Is it bad that I have problem with my husband hanging out with his girl cousin all the time?

Have you ever heard of kissing cousins well I’m afraid your situation may be worse off why else add him to a sex group if they both didn’t have sex on the brain. Leave his ass and let him have his cousin you can do way better than that girl

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If it smells like fish it probably is. A man hanging out with another woman is wrong, cousin or not. Let him know he is welcome to move in with her if That’s what he wants. Let him know what you want is a husband. If he can’t be a whole hysband, you can do better.


Oh hell no, when a man gets married his wife comes first. No married man needs to be on a sex group, unless he is looking for a side piece or extra group sex. He can go f his cousin if she’s indeed his cousin at all.


You tell his cousin that if she don’t stay away from YOUR man!!! Your going to take her to Jerry Springer and whip her Ass!!!

All seriousness she is purposely putting her self in someone else’s relationship and instigating him to be disloyal to you, just like a bad friend would do. Maybe she don’t like you and wants y’all to get a divorce. Talk to him and tell HIM no more or your gone! She’s Extremely out of line and needs to be respectful of you and his relationship. If she doesn’t understand the rules. Then it’s time for a beating! :joy:


Sounds like an issue to me. Last time I had issues with a man and a female “cousin” she turned out to be an ex that the man and his family portraid to be a cousin.


Men can lie about family members hunny .kick him out

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Girl u need to move along

had this happen just to find out it wasn’t even actually his cousin. trust your intuition. even if nothing freaky is going on, there’s a reason you see a flag.


I’m sorry but, your wife is number one. I would not stand for being second to anybody in his family or his life. We put God first in our marriage and no one should come between us. You really need to do some soul searching and make clear of what you will not tolerate and stick to it.

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He needs to choose which relationship is more important to him! I would not blame the ‘cousin’, she owes you no loyalty, but he does. He should not allow anyone to disrespect you. If his relationship with her is more important than the one with you, you need to find someone that doesn’t put others before you. Respect yourself enough to put an end to this- one way or another!

Doesn’t sound like a cousin to me…


I guess your vows didn’t say forsaking ALL others.
Anyway it sounds like this cousin wanted him for herself and she is currently having her way.
Your husband is acting as though he is a teenager and the cousin the same.
Is she a cousin at all ."Cousins " are known to be used as the scapegoat for many a relationship.
If you cannot speak to him and she is guiding him the best thing to do is leave him with his cousin.
Many would say she seem jealous but that is not the way for a grown and married man to be carrying on .As soon as a female in a relationship detects something off she is either jealous, miserable or bossy.
And yes issues have many angles but they are usually pointers or clues to show you all is not well. They are called red flags though.


Yes its wrong. After my divorce my ex-husband moved in with his cousin and yes they slept in the same bed

Yes its wrong. After my divorce my ex-husband moved in with his cousin and yes they slept in the same bed

He should be making you a priority! Ya she may be family but he chose you to marry. Sounds like she is just meddling and he needs to put her in her place to not interfere in your relationship. If he can’t do that personally I’d send his arse to the curb with the trash. If you can’t make me a priority and always go to someone else’s side instead of mine then we don’t belong together.

Do you hear banjos playing when they’re together?? Eff that.


If I was you I would wait until one night he leaves with her and follow them see what is really going on and when you catch him bust his ass but make sure you have your camera out and ready to video tape as you walk up so you have visual proof on camera that he is cheating.

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You sure thats his actual cousin? tbh If it is I’d run a mile, smells to much of insest to me, If it isn’t his real cousin still Run.


Time to call the show cheaters and catch then in the act :sweat_smile:

My fiancé has many female cousins and they don’t add him to sex groups . If your husband is looking to spice up your sex life . He can look at porn, not sex groups .

Also your husband shouldn’t be letting NO ONE disrespect you . If that’s the case then girl you deserve way better , and maybe his cousin needs a good old whooping :sweat_smile:

If ask what state you are in… may have something going on with her sexually and you are the cover for him. Js

Honey it’s time to take a break from your husband and tell him if he doesn’t straighten out it will be permanent

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Cousin or niece? You need to find out. Which ever… sounds the same shit :roll_eyes::rofl:

Omg kick him out n find someone who respect you …it sounds like they are the couple but you have to be the one to choose .stay or leave .

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That my friend…is not his “cousin”

It doesn’t matter if this cousin is a man or woman. It’s definitely a problem

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He’s keeping it in the family… Literally.

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This is very strange behavior and gross


Go and find someone who will give the respect you deserve…

Every time I read these stories I ask myself is this for real ??


Kissing cousins. SHE IS OUT OF LINE. She is a wing man for him. Put a stop to it, or kick this cheater to the curb.

Its up to him to put a stop to that. And yes he should

You’re definitely being disrespected. Are you sure she really is his blood cousin, I think I would have to look into that. He should not be jumping that quick for a cousin!! The fact that she is making moves for him is the disrespect, I would have a talk with him and her, let her know you will not tolerate it. Even better next time she buzzes go with him!!

