Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it bad for your SO to "like" other women's pictures?
Now reverse this question onto a woman liking another man’s picture and tell me if you’re answers change men think other women are hot big deal! Women think other men are good looking also?
Not at all, it’s just a photo
It depends on the picture I guess
If there’s trust in the relationship it shouldn’t be a problem
If my husband liked another women’s photos it wouldn’t bother me (as long as said women wasn’t half dressed like she’s off to work in a strip club) if it’s a going out photo to celebrate birthday ect or weight loss then fair enough I’d be glad he’s my husband and notices others achievements ect. So based of your question I don’t think anyone can say yes or no as for me it depends on the reason and photo. X
Depends on the situation surrounding it.
I think it’s ok to feel whatever you feel! But it should be justified in order for it to be a problem like having cheated before, not judged on past relationships. I also think there’s no relationship without trust!
Without knowing the full story can’t properly comment but if it’s just friends posts etc I don’t see a problem with him liking them.
Eh it doesn’t bother me, but for most people I’d say it depends on the context. Are they friends? Is the picture objectively a nice picture? Is it something he is specifically interested in? It’s normal for people of any gender to like photos their friends post, photos that are objectively nice, or photos that relate to their specific interests. So if my partner is liking pictures of his best friend, pictures of cute animals, or pictures involving coffee and/or penknives I’m cool with that. If he was specifically only liking pictures of naked women, that might prompt a conversation about how objectifying women isn’t okay.
Is it OK for you to like men’s pictures?
It depends on the boundaries of your relationship and everyone’s are different, so it’s a personal thing that no one else can decide for you xxx
I don’t know how to say this without sounding something close to a dick
If your partner liking other women’s pictures is an issue for you, you probably have self esteem issues and are projecting that onto your partner which you need to address.
I’m going to use an odd analogy, bear with me
You like cheese. Your favourite cheese is cheddar, but you like brie and emmental and Stilton from time to time too. That doesn’t mean you like cheddar any less as your favourite cheese
You’re your partners cheddar. Just because they occasionally likes Stilton (other women’s pictures) doesn’t mean they suddenly hate cheddar (you)
You need to ask yourself what about your partner liking others women’s photos you don’t like?
What emotions does that trigger for you? You might want to look into the emotions wheel (I got given a copy in therapy to help me pinpoint exactly how I’m feeling) because it’s not healthy or attractive to try and force restrictions on their online behaviour because they’re just going to do it anyway just on hidden accounts you don’t know about they have blocked you on
If your partner cares about you, they care about you regardless of how they interact with others online. If they’re going to be unfaithful they’re going to be unfaithful regardless of liking others’ pictures and if they are, that’s never your fault and it doesn’t make you less of a person. That’s a decision they made. You didn’t do wrong by not being/doing a certain way/thing
Seems like you’re projecting many insecurities onto your partner and relationship. Liking someones photo is no big deal (regardless of the pic) and you need to examine why you have a issue with it. That’s your responsibility to work through
You either trust your partner or you don’t. If you don’t, then why are you with them? If you do, there’s no issue so get over it
It’s A Photo. Get Over Yourself.
He’s not liking it because he likes her jeans tho is he…
Depends on the boundaries of your own relationship, don’t listen to all these girls saying it’s just a photo blah blah. It’s YOUR relationship and sometimes that can really hurt or make you insecure especially if there’s reasons behind who the girl is ect… I think you need to talk to him and open up about why it upsets you and just let him know. Then see how he reacts, if he still does it that’s shitty but he may be a lot more aware after a convo!
A lot of missing info here. We don’t know if there’s any history of cheating to make her feel insecure which definitely makes it a trust issue. If not then I’d think about what’s making you feel insecure about it. It shouldn’t really be a problem (if it’s just a normal photo) as why can’t men have female friends?
It’s a respect thing. Can’t believe so many people on here are being rude and telling you to get over it. I’m petty tho so i’d say dress super cute like the pics of the women he likes and post them on social media for men to like so he can see how it feels
Window shopping is fine along you don’t buy anything
That sounds like a you problem not theirs.
