It’s a mother thing, my boys are 40 and 38. Sometimes I hear them call my name clearly, I pick up the phone to call them to make sure everything is ok, then have to explain that I suddenly heard them call out to me
I alwaaaaaays do this… even now at 2
Sometimes moms know when kids in trouble.Moms intuition
It’s understandable when your mother for the first time that will happen
when my son was too young to talk yet and id attempt to take a shower id have to step out atleast 5x because i would hear crying. This was months after baths together and just wanting to relax in the shower for a few minutes
luckily now hes 3 and i dont really hear them anymore. Not looking forward to this when my girl gets here
Just new mom nerves, relax and trust God
Hypervigilence. Try warm natural teas to help you relax
Ghost cries. It’s just a mental thing every parent goes through
Very normal in fact my first baby didn’t live and for the first month I heard his crying but my family said I must be dreaming I didn’t want to tell them I was wide awake . Two years later I gave birth to a beautiful baby and had three more and I tell you it happens to everyone
God bless your Lil angel
Normal. I have five kiddos. Theyre now 4-13. I still hear crying sometimes. And hear ‘mom’ when no one is calling for me. I answer when I hear other kids yell mom in public! I think its just part of being a mom.
I have been through that. It eventually goes away once they start getting older. Your brain is just on overload of crying everyday and rushing to take care of.
It’s just mom brain. My youngest is ten and I will still think I hear him calling out for me at night, but he is always sound asleep.
There was that one incident where he was I the hospital, so he wasn’t at home. My husband and I both heard CLEAR AS DAY my son’s voice very clearly saying "Mama?'. We both looked at each other and said we weren’t about to go see what was up, because we have seen that horror movie, lol. It was so freaky. I will never forget it.
Happened to me all the time i would hear my son crying and I would look at the monitor and he was sound asleep. He is 2 now and I can still hear it sometimes. I was always watching him breathe when he was younger lol. He had a hard time breathing and was really wheezy the first 6 months
Just wait till he starts talking and saying mom. You’re in a store & hear someone say mom & you answer only to realize it’s not your child calling you. Welcome to motherhood.
Its normal mama. I had twins always heard crying and they weren’t. Especially in shower or bathroom. Yes you do think you’re crazy. You’re not… Motherhood
No you’re not insane. When my youngest was a newborn there were several other young babies in the area and our monitors would pick each other up. One night there was a group of 4 of us with sick (ear infections colds ext) babies all chatting at 3:30am thru the baby monitors as we tried to console them.
We thought it was funny but we also learned to lean in each other for support. (We had 4 boys in 5 months of each other)
Also you’re a new mom and panicked about everything. It’s ok to be this way.
This happened to me too when my daughter was itty bitty. When I would take a shower I’d hear her crying and immediately hop out of the shower, shampoo suds in my hair and all. I’d race over to her just to find her sleeping soundly. Like everyone else has said, it’s our mommy intuition kicking into overdrive. At 2 weeks old, you are probably getting up every couple of hours to feed/change and so you’re probably pretty tired and your brain is on high alert for your baby. You are tuning into your baby and hyper-vigilante, which is exactly what should be happening🙂. Congrats on your new baby and welcome to motherhood momma!
You’re NOT crazy! It’s normal. Welcome to parenthood paranoia. It NEVER goes away. It’s actually a sign that you’re a good mother. You’re worried when baby isn’t with you, totally normal.
You’re not going mad,first time Baby nearly all ways happens!
Perfectly normal. So is zoning them out when they get to be teenagers
When you are concerned about missing something ,your mind will play tricks on you,when we have that deep love we don’t want anything to happen to them ,so we hear them, and to show you how strong that love is, when my husband was very sick ,I would hear him call me and go to his door, and he would be asleep ,even 13 yrs ago when he went to be with Jesus, the first 5 yrs I heard ,Rose ,almost every nite, and the first 6 mos, I would go check and then remember, sometimes I still hear it ,I knew I had to stop checking ,but as long as thoses babies are little ,you go check them ,your not crazy ,your just in love ,with that doll baby,
Not necessarily crying but if I thought I heard them I’d check and 9 times out of 10 they’d be awake.
You think that’s bad but for yrs after my last baby I still felt them kicking inside.
Release the baby sitter, keep the baby on your own. Turn on the monitor but be within viewing distance.
Could be a symptom of post partum psychosis
Sounds like you’re sleep deprived
Yes normal first time Mom
I have always had one!
Post partum issues perhaps
What were you smoking?? ha