Is it normal for a grown man to kiss his mom/grandma on the lips?

This debate annoys me to no end. When you kiss a family member (regardless of where), you use your lips. When they kiss you (regardless of where) they use their lips. So it’s ok for your lips to kiss anywhere on someone’s face, except for the part of the face they would use to kiss you lol. Im 31 and my family still kisses each other on the mouth. It’s sickening how some people sexualize EVERYTHING and aren’t able to distinguish between love and sex.


In my family its normal. Its showing love.

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Normal, especially if Italian :rofl:

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My Poppop was like that. I never thought anything of it.

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In some cultures this is normal.

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My husband is like this with his family. Very close knit family too. My family is not like this. Shoot mine doesn’t even say I love you. So to me it was super odd but to each their own.

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Some people find it normal, I don’t. And not because I’m sexualizing it, it’s because you can spread so many germs like that and cold sores etc. You don’t know where some adults have been :joy: I kiss my husband and my kids on the lips that’s it.


I don’t kiss my parents/grandparents on the lips but I know plenty of people that do. I think it just comes down to that family but it’s definitely not something to be weirded out by, it’s not a sexual thing x


In regards to those saying we sexulize everything etc etc please don’t let them make you feel bad about feeling how you do. I was raised in a family where we didn’t kiss on the lips. It’s just how I was raised. When my boyfriend did it to our daughter the first time I was a little taken back but it is how he was raised. I wouldn’t say it’s a red flag in a relationship though. You just have to either be okay with it or not. It’ll get less awkward as you’re around it more… at least in my experience it has gotten less awkward and I barely notice it now.

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Normal in my family.


I would be taken aback by this to. I didn’t know this was a thing

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Some family is like that , some of my older family is that way.


I think it’s strange !! All the hugs and even kisses but not the lips !

Some people have been brought up hugging and kissing the people they love…I am the product of a loving family who kisses and hug eachother EVERYTIME WE SEE EACHOTHER!
The person who points out “isn’t that strange” is the strange one.

Accept that you’re man loves these people and they love him too.


It’s only not normal if it’s never been done before. My husband’s mother always kissed him and me on the lips. Did it bother me? Not really although my family didn’t do it. It’s only bad to show affection if you make it seem to be.


Close family it’s normal for me and the older generations. It was always weird with my uncle who I barely saw. I don’t kiss my older kids on the lips. No I don’t have an age limit on it, it just kind of stops one day, like the last time you carry them :disappointed_relieved:

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key words : “i didnt grow up in a very loving family”… well thats obvious.


My mom and dad never raised me to kiss family members on the mouth. But I have a baby cousins try to give me kisses on the mouth I just kinda dodge it lol.

I think it’s normal in some families not for me tho :flushed:

I kissed my dad on the lips well into adulthood and until he passed away. Nothing sexual about it. Wasn’t long or drawn out, just a peck.


Definitely NOT normal in my family. But hell, we’re very dysfunctional :woozy_face:. However, I adore relationships where the younger generation still kiss the head ladies on the lips. I think that’s so sweet. To be that comfortable in giving and receiving that kind of love in physical form is so precious. Plus my mother always told me, u can learn a lot about a man by the way he treats the women in his family.
(Side note: not to hit any triggers but I can say this from personal experience. I think that it is not normal for people who have experienced some form of abuse from family members or folks close to the fam. (and have not healed from it) Our minds will take us to our experiences and influence us to think something is wrong with the way others show love physically. Something to consider.)


I think it’s normal. All families show affection differently. If there were to be tongue involved than that would be a BIG no-no :joy:!


Normal for some families.

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Uh that’s a bit uncomfortable. If my s.o kissed his family member on the lips I’d honestly refrain from kissing him. They’re not related to you at all. And even if you were married it would still be uncomfortable. I dont want germs from my s.o’s family.


It’s just a show of affection, respect and love. Some people have their own ways of expressing their love.

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My mom kisses me on the lips sometimes still… I’m 25 and she’s 50.

Kinda wierd, kinda cherish it❤️


Normal in my husband’s family. Now they kiss me on the lips too. It’s just a quick peck and I feel so loved and accepted by them in general. Nothing weird about it now. But in the beginning it was foreign to me, so it was just something I had to get used to.


People have their idea of “normal”. For me and my family, we would give kisses to our babies on the cheeks or mouth when they were little. Maybe 2 at the most. And after that we just didn’t :woman_shrugging: I don’t think it’s sexual,but it’s not for us.

And for my own reasons I don’t encourage my kids to kiss or hug anyone at all. We say hello high five,fist bump and occasionally hug.

I grew up in an abusive household and its been a year and I still cringe when my fiance kisses his family on the mouth, I guess its normal and our parents just didn’t get the memo

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My son always kisses me in the lips; he’s 39. I don’t see the problem. My daughter in law does the same.

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It’s fine. Some people are raised with love and affection some aren’t.

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:nauseated_face: i think its so weird but im not an affectionate person at all

I did it with my parents until they passed away this year…I’m 49. It was just a short sweet peck, but we also hugged goodbye, waved even if someone was just going to the store and said I love you at the end of each call and when someone left. My son is 11 and we kiss him on the lips. It is never long, open mouth or strange. My husband is English and didn’t grow up this way, but feels totally normal kissing our son. He just hugged my parents and kissed my mom on her cheek. He and my Dad once joked and kissed cheeks! :joy: Again, it is the way I grew up and since my parents passed suddenly and unexpectedly, I’m so glad we were so affectionate! :heartpulse:

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38 and that’s how we roll.
My husband of 20 years still is against it tho. All in how your raised!

We always did the cheek smooch.

Nothing wrong with it as long as all accept it

My mom and dad still kiss me and my brother on our lips. I kiss my brother on the lips. I kissed my grandparents (who weren’t even biologically my grandparents) on the lips.

I think it’s really weird when people don’t kiss their family members on the lips.:woman_shrugging:t4:


Nothing wrong with that at all as long as it wasn’t some weird creepy 6 sec kids or something lol :joy:

…hes being deployed. And your disgusted by a mother and son showing affection in the event they never see each other again…stop.this.
Yes it’s normal. Why are you sexualizing it.


My mom, grandma, and I still do a cheek kiss, I’m 21

Wtf do people act weird about this shit??? Why can’t a grown man and woman kiss their parents or grandparents or great grandparents if their blessed enough on the lips??? Its not like they’re going in for long hard passionate kiss, it’s the same damn kind of kiss they gave you as a baby for crying out loud… if its not for you then that’s OK, some nationalities are simply raised that way as a sign of love and respect, stop trying to convert people to thinking its wrong in some way jesus bloody christ…

Edit: also, if it made you feel disgusted then he and his family are most definitely not for you!!!


Yes some families do.

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Why kids dad did it with his aunt at our baby shower… THAT threw me off and I yes was disgusted. I told him that too. Its weird.

My kids and I do it. My oldest is 19. Its up to them when they dont want to do it anymore. But my kids are well loved and get hugs and told they are loved everyday. I didnt come from an affectionate loving family. So I chose to be a better mother and love on my kids. Its nothing gross or sexual about it. Its just how they are raised.

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For some its normal,well i do just with mom.any other family we hug not kiss.

it’s an old school thing. you’ve got yourself an old school man :man: consider yourself lucky lady


I kiss all my family like this :woman_shrugging: Normal


Sorry but that’s weird to me.
On the other hand, I didn’t grow up with that. As affectionate as my parents and grandparents were, they didn’t kiss me on the mouth. My husband doesn’t kiss his parents on the lips(or his grandmothers when they were alive).
My family did hugs, hand holding, and kisses on the cheek/forehead.
Like I said though, I didn’t grow up with it, so to me, it would be weird.

I too think it’s appropriate

so im gonna assume you dont kiss your children on the lips or you’d be a hypocrite

A quick kiss on the lips is absolutely acceptable


Aww this is really sad to see. As long as it’s just a quick peck I would think that was super cute and adorable they are close like that. #momgoals

I kiss lots of people. Usually my female friends and family members just get a cheek kiss nowadays, though lol.


Super freaking normal

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I did with both my parents when I was little. Its just a quick peck. Now as an adult I only do that with my mother. There is nothing sexual about it and doesnt feel the same as kissing your bf/gf. It’s very quick and not lingering. I mean some men dont even like their mothers, atleast yours seems to have a positive and loving relationship with his. :woman_shrugging: but I can totally understand why it seems weird. It sometimes weird me out but with my mom, its just the way she shows love and it’s not weird when she does it.


I think it depends a lot on family dynamics. Most really loving families don’t see a problem with it because to them its the same as a kiss on the cheek, but no one is turning away. My grandparents would kiss us on the lips if we didn’t turn our head. If you don’t grow up with it it can be very weird and off-putting but its common in quite a few cultures.


My family is very affectionate, and we would not do this. We kiss on cheeks all the time and give an abundance of hugs. I think we would all find it pretty disgusting and inappropriate to kiss on lips.


I think this is perfectly fine. Showing affection to one’s family is a good sign…if you want to be a part of that family someday, you’ll want that unending affection too!


It’s all on what everyone is okay with. Not all kisses are sexual. Even on the lips. It’s not something I’d be okay with but I wouldn’t really worry about it with others.


Once I learned about cooties. That’s a hell no for me. lol.


I personally think it’s odd. :woman_shrugging:t3:

I wouldn’t be kissing my adult kids on the lips but thats not my relationship.

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Normal. It all depends on how you were raised and cultural background can also play a big part of it too


My daughters grandfather used to kiss every one on the lips :woman_shrugging:t3: including his son.


Every family is different. That’s a normal thing for my side of the family. My boyfriends? Not at all I don’t think I’ve ever seen any of them kiss😂 But it’s love , not sexual. I don’t see the big deal.


I mean I personally find it odd but I would find it odd if either if my parents even hugged me. Were just not affectionate family never have been. Being how un affectionate I am personally I get uneasy when my grandma or step daughter kisses me on the cheek. But I’m not like that with my kids because I want them to be shown more affection than I was.


Depends on family dynamics. I never would but my boyfriend’s grandma will do it and that’s just how he grew up and how she was raised ect so while it caught me off guard at first now I just think it’s cool his family shows affection to each other :person_shrugging:


I kissed my mama on her mouth till the day she died whenever I was 13 years old, and if she was still alive I probably still would​:woman_shrugging:t2: honestly don’t see an issue with it because it’s not a kiss in a sexual way it’s a kiss to show your love for them and also shows what a close bond they have, I hope my kids never stop giving me kisses because they will always be my little babies! And I believe the last time I kissed my dad on the mouth was when I was about 16 and the only reason I stopped is because I felt like it wasn’t appropriate since I was sexually active with my now ex-husband and I felt like my dad didn’t want that on his mouth​:rofl::rofl::rofl:


My dad kisses his mother on the lips, absolutely!!! I ABSOLUTELY kiss my parents on the lips because thats just how we show our love, its nothing weird if you don’t make it weird, weirdo!!!


I don’t see a peck on the lips an issue.


Not normal in my family, but my exhusbands parents kissed everyone on the lips. 11 children

Lots of families do this. Especially Latin cultures. Nothing to it. The only thing weird is you having a problem with it.


In our Afrikaans households its frowned uppon if you do not kiss your relatives


It is not normal for many folk…but just gotta see how they were raised…some feel weird and that’s fine!! U don’t have to normalize something that u think is weird and others don’t.

Normal to kiss on the lips in my family

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I’m 45. My mom is 75 and my dad Is 80. I kiss them both on the lips. And if any of you think that’s weird, that’s cool. I grew up with a lot of love in my family. I’m not embarrassed. It’s a peck. Not a French kiss!


If you feel weirded out that’s fine you have every right to feel that way some people say that normal in some families I say maybe it is but if your weirded out by it I don’t blame you my husbands family is like that and I always felt weirded out by it and uncomfortable :hot_face: about it and when they visited one time grandpa kissed my daughter and she came to me and said momma I don’t like that makes me feel uncomfortable :hot_face: I don’t like it and that hit me when my daughter said that I wasn’t raised like that myself are family would hug sometimes but that’s it so if your disgusted I definitely understand because I feel that way to and this is a new world we live in and it’s something I don’t want my kids learning it’s a dangerous world


I think it’s weird but if you were raised that way it’s probably weird not to

ive seen & heard of this … i think it’s weird but, ok. not my lips.

My boys are 30 and 32 and they still do.

well this is why there are a lot of disease spread LOL

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It’s fine if it makes you uncomfortable. It’s awesome that he’s not uncomfortable doing that. There are so many kinds of kisses. A kiss isn’t always sexual. It’s showing love.

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Unless it lingers or tongue is involved, I wouldn’t worry.

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It’s weird kiss the cheek


I feel like the mouth is such a personal space… it’s a no from me. A hug would be more welcoming and appropriate with family members in my opinion.


Ask your self what about it made you feel disgusted? They are showing each other love. So why is that in your mind unnatural?


Some of you have some weird ass mentalities.
If he is comfortable kissing his mother and grandmother on the lips then there’s no issue. I will kiss all of my children on the lips until they no longer want to… it’s not like he was ringing down his mom and grandmother. Weirdos. :woman_facepalming:t2:
It’s a freaking peck in the lips. You’re the one making it weird


I was taught to kiss the cheeks not the lips.

I think it’s fine, maybe you’re reading too much into it! Idk to each their own. Also congratulations I’m sure you’ll be engaged upon the end of the deployment


I personally would never kiss anyone in the lips other than my husband and baby. It’s not about it being sexualized as some here have mentioned, its just personal space and honestly I think its gross. I dont share drinks with other people either.:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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So long as the tongue stays in the mouth


It’s his family absolutely nothing wrong with it there’s nothing disgusting about it it’s not like he’s snogging them it’s just a peck I always give mum a kiss and cuddle bye I don’t know how anyone could even think of it in any other kind of way it’s his mum and nan


I kiss my son on the lips KEY WORD MY SON , thts fam should be no shame in tht :hugs::hugs:

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I kiss my daughter and my grown grandchildren on the mouth

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I do not, but my cousins do. Some families do some families don’t!

A quick kiss on the lips is fine in my opinion

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Have you ever deployed? Then you don’t get to judge what someone does before knowing they are about to be away from their family for an entire year in enemy lines. He is thinking this is possibly the last time I will see my family and I want to know I left them knowing they are loved always. You may not have grown up in a loving family, but you should be ashamed for judging he is close with his and in such a stressful time in his life. I kissed my mom before I deployed and so did my brother and he died over there so be thankful you have a boyfriend who loves his family


Its normal for my household, I think it depends on how you grew up, my family grew up showing lots of affection so I am affectionate towards my parents and kids. Although my husband didn’t grow up with much affection so he doesnt really show much affection.

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If you find it disgusting then you’re not going to be ok with the level of love and affection he will have with your kids. If it makes you that uncomfortable you need to move on.

I always kiss my mum and dad when leaving its just the same just think when you have kids youll want them to kiss you good by never too old for a kiss lol

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Girl… with all do respect , just leave if it makes you uncomfortable. Whatever you do , do not say nothing because if my baby boy was deploying and someone came at me with something like that, it’d be bad lolol. Just try to move past it or move on. Don’t confront that bull by the horns. :joy::sweat_smile::woman_shrugging:t3:

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