Is it normal for a grown man to kiss his mom on the lips?

It is a cultural thing like I live in the south and its completely normal here and if you find it creepy and wants sexualize it that’s on you.


My grandfather, he’s passed now, was always taught to show someone you love them you kiss them in the lips, turning your cheek was disrespectful. Growing up he kissed all of us on the lips. Would be no different than kissing your mom/female friend/husband. When your parents are passed you’re going to remember their kisses. Maybe I just like my family, I’d have no issue with this if my sons/daughter always kissed me this way.

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Personally I don’t kids my parents on the lips but there is nothing wrong with it I kids my young kids on the lips and will stop when and if they feel uncomfortable or anything

It’s tradition it’s affection between child and parents. In my family we kiss our children on the lips unless we’re sick we don’t do it and when we get older we stop until the person passes away. In my point of view it’s a deep affection of love appreciation and gratitude tours the parent. I think you should speak to your partner with an open mind and seeing his point of view and expressing yourself in a non defensive way.

Lol its actually normal… Not seen a whole lot but there are lots of grown up babies out there that greet their mom that way… I have 2 mommas boys and a third on the way as many kisses as i get a day I’m sure that will be us years down the road… Nothing wrong with it it’s just a life long bond a mother is your first love…

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That is very weird and awkward to me but may be normal in some families/heritage/countries/cultures so IDK … but I wouldn’t accept it neither. Him and I would have to have a talk…


Girl just quit. Delete the status, move to poland and pretend like you never posted this


Ya need to calm down.


I kissed my mom on the mouth last week :rofl::woman_shrugging:t3:


Idk I stopped kissing my parents like that when I was 8? :person_tipping_hand: Just ask him lol, gotta tell him how you feel. I don’t expect my kids to lip kiss me. I’ve had another friend who had the same issue, it’s not just you, ignore the heffers trying to degrade your opinion and feelings.

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my dad told me on my wedding day that he won’t kiss me on the lips cos he knows where my mouth has been…
my comment don’t help but it made me think. :thinking::joy:


My grandmother would kiss us, her granddaughters, on the lips… Never thought of it in anyway weird or sexual… Guess it depends on how ur raised??


I never kissed my parents on the lips. Its normal, but not my thing. I don’t even kiss them on the Cheek. Hugs are just fine. Lol but to tell your husband how he greets his own mother is the real problem. Not how he does it. Seems like you try to control him like you own him.


Hold on, YOU really jusy said that YOU had to put a stop to that? Expect divorce papers. Any woman that is pathetic and insecure enough to be jealous of a man’s relationship with his mother deserves to be single and miserable all by herself. You are just pitiful…


I have 3 boys. I kissed them all on the lips until they became teenagers now it’s just on the side if their lips but I still kiss them they are my boys and it is not done in any perverted way. Just us showing our love for each other. I also kiss me adult girls. Some people just have sick minds and dont see it that way.


Its normal. Stop sexualizing it. If it really bothers you tell him but there’s nothing wrong with it

Its his MOTHER. stop making it sexual you sicko.


I kiss my kids on the lips. My mother kisses me on the lips. It’s a sign of affection, not sexual.


I am 29 and give my mom a kiss lol but did u husband made out with her ?? Or was it just a kiss a mom gives her child?


How long did der lips touch for…im a 37 yr old man and i still giv my mother a kiss on d lips everytime i c her and giv her another kiss win im leaving and if my girlfriend has a problem wit that she no’s wer d door is but i no she has no prob wit that as we hav a son 2gether and she kissis him on d lips alot…its love between a mother & son and no girl will ever cum between that…u hav only 1 mother cherish her while shes still on dis earth cos 1 day ull never again c her…d day she dies…its a normal thing and for anyone to think any different ders sumtin seriously rong wit der head…


Its probably the norm for them. I really wouldn’t worry


:rofl: It’s his mother… calm down. It’s a loving act, not sexual in the least bit.


Weeeelll in the future would you want some woman to come in and interfere, control, and restrict your relationship with your son? A kiss on a parents lips is weird to me too but some people do some don’t. He knew his mom waaaaay before he knew you. Why step in and try cause such a wedge? That is just as weird. Your husband deserves respect just like you do.


