Which do you think is “harder” …being a stay-at-home mom or a working mom? What requires more work and is more stressful, in your opinion. I am currently having this debate with my husband and trying to see what others think. I know we are all awesome and do our best. But what is harder? Being stuck home all the time with the kids or going to work and dealing with the stress of that?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it harder being a working mom or a stay at home mom?
Being at stay at home mom for sure, I have been on both sides
Staying home is harder.
I’m a teacher. Its the same for me
They both have their struggles and I feel equally hard as I’ve been in both rolls
I think working momma because you’re working and still doing everything a stay at home does. I’ve done both and personally would rather be a working momma but when I was a stay home mom I didn’t feel as stressed in the evening time when it came to dinner and chores.
To me staying home. Way harder!!! When you get to get out the house and inreract with other adults that definitely makes a difference.
I have been on both sides of that as a mom. definitely stay at home mom the emotional work stress and chaos overpowers working a job by far
I’m both, I stay home all week long and work 7pm fri- 7am monday morning.
I’m gonna vote being a working mom is harder. They have to work and then come home and do all the things a stay at home mom does in the few hours of the day thats left and on the weekends.
I’ve been on both sides and lately I’ve been extremely burnt out being a working mom. I would much rather be home!
Sahm is harder, mentally especially. I work overnights so i can work AND be home during the day
Stay at home mom. I’ve done both.
I think they’re both equally hard just in different ways
I worked full time jobs with my older daughters. My youngest is 12 years younger than her sisters. I honestly feel staying home is harder.
Let’s not invalidate other mothers to win an argument with our husband. It’s all hard. Working mother’s have specific hardships and so do stay at home moms. None of it is easy.
Either way it’s hard
Being a stay at home mom means you connected 24 7 with not much social
Working you are connect 24/7 kids or job finding the balance is fucking hard
Again with not much social life.
Both have pros and cons
Edit I am a supervisor of 2 building, I am connected both to home and work 24/7 if something happens with my kids I have to go if something happens at work I have to go.
Idk it depends the person. For some being a sahm is harder than being a working mom. Honestly I think being a sahm isn’t the worst, but it can get lonesome and mentally taxing. They are both hard in different ways.
Well this question isn’t going to cause issues at all it’s one of the top mom shamming questions. Up there with breast or formula feeding
Working, hands down.
I’ve done both and stay home now. Stress level is so much higher for me because when I worked, I was able to have some time away even if that meant simply going to work!
I’ve done both and working mom is definitely harder.
Both are equally hard. I think women who are sahm have the burden of oh you are home all day lucky you, being dependent on spouse for $$ and not getting respect because you are not bringing a paycheck. There is no time off for sahm. Working moms suffer from guilt of having to chose between work and home, not being respected at work due to kids etc., not being able to spend enough time with kids etc. I’ve done both and found sahm to be harder primarily because I have been financially independent since a young age.
I have done both. Its working for me
Stay at home is harder I’m a working mom and I was on maternity leave for 3months and it was hell… Tending to my 22 month and new born and house was hard as hell… Personally I prefer working kids with day mom
Working for me, but it’s because i miss my kid the whole time I’m gone as well as finding childcare is annoying
I have done both and they both options are very hard! Just in different aspects.
They both suck!! Their is no winning unless u have a good partner that understands how hard it is no which side of the fence you are on.
Having an actual job is harder than staying in your house all day. I was a stay at home mom for 2 years. Piece of cake. What’s there to complain about? You basically live for free and so some dishes and laundry and cook a few meals.
Having a job you have to go to every day, regardless of what is going on it definitely more stressful. As a stay at home mom, you really don’t have any obligations whatsoever. Also. You get to keep your house clean and tidy at your own pace. I have 2 days to do what you have 7 days to do.
I’ve done both and they both have their own struggles. Personally, I feel like being a working mom is harder.
Stay at home is equivalent to two jobs apparently
Both are hard ! Stay at home moms are working all day in the house while caring for the kids.
