Is it fair for me to do everything?

Sorry but u have no boundaries …he needs to be spoken to …lay it down if it dosent change soon u will be changing a lot of things in the home

Communication. Make it perfectly clear that there are more people in the house than just you and if you don’t start getting some help from him you are gone. It is a partnership not a dictatorship. If you just keep doing it all he is going to keep letting you. Stand your ground.

If you have to ask i would leave him.its 2021.

There should be somebody to lecture him on the shared role of father and mother in the house especially if both parents are working.

No it’s not fair at all let him do his own laundry n his own cooking n dnt let him sleep in bed with you either make it really hard on him n go out with the girls n when he gets home you walk out the door n just say going out with the girls n just leave

Make a list of everything to be done. Tell him
To check hslf as his responsibility. Then don’t do those things no matter what! No nagging . Just post on refrig snd don’t do

My hubby and me are a team. I would not have it any other way.

No sympathy for you. Got with him, should have thought about this before.

Really a terrible imbalance of workloads! Match his energy 100%!!!

Men are usually visual creatures, do a white board with all that you do and let him do his side and then say , marriage is a partnership , you need to take some of the load off me . Which would you like to do From my list

Have you divided the duties between you? If you haven’t, why shouldn’t he continue doing what suits only him?

I would sit down and have a serious talk with him. Explain that this behavior can not go on.


Something so easy, can be so hard…


I would tell him he can help out or get out! What do you need him for? He doesnt do anything.

He is not a good man. Shame on him. If he loves you, he would help you and if he doesn’t you will be much happier without him. Good luck to you💛

Lose his ass, if you want a one person Relationship you could be by yourself doing all those things single

Hell no.

I told my husband if he CANT help me then here’s my damn ring because I sure don’t need it.

I handed him my wedding ring. :woman_shrugging:


The best you can do is to get a house helper/maid.
But talk to him too and see were he can be of help

Feed you & the kids. Do yours & the kids laundry & that’s it. If you have any family or friends you can move in with……GO GO GO​:bangbang::bangbang::bangbang::bangbang:

Sorry! This is exactly what I never wanted in a husband! I want a life partner! You watch my back ill watch yours! We share the load of our lives together!! I couldn’t love a man like this!!! You are already living your marriage alone!!! I would HAVE to leave! But your life, your decision!!! God bless you!!

Stop cooking for him, doing his laundry, cleaning after him. And use that day off to do something for yourself!

Stop making his tea, washing his clothes etc. He will soon realise

You would be better off on your own

It sucks , but it’s a mans world


Comunicate…make a list and divide chores so each have me time without kids.

The people that loved this comment are boomers :laughing: no one respects you. Go away.

Reconnect with friends and carve out a you day… if he doesn’t like it-tough

Hire a maid, nanny & give him the bill.

Some people bank on their partners doing it all & with a positive attitude :joy:

You are a great wife. I hope he knows this.

Communication is key… Instead of being on facebook talk to your partner… if you are not happy leave him.

I do the same everyday.

Absolutely not fair.

LEAVE …YOUR DAUGHTER WIll BE FINE. But learning better relationships forever.

Way…past time dear,time for trade in seriously…

Both should be sharing the work

TALK! Tell him you’re close to BURN-OUT. :dizzy_face:
Agree to a PLAN: Start with 1 or 2 simple tasks. Add gradually until he’s up to 50%.
If he won’t do even a couple of simple tasks, you know how much he “loves” you and this family. :cry: Make your own PLANS. :broken_heart:

It’s time for a real conversation!

People will only do to you what you allow them. Think of yourself and your well being for a change :pray:

Unhealthy for you phyícally amd mentally.

Sorry to say he must not be much to let you do everything if he really loved you honey he would be more then glad to help do everything with you and get it done so you two could relax so get another man

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I’m a single working mum with 3 kids, I do all the housework, bring up my kids, and go to work, and still occasionally have time for myself. it doesn’t have to be one way or the another. Make time for the things you want to do.

you created your monster now you can fix it trust me!

Get rid of him one less to clean up after x

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Couples counseling may help if he really cares about you and your children.

If your doing it yourself, do it yourself. Get rid of the dead weight

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You already know it’s not ok. But you’re the one who accepts this. So stop. Have a heart to heart. This isn’t how partners treat one another.

