Well… At 5 years old kids are being talked to about changing there sex… Some are even being coached about it. It’s supposed to b ok with whatever they want to do… So what’s the difference ??? And don’t blow up my page because you don’t like what is said… Yeah I said it !!!
If he watches TV or YouTube or…anything on a screen ever - he has already heard that term and probably has the gist of it
There are way worse things to talk about to/around kids. Cheating is hardly something to get your panties in a twist about. Sound like you are just fishing for things to complain about. Pick your battles better.
They might as well give your 9 year old the sex talk while they’re at it. Smh
I assume she’s an adolescent with no children.
Bro you sound mad about this woman talking to your son. Literally chill the fuck out
There are FAR more inappropriate conversations to be having with a 9 year old
Kristen Stewart had an affair with the director of Snow White and the huntsman, come on GMA, get it right
But at 9, it’s a weirdo convo. I don’t know, I’m on of those who just talks and talks about random things.
I mean, if he asked, why not? Not enough boys are taught that cheating is wrong.
I see nothing wrong with what she did but also my 9 yr old understands this stuff
Yes? It’s apart of what they were talking about.
The kid just wanted the tea If he has a step mom then he already knows about divorce? Do you just not like this lady
lol relax. theres no reason to be triggered by this. stop trying to find excuses to cause troubles. hes 9 not 5
That’s just weird to do. Like I wouldn’t talk to my own kid like that
Silliest post I’ve read in a while
I don’t see an issue
I don’t see the problem…
I dont think it’s a big deal, it just thing that happen in life
Its just discussion
It’s not a big deal! Jeeze.
Lol don’t be so salty
Ummm…that is just a normal convo.
Is this really that big of a deal ??
I see nothing wrong with it
I don’t think it matters
… ma’am I think you’re just reaching for something to complain about…
Not really a huge deal to me
I see nothing wrong with these conversations.
Your grabbing at staws I’d say.
I dont think its a big deal
Is this a real question?
There shouldn’t be an issue…
Ummmmm NO:bangbang: Def NOT age appropriate convos for a 9yo!
I don’t think it is appropriate.
I don’t see anything wrong with it. But that’s me
Honesty is always the best policy, IMO. Follow up questions might happen, but you can have those talks.
I cant with this
Or we can simply start educating:sparkles: our kids on REAL life and coping mechanisms:sparkles: but like
She needs some friends lmao
Sound like she’s just having a convo with somebody and he’s just there…
this is the dumbest thing ive ever read.
It’s not inappropriate.
Good lord.
That’s just my opinion .
Yes that’s really odd
Nah I’d be fuming tbh
I think that’s too young
As long as she’s looking after your child and he’s happy , fed etc I don’t see a problem.
Its life! Shit happens dont pretend it doesnt. Too many parents try to protect their kids from reality when in reality you need to prepare them. Your kids are gonna learn alot of stuff from tv, internet, school, hearing others convos in public. Why lie just explain and teach them right from wrong.
Well I mean you’re clearly not with your son’s father so I don’t think divorce/splitting up is something he’s oblivious to. Maybe not the cheating details but divorce is normal these days.
I talk real life with my kids. My girls are older, but my son just turned 9. I don’t think that was too much info. The things he hears at daycare or on the bus are worse.
Maybe she is teaching him to respect the person you love. Like telling him not to cheat on his future girlfriends , my son just turned 9 and he thinks marriage is forever but I’ve already told him that if you love someone you respect them and dont cheat. Sometimes marriages do break up but those are later adult convos with him, not right now
I have to say it’s a good thing. Teaching our children is never ending. You will be surprised how much kids already know that you think they don’t know about.
Wait until you hear what their friends tell them at school
Don’t be angry be grateful
I think you need to choose your battles when raising a child in two homes. His stepmother talking real life with him should not be an issue, he’s 9 years old he’s not too young for real world conversations.
You’re his mother. If you feel something should not be discussed or done with your son then speak up and tell the person not to do it. You are right in this case. She needs to have age appropriate conversations with your son. Talking about adult topics to children is poor parenting.