Are you sure thats his cousin…id be looking at them sideways* a bit disscusted…lol


I’d run . My boyfriends ex. Girlfriend really enjoyed hooking up with her cousins , so much she fell pregnant with one of them …… talk about grossness .


Sounds like more than just a “cousin” relationship. I’d do some research.


Ehh I’d be looking more into it honestly. Especially if she is meddling with y’all’s relationship. That’s odd cousin behavior.


In what world would you think it’s okay for a cousin to add another “cousin” in a SEX group :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: !!! I’d freak out myself if someone did this to me :joy::joy:

That’s his side piece or they’re really kissing cousins . Either way don’t put up with that shit

Sounds like some cousin lovin is going on!


Maybe he uses his cousin to cover up what he’s really doing. She calls him for the other women & then he jumps.


Are you sure that’s his cousin? I’ve heard some sh!t like this before and it turned out to not be his cousin. :eyes:

Ya talk to him in a nice respectful manner. If he still gets upset. Something fishy.


All I needed to see was “cousin” and “sex group,” those two things shouldn’t be in the same sentence :joy:

Is it bad that I’m hearing banjoes as I read this? Run, don’t walk away from this relationship.


Okay let me put this out there. Incest Still Exists! People Still Fuck Within Families. Most are In Denial about it & Lots don’t care if they are closely related. It’s a Fetish Men & Woman Enjoy Everywhere in every Country. But People Follow Their Dicks & Pussy. Affairs Are Constant & People Are Fucked Up.

I Would Call his Ass Out & Hers. He Should Put You First & Vice Versa. If He Isn’t, than yeah it’s possible they are having intercourse.

If she doesn’t respect your marriage then yeah I’d be pissed too. Y’all don’t have to like each other but being civil and respecting boundaries is a must.


She ain’t his cousin.


Honey that’s not his cousin. And if it is. Then you need to walk away from that mess.


Lmao :rofl: as a cousin who has hated my cousins wife you may wanna look at yourself for a second. :woman_shrugging:t4: the wording in this post is weird as hell tbh but on the innocent side of it that’s my response. Why are you so threatened by their relationship? Or the fact that she doesn’t like you? If she doesn’t like you now she probably didn’t like you when y’all got married​:woman_shrugging:t4:


These comments are ridiculous


Eh… that is weird to me. Are they biological cousins or are the just the kind of people that say they are cousins but aren’t?

He should definitely not jump every time she reaches out and he should also put a stop to it considering she’s disrespectful to you and your marriage.


I’d make sure it’s actually his cousin. My grandpa was not my biological grandpa and had other grandkids and I didn’t meet one of them until he was in his early 20s and I was a teenager. 2 years ago we got really close when our granpa passed and ended up hooking up. I still call him my cousin and people think it’s so weird but we didn’t grow up together and aren’t actually related. So I’m thinking it’s maybe something like that. Where they just say they are?


She most likely added him to the sex group to piss you off. I wouldn’t be with a man who doesn’t respect our marriage. I would run as fast as possible

We have a saying where I’m from… Cousin and Cousin make Dozen. Look into this my dear


Girl, that is MORE than a Cuzzin….


My ex isn’t nicknamed cousin fucker for no reason…

My partner has alot of girl cousins which he is really close but nothing like this…this is different and I would honesty look into it and if its what most of us think I would leave, thats nasty; especially the part about the sex group :nauseated_face:

Everyone screaming more than a cousin, what if they are just cousins but also best friends? I have a guy best friend, and I don’t like his girl. While I remain respectful I do add him to groups that I am a part of that he can tastefully look at nudes, because he is a guy and everyone loves a little titty Tuesday. Its not like she is sending him nudes, she is just doing bro code stuff. You should see what men send each other, pics if nude ladies all the time.

Eeewwww and weird…any self respecting female is going to respect marriage …she sbd your hubby are off …some people honestly thrive off being the center of attention…if your hubby doesn’t demand respect it’s time to say bye…she don’t have to like you…an irrelevant ass hater never mattered but him smh he’s wrong

They’re not cousins they’re fuxins


Ok so I had an ex I was engaged to. He had an affair going on with his first blood cousin who had been in love with him since they were young. I ended up finding proof and left him. He denied it for a year even thoughi had actual proof. Then finally he admittedly. They got married like 2-3 years later and it’s been about 15 years now. So it’s possible they been together or want to be don’t ignore the signs

And this is where the term kissing cousins comes in……….

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Are you sure she’s actually his cousin?? Lol


That’s not his cousin… sorry but no.
That’s weird to me.


Are you sure they’re cousins?


Where is the proof they are cousin’s?:flushed:

No way they’re cousins, and if they are something’s yeehaw there


Something is giving me either lying and cheating vibes or incest


I think it’s strange. I have cousins and step cousins I would never cross those lines with. If you’re feeling some type of way, trust your gut.

