Is it normal for a grown man to kiss his mom/grandma on the lips?

I have been seeing my boyfriend for about three months now. He is about to deploy, so we got together, and I met his family for the first time for an early Thanksgiving dinner. Well, when he hugged his mom and grandma, he kissed them both on the lips. I was kinda taken back. Is this normal for some people? I didn’t grow up in a very loving family and it kind of made me feel disgusted.


Unless he’s using tongue or an open mouth yeah that’s normal


If I was him I wouldn’t care what you thought because you’ve been around 3 months and he’s been their son and grandson his whole life. There’s nothing wrong with what they’re doing. Lots of people give a peck on the lips.


Its normal as long as it’s just a peck lol

I think it’s fine. Italian families usually do.

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It’s normal. Strange to me too, but everyone grows up differently.

Yes. Normal for lots of families. Don’t bring it up to him or anyone. It will not be received well. Lol.


A peck on the lips is normal for immediate family in some families.

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Its normal. He was lucky to grow up in that loving family


It is normal for some families . As long as it’s not no long romantic kiss. Lol

My family is Italian and we still do this!

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Normal- my entire family does it!

I understand the uneasiness about this but some families show love and affection like this… Totally normal as long as it isn’t passionate. Me personally I wouldn’t but it shows he loves and cares for his mama and grandma. It’s a good quality for a man to be unafraid to show how he cares


It is not normal for my family…we peck the cheeks…but I have seen other families do that. That’s THEIR normal…great thing is you don’t have to kiss them lol.


It’s normal. For some. Definitely not for me or anyone I’ve ever encountered. Until my ex husband. And that set wrong with me because his mother had an unhealthy attachment. She practically subbed my ex husband into her ex husband’s position in every way but sexual. So, I’m a bit biased in my opinion of this situation, because I was mortified by it. And the fact that it was years before I even knew cause they always made sure to do it where no one could see, until after I’d already married the guy.


Not normal for us. It would make me feel weird too if I saw my bf kiss his mom on the lips. Lol but whatever works for them :joy::grin:


NORMAL!!! Please…

I mean like if it’s the mom or grandmother I don’t see a problem with it if it’s just like a peck really quick but if they’re like making out and tongue to tongue that’s a problem and if he’s like kissing everybody on the lips like sisters and cousins then that’s something to be concerned about.

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Yes as long as they aren’t open mouthed or tongue kissing :sweat_smile:


Yes, a short sweet kiss :kiss: is normal I think.


I always kiss my mum and dad on the lips. I do to my children too. Nothing sexual about it, it’s just a sign of love


It made you feel disgusted? I think that’s something maybe you should explore some more.


It’s clearly normal for that family and not normal for you. I’d be weirded out too and personally it’s something I would not stick around for. Also to me kissing on lips should be for partners and for some kids up to a certain age. However some people it’s just normal. So :woman_shrugging:

I’d be kind of like…okay, so no one cares about cold sores or stuff like that? :woman_facepalming::joy:

Normal, but I also stop at a certain age because I also want to respect my future daughter or son in laws boundaries. I am their first kiss and hopefully the one they marry will be their last.

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Yeah it’s normal for some folks… I’m a porcupine so I dont think it’s for me…but unless you’re the one being asked to kiss them I think its okay… lol

Its normal yall just weren’t loved lol


Its normal for some but mine nope

My family and I don’t do this, but this is very normal.

No!! I love my boy with all my heart but we do not kiss on the lips.

Ummm…you sound jealous! IT IS HIS MOM AND GRANDMA…Get over it!


I get what you mean but seeing as he must work away for long periods of time I would say it’s normal


It’s normal. If it disgusted you, then you should look at why you made it sexual and became disgusted.


If that is what they are comfortable with than yes it is normal. Just because you were not raised that way doesn’t mean it is not ok for someone else.


Yes its normal, we do it :thinking:

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My great gma is Italian. She came here from Italy when she was 8. I dare u 2 tell her no on a kiss.

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It’s very normal in our family anyway

You are making an issue out of nothing.

Dont get funny. Grow up

My grandma does it to me and my daughter and it’s widely accepted bc we’re girls, people just don’t like seeing men having affection, some people are realized with different types of affection and it’s okay


Yes it’s normal in families. There’s no reason to be disgusted or sexualize it.


He was clearly raised where you show affection. It was his mom and grandma. If you felt weird about it, maybe you should look within yourself and figure out why you felt that way.


Totally normal if this is what he’s done all his life!

Yes, and it’s called family love. Lol

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I think it’s gross but that’s just my personal opinion and how I was raised.

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Hell no it’s not normal to kiss you mom/grandma on the lips as an adult. I would have been creeped out and a little disgusted also. I don’t even kiss my 10 year old on the lips…


Yes normal in some families

I moved from the US to the UK and it’s normal over here. At least with my in-laws it is. K just asked about it :woman_shrugging: not a big deal though. Every family is different.

In affectionate families its normal. My bestfriend and his family are very affectionate and its abnormal not to. In my family we dont. But we are also not very affectionate lol. Its very dependent from household to household. I wouldnt think much of it.

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In my family, we kiss on the mouth. No big deal. Not all families do, also no big deal.

My husband’s family does this. I come from a not so touchy family (we barely hug) so it was a huge surprise to me the first time I saw them do it! Especially the first time my MIL tried to kiss me on the lips! I quickly darted away… a hug is more than enough for me! :woman_facepalming::rofl:


A short quick peck isn’t anything to worry about. Now, if they were locking lips and making out than I’d worry.
I kiss my Son on the lips, just a quick peck. He’s 3 but nonetheless if he was 30 and gave me a peck I wouldn’t think anything of it.

I certainly don’t think it is something to sexualize.


Are they French? Lol

Blech :face_vomiting: maybe he’s european where it’s still very common but no. I think it’s gross. My Babcia tries to and I remind her everytime only cheek kisses. Too many germs.

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I’m 31 and still give a kiss to my parents, it’s totally normal for my family :blush:

My grandma kissed all of her grandkids on the lips, never thought much about it

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Did he slip a tongue :tongue: in ??? Cause then No !! But otherwise I’m sure its fine for them :slightly_smiling_face:

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Disgusted??? Maybe you need to be around a loving family more.


Some do. I wouldn’t ask my kids to, and I personally don’t feel comfortable doing so.

Yes it is normal and common. I dont find it gross and some people is how they show family affection.

You have a nasty mind OMG

If that’s how your raised it’s completely normal. My kids don’t kiss me on the lips but I was raised like that…

you obv didnt have a loving family growing up lol what is wrong with people ?!

My mom’s side of the family kisses on the lips…as I’ve gotten older I’ve turned so they get the corner of my mouth, but I didn’t realize it was different until I was old enough to watch other families greet each other.

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A lot of time it’s a cultural thing and completely normal

I kiss all my babys on the lips, noses, cheeks, forhead. And I will for as long as they’re comfortable with it :woman_shrugging: My parents an I kiss eachother on the cheeks every hello and goodbye.

I think it is creepy but I know people that do it and it doesn’t mean anything… just how some people are raised

That’s his family so ya😂

I kiss my grown daughter on the lips, big deal

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Not like they’re sucking face lol

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Normal for my family.


Not normal for me. I think after a certain age, that type of kiss should be reserved for your SO. BUT, that’s my opinion. No judgement :person_shrugging:


I was 25 when my father died of cancer, I gave him a kiss on the lips the day he died. Its not sexual or anything of the sort. He was my Daddy, my person! :woman_shrugging: Now if the tongue comes in to play or it’s more than a peck on the lips I’d be worried, until then it is just loving family… :woman_shrugging:

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Uhhhh… to each their own? I didn’t grow up in a very loving household and don’t remember my parents ever kissing me. Im sure it was only a peck. But I would not like doing that personally. If he does it whatever. We do kisses on the cheek with my husband’s family and that took me awhile to get used to

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We dont do the lips now as a family since we’re grown, but I’ve seen a hell of a lot of families do it. I always assumed my family was the weird one. My family isnt very huggy or kissy, and growing up a lot of my friends families were. We are mostly a “see you later” and thats it, but if thats how his family is, who cares.

Honestly that’s normal lol! I kiss my daughter on the lips. But she’s a kid lol! Not like it’s a passionate kiss lol!

I don’t feel that it is normal. I miss my son on his head.

My MIL thought I was out of line for kissing my babies on the lips.
F her.


I got old ,now my boys kiss me on lips, not smuch ,but a goodbye kiss. You need to learn how to love the other.


Normal for some families!


Its. His. Grandma…

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My 9 year old son and I kiss on the cheeks, forehead, and lips for goodnight. It’s our little tradition thing. It’s just a quick peck and he sticks his lips out really far lol. We will probably stop when he is older but I’ll still kiss the heck out of his forehead and cheeks no matter how old he gets.

So in other words, its fine in my opinion. :grinning:

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It’s a personal preference :woman_shrugging:t2:

When mom was alive we did but now its a kiss on the cheek or hugs

Totally a normal thing where I’m from :woman_shrugging:t2: I mean not everyone is affectionate that way but it is rather common. I don’t really see an issue with it but I was raised in a rather affectionate family so we never thought such things were remotely inappropriate.


I think it is really, really gross

Bruh he’s being deployed… its his mom


Just my opinion, but I’m going to say it’s just how some are raised. Like once a year I may kiss my mom and dad on the cheek but my grandpa always kissed me on the side of my lips up until he passed this year and kissed my kids on the lips I never looked at it in any other way other than family love.

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We don’t do lips anymore but I see nothing wrong with it. I know families that do. And their relationships and bonds are strong. Which is what you want in family. A relationship between mom and son can usually determine what type of man the son grew up to be, in my opinion from my relationship history.

Normal. My family lip kissed far after I was uncomfortable with it. I always griped when my Dad did it. He stopped talking to me the last 2 1/2 years of his life for other reasons. The day we put my father in the ground I kissed him on the lips before we closed his casket.


Yeah it can be normal for some people.

Normal in my family especially with grandparents!

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As long as its a peck and I do it to my daughter especially if she is deploying. My friend son deployed and he came back in a casket. So let them show what kind of affection they can while they have them.


Some families do some don’t. It’s not weird

He loves his mom and gran and if that’s how he does his farewell to them then so be never know when it the last time.
Some men dont even treat their own mother with respect to care to show emotion like that.
Sounds like he cares alot about them.

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I wouldn’t do it because of the whole covid thing going around but I wouldn’t be weirded out by it.

It’s normal in my husbands side of the family but abnormal to my side of the family lol! I got used to it and kiss his mother now too (on the cheek) but he does lips and I thought it was weird at first too but a lot of people are just raised that way. I now kiss my son on the lips (he’s almost 2) and it’s just pure love so I don’t think it’s that weird anymore :yum:

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They from Kentucky ? Jk jk :joy::rofl::star_struck:

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So you’re concerned about your bf having a loving family? They weren’t making out. They kissed. I’m sorry your family wasn’t affectionate to you.


It’s normal in my family.

This is not the man for you sis. Leave him so the rest of us who want a man who loves his family and is proper, can have him. Lord :roll_eyes: I’m really just irritated that you found this disgusting.