Is it hard to get pregnant after having the copper IUD?

I have a copper IUD and want to take it out and start trying for another baby. My son is 6 years old (I’m 25) but what is that big of an age gap like? Is it harder to get pregnant after the copper iud?


Nope! Had mine taken out and was pregnant the next month!

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A girl I knew had hers taken out & was pregnant within a month

Its supposed to be the easiest since it doesn’t affect your hormones.

I’m 26 my daughter is 6 and I am currently 6 months pregnant after two months of taking out my iud :slight_smile:

We had to have mine removed when it became displaced. We were not trying right away. When we did try, BOOM, positive. My 3 oldest kids are 17 months apart, but my daughter is 8 years younger than her youngest brother. The age gap isn’t terrible as all the boys can help with their sister. They love it!

My kids are 11.5 years apart. And even though by son is 26 he includes his sister In so much.

My oldest little sister is 6 years younger than me and I loved it at first. I wanted to help out alot. My stepmother ended up getting a little overbearing with her and we drifted apart a little but now she’s 18 and we’re good

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I had two copper iud’s back to back after having 2 kids in 2006 and got pregnant with my 4 year old immediately and then my 3 year old right after… no problems conceiving… currently using a copper IUD again…

My kids are 6 years different… it didn’t take long to get pregnant… and now I’m pregnant again.

Took me 6 months after

I got pregnant wile on it now I’m 9 months pregnant almost due :confused:

I had my IUD taken out and got pregnant as soon as it came out lol

Me and my brother are 6.5-7 years apart and my mom loved it, I didn’t really enjoy it because my bother never really played with me, we didn’t get closer until I was much older. My oldest and youngest are 6.5 years apart and he absolutely adores her, wants to do everything for his baby sister. I think it depends on the kids.

I’ve had this IUD 2 times. First time I took it out I got pregnant within the month. Second time I got pregnant with it still in with twins.

I have a 12 and 10 yr old, and a 3 and 9 month old. The hardest struggle for me was my older two are now in sports, and lugging two littles and a diaper bag on top of everything else can be a bit taxing some days. But the best is they love to be little helpers and they love their little brothers :heart:

Everyone’s experience is different, personally mine was horrific. After having a copper IUD for 5 years, it dislocated and embedded in my uterus wall. Upon removal we began trying to conceive, and after 6 months we were pregnant. Unfortunately due to the inflammation and scar tissue left from the IUD, I had an ectopic pregnancy and had to have emergency surgery. We were allowed to begin trying 3 months post surgery, and this time around we immediately conceived and had a healthy 9.14lb baby boy.

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I literally got pregnant the day I got my copper iud removed

Ask. Your. Doctor. :woman_facepalming:

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I got pregnant about 4 months after getting my IUD removed.

my brother and i were 6 yrs about we were close and my little sister and I were 15 yrs apart and she is and always has been attached at my hip

I had the copperIUD and within 3 months of having it removed i was pregnant. There’s 6.5 yrs between my kids

I had it and got pregnant the same month I had it taken out!

I was pregnant my first ovulation after they took out my copper iud, and I’m 34. Just be careful I miscarried I think because it was to soon after removing iud. I was pregnant again my next ovulation and he is now 2 weeks shy of being a year old :grin:

The age difference is great they love helping with him!

I didn’t have copper, but I had the mirena for almost 8 years. I had it removed July of 2017, used alternative bc methods until April 2018 when we decided to try for a baby. I found out I was 4 weeks pregnant 5 weeks after starting trying to conceive.

I got mine out in October and we got pregnant in March. I actually had no issues with mine afterward other than my periods were different… I would spot 3 days prior to my period and that had never happened before but that’s it… also I’m 30 so age could be a factor as well

I have 2 they are 7 years apart and now Im having number 3 7 years later again. I think its easier because now they are old enough to help out if they choice too. All 3 of our girls are excited for the last baby boy.

No IUD experience but I do have 2 16 year old boys( one bio other is foster kid thur kinship been part of the family always but officially 1 year in 9/1) and a 4 year old boy. It’s challenging my oldest never wanted to be a big brother now that hes older hes interacting more with him…quarantine forced them to hang out on a normal basis…

I got pregnant a hand full of times during the 7 years I had it. Since it’s non-hormonal it’s easy. You can start trying right away.

I had the copper iud got pregnant with it within my third yr. It had dislocated. It was also a horrific experience for me.

I’m 19 and I have a two year old brother and I love it :heart: I was really upset at first but I wouldn’t change it for the world! A six year age gap wouldn’t be that bad at all really the six year old would probably be happy to be an older sibling and looked up to and the younger one would probably be happy to have someone to teach them!

My son was 7 when we had our daughter. She is now 7 months old and he is 8, and even though our son has been very jealous at times, and feels like we care about her more at times, he is very gentle and loves playing around with her to make her laugh. I was super worried about the age gap, and still am as time goes on, but I really don’t think it’s a reason to not have another child. The older one will always feel jealous at times, and they might not be close when they’re older, but there’s siblings that are close in age that aren’t close, so i don’t see that as a reason not to have another child.

Nope both times i took it out i got pregnant that month

Copper kills the sperm, it is non hormonal so you shouldn’t have any issues once it is removed

Think it just depends honestly. I have a friend who didn’t have luck for 2 years after hers and another who got pregnant pretty much right away

Not for me and I had (The paragaurd, copper one) put in and taken out twice in between children. Good luck!

It’s all about you dear. I was a fertile mertile, then decided to give my friends a surrogate baby, and haven’t been able to have my own since. I’m ok with my daughter being an only child, but you change with everything you put your body through. It just depends on you.

I got prego several times on mine til my body rejected the copper.

No advice on the IUD but My son is 6 and my daughter is 5 months old. He’s a great helper and honestly has loved her since day one. I wanted one out of daycare before another went in. Plus it was nice that I was on maternity leave and he was in school so I could have that bonding time with just her. I feel like he had a lot of years being an only child and was ready for another sibling. Hope that helps ease your mind…


I got pregnant WITH the copper IUD completely in place, so I feel like it would be easy after it haha

Got pregnant the next month

I fell pregnant pretty much the same month I had mine removed

My sister and I were nine years apart. It will be fine.

No problems after mine was pulled out. They don’t have hormones so you should be good to go on your first ovulation. I have a 10 year gap between my last 2.

I had it out for 1 week and got pregnant with my 2nd child

There are no hormones in the paragard so it shouldn’t affect anything. The copper is actually what keeps you from getting pregnant. Sperm don’t like it so they won’t go past it. Once it’s out you’re good to go.

Mine fell out and i got pregnant within 2 weeks

I had the paraguard. After being on it for 10 months I was pregnant with it still in place…

I had the Mirena and got pregnant within 6 weeks and we were even using the Pull & Pray method :laughing::laughing::laughing: I told my doctor and she said she usually sees her patients back in 3 months after removal because they’re pregnant.

Took us 14 months to conceive after getting my iud out, my 2 are 1 and 7 and I find it’s a great gap, my son is very helpful

I had mine out January 14th and got pregnant February 18th of this year. I do think it depends but it shouldn’t take too long because it doesn’t have hormones.

shouldnt be… since the paragard is non-hormonal

I know quite a few woman who got pregnant WITH it in, not just once either! My friend now has 2 kids due to the birth control failing.

Not sure about the copper iud but I had the Mariana iud and got pregnant right away after having it taken out.

I’m not sure about the copper one but I had the marina and got pregnant not long after having it removed

My kids are 11 years apart and it was nice not to have to try and figure out how to be in 2 different places at once. Mine are very close to one another. I think the age gap helped in our family.

I had the copper IUD for a year. Took it out and went on the nuvaring till we were ready to start trying. Got pregnant first try. I’m 29 and pregnant with first child. The copper IUD is non hormonal. It’s just copper which sperm doesn’t like. You can get pregnant right after.

Not sure about the copper IUD, but after having three kids, my advice is have them close like a year apart or wait at least 5 years in between!

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I had the copper iud and it took me a month to get pregnant after I had it removed :woman_shrugging:

It took my almost 6 months

I had the Cooper IUD as well got pregnant 4 months of trying after it was taken out

I had the copper IUD and got pregnant with in a couple months

I had the copper iud. I had it Taken out December 9th last year. Had a positive pregnancy test Jan 1st.

I have an almost 8 yr old and a 7 day old.
Huuuge age gap…its hard cuz my 8 yr old wants my attention and is used to having it 100% of the time. Its hard for him to understand that now he has to share my attention. But he is a big help!

Nope had it out, ovulated that week and got pregnant.

