Is it bad that I have problem with my husband hanging out with his girl cousin all the time?

If u feel like there is something going on between them two. I would get both of them together an confront thrm. An get things staight. An tell them both how u feel. An if. It dont get better with u an him then i would see a counselor. If that dont wk. Show him the door. An say u gave had enough. He should put u first. Before any one.


Word for word ----same question on another forum.


He’s cheating on you with his cousin but I think you already know it in your heart. Some say a marriage can thrive after an affair but I don’t agree.
Give him a choice.
.her or you, then stick with it.


Sure its his LEGAL cousin? Mine has given some females this title but turns out they were “closer” than that

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You. Are. His. Wife. Tell. Him. If. He. Likes. Her. So. Much. Catch. A. Bus. To. Her. You. Should. Come. First


I have seen a lot of blood is thicker then water. I disagree I have blood that cares only for them self. Blood that has stolen from me. Lied to my face for thier own benefits. I have also got friends that would kill for me. And I would do the same. I consider that water my family. Not the blood that I share DNA with. And I would choose my husband before any of them. Cause what we have Is thicker then blood. And if u don’t have that in ur life. Is it real? Is it worth it?

It’s your husbands fault 100 percent. You need to put your foot down and if he doesn’t apply himself like he should dump him.

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You need to check that out, I mean for sure.


Sounds like some insest is going on. Your spouse should pick u over anyone else other then children. Make him choose ne since in being miserable over a man that won’t even try to put u 1st. But I really bet he is having sex with her. Thats why he jumps when she calls.

He should stick with his wife NO MATTER WHAT
He is either ALL for you
Or either against ya


RUN BABY GIRL RUN!¡ Your gut feeling is right!!!

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Is that cousin married?

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Divorce! Don’t waste anymore of your time.

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Something is really wrong in Paradise. Both of you get help , or Good bye!

First of all write it all down how you feel way up the pros and cons. Then calmly have a chat with him and altmatium if it continues. Make sure you have some savings tucked away. You will need it and a friend you can bounce ideas off befoehand

Time to say good bye dont drag this out just go shake the dust of your feet

Ya sure that’s his cousin?
Is this Alabama?


That woman isn’t a good woman. And what’s your hubby’s hang up on her? Were they kissin cousins?

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get rid of him for adultery


If someone does not respect you,than your husband should have no relation with that person even if she is the cousin. It’s clear he does not care for you so why be with a person like him


Divorce! You see the writing on the wall. Life is a one act play. Don’t waste your time on a man who clearly doesn’t love you.


I would say leave him or kick him out he could always go and live at her place he should be respecting you I think you know there are a lot of signs there so get rid

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It’s happening right in front of you. Kick him out.

Is she REALLY his cousin???

Are you sure that’s his real cousin?

One thing i believe is that whatever you do to someone one day is coming back to you more


He should support his wife - if she’s doesn’t like you he shouldn’t stick around with her

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Even if hes not cheating on you physically, (The sex site suggests he might be) then hes cheating on you emotionally which i think is worse. Might wanna cut your losses. Looks to me like your a front person for him to hide the fact hes having an affair with his cousin from people who would care…

He can’t be trusted! Apparently he is sleeping with his own cousin which is discussing and nasty. If they are having multiple partners no telling what diseases he will bring home.

All over each other and in sex groups?seriously, Is he banging his cousin? :grimacing:. Run.

Wow. That cousin of his is a bit over the top. Tell him that you have had enough and especially the fact he was invited to a sex group should enough for you, you should be walking . If he doesn’t take any notice to you, tell family you are walking from him. You deserve to be with someone who appreciates you 100%. What a idiot and she has a problem.

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U sure that’s his cousin sounds like a side bish

Kissing cousins maybe?

Ok, I’m going to play the Devil’s advocate here for a minute. I had a cousin who was more like a brother to me. We grew up together and we were SUPER close!! He was my rock, my go to, my best friend, my ride-or-die!! There was absolutely NOTHING I wouldn’t do for him!! People literally thought that we were twins, not cousins!! He had a seizure disorder, Epilepsy, and I was his medical representative. He lost his fight almost 5 years ago. My husband knew how close Ben and I were long before we got married so it was never a problem but his family never understood. One day, when my mother in law was angry with me, she told my oldest son, “I think your Uncle Ben is your father!” It was horrible!!! He was only 7yrs old and didn’t understand that my Grandma had adopted Uncle Ben’s dad so there was no blood relationship between Ben and I. She must have done some digging into my family and asked some questions because I didn’t tell her and neither did my husband!!!
What I’m trying to say here is, it can be perfectly normal for family members to be close!! Really, really close!!! It doesn’t mean they are having s*x!! The relationship he has with his cousin should never come between the two of you though. Maybe you should offer to go to counseling before it gets out of hand? Invite the cousin to join you, if the counselor agrees, if it will better your overall relationship!! Maybe the relationship with the cousin is just a misunderstanding? I don’t know, but I do know that family is very important to many people and if you give him an ultimatum to choose between you and his family members, there is a good chance you will lose!! Sounds like family means a lot to him!!! Good luck to you!!!


