Is it inappropriate for a child to cuddle dad on the couch?

I’ve never heard anything so ridiculous! The worlds gone mad!

Hug your Dad as tight as possible for as long as possible. One day you’ll want to do it and he won’t be there anymore. Absolutely insane question! HUG YOUR PARENTS! Hug your grandparents. Hug your friends. Hug whoever you want to!! It is only inappropriate if the person being hugged doesn’t want to.

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My daughter is nearly 7 years old, she snuggles on the sofa with me, kisses me on the cheek and plays with my beard… Far as I’m concerned she can keep doing that for as long as she wants! Very sad world we live in…

I still cuddle my dad and I’m 36. How you anyone can say it needs cutting out is plain stupid. Enjoy the hugs :hugs: