Is it inappropriate for a child to cuddle dad on the couch?

That’s pretty normal behavior for a 5 year old.

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It’s normal your mum is creepy for thinking that it’s inappropriate

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Why are all these questions based on dads? So sick of seeing them

come on, with Dad why not ?

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nothing wrong with it,its called bonding

Something wrong with your mother
I wanted to marry my dad. Imagine what she would think of that !!!

My father passed away 15 years ago. I wish i can still sit and cuddle him all day

Snuggle on the sofa?! Blimey I’m lucky if me or dad get to bath without one of the kids jumping in :rofl:

Wtf that’s just weird that she can’t cuddle her dad

Ypur mum has a problem if she’s sexualizing it. There’s NOTHING WRONG with dada and baba snuggles

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Your mom is an ice queen my sons 10 and 12 still cuddle up with me and watch movies bonding is important to kids growth


Maybe she catches the chomo vibe be from the dad…

Wtf :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: I’m 37 and I love a hug off my dad xx what the hell is the world coming to

Your mom is something else


I cuddle with my five year old daughter on the couch and I will for as long as I can. Not inappropriate at all.


My cousin died at 23yo and she’d still cuddle her dad in his oversized chair. I always admired their relationship. They always just seemed to intuitively know when one or the other had a tough day and needed a little love.

What the hell is wrong with your mother?


Is it normal for the child to cuddle up with you? Then why would it be any different?

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Wtf why does this question need to be asked!? Of course you can cuddle up with your daddy at 5 year old! What is the world coming too when we even have to question that :woman_facepalming:


Ah wow ur mam sounds like a right twat…

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Your mom sounds like she has an issue she needs to deal with. Tell her to keep her sick comments to herself. There is NOTHING inappropriate about a 5 year old cuddling with her daddy.


Nothing wrong with it. My son is 9 years old and he still cuddles with me on the couch.
About your mum I think she’s just worried talk to her, and tell her there is nothing to worry about it.Hes a father and it’s totally normal

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It’s completely normal for dads, and daughters to show affection. If your mother says it’s inappropriate, I would not allow your children to have unsupervised visits with her. Sounds like she might be saying things about the kid’s father in front of them, and behind your back.

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No. Affection from a parent at any age is not inappropriate. Some people just have mommy and daddy issues because their parents never showed them affection. Something I had to learn myself. I used to be that person that was like, “ew you kiss your mom/dad” to my friends who had healthy relationships with their parents. Something I never had.

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Tell your mum to get checked. If a kid dosent want effective it will tell you

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Your mom is a pedophile

No enjoy those moments

Encourage that behaviour!!!


A child cuddling with his/her parent, regardless if it’s mom or dad, is the most normal and natural thing in the world!!! Is your mother off her meds, or something???

I think if your non has a problem with a five year old snuggling their own dad, she has her own set of deep problems that she needs to go to counseling for.
Affection towards our kids by both parents is so important.

Snuggle away. The family that loves together, stays together.

Normal and healthy!!

Omg what is wrong with your mother?
I would only hope my children cuddle me and my spouse much longer than 5 years old…

I’m 39 and still love to cuddle up with my mam and dad. That’s been the hardest part about covid not being able to go round and have cuddle just because. If you think there is something wrong with it then that is your issue, maybe you should have a little word with your mam find out why she thinks this. No wonder dads feel uncomfortable kissing cuddling their children because they know what some people are thinking. Would anyone think this of a mam??

Nothing wrong with it at all. My kid still cuddles me as teen. I’m sure they do the same at dad’s place

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Wtf no… Its her father dude.

Im 27 years old and i would give anything to be held by my father one last time… Leave them alone please. Little girls and the relationship between their dads is special and VERY important.

I’m 30 and I’ll still randomly cuddle next to my dad on the couch when I’m visiting.

Is it inappropriate for a child to snuggle with their mother on the couch?

I was still climbing into my dads bed in the middle of the night at about 10! I would find it strange if they didn’t want to cuddle up on the sofa if I’m honest
I’m a daddy’s girl and always have been my kids are the same

Tf I’m 34 and ill still give my dad a hug.

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Tell your mom to QUIT BEING PERVERTED. See how she likes that.


I think it’s inappropriate she thinks it’s inappropriate.


Let the child cuddle with his/ her father. There is nothing wrong with it

It’s completely normal unless there naked.

My 12 year old cuddles her dad daily its her dad the one man she should always feel and be safe whoever says its wrong needs to rethink it

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Unless he is a pedophile then no. And if he is a pedophile why did you have a kid with him?


Your mother has a dirty mind.

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Be proud they have a relationship like that alot of kids in this world would love to have that. Nothing wrong with it at all

I bet your mom wouldn’t be saying that if it was you that your son was cuddling with! Of course it’s okay for him to cuddle with his dad! My youngest is 5 and loves to snuggle with me and his dad, there’s nothing inappropriate about loving your kids!

Sounds like your mother needs to realign her head.


This is why children grow up disconnected from their parents because people shame parents for showing affection to their children, they make everything sexual resulting in parents being uncomfortable with showing certain types of affection to their children. The only problem here is that she sees a problem with a child cuddling their father. My dad died a couple years ago when I was 20, still right up until the moment he left me every chance I got I’d cuddle up to him, he’s the man that raised me, it’s not perverted or sexual I am his child and he loves me as much as I love him, cuddling is literally just a show of affection. Everyday I cuddle up to my sons on the sofa, they come lay in bed with me, we give kisses, is that a problem? Or is it only usually deemed an issue when it’s a father and daughter? Yes, there has been cases of abuse between fathers and his children but you can’t then label every father a nonce if he shows affection to his children, it’s literally the same as labeling every dog aggressive because one dog bit someone, like it’s just not plausible. Let parents love their children without making it sexual, the people making it sexual are the ones who should be questioning their train of thought.