I cant deal with some of these questions… people can have friends of the opposite sex… liking a photo is ok… please will people work on insecurities before getting into relationships cause ffs
Just a picture in my eyes
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it bad for your SO to "like" other women's pictures?
I don’t think it’s a big deal, but also depends on some context. With that said, there have been times I’ve been insecure of the types of posts by beautiful women he has liked but that’s stemming from my own insecurities. I “like” lots of men’s posts for one reason or another and it’s not that deep, so I don’t think it’s fair to be harsh on my man about it. We both appreciate the attractiveness in others. We’ve had discussions though about this topic. I’d bring it up to your SO and be honest about how it makes you feel. Some things are ok in some relationships that aren’t ok in others.
If it is their friend then why not. Appreciate other women. If a woman is killin it the give her the positivity she deserves. I see it as supporting women. My hubby and I trust and love each other. If I see a man or he sees a woman doing their best we will compliment them. We feel there is not enough love spread in the world.
The way I see it is if you freak out about your significant other liking something there is a deeper issue that needs to be resolved. There is so much hate in the world we deserve to support humans!
My partner and I both came from relationships where we were cheated on, and it’s taken both of us about 6yrs to get over the jealousy and anxiety of being “replaced” with a newer model. It’s completely up to you how you handle it… but I’d think you wouldn’t be posting this if you didn’t already have your suspicion s
I only brought up an issue with it when I noticed him liking one specific girls pictures ( she was dressed very provocatively in all of them) this got to me because he never likes pictures barely even likes mine so I brought it up and told him I was uncomfortable especially after he admitted he had asked her on a date in the beginning of the year and she declined I told him to me since you have shown interest in this girl it feels as though you are giving her attention and entertaining her with time that should go to me instead and he after coming to terms with it and agreeing deleted her , after that I’m scared when I see him like any girls pics unless it’s specific people , I trust him I just don’t trust them
I think each person/relationsip is different so a generic yes or no doesn’t really apply here, I am personally of the mind where “it doesn’t matter where he gets his appetite as long as he eats at home” - but I can be comfortable and confident in that because he never makes me feel insecure or question his attraction and dedication to me. To each their own
Everyone’s relationship is different. I wouldn’t like it but there are some females that don’t mind because it’s just a pic. Expectations should be discussed between both.
It’s one thing to “like” it. If he’s commenting inappropriate things,that amps it up. But im comfortable enough with my relationship to know he’s not going anywhere. I think it’s all about the level of trust in that relationship
I guess it depends on the context. If a friend of mine posted a picture on insta or FB I’d like it without even thinking really. Regardless if they’re male or female
If its just a random woman i could care less. Its natural for people to look. If its contstantly the same woman with stupid selfies that dont deserve liking all the time that may raise a red flag as theres nothing to like about those.
It really just depends on the picture! If it’s a family picture at the beach or on a vacation, that’s okay but if the girl is single and takes a half naked picture and post it on Facebook or Instagram, I’m saying something! Idc! There is no reason for him to be liking those kinds of pictures! I don’t like men’s pictures on here and I expect him to do the same and not like some hoochies pictures!
Nope I point out beautiful women to my bf. I don’t think it’s a big deal. His 4 closest friends are female. They are all Bold Beautiful women and are some of my favorite humans.
I guess it depends really… if he’s only liking half naked or provocative photos then I’d have a problem with it. On the other hand if it’s just regular photos then I don’t care.
It depends on how YOU feel about it. Some women are completely fine with it. Some women aren’t.
If it bothers you, talk to him and express why.
He don’t want to die today. But seriously, if it’s just a normal picture, then fine, but if she’s half naked, being a ho pic, then we gonna have a problem.
It depends on who the guy is. There are some that are genuine and then there are the other ones! Every woman that gets upset most likely has a reason!
i could honestly not care any less about it but we have been together for ever and a day and neither of us are insecure people. We both value loyalty so it’s just a non-issue.