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Your husband sounds like he refuses to grow up and mature.

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Baby… that’s not his cousin and even if it were sweet home alabama playing in the distance


This group is so weird…its his cousin…I was raised closely to my cousins and they are more like siblings to me…would yall say he was screwing his sister if the relation was different…strange jealous insecure…all of these comments and this whole post…


It’s the added to sex group that really throws me off. I would not add any of my family members to something like that. Close or not that’s just weird.

Thats more than a cousin sweetie…I’d be looking into that shit NOW

Yall from west virginia huh?


Y’all post some shit online. You could just you know. Communicate with you s/o. Tell them what’s bothering you ask questions ask for
Clarification if you still feel uneasy that is something you need to turn to your spouse with and for. Not strangers on the internet

I’m sorry… did I read that all right or am I seeing things wrong?
Sex groups and cousins? Wtf is going on there😳

Oh sweet heart. They may be cousins but they def f$:&($(… they probably hang from the chandelier when u not around… I have some close cousins but we not in a sex group together.

That’s weird. I’m super close to my guy cousin and talk to him a lot but 1, if he had a girlfriend that his business. We dont get into each others relationships because that’s weird and 2, adding him to a sex group is beyond weird. Like that’s not something you even talk to your cousin of the opposite sex about in my opinion. Honestly are you sure they are even related?

Are they real cousins?


Sounds like they are kissing cousins.

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They sound like good friends :woman_shrugging:t2: Cousins are often raised like siblings.



:thinking: Oh I’ve had that one told to me before :roll_eyes: In my instance she wasn’t his cousin at all… Just a close fam friend no blood relationship and they were sleeping together they’re still together in fact. :sob: My best friends ex husband was actually sleeping with his own biological cousin which is ILLEGAL in California where we live she walked in on them :nauseated_face::nauseated_face: of course she divorced him aired them out to the entire fam and afterwards she had to go to a counselor for over a year to get over it she had a child with him prior to knowing. Luckily he’s in prison now for a long time so their child isn’t exposed to his twisted ways.


Start whipping out the family tree. Keep us updated I want to know if she is really a cousin or the other girl.


Yeah, my grandsons dad used to tell my daughter that his flings were cousins too :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:

Leave girl. Don’t look back.


Divorce him, you’re clearly not happy, he doesn’t respect you and he’ll never put you first, why stay?


Imo:Wow! No wonder you feel disrespected and betrayed! It is not bad that you have problems with what your husband is doing. It is bad that he is doing that. I’d go see a counselor for a few sessions, and decide what you want for your life. You deserve to be treated better. This says volumes about her and him, both his jumping and his being in a sex group. I’d be upset also if my husband did not stop with someone who doesn’t like me, and I’d assume he is complicit. He obviously is not standing up for you, or your marriage. What are you willing to settle for? You have greater value.


Doesn’t matter if she a cousin or not, his actions are definitely not appropriate.


He doesn’t respect you. No loving husband would do that to his wife!

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Honey you need to run and not look back. There is certainly something going on there that is not normal. Life is far to short to live as you are-please move on and be happy, you deserve so much better than this crap.:butterfly:


Are you sure it’s his cousin??? Something is going on with this and it’s not GOOD. He is enjoying this animosity between you two. He should be the one to put COUSIN in her place. WHATS WITH HIM???

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Past due for you to have walked.


May be time to move on. Just tell him you no longer can compete with hos cousin who seems to come first and tell him you think its time for a divorce. Are they possibly not blood related, almost sounds like he is screwing the cousin. Just let him go and then work on making yourself happy, another man one day will come along that will put you first and treat you how a wife should be treated, and not second best behind their slut of a cousin. Find a support group to help you, lots of woman have gone through what your going through as in being put 2nd behind the husbands family or even friends. The longer you stay with him doing this the worse it will get, but maybe giving him divorce papers will open up his eyes and see how bad things look and how he is acting.

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It’s very hard I feel for you but don’t let her get to you

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Tell him what you think is going on. No mincing words, straight out, ask him if he is sleeping with his cousin. Yes, leave. No, tell him he has two months to change, tell his cousin bye and put you first. If he doesn’t, get out of that relationship. You’ll never be happy.

Move on, get counseling for yourself, start divorce proceedings asap, find your own place

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I think it’s past time for divorce court. This is weird and it sounds like they are in a more committed relationship than he has with you.

My ex married his cousin so be careful out here :sweat_smile::joy:

Are you sure it’s his cousin?? Maybe they tell you that so that you think nothing is goin on….but it is!! Ultimatum….it’s you or her b/c she is not accepting of you and is rude and disrespectful let alone together on a sex group!!! Seriously he needs to also do away with those types of groups/friends, he’s married for god sake!! He also is disrespecting YOU HIS WIFE!! In no way shape or form would I allow this behavior especially from my husband PERIOD!!:rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: