Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it bad that I have problem with my husband hanging out with his girl cousin all the time?
Are you sure she is his cousin?
That’s not his cousin
He married you not her!! I would really sit back and ask yourself why do you stay if he disregards how you feel. His cousin is wrong and has no business being allowed in your relationship.
Real question do you know who’s child she is because if you can’t trace the family tree that ain’t his cousin lmbo
That ain’t his cousin and if it is I bet they real “close” cousins.
And you married him knowing this.
Are you sure they’re cousins?
Or he’s hanging out with his cousin to be with her friend.
It doesn’t sound like she’s his cousin.
Now I want a follow up on this lol
That ain’t his cousin, that’s his side chick:tipping_hand_woman:
Lmao you guys from Kentucky by chance?
Girl that aint his cousin😔
If you know it’s his cousin which id say you likely do as you’ve married him, get over it. He can hangout with his family if you’re trying to spend time with him and he leaves to go be with her, then you should talk to him about it but please don’t listen to the weirdos in the comment section. I would laugh so hard if my SO told me I couldn’t spend time with my family. Don’t be that person
Best find yourself a cuzzin asap
My best friends wife used to have her “cousin” always around… she’d hold his hand everywhere they went… turns out wasn’t a cousin at all!
You believe anything huh that’s not that man cousin lol… They all use that “line”
Kissing-Cousins? Sex group? I hear banjos
You’re being played
Leave his ass!
Reminds me of a girl on tik tok who caught her now ex husband sleeping with his cousin at a family event and the family did not bat an eye at it!
That’s my dear is not his cousin, you better do your digging real fast and find out where she came from
that’s not his cousin lmao
Leave his ass and get w his cousin!
Regardless if she’s a cousin or side chick… He’s your husband n should be respecting you, yes he’s allowed to still see her but he shouldn’t allow the sex groups n personal info with her… If that was me I wouldn’t allow him doing that… Communicate with hubby n tell him how you feel n how she’s interfering n state sex groups are 1 step away from cheating n ya not happy if he can’t change or respect you then pack up n leave, might be hard first 2 months but well worth it in the end…
He should not disrespect you by going anywhere with her! If your not his #1 priority then you need to leave! My husband of 27 yrs would die before he hurt me like that!
Better make sure she’s a cousin because that’s kinda creepy and fishy…
That’s your husband, so I’m gonna say that u know for sure that’s his cousin bcuz y’all been together long enough to marry one another so I’m pretty sure you know most his relatives. So with that being said, I think just because y’all 2 doesn’t get along too well, you expect him to cut her off too. That’s his blood so You shouldn’t expect him to cut her off completely but you can tell him how you feel about jumping up every time she reaches out to him. You should also tell him that he needs to put her in her place about y’all’s marriage and her butting in to it all the time. But he’s allowing it so . I think you should tell him how you feel about him allowing her to have opinions about y’all relationship and you should tell him how you feel about them always hanging and she doesn’t like you but as far as adding him to a sex group and what not, f it. Long as no one is exposing body parts or what not, it’s harmless. She’s doing this bcuz she knows it’s getting to you. And you thinking since she doesn’t care for u nor respect y’all’s marriage, she may try to hook him up with a female or friend and he be down for it. Girl, idk. Speak your mind to your husband Sis
I would leave him coz at the end of the day he is going along with sure he wouldn’t like it if you did the same.
1st off eeeewwww 2nd is why are you ok with being 2nd to anyone? I’m surprised your still there to make this post. I’d been long gone! If it isn’t his mama ain’t no woman coming before me period!! I’d atleast cuss her out and if he takes her side you ain’t nothing to him anyway!!! Time to leave!!
Have respect for yourself and leave… he doesn’t care about u , so go …
are you sure its even his cousin? It sounds to me that they are more then cousins and are just calling each other that. It sounds way more get a cousin to me.
Of course you don’t leave him .yet. but confront him tell him exactly how you feel and how his actions are not OK. Then if things don’t change go live with your mum until he wakes the fuck up
Are you sure that’s his cousin? If so they may be kissing cousins baby girl. That sounds super fishy.
Did you marry a boy?
Does not sound like a cousin at all
Ummm pretty sure that’s Not his “cousin”. No guy would jump n act like that or b in a sex group with their ACTUAL female cousin.
