Is it normal for my husband to stay out all weekend?

Maybe he is with his “family” - not yours. See an attorney asap.


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:point_down::point_down::point_down::point_down::point_down::point_down::point_down: Redirecting...

No. Unacceptable. Next you will be left home because you had a baby.


No its not normal yikes


Hell no that’s not normal. My fiance goes out once in a blue moon and he always tells me where and with who and comes home when he says he’s going to be home. I don’t go out cause I’m pregnant as well and we have a 2 year old. He 99% of the time has all his friends come over to our house

This is not normal and you should not continue to allow or accept this behavior.

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Not in my marriage!!! Hell no, and the fact that your pregnant is all the more reason his a** should be at home.

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Heck no to the no… he is totally not being behaved and why would you think this is normal :thinking:


Husbands do not stay away from the family unless he wants to be single……Help him achieve his goals


Only if he has a side piece.The ass hole.

No not normal. Check out this behavior. Could be revealing

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You already know the answer to this. Girl leave him.


I think you already know your answer let he go

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You know what he is doing. Your better off without him.

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Um nope save some money,leave him and file for child support

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No way in hell is that ok


No. I would not be home either. In fact pack and don’t turn back ever. If the house is nice stay. File for divorce too and sue for child support.


Sounds like a “visitation schedule” :face_with_peeking_eye::flushed:

Is this a serious question ? :thinking:


That’s NOT a marriage.

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Kick that shithead to the curb he needs to grow up

Is this a real question?? Put his crap in plastic bags on the front porch And change the locks.


Do you really have to ask !


Well heck no it’s not normal!!:woman_facepalming:

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Nope not even a little bit. No way.


:eyes:… that is not normal…when he leaves Friday do yourself a favor and change the locks…


Absentee partying husband who will soon be a dad That is not my idea of family
You will be alone with kids under the disguise of marriage

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There is nothing normal about it . He would come home to a empty house.


No. Honey. It is not.


Seriously :flushed:?:woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:

No way. This is totally unacceptable!

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My ex was out all the time too. He forgot he had a family. I wasted 41 years of my life. Don’t let him waste yours.


This has to be a joke?

If you had to ask, you already know the answer. You just want affirmation that this is, in fact, total BS. You get it. Affirmed. Leave. Before he brings home some funk from his excursions.

You know the answer to that. It’s not normal. I think it’s time to get an Apple Tag on his car

Is this a serious question please tell me this is a joke

Is this a joke? No it’s Not normal.

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If you really need someone else to answer this You need two things One a Divorce and the second one a conscelor because you need help

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Oh come on. You know it’s not normal. I doubt that he is spending weekends with the guys. Time to learn the truth.

No. He is screwing around. You need a divorce.

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ISTG this is a joke right… How can you type this out and think this is normal?

Hell to the no. Never ever would I put up with that. An then he will keep doing it because you have a baby at home. I wonder what he does all weekend not being vfc with his wife.

Duh!!! If u have to ask… something definitely wrong … why marry??

Seriously not normal at all and I’d put a stop to it immediately or just leave the guy he obviously doesn’t care about you or the baby if he’s out partying every chance he can get

Come on you know the answer to this.

Not normal in my marriage​:exploding_head::exploding_head: I guess if u accept that and tolerate it it will become normal.