I mean its his mom I wouldnt make a big deal. I don’t think it has to be made sexual and all that crap my oldest sons 12 and I kiss him bye always even if side of mouth hes my baby!! There just close probably. I wouldn’t over think it. I think if you spend too much time thinking into it its gonna be worse than letting it go because there are people who do that. Try to forget it

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I’m almost 35 and I still kiss my mom on her lips and I always will! That’s my momma and no one will ever tell me not to kiss her how I have my whole life. If my dad was still alive, I would still kiss him on his lips too.

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My 22 month old grabs my face and kisses my lips all the time. He does it to his daddy too. I see no problem with it. Once hes older, if he doesnt want to, that’s fine. But for now, he does.

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Nah I agree with op… it’s disturbing.


My family has always done it on both sides as a sign of affection and greeting. I kissed my great grandparents and grandparents when they were alive, kiss my parents, and kiss my kids if we’re leaving or coming from being away. It may be weird for you because you haven’t experienced that upbringing or have some weird ass thought processes, but that doesn’t make it wrong, sexual, or inappropriate.

You sound controlling. Know your place


You’re the fucking disgusting one by making it seem to be an inappropriate thing, I still kiss my parents on the lips, my sister is 10 and kisses me on the lips so do my nieces who are 6 and 4, you’re the only person being disgusting and if you’d have told me I wasn’t allowed to show affection to my mother you’d be in the bin

That is pretty normal for a lot of mother and sons. As long as there’s no tongue it’s fine.


You say, “I had to put a stop to that.” What did you actually say to him and what was his reaction? It’s a sign of affection, if you’re sexualizing it then you have a deeper more disturbed issue that you need to figure out. I didn’t realize there was an age limit when you were supposed to stop kissing your mother/father. It’s a kiss, they didn’t make out.


Well he came outta her vagina soo

Why must people sexualize this?
Y’all are disturbed.


Everyone is differnt and have differnt thoughts n feelings theres no need to insult the lady and call her names if she dnt like it so be it ahe never ask for u ro be rude i mayself am not a kissing person id rather hug i dnt like kissing when my kids was younger yes kiss on cheek or forehead never lips my parents never kiss me on lips either but we was a hugging family again all in how u feel urself dnt wry what others feel or even care if its wrong or right no one can judge u or shame u or belittle u only god u all need stop being rude if she dnt like her grown man kissing his mom on lips so what in my eyes its gross but hey thats me

wow no big deal at all.


My 14yr old daughter kisses me on the lips as a matter a fact I think they all do. And they are 23 21 17 14 and 6

Let some women come in and tell my boys they cant give their mama kisses. No I probaby wont give them pecks on the lips when they are grown, but even if I did so what? They will always be my babies. And if you’re jealous about that then you’re probably just jealous in general of their bond…


It’s his mom like really? Mom or dad I wouldn’t care. Hell grandma/grandpa but we are Italian and its normal culture. :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

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What do u find so wrong about it?? Out if curiosity. That’s his Mum?? What thought process makes u feel that its disturbing too u??!


Omg why stop him from kissing his mom for showing some affection really dang …smh


wow what is the big deal? That’s ridiculous! I don’t normally comment on questions like this, but come on… That’s his mom! It’s nothing sexual.

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You put a stop to it?! You sound controlling. That is his mom, for crying out loud. Calm down.


I would find that absolutely disgusting.


My husband kisses his mom on the lips so what?

If u sexualize this then u are the one who is disturbing and sick. And who the hell are u to interfere with a mother and sons relationship. My son can kiss me on the lips until he wants to stop.


It’s a kiss for your mum? :rofl::thinking:
What is this world coming too?? Ffs


You had to stop that… really?? Your the downgrade to his mother sweetheart you’ll never replace her. My children kiss me on the lips when we say good bye or good night. If they were full on tongues down gullets playing tonsil tennis then yeah put a stop to it, by all means, let a mother love her son, IN A NON SEXUAL WAY


I think tjats wierd to


That’s him mom. You must watch some strange porn to even think of it as anthing else.:unamused:


That’s disgusting. And no, not in a “you’re sexualizing it” way. I don’t enjoy sharing germs with everybody, so I definitely wouldn’t want my husband kissing his mom (where’s her mouth been?) and then me.


If i wasnt expecting it from my partner i may be taken back for a second but i kiss my daughter so i dont see why he shouldnt be allowed to kiss his mom


Smh…wowwww. And i thought MY son was strange!!!