I had the Mirena and it took me almost a year to get pregnant after getting it removed. But I think that’s worst case scenario. It’s different based on each person! My ob/gyn told me it might take up to 6 months to get pregnant after an iud.

I took out my mirena iud at the end of august and asked my doctor how long would it take to conceive and she said the minute it’s out your hormones rebalance so we started trying (he was away for 9 weeks afterwards) so basically the minute we tried we got pregnant! I’m at 29 weeks now! (Conception was around end of November) so really only took us about a month of trying

Well my first two are five years apart it’s not bad I like it, I have a third on the way…my son is now 16 almost 17 and my daughter is 11

I have a 17 year old, 10 year old and 8 year old. The gap was nice between my first and second.

I got pregnant with the copper IUD. It had to be removed and I was the doctors second patient in 15 years that became pregnant with it in place.

I had the copper iud, got pregnant pretty much right away

It took me 13 months

i actually just got my IUD out in March and i am now 8 weeks pregnant! as long as you get a cycle you’re in the clear in your OB says! :relieved:

I have an 18 yo, 13 yo, and 2 1/2 yo. All girls. 18 yo and 13 yo fight like crazy.

After stopping any birth control the chances vary case to case. Usually sooner than later.

Not for me… I got pregnant with the copper IUD in :upside_down_face:

I got pregnant with twins while having the copper IUD. They just turned 17yrs old.

there’s no lasting hormones with the paragard. I waited till after my next period after removal to try and get pregnant. took 2 months. had paragard in for 4 years

I had my copper IUD out while on my cycle. Learned I was pregnant less than a month later. I read a lot about it and the copper iud works by repelling and killing sperm so it’s perhaps easier to get pregnant because it has no hormones. Ph and environment goes back to being normal quite quickly allowing fertilization.

No, the one time I did after I ended up getting pregnant

I was pregnant within 4 weeks of removal. With my pills it took me over a year to get prego

I had mine for 3 years. I got pregnant 3 months after getting removed

As for the age gap its not a bad one! My son is 7 and my daughter just turned one they are best friends

I had the copper IUD from June 2018 until September 2019. I got pregnant December 2019

I had my copper IUD in for about 6 or so years and got pregnant about 3 months after I got it removed. My kids have a 7 year age difference.

I had mine for 10 years got pregnant in 3 months

I had my daughter at 21 she’s 8 now and I’m due with her sister Aug17th

I have 10yr old and 6yr old that hate each other

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My aunt got pregnant with a copper iud… son was delivered with it…

My brother and I are 6 years apart. Other brother and I are 8.5 years apart. My daughter is 6, will be 7 by the time my son is born. (I’m also 25)
I’m quite familiar with this age gap, and I honestly prefer it this way. I helped out with my brothers a lot and we didnt fight the same way as other siblings.

Can’t say anything about the IUD part, but mine are 7 and 1 and it’s been awesome. My 7 yo has been a huge help, and they have a truly great bond. Plus only one in diapers lol

Had mine for 12 yrs…got pregnant in 5 months

I feel like I’m the only person who is having immense trouble conceiving after having my iud out. Everything I read on forums or what have you people get immediately pregnant or shortly after removal. I had mine removed 8 months ago and have been trying since then and nothing.

My daughter turned 9 3 days after her sister was born. It was like starting over in a lot of ways, but it has been great the baby is 11 months now and my daughter has been so helpful and loves her sister. The biggest thing we have had a problem with is the baby was getting a lot of new things because we didn’t keep anything but the crib from my 1st and that left my older daughter feeling left out.

Had it out for 2 weeks and I was pregnant (paraguard) :pregnant_woman:t2:

I’m 5 years older than one of my brothers. Growing up, we weren’t close at all and didn’t have anything in common. When he was a baby, I loved being a good helper with the baby, but once he was 4-5 years old, it’s just kinda :woman_shrugging:.

Every kid is different though so you never know.

In regards to the IUD, I can’t really give advice on that but would recommend speaking to your doctor about it.

I am 27 months older than one sister and 12 years older than youngest sister. My youngest sister and I have always been close and still are to this day (I am 72 and youngest sister is 60). Other sister, not so much.

I got pregnant with the copper IUD in. It was in my whole pregnancy. Had a 80% chance of miscarriage and she came out healthy. Got pregnant 10 months pp after my daughter

It took me 6 months after removal :blush: