Just a peck on the lips isnt sexual its his momma n gm i wouldnt be bothered by it …
Its only strange if it was made to be strange. Unless there’s tongue…then you’re fucked.
I believe it’s cultural you shouldn’t be bothered by it. If you are just talk to your partner and let him know how you feel about it.
My 17 year old Italian son kisses me on the lips now when he leaves (within the last 5 years or so) nothing weird about it at all to me. Anyone who sexualizes something like that between a mom and child is weird
It’s not strange if it is more a peck than a lingering kiss
It is not uncommon…just the way some families show affection. I dont understand why it would be disgusting
Its normal and I feel sad for you if you didn’t grow up in an affectionate family I sat on my moms lap until she was diagnosed with cancer wish I could set in her lap and kiss her one last time
I think there is nothing wrong with it . I personally don’t do that but some people do . It’s just what he’s use to . Be so very thankful that he adores his parents !
I’m 30 and I still kiss my dad on the lips before all this covid shit. Same with my grandpa. Nothing wrong with a quick kiss on the lips. Its nothing sexual.
Normal! In my family we still kiss on the lips when saying goodbye. I kiss my sisters on the lips and I kiss my mother on the lips. My brother chose not too partake in that so we don’t for him. If the kids decide not too then that’s their choice. It’s just a family thing. I’ll kiss my kids on the lips until the tell me they don’t want too anymore
Yes just hold the tongue
Totally normal in some families/cultures. Ur allowed to feel how u feel but don’t be rude to him for it. Maybe even talk to him about it.
Sounds like you found a catch, a guy who is loving and affectionate to his mom will be a great man to his wife too.
I think it’s weird personally but I don’t think it’s abnormal. I’ve never seen anyone do that but I’m sure some people do.
Your being ridiculous and I honestly think he would be better off without you so you should probably just move on and not string him along while he’s deployed fighting for our country.
fark each to there ownnnnnnn goh🙄
I still kiss my mom and I’m 35 so I guess it’s just how you were raised
I never liked it until I had my own child. My step daughter tried to kiss me on the lips and I would cringe (trying not to let her see it obviously) but now that I have my son it doesn’t bother me. He is only 3 so I may feel differently when he is older but he is my baby and he is showing me affection and I don’t see the issue in it.
I’m 23 and still kiss my grandies on the lips… no different to a bloke doing it
Family is family it isn’t sexual if anything be proud your man loves his family that much he still does give them kisses
It’s normal. I’m 31 and still kiss my mom and grandma on the lips
Both of my kids kiss me just like I kissed my nanny. It is just us showing love
French kiss - NO. Regular kiss- yes
Kiss on the cheek ok but lips
I never grew up that way but had loving and affectionate parents. It’s not normal for me but for him it is.
It makes me feel sad for your boyfriend that you find this a flaw.
Any of us that are close will kiss, but typically on the cheek. Each family is different though
Wow! Reading these comments… No wonder kids turn out messed up. Some of you women are absolutely ridiculous in your thinking. Bless your hearts.
Different families are different. Don’t judge him. He could have been raised from an infant to do this. Be happy,at his age,he shows love and affection for them. That is awesome.
Its normal in our families. It isnt a practice I kept up with my own kids.
In my family its normal. My uncle who is in his 50s still kisses his mom goodbye
It’s up to the person IMO. I kiss my mom on the lips, always have, but my 19 yr old daughter prefers cheek kisses. It’s only weird if the person doesn’t like it or it’s not a quick peck.
All 3 of my brothers kiss my mom on the lips. they are all great men and for them its just normal.
My ex used to kiss his DAD on the lips:joy:
Just be glad he loves his mom and grandma enough to give them a kiss. Nothing weird about it.
I’m 34 and up until covid hit I would kiss both my parents on the lips… that’s just how we grew up it wasn’t weird for us.
Just weird. My mother in law does. Normal for them. Creepy for me.
I kiss my baby girl on the lips. Shes 2. My son’s however, are 9 and 13 and we kiss on the cheeks. My family wasnt very loving, never said “i love you”, kisses were only given to grandparents when we would visit while my kid’s dad used to kiss both his parents on the lips until he was about 30. I’m not about that. But I guess to each their own. You really gotta think though, if it made you feel disgusted, will you be able to deal with it in a long term relationship?
I think it’s whatever their fam does… but if it makes you uncomfortable it has to be something you think about cause his mom and grandson will kiss your kids on the lips… and for me that’s a big no
A handshake has more germs then a kiss does, what’s ur business if they kiss their mom n grandma with their lips
Who cares what their tradition is
I’ve seen a lot of people kiss their kids on the lips, I have 2 little girls and I give them kisses every night at bed time. Its normal to us but to some it’s weird because it’s not their normal.
I know it’s normal for a lot of people.
I feel it’s weird bc I’m not used to it & don’t do it. But it’s not weird, I just can’t get used to it.
personally to me I think its gross.
Imo its weird af. But I didn’t grow up with a super affectionate family so yeah… I’ll give my 1yr old daughter kisses all the time and try to be as affectionate as I can with her but of course I think she thinks its a bit much at times bc she fights me over it
It’s only weird if it feels/looks weird to you… to the other person in question it is natural or normal.
Some people are cheek peckers, others are forehead kissers, many are huggers that kiss necks and then of course the lip kissers… as they say to each thier own…
No. Kissing on the lips is for intimate relationships only. It’s also a dandy way to spread germs directly into someone’s mouth.
Yeah, usually that’s what family’s that love each other do…
I’m 34 and still kiss my dad on the lips and did my grandma too until she passed a couple years ago my mom and her dad I have never been as close with so we dont even hug
It’s perfectly normal if my grandma was alive I’d kiss her on the lips and I kiss my daddy we had a very close family and we all love one another!
I kiss my 44 year old daughter on the lips. Nothing wrong.
It really just depends on the family. My sister and I still kiss our dad on the lips I’m in my 30s she’s in her 40s, it’s just normal, we always have, he’s our dad. Our grandma too, she still kisses him on the lips and she kisses us on the lips. But my mom side of the family was never very physically affectionate. As an adult I rarely even hug my mom, and my grandfather on her side only ever shakes hands with us, ( absolutely love and adore the man, he just wasn’t not an overly affection person ) lol. Both seems normal to me because I was raised in an environment that had both types of people. You have to decide if it’s so weird you don’t want to be with him anymore, or if it was just something that maybe surprised you a little and you can get over it. Unless it was some weirdly long lingering actual kiss, I think it’s safe to say this really isn’t that abnormal.
It’s definitely normal to alot of families.
Some families like Italians or French do. My grandparents always kissed us on the lips. I always felt weird but never said anything. Nothing wrong just with all the viruses. I would be more cautious
I do still i kiss my dad still. I come from a huge family and we are all very supportive and loving. I can see how it makes others who are not used to it unconfy though. Its just a way i show people in my circle that i love them.