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Ew. That shit is just gross idc… that’s just me

Maybe you came up in a home where kisses didn’t happen and he did…every family shows affection differently. Did he use tongue or something? Lol. I don’t see the big deal.


Everyone has their own opinion on this. Idk I find it weird, a lil bit but that don’t happen in my family. There comes a time that, that should stop but don’t see harm in it. It’s his mother, that’s her son. But as a adult. idk I see both sides. All that matters is their comfort level.

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I still kiss my little boy he is 7 years old on the lips. A small gentle kiss … he is in first grade so now he is starting to avoid it when he’s in public but when I tuck him in at night he’s ok with it. We don’t do it when we’re sick to prevent spreading germs. Maybe he won’t let me do this when he’s married or a teenager but for now until he’s older I will give him that sweet kiss from mother to son. Everyone has their different opinions maybe you don’t feel disgusted about it just awkward with what you saw.


I personally do not like it. I don’t even kiss my children on the mouth even though my daughter wants me to give her a peck on the lips. If it bothers you, definitely say something to him about how it makes you uncomfortable. Everyone has boundaries and I wouldn’t want to kiss my husband if he kissed his moms lips.


Lmfao you can’t control how he shows affection to his mother :joy::joy::joy: you need to figure out why you’re disgusted and fix it because it’s you who needs to stop.


I have never been comfortable kissing my parents on the lips. My mom would have liked to (her mom did with her) but for me it carries a different meaning.
With my kids I let them decide. Most of the time they’re happy with neck/cheek/forehead kisses, but sometimes they like to grab my neck and kids my lips.
I’m comfortable with that but I had to realize to each his own, and you can adjust to make it to work for you.

I would make it a conversation. Explain to him you didn’t grow up that way, you’d like to be the only woman that kisses his lips now, whatever expresses your feelings in a non confrontational way (to avoid him shutting down and feeling like your disgust is aimed at him, if he’s anything like my husband :joy::woman_shrugging:t4:)

It’s his mom… I kiss my mom on the lips. I don’t see the big deal


Not to be rude, but I think it says something if you are so disgusted by it


Oh get over it. Jear desus. My mom is 60 and still does that to her 84 yo mom when she gets to see her.


My thought is…its not really your business


I would find out why it bothers you and fix that. He isn’t the problem you are. He can so affection towards his mom anyway he wants. I do and will continue to kiss my kid’s.


It’s his mother… you should be lucky you got a guy like that… cause a man that respects his mom will respect his wife…


My in-laws did this. Especially awkward wit the father-in-law. I would turn my head so he’d kiss my cheek instead

My magtag! My seuns soen my ook op die mond! Ek is after all die eerste een wat hulle opgesoen het, handjies, voetjies, nekkies, bekkies. Jy moet bykom! Hy vry nie sy Ma nie, hy groet haar!! Asseblief!

Yeah, I’m sorry but I would not ask nor demand my husband to stop showing his mother affection. That is his mom. We grew up in families that are not scared or ashamed to show love and affection. I kiss my dad on the lips, I did with my grandparents when they were alive, my mom on the side of the mouth, I kiss my son’s on the lips. The only part I would find strange is kissing my brothers because, well, they’re my stupid bigheaded big brothers and would rather give them a noogie or punch to the arm. I honestly think you need to cool your jets; he may be your husband, but that is his mother, not yours.


I’m married to a Czechoslovakian/Polish man and his mom’s entire family will kiss you square on the mouth whether its first or 20th time meeting.


If it’s not for you don’t do it. Your husband can probably handle himself.


Im almost 33 and kiss BOTH of my parents on the lips. Only wierdos make a big deal about it…I feel like you should be questioning why that makes YOU uncomfortable and fix that. You are the problem not him


You dont morally except that?! GTFO yourself! That’s his momma! Except them the way they are you can’t change people!


I used to kiss, Both my Mom and Dad on the lips! Nothing wrong with it! They’ve both recently passed away, only 4 months apart from each other! What, I wouldn’t give to give them both a big kiss right now!