I’ve done both and I am now stay at home and stay at home is def more stressful lol
BOTH for different reasons. It’s not a competition. And yes I’ve been both.
I think mentally harder is SAHM and physically harder is working
I’ve been both. They are equally hard.
Working teacher mom. Its the best and worst of both worlds. I can declutter and clean my house during the summer but feel completely inadequate during the school year.
Working ! Is my vote
When i worked full time and the kids were at babysitter there was less dishes and mess around the house so that is a positive that most people don’t consider.
I feel like they both have pros and cons but what ones harder depends on your personality type.
I have 6 children and worked… But didn’t want to do daycare… I worked 6- finish. I had daughters that were extremely helpful.
I’ve done both and currently stay at home. Honestly neither is easier, because no matter what you’re giving something up to either stay home or go to work. Both come with so much stress and work just different types. Both options leave you exhausted and full of mom guilt at the end of the day and can’t really be compared tbh…
Working mom because the stress of juggling appointments, babysitters, and trying to maintain a full 40 hour work week to help pay bills.
I think it depends on how much help you get around the house from the kids and husband. And age of kids of course
Being a mom is just hard
I’m a working stay at home and honestly sometimes I’m happy to work to get a break. I think hands down stay at home mom in itself is very demanding and hard.
( I work at home 7pm-130am)
Up at 6am with kids do everything all day- kids cooking cleaning - dinner bed then work. It’s exhausting. But it’s great because I don’t miss out on things
I don’t think it is fair to compare the two. They each have their own unique challenges that make it difficult.
Working mom.is harder. You work all day and then have to come home and do all that stuff that you couldn’t do while working. Laundry… cooking…cleaning…you have wayyyy more checklists in your head and you have to manage your time a lot better…let’s.not mention the mental guilt of it as well
I’ve done stay at home it was very stressful not having money of 2 Incomes and it was very lonely and isolating
But working is harder for me anyways
Being a mom is hard.
Both are equally hard
Both are hard …but in my opinion, working mom is more difficult. Juggling doctor appointments, school activities, quality time with your kids, cleaning house, cooking, laundry…on top of a 40 plus hour a week job is difficult
It just depends on the person
They both have their pros and cons.
I have been both, and each has their challenges
I was a single stay at home in the easy newborn phase. I’ve now a working single mom and I work full time while in school full time. Both are fuckin hard. The stresses are different. Emotionally stay at home was harder. Working I stress out if I’m spending enough time with her and if I’m doing enough. The stress when working is fueled by that and just being tired with less patience. I couldn’t say either way. Both are hard, both are stressful. It’s just the type of hard and the type of stress.
I think it’s harder being a stay at home mom. I’ve done both- single mom working 10+ hrs a day to come home cook, clean, etc and I think it’s more stressful being home all day never getting a break or a chance to be alone
After being a stay at home mom for the past 5 years and then going back to work full time this year I can say this, they are both equally as hard. Being a stay at home mom drained me mentally and completely but I also loved the times with my kids and having time to do things I needed to. But now that I am working full time I still have all the responsibilities but no time to do the things I need to. Clean house, grocery shop do all the other things that come with being a mom of 4. Both are great but both come with its struggles.
I’ve been a working mom and a stay at home mom and I would 100% say being a SAHM is harder for many reasons.
I was stay at home Mum until my daughter was 3, and she’s nearly 9 and I work full time with a hubby that works away, working Mum harder. Juggling pickup/ drop off. Trying to take time to be at school for certain events, getting dinner done and homework and football so it isn’t a late night… life just feels busy most of the time and mum guilt for trying to work and being a mum
Being a working mom (during a pandemic randomly working from home) with kids at home with you
It’s hard either way, in my opinion
Both… being a stay at home mom it’s mental exhaustion, never getting time to yourself. Working mom you at least get to be around someone who can keep you company. As a stay at home mom right now but working in the past I miss the human interactions. Ya I love my kids I know I chose to stay home but the isolation is the kicker for me. Most of my friends either have their own lives and are to busy or I get pity outings. I also help other working moms by watching their children as well
Try being a work from home mom, with 2 7 month old twins, an 11,12 & 14 year old girls. this summer is already insane and they just got out of school last Wednesday.
