Your mom is weird. Let the father have time with his child he’s not going to get that for much longer.
Is this actually a serious question
It’s not weird at any age, that’s his baby girl and always will be! It’s the mam that has issues.
What’s wrong with our world today smh
When I read this, and the fact that a mother is writing it makes me frustrated…we speak about men being good fathers and vis versa for women…however when they actually show this “people” make it into something sexual, or wrong! I have an 8 year old son who enjoys hugs and cuddles from both parents. That’s called nurture, love and affection. I believe my son will be an amazing father because he sees men in his life showing and demonstrating love.
I’d do anything to cuddle with my dad on the couch if he were still alive and I’m 38. Your mom is ridiculous. Never take that bond away from your little girl and make it seem uncomfortable.
After a certain like puberty age. Yes, cause child is maturing to become adult and should not be cuddled up with in a way thats inappropriate. But 5 year old no thats fine.
Fuck that tell her maybe her dad shoulda cuddled her more.
Nothing wrong with that
I’m 36 and still cuddle with my dad. They have a huge sectional and we do family movie night/ pajama party once a month with all the grand kids its fantastic and its something I will cherish after my parents are gone.
Oh please, let them snuggle!! It’s bonding forever!
Cuddling with your Dad is quite normal!!! Now we have to watch for the perverts them you don t cuddle
What a world we live in where ppl think its not ok for a kid to snuggle with their parent
You’re joking right?! Do you cuddle with your child still? Than why fuck can’t dad? Stupid question. They’re 5!!! Not 15.
Is this even a question???
Wtf… my niece is 17 and she still cuddles with everyone. Me, her dad, she’s an affectionate kid.
WTF… No… Not inappropriate at all… he’s 5. We need to show our children affection.
That’s just sad. Wtf if it’s his child there is no reason for her to think it’s bad at all.
Is this a real question? I really feel som of these questions are for attention.
What is weird is what someone reads into it…shame and evil mind. I cuddle at any age.
Nothing wrong at all.
Your mom has a very sick mind! There is nothing wrong with your little girl cuddling her daddy! Anyone thinks otherwise and they need to seek help
The people you least suspect! Just keep an eye on it.
Uhhhh why wouldn’t it be?
Both my daughters 7/4 cuddle me all the time when we watch movies and I’ve got a massive sectional. I think it’s fine
These get stupider and stupider.
My 17 yr old son still comes & does this when He’s in the mood! My kids almost did it a lot longer than 5! Telk ur mom there is NO concern & shes being g a bitch! Let that damn child enjoy her daddy & let that dann daddy enjoy them cuddles all he can! It was be over soon & she won’t cuddle as she will be “too old & too busy!” Lol
I am 47 and I love my daddy for a 5 year old to do that is great
She’d flip out over our 9 year old having sleep overs with her daddy then!! Let that baby get love and comfort!!
Your mom needs to cut it out and grow up by the sounds of it
Seriously?? Wtf is wrong with ppl?
My children still co-sleep with their dad. I don’t see a problem with it. They refuse to sleep in their own beds. My son is 5 and daughter is 3.
I mean… do you still cuddle with your child…? If so, why wouldn’t it be okay for dad… it’s his child also no…?
My 5 year old son cuddles with me and his dad and his 60 year old pops. Cherish these moments one day they’ll be to big to cuddle, kiss you and hug you in public
Absolutely not!!! Aint nothing wrong with loving on your babies no matter what age!!!
What the fuck hes the dad why the heck not if u dont trust father of your child then I doubt your dating the right person
Your mom sounds like she’s judging something based on society’s view. Everyone seems to think just because he’s a man the dad is doing something wrong. When all he’s doing is being a dad. Tell your mom to stay in her lane. Let your child and the dad bond. Good grief moms get a jump on bonding with the children because we are the ones who carry them for nine months. Dads don’t get that already built bond
My Daughter is 17 years old and still cuddles both myself and her Dad on the couch, she will come home after being out and not seeing us for several hours, and sit right beside either one of us for cuddles!!!
Nothing at all wrong with it!!!
Your momma needs to be cut out
I loved to cuddle up to my Dad when I was little! I don’t see that as inappropriate at all!
To cuddle with your daddy at any age is fantastic in my book.
Whoa, sounds like your Mom might have experienced something and has never had help for her trauma. Prayers for her! Not all people are bad and are abusers.
No I don’t believe cuddling is bad for children unless the child is uncomfortable and/or the child says “no” and is force too anyway. Cuddling a young provides security for the child and both parents can provide such.
Omg I would snuggle with my dad until I was about 10 or 11 and then I was still lovey dovey but started to learn personal space and such. Let kids be kids and let your children’s father enjoy being a father. We only get to hold and snuggle little ones for so long
Your moms thinking is not normal.
Is this for real? GTFOOH! Of course it is appropriate…it’s called #bonding
I’d get your mum to a therapist!
No problem they need the love
Absolutely not, let that baby and daddy snuggle
Your mom is stuck in old beliefs that father’s are to be “hard & tough” not loving & compassionate. She’s wrong. Tell her to mind her own business.
Is this for real… dad’s are parents too and deserve just as much cuddles and love as mom.
Cuddle with them now someday they won’t want too!
its mums problem how ridiculous
It’s a cuddle and it’s her dad … how is that even looked at as inappropriate?
Please, I’m a dad of 3 little guys, 3 yr old, 5 yr old and a almost 7 yr old, and you know what? During the day all three of them come over and cuddle with me. Just to cuddle for a few minutes. It hurts nothing, and to me, it brightens my day when they do. Get all the cuddling you can now! Once the become teens, its over! LOL
Mom needs to have a seat!!! Unless you have a reason to be suspicious of anything let them cuddle.