It only bothered me when he was loving all this one woman’s photos along with telling her how beautiful she was when he couldn’t do the same for me and I’m his wife🙄 So I had a little chat with him about that because to me as a woman as his wife, it hurt and was so focused on boosting her confidence he couldn’t do that for me. So after that chat I had, he turned it around. I don’t care if he likes or loves another woman’s photos, it’s when he started commenting how beautiful she was and wanted to continue boosting her confidence when he wasn’t doing that to me. But we are over and past that.
Go and like some guy pics that he can see and see what or if he does anything…if not then there is no feelings if so he’s a control freak & probably unfortunately cheating and if he can do it so can you! Might not be fair or 2 wrongs don’t make a right but these men out here need to be treated how they treat us cuz the cheating is just bullshit.
I hope all goes well
Nope. Doesn’t bother me at all. Just like it doesn’t bother me when he goes to the strip club or even watches porn. I don’t see a reason to tell my spouse what he is allowed to like and not like. I also trust my partner. If I didn’t we wouldn’t be together.
I dont care either way. I dont even know if he is liking other women’s pictures. We respect each other, trust one another, and leave our phones unlocked.
The only thing that matters is how you feel about it. You know how you’re relationship is and has been. If you feel It’s inappropriate, tell him so. I don’t see the big deal about it. That’s my feelings. If I did, my man wouldn’t do it. He respects my feelings like that. That’s how relationships work. Remember though, It’s tit for tat.
Honestly who cares what anyone else thinks. If it makes you feel some type of way then it makes you feel some type of way. You’re allowed to have your emotions whether ppl agree with it or not
No issue as long as it’s My Momma or his Momma …
Depends on the meaning behind it. I don’t like women being looked at as a piece of meat, so if it’s that kind of like then I’d have an issue with it. If it was a wholesome post, I’d love that my guy liked it.
everyone is different, it’s entirely up to you and how YOU feel about it. I personally feel a bit uncomfortable, but I don’t think it’s “wrong” per se. If anything inappropriate happened between them and that other girl, then yes, I wouldn’t condone it.
I don’t see any problems with it, it’s all in your self esteem and confidence, and if he’s given a reason to be insecure honestly.
If you’re genuinely that uncomfortable by your partner liking another person’s photo I personally believe you shouldn’t be with that person. If your person doesn’t make you feel like you’re their number one, leave them.
If something as little as liking someone else’s photo is what’s gonna rock your relationship sounds like it wasn’t built on much to begin with.
They have to have a life too I get it it definitely can upset you but understand that they live one life as long as they’re not doing anything let them like a pic. It makes them feel good …
If you guys are just people watching and can speak freely then that may make sense for it not to be offensive but if not, I’m sure it would make another person feel uncomfortable so if it does, I would make that known and see how if he will be mindful of you and your expression
Starts with liking other females pictures then they start having video sex then getting blackmailed for $ or they will post the video! It never stops just leave now.
Or maybe that’s just my situation…haha nothing good comes from it
Clearly it makes you feel insecure in some way, or you wouldn’t be asking yourself or anyone else. But if it were my husband, it would depend on if it were someone he could actually talk to or not, or how frequent it was happening. If he’s going around like everyone’s photos with their ass and tits hanging out, then yes, I’d definitely be upset.
Mine doesn’t even like my pics🙃his social media hasn’t changed in over 7 years, he uses it to check on family only. I think it would depend on how he knew the girl in the pic. I would be fine with friends or relatives
I’d be a bit upset. I’m sure he wouldn’t appreciate you liking other men’s pictures.
My ex did it for like 3 years we are still talking and he does it still. Even after he carrys on about my photos but likes way worse half naked ones. Lol plus theres no trust there so yeah it sucks but an ex for a reason i guess.