Lol no. My son is 10 and still likes to cuddle. Don’t be cutting that off that’s where they feel comfortable and safe. Not to mention one day they won’t want to cuddle anymore so do it while they still want to.

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Again, stop sexulizing normal parent /child interactions. If my dad were here I’d still cuddle on the couch with him and I’m 38. Enough is enough


Tell your mum to butt out and lighten up

The fuck my kids cuddle dad all the time. They are daddies girls

Tell your mother to butt out and keep her nasty foul opinion to herself. If she has past trauma she needs help for it. There is nothing wrong about any child snuggling with their parent. Would she be the same if you had a son and it was you?

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Moms got some issues…

Inappropriate!!? No wtf

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I am 23 and will still go snuggle with my dad. Stop sexualize daughters and dads. If it was mom snuggling her 5 year old son no one would say anything


Your mom is full of shit and needs to be told so. Children cuddling with their father is not inappropriate. If she thinks it is, then their is something definitely wrong with her thought process.


Was your mom abused by a family member? Often the trauma of abuse will make people suspicious of anyone

Your mom sounds like a perv.


WTF? No!!!

I LOTHE these people who say it’s not okay for dads to be affectionate with their kids beyond the stages of toddler.
So many people complain that their kids father isn’t as engaged in the kids life, but if you’re basically saying that dads can’t be affectionate past the toddler stage, you set yourself up for this.
It’s perfectly normal and acceptable for moms to be cuddly right up to teenage years, but when it’s a dad it’s inappropriate?
Talk about a double standard!

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Your mom needs to stop sexualizing a child. That’s revolting


Your mom needs to see a doctor! Absolutely nothing wrong with a child cuddling his child!


It sounds like her concerns are coming from somewhere else. Try talking to her or see if she can speak with someone herself. There is nothing wrong with it and don’t let her tell you otherwise

Let him be a father. She needs to mind her own business.

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This hurts my soul… love your babies​:heart::heart:


Breaking news: Child being loved by parent. There is this huge outdated belief that Dads shouldn’t cuddle their kids. It went with Dads not changing nappies or giving bottles. I think it’s perfectly fine to always hug parents or use them as giant pillows. There is an age when certain behaviour might start seeming inappropriate but you’ve about seven years before you need to start thinking about it!

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I am absolutely gobsmacked :flushed:

Cuddling with a parent is always ok


No it great for dads to bond with their child. Encourage it.

the only thing disgusting about this is your mother


This should be encouraged! My daughters’ relationship and love for their father and his for them is the most beautiful thing in my life. Mine died when I was 12 and I would literally do anything for him back. Something is up with your mom though and you need to talk to her about it.

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Jeez…someday people will interfer with every action parents have with their own children. I say to them…Mind Your Business. Leave parents alone to raise their children.

Hell I’m about to be 30 and would give anything to be able to cuddle up to my dad who died when I was 17 :woman_shrugging: sounds like your mom may have been through something at a young age, but my girls love cuddling and watching TV with their dad.


Omg no. My 15yo son will still come cuddle with me and I’m so grateful to have those moments bc one day they will be adults and no longer do this. I cherish everyone of these single moments

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Wtf! Absolutely its frigging normal. Cuddling dad or mom.

Yo Momma need to chill out and mine her business.


My son is 9…about to be 10 and still cuddles with his dad and me. I am kinda shocked to see this as a question on here. Your mom is the the one making it ‘inappropriate’…


not inappropriate at all

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Your mom is inappropriate and needs to be cut out.


Well, that generation would. :woman_shrugging:t5:

We out here loving kids, now. And showing affection. And caring about their wellbeing. And snuggling them, now.


My daughter is 5 and loves crawling in bed with us and cuddling with me and her dad.

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Do these questions even come from real people?


How sad. Yes, it is normal for a child to cuddle their father. No matter the age!


I’m leaving this group to many biased people on here posting about fathers being able to lay with their child. Shame on you. Ask yourself before you have a kid if you trust enough. I feel so bad for these fathers with that type of child’s mother to deal with.

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Wtf? Why would this be a problem?


Huh??? My daughter is 6 and is glued to her dad. I’m 29 and I will still lay on my dad

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Seriously ridiculous question.
Seriously ridiculous woman.


I am 30 years old and I still cuddling with my dad. Wtf is wrong with this generation. Your mom is sick of her mind.


It says more about her then the situation. We’re always turning this into something it’s not. Love. Showing affection is important to growth and development


WTH! Seems there is a “little” jealousy going on in her mind!


Your mom needs to get her mind out of the gutter…I cuddled my dad my whole life


But if they cuddle mom it’s Ok? Yeah, think about that.


Tell your mom to stop sexualizing it


Ummm no. My daughter is 5 and loves to snuggle with her daddy.

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No nothing wrong with it

Your mom has triggers that don’t belong to your daughter!! Tell her TY but you got this. This is your man and no one knows him better then you!! This act is called love and bonding. Let your hubs live and love his children in peace.


I think your mom has daddy issues