I wouldn’t really have a problem about. But family issues need to stay with adults.


Cut the cord, already :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t4:

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9 isn’t to young at all.

You really need a hobby


She should be able to talk to him about whatever she and HIS FATHER decide are appropriate while they have him. Mind ya business.

I don’t see anything wrong with it. I talk to my daughter about stuff like that and she’s younger. It’s things that they’re going to hear about out in the real world so they may as well learn about it from parental figures.

I think it depends on their maturity level. Each child is different …

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What was the take home message for your child- from their perspective? It opens the door for conversations that you can have with your child. Maybe your child brought up a question first??

I agree with you. Thats too young to discuss these matters.

Woman those are all parts of life be happy he had someone to explain those things now so he’s not clueless to the happenings in the world around him… U being petty

What if he came home and said his best friends parents are going through a divorce u gonna tell him what then… He’s not to young and knowing what going through a divorce means can help him be a better friend knowing whats going on being he will be faced with it in some way shape or form

My kids knew all that stuff way before 9. Cant protect them from reality forever. I personally dont think that’s a big deal but I’m not really a helicopter mom. Idk I guess it depends on how your son took it. Was he traumatized or was he like well ok whatever. That’s how my kids were. Didn’t really phase them.

I think it’s inappropriate. Your son is not mature enough to understand it.

If you’ve set your foundation based on truth and honesty with step children. They will always know they will get truth from you not stories or excuses. I’ve always been straight up with my step children and they appreciate that no matter what they will always get truth from me.

You should of heard some of the questions my son has asked me from the age of 7. Would make your toes curl. But it’s good to give straight answers.

It sounds like an appropriate conversation. 9 yo are very smart and reasonable people who need to know about things like relationships, periods, the birds & the bees, etc.
I’m surprised the mom never talked to him about serious life topics.

I think it’s fine. Your kid is 9 and you need to let him learn about life.

The child is 9. Nothing inappropriate was said. I assure you they’ve seen and heard worse on TV and at school.

Find out the true content of the conversation. Not all kids are honest & have a tendency to embellish stories especially with stepparents.

I’m merely speaking from experience and from raising two step children. Let’s just say we had many conversations on lying to benefit their alternative motive.

This day and age, if they ask why not tell them? 9 years old is old enough to hear and understand things. Would you rather them hear it from another kid or an adult?

I bet your 9 year old knows more about sex/relationships than you’d care to think.

Here’s the biggest thing. IF ITS THAT DAMN MUCH OF A PROBLEM GET OFF THE DAMN INTERNET PICK UP THE DAMN PHONE AND HAVE AN ADULT CONVERSATION. Don’t come crying to fb for advice if you aren’t going to want to opinion of a million ppl. First off your an adult and know how to have an adult conversation and clearly it bothered you enough to bring it to the internet but not to the other parent. This is what’s wrong with ppl today

To be honest, it seems strange to me for people to shelter their children to a point that once it’s time to actually need to know certain things (or be expected to) , they are ignorant.
For example, my son is 8 (9 in October)
And he is ONE HUNDRED percent cool talking about topics, such as the menstrual cycle.
Kids. Are. Humans.
Tell them truths.
Teach them about autonomy.
Help them develop, instead of limiting their knowledge.

Another thing— You DO realize that kids HAVE divorced parents…right???
Imagine a kid in this situation talking to your son & him not knowing wtf they are talking about & learning it that way.

Own up to the responsibilities of parenthood… Which includes caring for and teaching a child so that they develop into a functional adult.

It’s real life. Can’t protect them forever. Within reason. It’s not like she’s talking about inappropriate topics

:roll_eyes: this is not a thing to be making an issue

I’m sorry…… WHAT?!?!

I think she is fine. I personal think us parents (step included) should be the one to teach our kids about the real world rather than them looking it up or learning from peers. As long as she is giving him age appropriate information and isn’t harping on it. Tbh i think it is good for kids to see sometimes people split and it has nothing to do with kids. Sometimes kids blame themselves for their parents divorce. I am sure if the dad thought it was inappropriate he would of said something to her.


As a mother yes I do think this is inappropriate. I’m sorry but imo talking real life with kids doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to expose children to adult situations and talk to them about adult related topics. Like seriously why would a 9yo need to know about relationship infidelity unless you plan on letting your kid start dating soon after? Honestly that’s an easy way to oversexualize your children and cause them to grow up too fast ime… Your childhood is literally only 15 to 18 years… then you’ve got the next 40 to 60 years adulting, let kids be kids! Stop pumping their heads full of adult drama and garbage and let them remain innocent as long as possible, otherwise you end up seeing the psychological damage that it can cause… I speak from first-hand experience too.

I agree with you mama