Both are terrible if you are dealing with a roommate or guy who refuses to help with kids or housework at all. I preferred to work when I was healthy enough, but not 2 jobs.
Working mom. I’ve done both. Being a working mom, I’m still doing everything I did as a stay at home mom, but in half the time plus dealing with the stress from my job out of the house. Also the added stress of dealing with child care in the summer.
Stay at home mom 100% harder
I have 6 kids now ages 21, 19, 16, 14 and 9 month old twins. I was a single working mother with my oldest 4 kids until 2014. And when I say single I mean 100% no help in any shape or form from their bio. I’ve been doing the sahm thing with the twins a hadnt worked during my pregnancy either and I can say that staying home is by far the hardest especially mentally and emotionally but dam the job never ends. No it never ended when I was alone and working but I got time away from work and home. I felt mentally more productive having a job. Dont get me wrong since this was a planned pregnancy I do still have a significant income coming in but it just seems so much harder being home, sometimes I feel like I’m just a servant. I use to work 12 hr rotating shifts, still came home and cooked, cleaned, ran errands, school functions, kids sports, activities and all. Now I feel like the workload is greater
Honestly that would be different for everyone. Some people thrive in a workspace , some people thrive in their own space.
I’ve never had to do both, i’m a sahm, I would not want to work on top of all that.
But some women need to work, need to feel Like they are contributing more to their family and future.
They both have their own issues and everyone deals with those issues differently .
Harder SAHM I am always so much overwhelmed
I’ve been both and I can definitely say for me being a SAHM is much harder. I don’t get to socialize or leave the house hardly ever, less freedom with money and no time to yourself or breaks from kids. At least when I could go to work we would have extra money, I got to talk with adults and have friends, and I wasn’t stuck in the house 24/7. But everyone and every situation is different.
I work and I enjoy it but I also enjoy being a mom, it’s a hard balance at times
I’ve done both and they are equally challenging. I’ve even been a work from home mom.
Both are equally hard. Only bcz no matter what type of mom you are people are going to find faults in your parenting technique. That especially hurts when the person criticising is a mom herself. I feel like atleast we moms should stick together and be a mental support for each other
I’ve done both, they both have their challenges, depends on your situation. For us the kids are all in school now so it’s easier for me to work now too, and I use one of my days off to catch up on house chores and other things, plus now that the kids are older they help with chores throughout the week too.
I went back to work when my son was 6 weeks old because I didn’t have a choice. 11 years later after my daughter was born. We were in a better place financially so my husband said stay home with her. I did for three years… I could handle not Making my own money… I’ve never been dependent on my husband…so I went back to work…and have never regretted it.
I think being a stay at home mom is harder but I also dont have any friends and most of my conversations are with a 2 year old.
I have done both and the stress of no communication with adults a day is so hard and being home knowing there is a ton to do.
I was less tired and stressed out working 12hr shifts at the largest hospital in my city…
They are both hard! I ran a daycare in my home for many years so I could be there for my kids and still have income. Then due to some health issues with one kid, I stopped working and have been home for the past 2 years. I go back to work soon and I’m not sure how it will all work out yet. There is a certain convenience that came with not working that I will miss.
I will never be a stay at home mom, again! Did it 7 months and oh hell no!! My sanity, was no longer snd I couldn’t be happier being at wrk daily
Both. Theirs no better option.
I’ve done both and think staying home is harder. U basically have the kids 24/7. Only time I’m kid fee is food shopping on Saturdays.
Both is hard believe me I have done both and when I was a stay at home mom I felt bad for not making money. And now that I work a full time job and I’m gone all day I have mom guilt for working and not being home!
