Is it harder being a working mom or a stay at home mom?

Honestly I think staying home is hard because your job doesn’t end. It starts as soon as you wake up and ends as soon as you get the kids down to sleep. That’s 7 am to 8 pm at the earliest.
But regardless of job roles the relationships work best when both put in work at home. My husband would come home everyday and still offer to help with the kids or chores. Now with that being said, no one arrangements is going to fit every one. Make sure that the role you and your partner play fit your needs and desires. If one person isn’t comfortable with their role and refuses to say anything will harbor resentment.

Being a stay at home on the farm was a gift. My job was raising our family and feeding the farm crew and helping out where needed. Why have kids if they are too hard to be around. Some days are hard no matter what but most days are good

Working mom is harder. I would be tired and less patients after working all day.

What about a stay at home working mom? :joy: together all day… but I’m actively working 24/7 it feels like. I’m always saying not right now baby to him & it’s the worst feeling.

They are both hard. A woman’s work is never done. A Mom is on call 24 / 7. Man goes to work does his job, come home sits down. My husband came home did yard work, worked in food garden. Sometimes he cooked dinner. He worked at his paying job. He worked hat at his home/ family job.!!

Being a stay at home mum is definitely harder because going to work can be some kinda break

I think it depends on each person. For me I would be way more stressed as a stay at home mom.

Both are equally difficult in they own way if you work you loose out on time with your kid(s) if you stay home you miss out on the money you can make to help provide for your kid(s) either way your losing out on something

Staying home .I preferred working It’s always clean even potty. And I could have coffee in peace.I only had to think of my lunch .I was praised for jobs well done I had friends and associates.I had money and could earn more .

I was a " stay at home" mom, raised 5 daughters and after they grew up I became a small business owner. By far the tougher job for me was being a stay at home mom…just my opinion.

I believe on how many kids. I have done both. I have 4 kids. At home i always feel like the house has to be perfect, dinner done and on the table by 6. Kids clean, laundry, I see every little thing that has not been done. Kids and I are irritated with each other. Where when I was working. It was ok for the laundry to wait 1 more day, it was ok dinner was 30 later. Me and kids e joyed our time together that much more because we were apart. So we played, read or took a walk before dinner or laundry or cleaning. So ot really doesnt matter. If you’re a parent…ITS HARD. But we do the best we can with the choices we have.

It depends on your preference. If you have the option to choose you are in a great position. Doing what makes you happy is the best solution. No answer from anyone one else should persuade your decision. Everyone’s experience is different

I’ve been both and can honestly say being a stay at home mom was harder for me than being a working mom

Look you’re going to have the stay at home moms saying they have it worse and working moms saying the same. Stay at home moms deal with the kids all day long. But there are Moms that sleep all day and let the oldest take care of the kids. Then you have the moms that have a schedule. The working moms have to leave their kids with people (not always family and your mind is always racing whether or not they are good). You may not hear your kids being annoying but you have your coworkers nagging all day long. Then you get home and have to deal with the children and everything else that isn’t getting done. But all in all being a mom is stressful whether you work or not.

I was a stay-at-home mom to 3 daughters, they were really good girls. But I think if they would have been hellions oh, I would have rather had a job

For me being a SAHM is so much harder!! But it depends on the person.

If you feel like your stuck with your child, both will be hard.

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Working is harder of course ,I would much rather be home with my kid if I could

I think having to work plus have to everything at home and take care of a baby is much harder than just staying at home taking care of the baby lol

Depends how much help you have with household chores.

Doing both full time is the most stressful!

Staying at home definitely!

I’ve been both. They both have they are ways in which they are harder. My husband swears stay home is harder and he could never do it.

When you have to be both… haha

Depends on what you do for work

I don’t think you can compare these two ! Both equally hard ! Same as working dads ! Just as hard !

I have been both situations, but personally I think it’s harder being a working mother. I worked M-F 9-5, come home 6:30pm, cook immediately, as otherwise I’ll get lazy, clean, dropped and picked them up from child care, help my children do their homework, manage the bills, make lunches, workout for 30 mins to 1 hr, do the laundry, then sleep, and the cycle repeats, it’s exhausting! I think it helps though if you have an equally caring and sharing partner.

What’s harder or what’s best ?

Being a stay at home mom id say is more stressful… the break you get from working and being away from your kids is healthy and it helps them miss you… after this pandemic and being stuck inside I super miss working lol

Both!!! Pros and cons to both

I tried to be a stay-at-home mom when my child was born, but was not cut out for it. For me staying at home and being isolated was extremely hard, so I have a lot of respect for stay-at-home moms.

Definitely staying home because it’s a billion jobs, and you are under valued, sometimes isolated, always trying to do more, exhausted because you stay up to late to get time for yourself and it’s seven days a week. It’s the hardest darn job in the world!

I have been a working mom and I am a sahm currently. And myself I thought it was less stressful to just go to work. But daycare takes away so so so much money a month that my paycheck just went to daycare and I came home with maybe 200 bucks after daycare a month. So for my family and our finances I became a sahm. And it is so much more stress in my eyes. And not the whole being with kids all day. What stresses me out is I’m not helping out money wise, but in my heart I know I’m helping more being home then paying for daycare.

Done both, and mean done both , dam hard juggling work and being a mum at same time ,

Angelica Miranda this one is for you my love

Being a stay at home mum is much harder than being a working mum in my opinion. I was a working mum, I was lucky that my husband had a job where he could easily take the time off to attend sports days etc which I couldn’t, I do have the odd regret that I worked when they were little, however, I was able to look after my grandchildren when my daughter went to work so that made up for it, because by then financially I was in a good position to be able to do that and had a lot more patience.


Both sides are equally hard. They both have their possibles and their drawbacks. You have to weigh the pros and cons for you to determine what you want to do. I prefer to be a mom who works from home, it is the best of Two impossible worlds. I’m home for my kids and working towards building a business.