If he asked about it. I don’t see a problem but if she just brought it up out of nowhere, I’d be a little upset but to enough to bring to fb
Kids know more than we think they do if we talk to them about real life things they are more likely to be open to talking to us about it. Sounds like they could have a good relationship and I hope you are embracing it. It’s really not a controversial or inappropriate topic in my eyes
Honestly kids are dating earlier and earlier. I dont think its a bad thing by no means as long as she is keep details of what it neans to cheat pg13. I have a daughter who justed 8 and she understands what it is.
I’m not seeing the problem here honestly. Maybe she’s trying to teach him that cheating is not ok and how bad it hurts the other person. My son is 10 and my daughter is 12 I talk to them about life situations except the adult inappropriate stuff if you know what I mean… my son is 10yrs old he’s had the same girlfriend since he was 9yrs old and he treats her with respect and how she deserves to be treated. My son seen how many times his dad cheated on me and how bad it hurt me, it taught him to not follow in those footsteps an hurt the one he cares about. I mean your son is 9 pretty soon he may find himself a girlfriend an needs to know cheating is not ok
I’m honest with my step son and my boys about anything they ask. I don’t sugarcoat or placate. The truth is the truth in our house. I would be way more salty she was watching that crap with my kid at 9 and the really inappropriate demonstration of a relationship it shows than if she talked about real world issues.
She needs a friend her age. She’s talking to him like he’s an adult. I don’t think it’s appropriate
Marriage and cheating is real life stuff. Theres a way to go about it but I think kids need to know about this stuff
I don’t see the issue with it. She didn’t get very detailed. Maybe she told your son about the divorce since the soon to be ex brother-in-law probably won’t be around much.
I talk to my kids like I don’t underestimate their understanding of stuff going on around them. I have a 12, 8, and 5 year old and I tell the two older boys a lot. It’s made them more understanding of other household situations like why some kids only have a mom or some only have a dad. Some have two moms or two dads. Some have 4 parents including step. They know a lot more than we think sometimes and I wish my parents would have explained more to me at that age. You’re not doing them any favors by sugarcoating stuff.
Maybe if HE’D asked what it means to cheat…then it wouldn’t be too bad…but just telling him…its just not conversation material for children…imo
I think that children should learn about these things. Maybe they could rephrase the situation and say something like “ well they made a bad choice so they decided that not being together was what was best for them. And that’s okay”
Kids in this day and age hear and see a lot more than we did as children. My personal feeling is that it’s better to be explain by an adult than another child that also doesn’t understand what it means. Maybe she’s just trying to keep the lines of communication open so that later on the child feels more comfortable about discussing bigger issues.
Your going over the top in my opinion. Maybe it’s good to teach them at around that age that cheating is bad etc maybe he will respect a girl once he starts dating
As I said in another group you posted this in I’ve had to explain divorce, cheating etc to my kids because they heard it in tv or a family member said something. It’s not inappropriate to talk about it, to know what it is, if anything I find my kids are more well adjusted to the real world and real conversations around them without cutting people off or asking questions. It depends on how you explain it. My 5 year was explained cheating as someone liking someone else more but not telling you. My 8 year old knows cheating as a married person is in loving someone else that their not married too without the person their married to knowing. I also explained how cheating on a test is different than cheating while married. I may be the odd one out of this group but my kids also knows what consent, abuse, and suicide is because as much as I’ve tried to shield them a little girl got raped in grade 3 at my daughters school, she tried killing herself at school weeks later. I taught my kids because one day they might be the help someone needs.
I talk to my child as if she’s my age -obviously to an extent- cause I want her to learn about life. It’s a teaching oppertunity
Always keep it real. Depending on the age depends on the graphic and the detail of the answer. I see no harm in what she said, maybe the child was asking questions and she tried to give an example to help him understand. Who knows.
We don’t have a lot of facts about the situation that happened, but coming from someone whose been cheated and lied too, I’ve made it my duty to tell me kids and step kids how wrong cheating is and the affects it has in others since they were about 6 or 7, I see nothing wrong with it either. But if it’s a big deal to you than just have a grown up talk with the step mom, tell her your not comfortable with what’s being discussed with your kiddo.
Cracking up first thing I read on Facebook if you only heard the stuff 9-10 year olds hears at school:laughing: I have a 10 year nephew who’s a really good kid but the things he hears at school you aren’t ready momma
Those are just facts of life. I have a 9 year old and I really don’t understand the problem here.
Idk I feel like having those conversations at a young age and how cheating isn’t okay is fine. But I feel like that should have been the mothers/fathers place. Not the step mom. I feel like kids today are too sheltered and need to know about the “real world” and what things are okay and not okay.
I feel like if he brought it up or she maybe noticed or thought he might percieve cheating as ok. My son is 8 and there are certain touchy subjects that come up i just try to make them as child and age appropriate as possible …
But if she’s maybe going out of her way often to have these more complex conversations with him , bring it up to her…
Are you serious? Who cares? You need to pick your battles because that’s petty
Why not?
This is not the 1950s.
Today’s kids are sexually active at a VERY EARLY age.
If the kid is not interested he will either say so or just ignore the information given.
In today’s world it is NEVER TOO EARLY to teach life lessons , of any kind.
I don’t think a 9 year old should have to worry about that kind of stuff.
My son is only 2, but I would say that is stepping a line. There is no reason to put that subject in his head.
I don’t think it would make me mad, it would make me give that person a wth face.
I don’t see the issue. The world teaches our kids more things than you know. You’d be surprised all of the things they hear and learn from other kids at school let it go.
The divorce I dont see why that’s his concern but to teach him how people can be to one another an not to put up with it I dont see nothing wrong with that. You wouldn’t want him to grow up to be that type a man nor for women to do that to him. Not many years left before he’ll be intrested in females. I dont believe in sugar coating anything an letting them know young how messed up people can be an what this world really is like. That’s me tho. If you shelter them they fall to anything or dont understand how to handle certain things in life.
I’m not seeing the issue. My daughter is 8… and I have real life talks with her. like I don’t think cheating is out of line to talk about at that age.
That’s really your call to say what’s in appropriate you shouldn’t have to ask such a question your the mom you make it clear to her and your ex what you expect and go from there
I mean that’s real life talk. I understand your prospective it wouldn’t have been information I just offered up. But honestly there are worse topics
I think it’s ok. That stuff happens alot. If kids are aware of it maybe they wont ever cheat or stay when being cheated on
You’re okay with the 9 year old watching Twilight. Not okay with a conversation about reality.
If he asked, that’s one thing, but to just lay out this info is evil.
I don’t think any of this is a big deal. A 9 year old is plenty old enough for conversations like this. 9 years is old enough to have had a discussion about the birds and the bees , girls can already have their periods by then. No big deal to me
Sounds like she trying to ease her conscience.
Unnecessary sure…inappropriate is probably a stretch though
Thts a baby! That conversation isn’t meant for a child.
I am transparent with my kids. My 4 year old knows about death, religion, relationships, sex, pregnancy and the differences in male and female bodies, space and planets, he knows about p much everyyyything. He is curious and asks and he understands very well.
Gossiping with a 9 yr old. Kinda odd if you ask me.
No problem at all in my opinion. My son has watched then5 Twilight films and has asked me if Kirsten Stewart and Robert Pattinson have dated in real life and I said yes that was until she cheated. My son’s response was that sucks and we continued to watch the films
I feel like there are way worse conversations that she could be having. There’s nothing wrong with knowing what cheating and divorce are. Lots of children do. You’d be surprised what your 9 year old already knows just from tv and kids at school
That’s not good he’s to small
Ummm this is hilarious does anyone have a 9 year old??? Do you know how many questions they ask WILLINGLY???! Y’all crack me up. The kid more than likely brought up the question why?? Does anyone want to guess she just didn’t tip toe around it? She didn’t say he fucked someone my god. These kids and anyone who agrees with this mother are doomed. The real world doesn’t wait for your kids to decide when to grow up. They can still be kids and know things people
Olympics needs to go away. Imo
She’s just being real.
Why would you hide things like that and keep him uneducated, and feeling isolated and unable to understand and function in life? Coddling children is why we have a generation that can’t handle adulting or real life. There are correct ways to discuss these things for his age; but hiding it from him, over-protecting him, and coddling him by raising him in a happy little bubble will NOT set him up to handle real life as he gets older. Quit “protecting” him like he is a fragile little doll since you will only make life much harder for him by doing that bs.
No. Adult conversation.