Okay, some of y’all females gotta chill. You do realize that some cousins grow up together if families are tight knit, almost becoming more like siblings than cousins. I’m close to two of my cousins (they’re siblings, younger female, older male) and be because our family is close we were close as well. If I needed help with anything, I know I can reach out to them and vice versa (we still do). Even means watching each other’s backs when it comes to relationships or anything else. So, if he’s close with a cousin it doesn’t mean that’s a side chick, unless they absolutely know otherwise.
So, IMHO, you didn’t give enough information for me to really give you any advice. So sit down and either speak with them, get off if you’re so disturbed with it, or give more info as to A) why she’s possibly mad at you or B) if you know 100% or not if they’re cousins. Because if they are fully family and close knit, then good chance is that the motto is “family first and foremost.” Means that if you try to make him choose, then get ready to be heartbroken cause he’ll choose family.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it bad that I have problem with my husband hanging out with his girl cousin all the time?
Are you sure it’s even his cousin?
Girl when I was with my sons dad he was always with this female they swore they was cousins, I even watched her kids a few times. We was together 4 years broke up and not even a year later I see a picture on fb of them kissing. Now they have 2 kids together.
Are you sure that’s even his cousin? If she is, something isn’t right somewhere. I’m all for being close to family members but that seems to be a little too close especially if she’s adding him into sex groups.
You sure they are actual cousins? If so sounds like they are kissing cousins and it’s time to either stand up to your husband and let him know how you feel.
Um, that’s not his cousin!
family members can still be a 3rd wheel!
Honey that ain’t his cousin. And if it is there is a whole lot of incest going on.
You need to stop your control issues.
You can’t control everything in your life, and you should not try and control your app husband.
And why can’t your marital issues be about him?
Not everything had to be about you
As the age old saying goes,if you’re not happy leave.
Andrew no wonder your single Lmao
Your husband sounds like he is more than part of the problem. Not to be mean.
I’d would be OK with the fact it’s his cousin but I would address the situation on her adding him to a set group but he was the one that excepted the add so I would be wandering why he did and you also need to work out why he wants to spend all his time with the cosin and not you . Like where they go what they do why you can’t be included… and to all you saying you can’t be that close to your cousin . Yes you can be I have a large family and all of us where close growing up even after having family’s.
1 - Are you positive they’re cousins?
2 - If they are, they seem waaaay to close for it to be considered acceptable. Sex groups? Wow.
3 - At the end of the day your boundaries are not being respected at all, so regardless of her, he’s trashing your marriage.
4 - Is he worth this level of pain and confusion? My assumption is NO!
Every girl my ex knew was his “cousin” and lemme tell you I was so blind at first. He was a complete narcissist and I was too nice and genuine of a person I didn’t get it. I still don’t understand that lifestyle…
He is bumping uglies with his cousin! Drop him!
Girl that’s either not his cousin, they have a weird relationship together or she is hooking him up with her friends and other women. Girl just go, if you guys don’t have kids together…ruuuunnnnn
Is the cousin Atleast ? Just sayin!
Yup kissing cousins or she just a decoy to someone else!! Think long and hard about your marriage, what purpose do u serve? Are u the bread winner? Are you the one that stick beside him no matter who or what happens? You serve him a purpose! Slowly but surely Stop the benefits then observe his behavior!.. REMEMBER, men marry who they want, woman marry who they can!! You welcome
Would it bother you if it was his male cousin?? She doesn’t have to like you and you don’t have to like her . She shouldn’t have been helping him hook up with other girls but he may have told her you were over, you can’t instantly blame her.
It sounds like your jealous because he’s hanging with another woman. But that is his family same rules don’t apply.
And despite the crass assumptions from Alot of others on this thread, cousins can be very close friends. I’m close with both my male and female cousins and I would drop my partner like a hot cake if he ever insinuated anything like that . It’s nasty and just disgusting, they’re blood eeew lol
Well he’s attracted to his cousin ! because if he can jump up after a text and she doesn’t respect you for any reason …well 1. they are talking about you and 2. he’s releasing his stress out on her.
You sure they are real cousins!? This doesn’t seem like a male and female cousin relationship!