I love my guy friends. I heart their pictures, tell them I love them, hug them and everything else. My spouse doesn’t have a problem with it. He knows who they are though and he supports whatever decisions I make. It’s about trust in your relationship and communicating with each other. I didn’t have a loving child hood growing up so when I find someone important to me I express my feelings towards those people. He however won’t put any females on his social media even though I’ve tried to get him to. Even mutual friends so we can see the same things and know what’s going on with our friends and family. So I don’t have to worry about it. The only thing that bothers me is when he’s deployed for so long and I can’t see or talk to him for long periods of time. I know he’s working but it still stinks. Lol
To me it’s not a big deal as long as he not leaving inappropriate comments under that pics or messaging them explicit stuff. He just likes the pics and moves on. I trust him so I have never felt threatened by anything he does
There’s no issue if you trust your partner. If it’s just liking the picture there’s nothing wrong with it. Unless he’s liking every single one of their pictures, that’s kind of an issue
No as long as it stops there. Admiring someone of the opposite sex isn’t a crime if that’s all you’re doing.
Just dumped my man of 6 yrs who I was ingaged to n have a kid with for that reason if he wants to act single n lust after other woman then he can be single it not ok with me he wouldn’t like me doing it so why should it be ok for him big hell no for me .
I would need more details of the circumstance. If the picture was a sexy pose or she scantily dressed, I think that might be inappropriate for him to click “like” but if it was a female friend on vacation say in front of Grand Canyon, I wouldn’t care if he “liked” it.
But seriously I wouldn’t like it but would tell him how I feel and if he didn’t respect that then… bye
I mean, it’s just a like it’s just the world of social media we sometimes blindly click like without even thinking I feel. It doesn’t really bother me, unless it’s an old girlfriend or something? Then yeah that would be kinda disrespectful to me.
Total disrespect! Goes both ways too. No female should be liking his pics too out of respect…
Ok so the dont offend me. It’s the . And me and mine have come to terms with you can LIKE a picture without publicly putting a reaction. Look at it. Enjoy it. Take it in. Then move tf on bro. Easy peasy
Well, I’d be more concerned if he created a second account and blocked you on it and did stuff behind your back.
Or not like something because “respecting” you but obsessionally thinking about it carrying on private chat behind your back.
If you don’t trust your person let them go so they can find their person that does trust them.
If they have a history of cheating you get what you put up with. Leave or accept a life of being cheated on.
I personally “like” everyones photos, I even heart them if they have a meaningful or positive explanation with them. It makes people feel good about themselves and I like seeing them feel confident. So I just like everyones pics, couldnt get to mad if he did the same.
Not if there’s no ill intent. Only your partner knows If he’s a completely honest man. Remember your not responsible nor does his actions take away from your value. If he’s a cad you’ll soon learn.
It just admiration just like me saving korean actors in my phone… So I don’t mind him saving sexy pictures of girls on his phone…
Depends on circumstances. What’s in the photo. How often and how well they know each other
Oh hell no lol.
My husband and I will like men or women’s pictures 9n recovery sites when they are talking about there clean time. Besides that its a hard no except for the few people I went to school with. I’ll like those pics but not just randoms that we think are good looking or something.
Idc lol he’s got 2 kids with me and pays our bills. As long as you’re not talking or touching anyone else have fun dude.
If it’s just a nice photo of a female friend that’s fine but if it’s a half naked photo of a girl he doesn’t even know it’s disrespectful IMO
It would bother me more if he commented on her body or looks or if he likes a photo that’s she’s mostly naked in or trying to be sexual because he wouldn’t want guys liking a naked photo of me
Lots of factors, I’m not a jealous woman so I could care less. If I found messages back-and-forth it weren’t public or something like that I would probably question it but other than that I don’t find it a problem
It’s not so much how we feel. We all feel differently about stuff in relationships. If it bothers you tell him and if he respects you enough he will stop the behavior that is making you uncomfortable.
We just got into a HUGE arguments about this! But it was me liking one of my Fb friends pics of him and his daughter, a back to school shopping pic. I didn’t comment, didn’t heart it, nothing but the blue thumbs up to ‘like’ it. Inthoight it was a silly reason to get mad but after he explained to me that he felt some kind of way about it, I respected his feelings, and removed my like. I think I should be able to have ‘friends’ on fb but if it makes him upset, it’s not worth the energy and I’ll just scroll.
Well do you like other men’s photos? If so then there isn’t an issues with him liking a woman’s pic
I’ve been with men who have cheated on me “behind my back”. (Even though I knew). If your man is simply liking photos and nothing else. It’s fine!. Unless actual cheating happens, don’t worry. And don’t freak out on him for simply clicking the like button. There is so much worse a man could do to you. Be thankful that’s all he does.
Like others have said it depends on the picture. My hubby has friends who are females and he likes their pics. But there’s also women like singers or tattoo artists whose pics he likes too. I do the same thing. I have male friends and like their pics, but I also write and while scouting for character inspiration I’ll like male models’ pics too. I have to interact with the ones I want to use to ask permission too. The difference is it’s not inappropriate and doesn’t get flirty. Sit your guy down and have a talk.
Personally, I have a problem with it. But to each their own.
It’s totally fine. If the chick is completely hoeing it up then I’d be a bit bothered. Like practically naked or something.
It depends on the picture I would think or if it’s a friend/co-worker/if their status shows single
I feel its disrespectful and its about what your comfortable with, if they love you they wouldn’t want to do something that hurts you
I’ve had to unfollow my SO because of his actions on social media. He would post memes for his “followers” and I spoke with him about it but he doesn’t see it from my point of view… maybe one reason why we’re not married:thinking:
I mean I wouldn’t like it but I’m so insecure… It honestly depends on the picture
Context matters here. My boy knows a LOT of people — women AND men, so I really don’t care. He doesn’t make me feel insecure and he tells me who they are anyways
hell no🙄why would or should he be looking at and liking other girls shit- no-i don’t gaf about other men other then him
so why would he- he shouldn’t be interested in ither girls but me
I guess it would depend on the type of picture it is, but if you’re uncomfortable with it, then that’s your line, you don’t need validation.
To each their own relationship. Every couple knows each other’s strengths and weaknesses. What may trivial to some, may be pure anxiety to others. No one knows each other’s battles and what weight each person carries on their shoulders. That being said, there is no right or wrong answer… but what each couple discusses as their boundaries. It’s how you feel in your relationship and you need to communicate to your partner what bothers you and why. They need to know so they can understand you. Then you can see for yourself if they are okay with it, it’ll stop… but it’s a two way road. Make sure to ask how they feel about what you post or like for pictures, anything. That way you both know your limits. Always communicate and talk about your feelings.
When you like , you sending positive messages . So other person will remember his likes . Absolutely .
It would bother me but at the same time if I can’t see what he looks at, videos/websites with women, then I’m fine with it. I don’t care if he looks but I don’t want to know, if that makes sense. And if I find out somehow I’d be upset too still so idk. Just a weird concept since I don’t like guys pictures lol
Depends. Is it because she’s some hot model or is it an athlete or someone he respects? That would be the determining factor for me.
I don’t care. Our marriage is amazing. And he’s simply liking a photo in social media. I like guys photos in social media, it means nothing.
Would he be mad if you were looking at a hot firefighters calendar? (Just a reference…)
We’re all going to look at other people, that’s why we wear makeup and cute clothes, we know others will be looking at us. Male and female.
If he’s showing you love and respect in the relationship, I would just try and talk to him about it and tell him it makes you uncomfortable.
Depends on the boundaries you’ve set within your relationship. Also are they friends? Or is it random girls on the internet? And is he just liking the photo and scrolling by or is it more than that?
My bf and I have both talked about this subject because it is different in every relationship. I’ve stated that I personally don’t care if he checks out other girls or likes their pictures. I believe there’s a difference between appreciating someone’s looks and saying you want to bang them.
I know when he’s with his boys they’re most likely gonna point out a girl who catches their eye. I have no issue with that because I do that with my friends towards men. The problem is when you go on about how hot they are and then try and flirt with them
Ok it definitely depends on context. This has only come up in my relationship once. I saw he immediately liked a picture of a coworker in a bikini as soon as she posted it. I looked on her profile and he liked every single one of her recent pics. The only reason it got under my skin is because he NEVER liked any of my photos OR photos of OUR CHILDREN. I just told him if he had enough attention to give after liking all of her stuff to kick it his family’s way it still seems so childish that I got upset about it but when you’re clearly giving attention to someone else and not your spouse or children it’s a problem