The whole family including the husband she help

Try saying something to them not us. Sometimes it helps if you both list what you feel you do for the house and create some perspective. Or tell their mother. :joy:

My daughter is with such a “man” but hers is alcoholic and physically abusive. She will leave when she has had enough. I hope.

Have you told him how you feel?. Maybe that would help.

He gets by with it because you let him.

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Stop doing it. Talk to him. Tell him he needs to do it all, for a week, just a week. After the week ask him if he thinks it’s fair. If he can’t see the wrong - only do for you and your kids. No cooking for him, no laundry, no groceries.

My sister made plans with her girlfriends and was ready to walk out the door as soon as hubby got home, from the office. He told her he was going bowling and asked her what he was supposed to do with their two girls. She said to do what she does and hire a sitter, then left. After that, he was expected to pull his weight around the house and he did.

Sounds like my life.

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If you have to ask— You need help

You know the answer to this.

I’d make a divided list and mark on the calendar what days/nights are best for you to go out and meet new people. Join a group, book club, hobby class, or just chill out at the park. Whatever, just don’t let life pass you by.

That sounds just like aman…

Say something, he can’t change something your doing. Men have to be told and if he knows how you feel… well something else is going on!

First of all, you do work. The payment is just not money. And no it is nit fair. Take that day off and leave the house for the day.

Is your partner you spouse or live in lover

Give the kids a simply dinner , don’t wash for him, don’t do any extra for him & he can fend for himself


You are woman, hear you roar! I still feel this way at almost age 72.

Naku bugbugin mo yang asawa mo sakin hindi pwede yan kung ako nasa ganyang sitwasyon

No it’s definitely not fair… sounds like your a single mother :woman_shrugging:t3:… Might as well be a single mother

My X was that way that’s why he my X

This is a partnership. We both work, we both take care of the house.

divvy up the chores or walk.

We finally found a solution to this. The back half of the house is the boys area. They can trash and do all they want to. The living room dining room kitchen is my area. You don’t abide by my rules, we have a problem. It has worked supremely well. And I don’t have to see their nonsense. :heart_eyes:

Stop doing everything just make sure your children and what they need. I’ll do the laundry don’t cook enough food for him let him see how it feels

If you started out like that then he will expect you to continue doing it all by yourself, but you need to let him know that he needs to get off his ass and help you with everything, close mouth don’t get fead. Good luck

Just do what you can do, the kids know who was there for them. He knows he is being a POS. Life’s not fair so just put your head down and go, God will take care of things.

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Why are you still there?Please don’t say because I love him. A door mat is not a good look.

Don’t cook for him don’t do his laundry. When he ask say your tired and go into detail why. Or do what I did I went on a strike.

Tell him he needs to help out and give him duties,’men are so stupid sometimes they don’t realize you need helps unless you tell them and if he says no, I would do one last thing pack his bag and tell him good by

If you put up with it he will continue. Jump his shit and tell him shape up or hit the road. He will have to get a job to pay child support.

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Tell him how you feel and if he doesn’t want to make a change then decide what works for you

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I’d put my foot down and tell him to either be an active part of this family or get the F out! Get that child support and live your life happily without a lazy oaf in your life.

I personally couldn’t be married to a man like that. I’m a stay-at-home wife and still have a full-time housekeeper. I don’t play that game😂

Wouldn’t you be better off without him? Geez leave make him pay the bills…I mean what do you need him for?

Kick the bugger to the kerb that’s what you should do .

STOP. Get prepared to have him move or you move.Hard as it seems ,you must .He will NEVER CHANGE.

Find a working support system - counseling, Al Anon, a preacher…
You’re looking for a life changing outcome and you will need help.

Tell him to Shape up or Ship Out

What you allow is what will continue. I’m so glad to be single.

Pack his shit up and leave it in the driveway.

Personally I would get rid

kick him to the curb

Tell him you won’t help!

I vote for a housekeeper

STOP : and get out. He’s abusing you.

You two have to sit down & talk about it. There is such a thing as division of labor in the house. How will he know you’re having a headache or stomach ache if you don’t tell him? Girl, sometimes you have to be assertive.

Set rules start helping or go

I think you know the answer

You let him from day one…

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Leave. He doesn’t know the meaning of the word relationship

Realign jobs, duties chores, time to negotiate your needs

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Give him some chores.

Time for a good long talk.