Is it normal for a grown man to kiss his mom on the lips?

Kiss on lips…
Its absurd for me…

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Everyone is different. No judgments from me. To each their own


Although I can see it with a 1-2 year old who just learned to give kisses, after that it should be the cheek. I know all families are different in how they show affection, but for me…that’s kinda on the weird side, too.


Everyone is raised totally different if it was only a peck then you shouldn’t have anything to worry about


All are different when it comes to greeting family and friends. Some of us give a peck on the lips while others don’t even get a handshake. Lol


Personally I think it’s weird, and before you all start jumping on me, no, I didn’t have an “affectionate” childhood so that would probably explain it.
But stop bashing this woman! She asked a question, she thought it was weird, and yes people do things differently and show affection differently, but no need to rag on her for expressing her opinion!!!


This is to funny to comment on.

  1. I hope this is fake. 2. I hope he told you where to go with that nonsense. If she was an Itialian mom from Brooklyn she would dot his eye for NOT kissing her and then tell everyone how he broke her heart.
    Let me know if your still married in 10 years since you don’t know what battles to choose.

His mother has kissed him hundreds, if not thousands of times on his lips, this just makes it more…I will continue to kiss my children on the lips until they feel they want to stop. I’m sure his mother feels the same, and if your husband doesn’t think it’s weird you shouldn’t either. Just my opinion :+1:t2:


The way I see it you’re either concerned that your husband and HIS MOM have something sexual going on, in which case, ummmmm leave him.
Or you’re the one in the wrong. Perhaps you’re jealous of their bond, perhaps you’re afraid of their normal, healthy relationship.
But you best beware, mommas never forget and you just picked a fight with a bear. You better hope he doesnt tell her you threw a childish tantrum and demanded he stop kissing his her. Otherwise I would expect spit in the food she preapres from now on and used socks for your birthday.


I think it’s weird and I wouldn’t do that as an adult but if they feel comfortable then I don’t feel it’s your place to “put a stop to it”


I personally don’t kiss my kids on the lips but my in laws all do they learnt that for myself a kiss on the cheek is fine each to their own

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My sons wives are going to hate me if they’re anything like you! LOL Seriously though I’m guessing you haven’t had children yet so you don’t understand ‘As Long As I’m Living My Baby You’ll Be!’


My brother still kisses my mom like that she is 70 an he is 47 that’s her baby an always will be !!!


It’s okay guys this lady was obviously not loved as a child. Just pray and hope her husband realizes what a real winner he got with this one hopefully he leaves and chooses his momma over her nothing wrong with kisssing the person who’s carried you for 9 months (sometimes less depends) nothing wrong with kissing the lady who birthed you, fed you, bathed you and changed you. Sorry lady but you need help!


Would u guys see it differently if it was a dad kissing his daughter? Lol idk . Wouldn’t bother me unless I thought something sexual was goin on

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My son always kisses me on lips it’s not like s kiss kiss you have with a romantic partner it’s just a quick kiss , he’s 39

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Wtf…I kiss my family on the lips. Gram,my dad everyone. I’d tell you where to go. Who are you to tell him he can’t. I feel bad for you …

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Nothing wrong with it, hes giving his mom a kiss

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Stop asking such stupid questions and get a life.

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My husband wouldn’t like it. But there’s Nothing sexual about it… Neither would i, but to each their own. Some do some dont. Either way i see no problem i just wouldn’t.

I kiss both my parents on mouth did my grandmother too and all 3 my boys 16,5,1 all kiss me on mouths and their grandparents it’s all good


We don’t kiss on the lips. But you have no right to tell him he can’t do that with HIS mom. :roll_eyes:


Define nOrmAL
There’s really not a righT here
Just your way
Or his way
No wrong way
Your an idiot

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I kiss my parents on the lips and I kiss my children on the lips. I don’t see anything wrong with it.


Who are you to say if he can greet his mother with a kiss on the lips??? If ANY woman said that to my sons I’d put a stop to her. Don’t you dare break their bond because you’re a pussy willow.


I kiss my boys on the lips but my oldest I’m starting to kiss on his face. So as of right now my youngest still gives me sweet lil kid kisses I adore. As he will get older I will probably switch to his face. I understand your immediate feeling bc in my family, we barely hug. First time I saw that, I was kind of grossed out by it. When I had my own babies, it felt natural to me.


Feel you. I’ve always thought it was absolutely disgusting. Not sexualized, just, disgusting. I made it a rule that NOONE kisses my children on the mouth. I would probably throw up if I saw my boyfriend kiss his mother on the mouth. Fortunately, he thinks it’s weird and gross, too!

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Maybe as a kid but as an adult no that’s weird sorry! Idk a single person personally that does this.


If you dont like it…don’t do it :woman_shrugging:t2:

Nothing about showing affection for your family is disgusting or whatever the hell words y’all have used.

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It’s his mom. Nothing sexual about it.

I think the problem is with you and only you seriously seek help


Normal for some people but nasty to me lol!

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I kiss my son on rhe lips just as when he was young. We have a very good close relationship and he is my baby forever. What’s wrong with it? We have no problem with it.


Do you not kiss your kids on the lips? You have no right to “put a stop” to it. Dont sexualise a woman kissing her kid. No matter how old the kid is. Some families aren’t close, and some have a brilliant bond.


You all have dirty thoughts


My son is 3, and im slowly getting him to kiss on the cheek…:grimacing:

My son is 18 gonna be 19 in May and gives me a peck on my lips when he’s leaving for work and when he’s going to bed. I see NOTHING wrong with it and he does the same when we go visit my mom. If you see something wrong with that,then honestly, YOU’RE the one with sick issues


Yea I’m gonna have to agree that it’s pretty sick of YOU to say that. That’s his mother. She has been with him since day 1. As long as theres no actual incest stuff then I dont think you should be saying g anything wife or not.


I mean…I would snatch a bitch up if she decided that she couldn’t mentally accept any type of relationship with my son. You can accept it? Move tf on sweetheart, you are replaceable and i hope you can mentally accept that one because no one comes between a mother and her son. However…sidenote…that mom should stop kissing her grown son on the lips, I fazed that out last year when my son started growing a mustard lol.

My husband not only kisses his mom, but his dad too. If its not a juicy frencher, I don’t see anything disturbing, only deep affection.


People, please be mindful, not everyone has had the privilege of coming from a deeply loving home, so shows of affection like this, are difficult to grasp & understand no need to be nasty. She’s asking, which means she’s trying to wrap her head around it all, instead of being judgemental & nasty, like some of you…


Good god, it’s his Mother, get your mind outta the gutter, that’s what You should put a stop to… Judgemental are we???


I hope you don’t have any children with this man cause he would make a wonderful father and family man that you would ruin. You are one sicko!!!


It’s weird. I thi k at a certain age he should have outgrown that. Some cultures greet that way, but i understand how that would make you feel odd. I know you aren’t saying he has a thing for his mom, it’s just that he is a grown man and it is odd.


Personal preference. I’ve never kissed my kids on the lips. They are 15, 13, & 3. 2boys and a girl. My parents never did with me and my grandparents never did with my parents. It’s the same on my husband’s side of the family. I personally don’t agree with it, however if it’s how they grew up then to each their own. My question is, how is it that you are married to this man and have not seen this behavior before???


I kiss my Mom & Dad on the lips. I don’t think it’s weird at all!!! & My kid’s too.


To me, it is weird but to my fiance it is not. Not all families are the same and that’s ok.
I mean if there was some tongue action going on you can be disgusted. If not, shhhh

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I seen my son in law do it to his mom thought it was endearing


My grandma greeted all her friends and family this way. I did not like it so I always gave her my cheek. I feel it’s really weird to do this as adults. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Every family shows affection differently & you shouldn’t be disgusted because of it… If it makes you feel uncomfortably look away but don’t make him stop showing his mom how much he loves her by how they show it unless it clearly is over the line


This is not weird… You are the who’s weird! :joy:


Silly. I kiss my daughters grandchildren husband etc on the lips not a sexy kiss a loving kiss

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I kiss my mom on the lips. There is nothing sexual about it.

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It’s his mom , :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: stop being jealous


I kiss both my parents, they are my parents ffs they gave me life! There is nothing wrong with showing your parents you love them, just because you don’t do that doesn’t mean you should make your husband stop, that’s his mother! Have some respect, you should be happy he kisses his mother and respects her. How a man treats his mother is how he will treat his woman. So if this bothers you a bound between a mother and son then in my eyes you just look like a jealous wife. I think u have bigger priorities to worry about then your husband loving the first woman who ever loved him back.

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It’s his mum… How old are you? Seriously?


I don’t see a problem with it. I do see how it would make you feel uncomfortable but I have a son, he’s only 10 months and I kiss him on the lips now and again. I’m hoping I can do this with him as he gets older but I noticed that my mother in law use to do this with my husband. It honestly didn’t bother me and I have major insecurity issues. I have no clue what your relationship with your mother is but nobody will love you, or is suppose to, love you like your mother does. It is an in love but NON sexual unconditional love that will make you do things like give your son a small peck on the lips. I seriously would not be concerned

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We kiss my husband’s whole family on the lips and give a big hug on every hello and every goodbye.

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Seriously?? I think u need to definitely chil. Not ur place to tell ur husband how he is allowed to show affection TO HIS MOTHER. That’s crazy talk


I kiss my parents on the lips, and my kids do the same to me. There is nothing weird about it and maybe get your mind out of the gutter.


My whole family we kiss when we greet each other mum dad brother sister nephews nieces aunt’s uncles cousins that how we greet each other :joy: even if I seen them yesterday last week last year that’s how we greet always been this way and i am in my 30s


What do you mean by you had to put a stop to it?? You said something ? I’ve seen my boyfriend kiss his mom on the lips. And if That’s their thing I respect that. I would be crossing the to say anything. Also I know my boyfriend well enough to know its not weird or gross…


Additional comment from OP:

“Put an end to it” was me saying something to him days later. That it was weird, awkward and uncomfortable. I wasn’t raised that way and they always kiss on the cheek this was years later that I’ve seen this. I kiss my kiss in the mouth my little ones, but I don’t kiss my older kids or family members in the mouth. He respected my point of view and said he doesn’t mind changing. There was no fighting or anything. We talked about it and our beliefs and we resolved it. I was curious if this is a thing. Being I’ve never encountered this in my adult life


I think If you kiss your mom you never had any kind of sexual problems If you did he would not get near her


Yeah, this is weird. I would not be ok with my bf kissing his mom on the lips.


I mean really? Its not like he tongued her or anything. A peck is probably just something he grew up with as i do it with my son too. Its just a sign of love


That is his MOTHER !!!
Who are u ?
U run not thing about his relationship with his mother.
She is his very best woman of his life ever.
Baby , if you get any feeling but sheer real love then your missing something in your life.

get your mind out of the gutter and go pray for YOURSELF !!!


Oh wow! I wish I had this simple problem…Are you kidding me!!!

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You’re being very closed minded and ki da dumb. Its important that he is affectionate. If they’re not affectionate with they’re own mom they won’t be with you. You should embrace it.


Can I ask a seemingly random question? I promise it’s related… what ethnic background is his family?

It’s his mother. I doubt he was tonguing her down. Could just be how is with his mom or a cultural thing. Get over it.

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It’s his mother… Why would you be worried about his mother? Specially since it’s a peck on the lips. Not to be rude but are you that insecure about your self? Maybe it’s weird to you but stop and think it’s a way of showing love to them. I find nothing wrong with it

I think this is a sign of a strong family bond with healthy views of affection. You may have made him feel shameful for being a sensitive and affectionate son. There’s no need to make him feel insecure when he’s showing familial bond. He might end up having a hard time being affectionate with your children if he thinks you think he’s weird.

:woman_facepalming:t2: seriously
You had to put a stop to that :roll_eyes::joy: mkay.