I’m sorry to say this, bur you didn’t marry his family. The both of you took the vows before God first, family and friends. In that order.
Now if he is doing what you stated, then you should talk to him calmly. Ask questions and if he is not giving you answers, then you really have your answer. You are holding the ball, its up to you to keep it or throw it. It’s your peace and happiness. Seek God and trust me he will give you the direction to go in.
Peace and happiness coming your way. Trust yourself and whatever decision you make, make sure you are 100% happy with it.
You do have Red Flags pay attention to them.
Sometimes we as women need to sit back and be very watchful, and trust me it will fall into place if something fishy is going on.
Peace to you, and I pray that God will reveal Everything to you.


He may just be using his cousin as a scape goat - he may be meeting with someone else


For those of telling you to give an ultimatum of… It’s me or your family. Well you might as well skip to the punch line. Because the vast majority of ppl presented with this choice will pick family. Why??? Because good, strong, healthy relationships don’t include this sort of demand. Secondly, she has not done anything he hasn’t allowed, in fact is probably the shape goat for many of his bad decisions. She doesn’t owe you any respect and has probably only done half of what he has blamed on her. Pur your upset, anger and hurt feelings where they belong, on him. Those saying sue her for alienation of affection …lmao… She is family. Play the headlines in your minds eye and you can see what long odds you would have on that. For instance: wife sues husband for A of A because he loved his family more than he loved her lol


Pin it to a coat or hat or purse…it’s adorable!! I love it!! <3

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Boundaries are yours to set. If disrespect is a hard no as it should be then remove yourself from the situation until he can respect the Boundaries and most importantly YOU. If he leaves you may loose the relationship, but is it a healthy relationship without respect? No. Your red flags are warning you for a reason. Take them seriously and guard your peace.

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If it’s upsetting you then HE as your husband should respect you. It’s not about her, it’s about him and HIS respect and treatment of you. Calmly tell him that this is not healthy for your marriage and you’d like him to show more respect by putting you first and not involving her in marital things. If he doesn’t change, that’s your answer. Unfortunately, it shows he doesn’t value the marriage :confused:


Sure they werent married before you came along. As i had the same situation and after 9 years of putting up with him sneaking around with her. I left. He is still seeing her to this day. It’s absolutely disgusting. And downing degrading

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Get rid of the disgusting low life.

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Strange- I think you should separate- completely stop all contact and watch what he does. Does he Move in with cousin or beg you to come home?


Why are You Airing your Dirty Laundry on a Public Forum??
We are not Maury Povich Live!!


Lady Open you eyes and use common sense If that doesn’t do it . i dont know what to tell you :slight_smile:


Cousin or not, you should trust your instincts. He jumps when she text? Does he take his phone everywhere? Don’t be fooled, honey.


Sydney Scherbarth reminds me of someone​:joy::thinking::face_with_monocle:

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If that’s his cousin, they sound incest. But I’m sure this “cousin” is definitely not a cousin.


Cousin is what he calls her huh :thinking::sob:


Thats not a cousin. Sorry :joy:


Run he’s sleeping with his cousin who’s not really his cousin run like the wind

Go with your gut feeling because that will tell you the truth it doesn’t sound like a cousin relationship to me and I know someone that married their second cousin so your feelings are true if that is your gut feeling go with it

That aint his cousin girl thats his other woman she needs to step back or u need to leave…thats very weird and a sex group with your cousin oh no!!!

U sure she’s really his cousin ? Men are very sneaky . Sounds more like a sideline hoe . My ex has one of those . We broke up n he ran straight to her . Best part is he’s just a side line to her while her husband is in jail :woman_facepalming:t3: might be better off moving on .

Oh they are hooking up cousins trust me seen it so especially with the second cousins so nasty

It is disrespectful especially since he cant see it bothers u and/or tell his cousin that ur feelings matter first he dont have to hang out with her all the time once a month is enough

Sounds like petty family tell her to F off :woman_shrugging: I love how y’all will say to leave someone over everything anymore lmfaoooo and y’all be the one wondering why shit never lasts anymore. Y’all don’t want or know how to work through anything anymore. Y’all want close love with no work

Need more information. Do you know she is a cousin? They could be kissing cousins… She’s jealous over your marriage because you are in her way. That’s why she doesn’t like you. . He’s definitely being disrespectful. You need to communicate your feelings. If he doesn’t listen. I think there’s something more that shouldn’t be happening. If there is find proof and use it against him for your divorce. And he can get into trouble by the law depending on where you live… I wouldn’t put up with it.

It’s not about her, it’s about him. If you already told him how you feel and he continues to neglect that, let👏him👏go!


You should be his priority not his fake cousin. Find someone who puts you first and respects you.

My ex husband used the Shes just my cousin line too. His cousin that he had in his phone under a work number and never told me about u til i asked him why the guard shack was texting him wanting to know when they could meet up again.