That maybe it’s your problem and you can choose to get over it or choose to regulate other people’s relationships with their parents…

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I kiss my babies two and one year old on the lips and I couldn’t imagine not giving them kisses even when they are 80 years old


Wow I need not reply it’s all been said


I don’t kiss my mom but that’s my choice. I’m weird about people in my personal space. Do I care if anyone else does? Definite no. Not my business nor my body. If my other half kissed his mother like that I’d say…well I wouldn’t say anything because who the hell cares. I’m with the people who think you should figure out why it bothers you so much.

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My boys better never stop kissing me just as I still kiss my parents. You must not have a great relationship with your parents :woman_shrugging:t6:

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It is normal. You shouldn’t demand anything from your husband either. It is your problem that it makes you feel uncomfortable.


There’s nothing wrong with mother and son kissing on the lips that’s call love tap and affection and caring and love

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This is so crazy to think it is wrong
I think it is perfectly normal


Your married to him and just noticed? Where have you been? I kiss my parents my friends my siblings all.on the lips. Have and always will. It’s not strange unless you make it strange. Lightning up sista!


You are the one with the problem.


So, you chastise and put a stop to your significant other showing affection to his mother?


You are a ridiculous twit!! That’s my thought!


You know what? If he kisses his mama on the lips, it’s a sign that she’s a great mother who raised a good man. How he treats his mama is an indicator of how he’ll treat his wife also.

There will come a day when she is no longer here, and when that day comes, your husband would be willing give anything for just one more special moment like that. Don’t try to take that away from him.

A healthy relationship between husband & wife is built on the foundation of their relationships with family members. Sounds like your husband is building on a strong foundation. Are you?


Get over yourself. They weren’t frinching or anything. I see no problem. I kiss my family on the lips. It’s nonsexual affection.


That’s his mother…that’s HER life she gave birth to. She carried and loved that man…u know good and well there is NO immoral “kiss” there…he must love her very much…
Which is priceless this day and time…most people don’t even like their parents…
Leave him alone


Uh. The only one making it sexual is you! Unless they were throat deep in wachother seriously find something else to be deeply offended by


It’s his mother!!! Get over it!!!


Nice first world issue


I kiss my parents on the lips always have I’ve never thought anything about it…


Their is a Mexican artist who kisses his son on the lips ON STAGE…nothing wrong…when you are raised to not make EVERYTHING sexual as an adult you dont see nothing perverse in it :woman_shrugging:
I think you are no one to tell him he cant show his mother love…you are very wrong.


Put a stop to it I know a boy and his sister mom dad granny and all kiss each other like husband and wife would they even tilt heads and all and this goes on inside of work while he is working and the boy has a girlfriend who thinks that it is nasty as well I don’t even kiss my kids on the lips the only person I kiss on the lips is my husband my parents don’t even kiss me and my brother on the lips or my kids in my opinion they are something wrong with his mother and if he does kiss her kiss her on the forehead or cheek


My husband hugs his mom and kisses her on the cheek. No mouth.

Im hardly a hugger… let alone a kisser… other than my husband… but other cultures do it in greetings, goodbyes… so I don’t see why it would disturb you.


You obviously have some serious issues concerning kissing gal. Do you come from a religious non affectionate family, or have you had a bad incident as a child? If not, then you need to lighten up. How dare you insist he stop kissing his mother!!! And he did? Shocking!! You need to apologise to him for your attitude. You are very prudish in your ways. It is not incest( look the word up) honour thy mother and father!!! It is normal my family do it all the time. Its a way of saying i love you mam. You need some councelling coz you have a problem- its called CONTROLLING!! Do something about it or it will cause marital problems. You are saying choose between me and your mother!!! Grow up!!!


All families are different I know that my great uncle to this day if there is a family event gives everyone a little peck on the lips, in his eyes it’s the same thing as a hug. I’m assuming the mom isn’t extremely old which does make it a little bit more odd considering the older generations are more likely to do this but at the same time it might be an indication that he has a very strong relationship with his mother think about it when he was a child I’m sure he kissed his parents on the lips if their relationship was a good one and never had any issues that just may be the normal greeting for them

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Sounds to me like you didn’t get any sort of affection from your family growing up. Or maybe it was in a different way. Cultural differences maybe? I can see it being awkward or weird if you didn’t grow up around that type of thing. But you have to understand it’s different for everybody. I’m sure this is just a peck so it’s no big deal. Either you adjust to it or tell your husband to not do it in front of you but you really can’t stop it.