I’ve been both. Currently a working mom. SAHM was harder to me. I love my kid dearly, but work is me “break” from him. My mental health is MUCH better, while working outside of the home.
Both! But as a working mom who shares custody of my son since he was 1year and a half old and spent my weeks with him at home until he started school and I started working I miss him so much when I am working and he is waiting for me. But feels so good to get paid and provide all the good things for him and to show him that he can have good things if he works hard for them. I think it is very important to teach children that it’s hard work to have everything we have from paying bills to splurging on money food toys and road trips to zoos ect.
Both are hard. But being at home has been harder for me. But I also added two more kids.
I am both…just being a mom is hard…no judgement
I’ve done both, and now I’m a work from home mom. Working from home is the worst and the best at the same time. Everything has its pros and cons
I think they are equally difficult. They each have benefits and drawbacks. If you’re a stay at home mom you never get a second of peace. You rarely get to speak to other adults and it can be really depressing. Working moms have to deal with the mom guilt of missing time with their kids. It’s stressful to maintain a job and a house and keep up with kids activities especially if you’re a single mom.
Working definitely is harder, being on a schedule, making sure you drop your kid off on time, and make it to work. I’m off this week for a staycation and being home with my daughter has definitely been easier. My mood this week has also been happier, usually I’m a grump.
I’ve been both and i personally think working is harder! With a partner who worked away and no help from anyone and before and after school care that was nearly impossible to get plus having kids also practically be in school from 7am-6pm! Not just harder on the mum but also harder on the kids!
Being a stay at home mum is a breeze but being a mum in general is hard, working or not!
I’m bout to go back to work myself and I know it’s gonna kill me so
If I could do 10-2 so I could do the school drop off and pick up, would still be a breeze to me, that would be ideal and working wouldn’t be an issue for me, so yes working mum 100% is harder!
I think being a SAHM is more difficult because of the fact that women are expected to entertain and raise a child while only “getting a break” to do house chores, shower alone, (or work maybe 1-2 days a week.) If household tasks aren’t complete like laundry dishes etc, we feel guilt but it’s even more complicated when it’s always thrown in your face. It gets easier when said child/children go to school but raising a toddler and having those expectations is unrealistic. A break isn’t even a break when we do use it to pamper ourselves because we’re so focused/stressed on what’s left to do.
The stress of being a working mom is hard. Juggling everything around. But honestly I feel it’s harder to be at home. I guess because it’s so thankless. And the mess is never ending. Because the kids aren’t going to a sitter for 8-12 hours a day
Going to work! When you come home, you still have all the same work to do as if you had stayed home! Men have it easy, go to work, come home relax, eat a cooked dinner, relax! Definitely men have it easier. Not all men but the majority.
I’ve done both and they are both hard but in their own ways. Being a working mom is hard emotionally being away and missing school events or such. Also having to come home after the work day and still having mom and wife and household duties. It is exhausting. Bring a sahm is demanding but wonderful. Being able to be at all of the important events or take them to their doctor appointments. But also never getting a break. I speak from my own experience as someone who doesn’t have anyone to watch my girls at just the drop of a hat. Alone time or time for my husband and I doesn’t happen very often. So I’m usually touched out and mentally drained most days. Neither is easy and neither is better than the other. They are both important roles and they both come with their challenges.
Done both and absolutely being a working Mom! Staying home is hard yes, but it’s also fun! You get lazy pajama days. Go out for lunch with friends. Play dates. Day trips to the zoo. Splash pad. Cuddles in bed days. Working is hard. You have to go to a demanding career for 10 hours then come home and do the house stuff and still find the time to spend with the kids. You’re on deadlines and there is no relaxing.
100% without a doubt working is harder.
Doing both simultaneously while home schooling both suck equally but I think it matters which you personally like also. I don’t like staying home at all…but I value home schooling and I also don’t love working but it’s a must for my own sanity.
Working mom, you work and still have to do everything a stay at home mom does.