My dad and I are very close. I lost my mom when I was 16, so my dad has always been my go-to person for all the joys and sorrows of my teenage years, single motherhood, and college years.
I find comfort in knowing that when life is overwhelming and I need a break, I can just go to my dads house. Curl up next to him and let it all out.
I’m 30 years old, married with a family of my own.
I never say goodbye to my dad without hugging him and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
I even bought the house next door to him so I can be near him. He’s getting older and I promised I’d do all I could to take care of him just how he has.
^^^this is what you get when you let your babies cuddle with their dads^^^
Thankfully, I married a man that loves my dad and looks after him as much as I do.
It’s fine to cuddle with dad I still cuddle my mom
Absolutely not. I always cuddled with my father no matter how big I got. I will still do it to this day if he was still alive. But I do suggest putting a pillow or enough space between father & child when it does happen.
Is this a real question? Your mom sucks.
Wtf is wrong with your mother ?
Your mom is projecting
Either she was groomed/molested as a child or she witnessed it happen to someone else
No offence but wth! She has problems if she thinks there’s something wrong with a parent cuddling their child. If she keeps saying things like that I don’t think you should have her at your house.
Your mom probably had a cold childhood. There is nothing wrong with dad & 5 year old cuddling.
Do u have any reason to feel like dad would harm her? If not then no there’s nothing wrong with cuddling. I was abused by my father.But my hubs and daughter cuddle. There is no way he would ever. If u have any reason to question then definitely cut it out. But pay attention too bc even tho it’s normal to cuddle u just never know. Like said in a previous comment,most predators are close friends or family. It took me forever to trust my husband bc of my own abuse. Maybe grandma was abused and fears the same will happen. Just pay attention
People are sick in the head when they think stupid s*** like this there’s nothing wrong with a little girl and her dad cuddling get over yourself people
Is this serious? Of course there is nothing wrong with it. Dads want to show their kids love just as much as mums do!
My 2 daughters cuddle with their stepdad more than they cuddle with me!
It’s only weird if YOU make it weird.
My teenage daughter would still come and snuggle with me in my bed and I loved it. It doesn’t last forever so enjoy it while you can! Nothing wrong with a cuddle with your little one.
It’s only inappropriate if the father is a creeper! I snuggled with my dad until I was, well actually always! I’m 31 and lost my mother to cancer last year. He and I snuggled every night for a week. It’s called father daughter bonding. Completely natural in my opinion! Plus at that age it makes for an amazing relationship when she grows up. Just based off of my experience obviously. He and I are best friends and I think snuggling has a lot to do with it!
My 4 almost 5 year old daughter cuddles with my husband all the time ! She sees her parents as her safe place ! There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that ! A father is a huge influence in a child’s life ! Their role is very important !
It’s perfectly fine for snuggles .Tell mom to relax. They are bonding.
It is inappropriate for the grandparent to think that way.
I think it’s completely normal unless inappropriate touching is happening…
That’s a very weird thing for your mother to say - unless it’s that she doesn’t like your husband, then it’s still weird. And you’re questioning it, so there’s that too.
Wtf?! She has some major issues, & is “sexualizing” a normal display of affection. Kids NEED affection from both parents…that is just sad.
A child cuddling with his/her parent, regardless if it’s mom or dad, is the most normal and natural thing in the world!!! Is your mother off her meds, or something???
My girls 5 and 7 snuggle up with dad every evening. Any chance they get. One sleeps with me Fri night and dad Saturday night. Swap around then
No it’s not inappropriate at all he’s there dad!!! Ppl need to wise up not everything is sexual and needs to be made a deal off.
Mom needs counseling.
Not inappropriate,! Normal and much needed!
Your mom needs to mind her own business.
Very much normal.
Your mother is NOT normal!
No there’s nothing wrong with it…
What the heck did I just read?! Wow…
I’d be more concerned with the questioner than dad. Jus Sayin.
BOTH parents should be free to snuggle with their parents. It sounds like mom may have an issue that she needs help with. Dad’s love their kids just as much as mom.
If you feel a child should not show affection to a parent then you really shouldn’t be a parent sorry
Let her enjoy cuddles your mum obviously has an issue but it a natural thing for a child and parent to do
Is that a joke? My almost 12 year old son still sometimes snuggles me on a night watching TV. Its rare these days but I make the most of it. Absloulty fine giving cuddles. I hope my 3 kids still cuddle me till I die. I’ll always let them
Would it be wrong for a 5 year old boy to snuggle with his mum? Absolutely not. So why would it be wrong for a girl with dad x
Maybe mom’s jealous I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it maybe if she was a teenager laying down on the couch with your father but sitting up or laying down with it Yung child is nothing wrong with that people are getting so uppity these days
I’m 35 and still give my dad a cuddle on the couch when I’m there. Life is too short for us to not get the cuddles in as much as we can.
Your moms not wired up right or thinks her husband has peado tendencies.
Biggest crock I’ve seen! What the hell is this world coming too! Give ya head a wobble
Ffs!!! Get a fucking grip!!!
I’m 27 and I’d give my all to cuddle my dad you set of absolute tossers!!!
Your mum needs to rearrange herself
That’s sad.
I grow up cuddling my dad.
Anyone who agrees with this so called ‘MOM’ needs their hard drive checking and thrown in the nearest sea. Ridiculous
What is this world coming too! SMDH!
Wtf? Your mam needs a slap and anyone who sees parents cuddling kids needs a slap too! There’s nothing inappropriate about showing children love, it’s not sexual abuse it’s how parents care for their kids and teach them how to love!