You just need to leave this person. Pack his bags and send him on his way.
People have crushes on their cousins it’s weird but true.
I’d follow him discreetly when he leaves to see where he really goes. Then marriage counseling to get at the truth & to help you see whether it’s worth it to stay & work on your relationship or not.
Why would she add him to a sex group?? uuhmm… its not unheard of that cousins … uh… you know. I’d ghost his phone n see where he goes lmao
O one should be that close to no female in their family like what you have described . It’s not right! Something is wrong, I would get out of that situation. He and his cousin can have each other
What In The Hillbilly Yeehaw, John Deere Tractor, Confederate Flag Is This?
He is fuckin his cousin
…you sure that they’re blood related and not just related through marriage, coz dang that’s weird as hell
Yeah theyre definitely doing more than just hanging out.
Some people are so fkn dumb.
Kissing-Cousins? Sex group? I hear banjos
He dont see no shame in his incest game
I mean I’m close to some of my male cousins, but to be added to a sex group da fuq is that about, I hope you mean like a group chat and they ain’t going to no eyes wide shut kinda partay!!! Coz if they are… you gotta divorce his dutty arse!!!
Are you sure they really are cousins??
Trust your gut. I was in a similar situation with my ex. I found out him and his “cousin” arent blood related and how they spoke with eachother made a lot more disturbing sense.
I do have a male cousin that I am very close with, but I can’t imagine adding him to a sex group. Hell, I can’t even imagine talking to him about sex at all.
Are they kissing cousins? There’s not a thing about this that seems normal. I would have a sit down with him and have him start making some choices. She has no business being a part of your marriage.
What In The Alabama Is Going On Here
That’s effing weird. First of all he shouldn’t hang out with ANYBODY that disrespects you. And he should never involve friends and family in your marital disputes. Furthermore, the relationship with his cousin is bordering on very inappropriate. I’m wondering if they’ve been intimately involved in the past.
That’s really inappropriate too add your cousin in a sex group.
Something else is going on. Trust your gut! I’m sorry your dealing with this. I hope you get it all figured out.
Tell him he needs to put your feelings into consideration or your leaving him.
So she wants to keep it in the family I guess.
Umm yeah theres something wrong there …. I know soo many cousins that do not care and have had kids together
Are you sure they’re cousins lmao
I’ve heard of multiple stories of people cheating with their cousins (blood related/marriage related) trust your gut because that is very EWWWW
What if she had a penis?
Would you feel differently?
I think I hear banjos
Tell him. You need to be able to talk and communicate. If he’s not protecting you from her disrespect then he’s teaching your children to disrespect you as well. Trust is the foundation of a marriage.
What in the roll tide hell is this? They doing more than hanging out.
Probably boning. Leave him. Lol.
If she doesn’t like you, she could just be inviting him to things just to piss you off. I’d say it’s working.
they fucking …
Hmmmm she’s his play cousin…literally
I would also follow him secretly. Are they real family? Or are they “cousins” by knowing each others family a long time etc. are they blood related?
Don’t sound like a cousin.
Kissing cousins. Or they ain’t really cousins. Either way he cheating.
Cousins with benefits maybe🤔
It definitely don’t sound like his cousin just saying
You may want to get off fb asking about your husband and his cousin. These fb warriors will have you all confused. If you know for a fact that is his cousin then you need to let your husband know how you really feel about their relationship. You will be all messed up listening to these bitter women.
You may want to get off fb asking about your husband and his cousin. These fb warriors will have you all confused. If you know for a fact that is his cousin then you need to let your husband know how you really feel about their relationship. You will be all messed up listening to these bitter women.
SWEET HOME ALABAMA!!! Sing with me guys!!!
Sounds like it WAS about her and that probably didn’t sit well with her. The only reason you should be trippin off him spending time with a cousin is if he is sketchy. Is he? You can blame her all you want but if he’s sketchy….your problem is bigger than her.
“Cousin” wink wink. Ugh just as bad as “mannnn she like my sister!”
I was raped by a cousin as an adult, some people don’t see incest as a line not to cross.
Consult a lawyer fast to check things out.
What marital problems did you have. Maybe there is a legit reason she excluded you
If your husband respects you and your marriage he should be the one setting the boundaries with her so that there would be no issue.
She behaves in this way bcz your husband allows it and entertains it with no regard for u
Something don’t sound right there. She needs to back the right off.
just asking? Is he from alabama? because i’ve heard cousins are more than cousins in that state .
Uhmmm… Not real cousins or cousins with benefits
You got to be kidding, get out now
Sex text group? Fuck that, be straight with your husband and tell him how you feel and what issues you have with their closeness. If he goes off script then you know something more is going on between him either between them or she is the cover.
Two headed babies with their brains outside their skulls coming soon
Not real cousins or cousins that just dont gaf! Your husband shouldn’t want to be around anyone that disrespects his wife. Yall suppose to be a team. I would leave
That’s why other religions classify cousins as part of the women men can’t be friends with just saying
Would it be different if said cousin was his boy cousin?? Would she then have a problem with him always being with around him??
Your husband should not want to be around someone who disrespects he’s wife.
Are we 100% positive they’re cousins
You have every right to feel the way you do. Just because they are cousins doesn’t mean there is no attraction. They sound like they are the best of friends. Sounds like she is his support system and likewise him for her. I really think this is serious business. You are playing second fiddle to her. I would really re-think your relationship with him. I would definitely feel betrayed and disrespected, you have every right, and then her adding him to a sex group, that just goes above and beyond. Boy that’s really nasty stuff.
