Is it bad that I have problem with my husband hanging out with his girl cousin all the time?

Get the hell out…it will never be a proper marriage, he’s not willing to really be your spouse.

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First what does his family think. Do they want you as his mate. If they don’t you won’t make it. It’s sad so ask him if he and his family would be closer without you. Do they know about her actions.

No person should be allowed to come between spouses. If he doesn’t listen to your concerns, you both need counseling or this marriage is doomed

Give him a deadline. He is cheating most likely. No it’s not ok . He has given her priority to her v’s you.

My ex had a lot of cousins Yeap that’s what he called them all different nationalities “hello cousin” my :peach:

Pray for him move forward with jesus he’ll heal your heart

You have tolerated it by remaining with him, so he feels that he can continue to treat you like garbage. Many cousins get married. I know a few. They are both so disrespectful. What’s his problem? Be strong, firm, put your foot down and give him an ultimatum. If it continues, you know what time it is. It’s time to move on before bringing children in this triangle. Give him something to ponder about, while you are gone, and never turn back. You should never have to prove anything to your disrespectful husband for him to learn a lesson. Obviously, you are not his priority!!!

Sounds like they might be more than cousins, in which case, I’d leave the situation as soon as possible. Doesn’t seem like this story will have a happy ending on any side. This might be an indicator of a time to start over. I realize this isn’t ideal but likely best. Wish you luck!

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The cousin is not the problem. Talk to your husband. Let him know your feelings

You can’t let your partner mess up your self-esteem. Say good-by. It will work out if you do.

She gotta go, bye Felicia :wave:t3:

Make sure she is really his cousin if so either she and him got something going are she is fronting for someone

I went through that scenario kissing cousins. Watch out!!! They try to act so innocent. Did you not see all that before you got married?

Every time he goes to hang out you go with him. It will stop one way or another.

Sounds to me like he’s trifling,cousin or no cousin,they are both trifling

She must find new friends.

Talk to him about it. If he picks her, leave now!

Sounds like your husband has no respect for you. Don’t waste your time trying to. Save him

Dump him. You deserve great things in life

wait…she added him to what group??? I don’t care who added what to where if my husband engages in any sex group he will not be my husband much longer…

When you try to get in between family members, it hardly ever ends well.

Something not right … get rid of him

Is she really a “cousin”??

Go go fast as u can. Something ain’t right.

They’ve got a “thing” going on.

you definitely have a problem.

Are you sure she’s his cousin?

Tell him how you feel.

You sure they are actually cousins?

If he likes incest with his cousin watch your kids closer or get the F–k out

That milk appear to not be clean…ole heads used to say, Dat milk ain’t clean.

Are you really that dumb?

Are u sure they’re cousins?

Something not right with their relationship I say leave him

You don’t own him so he can hang out with whomever he wants. No one owes you anything. Why are you waiting for him to decide your life? If he’s cheating and it can’t be repaired then you leave.

You need to have a long talk with him, and let him know exactly how you feel. If this doesn’t work, kick him out and get a divoece.

Walk away and move on

Sure they aren’t dating

You sure they’re really cousins? :eyes:

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Well sounds like kissing cuz. Or drug buddys…or she has friend he likes.either way your not family will never win .plan a escape. Start saving first last damage lawyer moneys.

There is life after DIVORCE!!! Get out , definitely not right!!!

You are being disrespected. It has to be you or her, this is definetely a kinky situation. Hang out with someone he doesn’t like, give him a taste of his own medicine. Have fun, make yourself happy dont depend on a man to do that.

You are to come first. Maybe they are cousinly friends and enjoy each others company occasionally like every 2 months or so. And thatd be alright. My boy cousins feel like that to me. Kinda like brothers I never bickered with. And going for a walk, or to have a coffee is great. But I respect their wives and gfs and would never interfere with their relationships. Those women are to be first and foremost to a man. If your man doesnt get that and isnt willing then that cousin stuff isnt pure and healthy and needs to end for always. See a counselor with him and say that in a neutral space where gaslighting cant occur.

I would kick her butt.then tell to take a hike. So what if your hubby gets upset. Maybe he would get the picture finally.

I have two male cousins I hang out on the regular with. We’ve been bff’s for over 30 years. One has been married or lived with several women. Some I liked, others I didn’t. The women were never a factor. The other one has had one wife the entire time. I’ve been thrown out of their houses along with my husband by their wives for being involved in their arguments. Sometimes their partners were jealous a/f. Lucky my husband never got jealous. After 30 years their significant others realized I’m not going anywhere and have accepted it. Save yourself the time. Accept their cousin, she’s family, she doesn’t want your man.

Family is the Worst & Sneakiness. Many have a Low Back Fence.

What exactly do you mean by “sex group”? Are you implying you think he is cheating with cousin?

Beat a bitches ass problem solved

So wierd for this to come up

Bet there’s something going on.

Take the word “cousin” out of what u say and it’s immediately obvious he’s having an affair… The fact that he’s related is clouding your judgement. Deep down you know what’s going on. He’s already proven he has kinks , the sex group is just a place to find like minded people to validate what they’re doing… Get out now.

For Christmas give his cousin a one way ticket to an African Safari lol

Put your foot down !!

Leave his butt NOW !!

Time for an ultimate

Me personally i would get rid of them both. Life is precious, and short. Live happily to the fullest. :purple_heart::purple_heart:

Tell him you want to join the sex group and let her know also . You will see somebody you will not belive how they will have a change of heart:

Trust your gut …and walk…ugh!

Stop having sex with him, get checked for STD’s, get proof of his infidelity
And a good divorce attorney

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Sex group? He should marry his cousin

Is it really his cousin is my question?? I mean are you absolutely sure because you know how folks claim people as “family” and whole time there is no blood relation??

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My ex having sex with his 1 cousins and his brother was too

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Problem. Is. He. Is. Not. Married. To. Her. But. Is. To. You. If. You. Fell. This. Way. Set. Him. Down. And. Let. Him. Know. This. Cousins. Mess. Around. To

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My first husband told me him and his cousin always had sex,and none knew. Nasty.

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It’s awful in any relationship to feel second best no matter the reason, if he knows how you feel and hasn’t done anything about it then I’m afraid you my lovely deserve better. Even if that means just you :heart: be strong… Life can be short and everyone deserves peace xxxx

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Cousin? Sound like a side chick to me :woozy_face::woozy_face:


Which side of the family is this cousin from?

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What’s bad is your husband in a sex group w/ his female cousin ??? :woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4:Please tell me this was an autocorrect gone wrong-

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Maybe she is not his cousin ever thought of that sounds like a mistress to me

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I’d tell him to drop the cousin act or it was over between us