Sweet home Alabama :house_with_garden:


Why are you hanging about waiting for him to decide your life? Find your spine and make a stand. :woman_facepalming:


Turn those tables and hang with someone he doesn’t really like. Live your life too. Don’t sit around being upset. If you do you gonna become the nag and he won’t want to be around you. Be smart…think of ways that he wants to be around you without “complaining “. If this “cousin” isn’t really a cousin like everybody else says you should be very observant and get all your pieces to the puzzle. Good luck and be smart about this.

Maybe kissing cousins!

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Are they 3rd cousins Or further apart ? lol because there clearly into each other and technically 3rd and anything after that can be together and get married.


Pull a him on him. If things don’t change, tell him he lost his chance to keep you. One sided relationships don’t work, trust me

That’s not his cousin!:smirk:


Is it actually his cousin or is it his “cousin”…


She’s instigating & they have an unhealthy family relationship where you have an unhealthy relationship with him. Cut your losses and go. She will forever do this if he keeps allowing it.


Idk about you but my kids father had sex with his blood cousin :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3: anything is possible


Kick him out! I am sure he can stay at his cousins house.

Are you sure they are cousins ??


My ex husband is now w his real cousin n they have a baby. On the other hand I have boy “cousins” I couldn’t stomach being with like that.
Depends on the person I guess.

I’m sorry :pensive:
It’s obvious they have something going on

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Yes my cousin wanted to sleep with me EWWWW and we are 1st cousins YUCK!!!

Kick them to the curb!

If you dont trust him leave. You cant tell anyone not to speak to someone just because you dont like them.

Are you SURE that’s his cousin :thinking:


Is that really his cousin🤔


Don’t blame her if your husband is jumping. Blame your husband for allowing it


You sure they really cousins?


She is his wing woman and you need to do most likely get rid of him for his lack of respect for you to! Most likely finding woman to hook him up with.

No is not ok ones in a while is ok not all the time I won’t be ok he’ll no

My x fucked his cousin… Run they are sick in the head!

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they’re pretty much hooking up. Unbelievable but it’s a possibility.

Girl they are sleeping together ….period

Oh doll baby yu can’t come in between blood he just gotta find a balance between y’all too.
Good luck cause I love most my male cuzin’s to death :blue_heart::100::muscle:

I’ve heard of people messing with relatives. It’s disgusting, but a real thing.

Leave that man alone. That ain’t ya man’s. Anymore. He is everyone’s now. He don’t care about u. So move on girl. That’s all you gotta do. Move on. Don’t waste your life on anyone who undervalues you and what you have to offer. Forget them. That’s their problem now. Go the right way and get yourself out of this situation before it turns into a worse situation. God bless you babe.:heart::heart:let us know how it goes.

Are you sure he’s hanging around with her and not hanging out of her you should be his number 1 not second best

Are all of you saying its just his cousin, its family ignoring the part where this cousin/family is adding him in sex groups and causing issues with his marriage because she doesn’t respect his wife? The cousin shares the blame with the husband.
Hunny, leave. Your marriage will not get any better. When your husband decided to put someone before you and is not seeing where his and her actions are disrespectful as fuck, he doesn’t care anymore. Take your pride and leave him.


How is inviting someone to a meme sex group on FB disrespectful? Like she probably knows him well enough to know he’d enjoy the group. It ain’t about her or sex with her. Y’all are acting like she’s in a sex group chat with him.

Most of this post just seems like petty jealousy and that’s why his family doesn’t like you. She made your fighting about her and him because she probably feels you are angry about her. Which you are.

No evidence you gave points to them actually doing anything wrong. Just you being upset that he is close to her in a way your family isn’t close to each other, taking that out on him and then demanding he remove her from his life. Hella petty.

Maybe ask yourselves why you are all so jealous


Not his cousin by the sounds of it


What in the trailer park


That’s a hard one… she’s his family, & unless they are that type of family… You gotta get over it. If they are really close, you saying I don’t want you with them is kind of sh!tty. In a fight between two partners of course the family will be on the side of thier family… again if they are close, and he talks sh!t about you, then liking you will be hard. But, as with any person, family, even women or exes… they do what your hubby allows. NOW y’all situation is touchy… cause how you tell someone don’t hang with your cousin cause she is a girl & you… I don’t know. And sex group? like a adult memes? Because now you are being childish. Maybe you don’t share jokes &… with your’s, but some close families, friends do… unless they are talking about doing stuff to each other. Maybe this ain’t the man for you… just saying

It’s his cousin. That’s his family. Why are you jealous and mad because he’s spending time with a family member?

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Naw once your married if your spouse said this person is causing issues they need to exit out… Your marriage is first… He started a new family with you… His family and him needs to respect you.


Their making baby’s.

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I can’t believe all the people on here saying this girl is jealous of her husband’s cousin. Obviously her husband is fking around with his cousin. They are way too close to be “just cousins” and he is spending way too much time with his cousin for it to just be something innocent. Y’all need to wake up. HE’S CHEATING.