No honestly please don’t be stupid. Cousins and sex groups aren’t word people normally put in a sentence together. Don’t get the piss taken out of you phone a lawyer and confront you husband
If he doesn’t understand how you feel try talking to him in a different however if you just think he’s being a certain way and you feel it in your soul, maybe he’s not the man you thought he was. He should be choosing you.
You might wanna look deeper into that ever heard of kissing cousins
Like Marriage cousins or their parents were siblings?
He is going to do what he’s going to do regardless of how much you try and stop him from doing so he will find a way around it get rid
Mine got a cousin that is not even his cousin (it’s his half sister’s cousin from her dad’s side) that he is suuuper close with. Him and her share a lot of shit. He is always so freaking caring when it comes to her. Then he is accusing me of calling my male Cousins (who really are my Cousins) “Cousins” saying they are random Guys I wanna sleep with Bruh Guys are ridiculous. They always accuse you of the Shit they do because they know it’s fuckin wrong.
Would you feel the same way if his cousin was a male?
Becarefu,l my sister did the same with my ex and they had an affair
It’s him you should be upset at. He should put you above any of his family. I’d have to reevaluate my relationship
Sounds very very very strange, definitely not normal at all.
It doesn’t matter who the person is… Your husband is supposed to put you above all else and shouldn’t be letting anyone think it’s ok to disrespect you…ever! My husband loves his mom but wouldn’t in a million years let her disrespect me and think it’s ok… Even if we were fighting… it’s not about who the person is… It’s about your husband putting you and your feelings first!
Careful! My ex did the same thing only for me to find out they were NOT truly cousins and were sleeping together in MY HOUSE, MY BED for months before I found out and left. I would definitely be questioning this and digging in with his family to find out if their truly related!
Are you sure they are related cousins or said cousins you have the most prob with said lol
It’s very disrespectful of him to run to her every time. Especially knowing that she does not respect you. He Shouldn’t be hanging out with anyone that doesn’t respect you. And her adding him to a sex group… That’s just weird. You need to have a serious talk with your man.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it bad that I have problem with my husband hanging out with his girl cousin all the time?
Wait. A sex group with your cousin? HUGE red flag!!! HUGE!! RUN DON’T WALK away from that situation!!!
It doesn’t matter what relation she is to him, he is married to you first and foremost. Sounds exactly like a marital affair between him and her and why he is constantly putting her first. I would bet money on it. People who are married do not join sex groups individually or innocently.
There are Red Flags everywhere. Tell him it’s her or you. And if he chooses her, sue her for Alination of Affection because she definitely caused a wedge in your marriage.
Inbreeding still happens all the time. Some people even marry their cousins.
If what you say is true then it sounds to me they’re kissing cousins. Move on girl you don’t need a guy like that not to mention if you had/have a baby with him, well lets just say watch it closely as it grows up.
Calmly …… make your feelings clearly known.
State calmly and clearly what your expectations are.
You have a right to be respected and treated thusly.
The choice is 100% yours…
a) keep quiet and accept his behavior
b) Move. On.
Sorry this happened. Blood is thicker than water. She was a part of his family before you were. Talk to him, but you made a commitment.
I would tell him either she goes or I do.
Sounds like my ex and he is an ex for many reasons but this was a big one.
If I was you I would ditch him. He is likely closer then you think in all ways. I know a few guys that have been with family. You don’t need this guy. There are plenty of men who would love to treat you right and give you respect.
I’m sorry this hit a nerve ship up shape up and move on baby girl leave that backwoods bama country cousin loving freak alone and find a real man who’s knows your WORTH
Wow this hit home ! If you feel something is off say something. Trust me when I say this people have sex with their cousins. My divorce involves this bs !
Firstly you don’t need to talk to the world on here try talking to him or go for counselling it’s called communication!
It’s his job to defend you against his family. If he chooses them over you, you just have to face the facts.
Confront him. Put your foot down. Your problems are between you and him not him and her
And you didn’t see this before you where married? It’s not going to change because as the saying goes, " blood is thicker then water". Move on!
You do need to be respected. He should understand that.
He’s rooting her for sure
Divorce the bugger!!!
It’s seems to me the problem is your husband not his cousin. He shouldn’t allow his cousin to disrespect you or add him to a sex group. He’s choosing to put her first. Put the blame where it belongs. Talk to him and if he values you and his marriage he will change if not then you know what has to be done. You have to respect yourself first before he will respect you. So respect yourself and put your happiness where it belongs and if he don’t want to join you then bye bye to him. Then you can move on.
He is a over you Admit it and get out find a new life baby
I’d b pissed also, I had the same problems… but only diff was cousin wasn’t a part of the bd line, she was adopted. He finally figured it out that she was a trouble maker & ended up subtracting her from his/ our lives.
The problem isn’t the cousin. It’s your husband. He has an unhealthy relationship with her. He betrays his marriage vows to you. You and he need marriage counseling.
When I was growing up we had a saying just because your cousin looks good in a swim suit dose not mean you should root her.
But he is definitely going there your life your call but I would be out the door. Ant no body got time for that.
Its pretty clear whats going on. Divorce him and get on with your life.
Just because theiy are cousins does not mean they can’t be anything more…just be aware of that.
Move on in life without him.
I don’t think he is sleeping with this cousin, but there may be “something” there She seems to be using her feminine wiles on him and perhaps even likes the hint of impropriety. Or she might be doing this to bother you. Talk to yout hubby. Let him know that you’re aware things aren’t all good between you but his cousin makes things worse. Ask him to see less of her. Then try hard to fill that gap in his life with love and affection.
Get rid of him hes not worth its