You feel like that now because you are thinking more than what it is. In which I don’t blame you. Maybe you need to see it in black and white for yourself in order to believe. Everyone says they cousins and not. Idk im assumptions. Okay all I have to say is Spy Store in Bethlehem Pa. You got this.
My question is why you haven’t left him yet?
I used to use “that’s my cousin” excuse. trust your gut. Their might be something going on. kissing cousins
Kissin’ cousins Get the hell out
Y’all so morbid
Here’s a different view: family is as tight as it gets, cousins are the built in best friend sibling combo that began at birth, and you’re the third wheel that came in like a wrecking ball demanding change n bumping heads with the person that has been in his life since day one. Have grace in navigating spouses family ties. Get your needs n wants heard without demeaning your husbands family and his relations.
Know your worth and walk.
Are you sure they are cousins? And that they are not just saying that and trying to cover up an affair?
You know the answer already, here is your clarification… run
Nahh u shudnt have explain feelings… if hes sleepn around or not, he still playn u girl… sack hes ass…
Its legal to marry your cousins in the UK so perhaps they’re more than just “cousins”
Was he kicking it with her like this while you were dating? I’m sure the answer is “yes.” So you knew what you were getting yourself into and still said I do. When will we learn that marriage doesn’t change anything. The “cousin” is not the only one disrespecting your marriage.
OK I’m not going into detail but a ex of mine had a sister by marriage well yeah l they used to spend time together like your husband and cousin do I mean lots I knew there was something going on but I’m not the controlling type well guess what? He farthered a baby with her when we was no longer together I’d say that there’s more than meets the eye with this I mean a cousin wouldn’t normally add a family member to a sex group it’s not normal, get the hell out huge hugs
Shes adding him to… s3x groups? Nah it’s a ‘cousin’, that in itself isn’t a normal relatives relationship
Cousin? . They both crossing some boundaries and disrespecting you. Since nobody is respecting you, respect yourself and find a cousin as well.
You feel disrespected because neither respect you.
My ex had a photo of his cousin in his wallet
Kissing cousins.
Cousins make dozens!!
Girl RUN!!
I had same problems, leave him
She is not your problem, your husband is so he needs to stop hanging out with his “cousin” and start respecting you but I would of got rid by kicking him to the gutter by now… he will not respect you until you respect yourself and put some boundaries in place.
Get rid of them both , they are totally disrespecting your marriage. Its over already im afraid hes made his choice . Hugs xx
Cousin or not cousin she is interfering in your marriage and your husband is permitting her to do it. Its time for you to make him stop this BS. Be strong, set your rules, if he don’t follow kick him to the curve. She is not the problem. The problem here is your husband thats not respect you or his marriage. Good luck!
sounds like kissing cuzs to me
Sex group? Get rid now!!
They nasty … leave his ass alone … thee end!
Leah Kathleen Carson read these comments
Are you sure she’s a “cousin”???
Wtf is going on here then
Definitely sounds like a problem there!
Thats disgusting! Time for you to move on & dont look back! Good luck!
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it bad that I have problem with my husband hanging out with his girl cousin all the time?
Is it really his cousin? Cuz if so she sounds weirdly attached.
Ain’t no other woman gonna come even close to causing problems in my relationship, and if she does then she’s out. Idgaf if it’s mama, sister, aunt or cousin. He should be the same way.
That’s no way a cousin should act. Does he have feelings for her… Gross. You should really sit him down and talk to him. That’s incest, him and his female cousin. Give him an ultimatum. If he doesn’t pick you, pack your bags and divorce him. He sounds like a hillbilly. You deserve better then to feel threatened by a relative in that way. Good luck to you.
This sounds sooo creepy I’m not going to lie. My hubs is best friends with his sister so I understand the jumping at any text, he does the same for her but none of the other stuff.
Sounds like either a) she’s his girlfriend not his cousin or b) she IS his cousin but they’re f¥{&!ng
That’s no cousin that’s a girlfriend. Leave his ass. And even if it is a cousin then you should leave anyway cause
Get her out of your married life.
“Cousin” or COUSIN:eyes: bc ew.
Tell him that their relationship seems incestuous and you’re not comfortable with it also tell her your thoughts. If they carry on behaving how they do then you’ve a choice. You can stay or you can leave
Someone’s fucking their cousin.