Is it normal for my 11 yr old who starts his first year of middle school to not want to part with his stuffed animals?My son is 11, he starts middle school on the 29th of August. He was in Florida with my parents in July and while he was gone I got rid of just a few of his non sentimental stuffed animals. Or so I thought. I had them in the trunk of my car with intention of taking them to the thrift store. I haven’t made it there yet. He came home and just the other day he noticed them in there and got so upset. Mind you he didn’t notice they were missing. When he realizes them in the bag in my car it was like how dare I get rid of them. He was like really upset, so much so I noticed tears in his eyes he was trying to hold back. I tried to tell him we can’t keep everything, at some point we have to part with things so other boys and girls can enjoy them. But he was still just so upset. Even with other toys he don’t wanna part with like I finally talked him into letting go of some things like a basket of toys in his closet he hasn’t looked at or played with in a year or more, he says he has memories with all his stuff. He did agree to let some of the toys go in his closet but I could still tell he was upset about it. Is this normal? I’m most concerned about the stuffed animals. Am I reading too much into it? I’m over here thinking he has separation anxiety or something. Am I wrong to think that? Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced this?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it normal that my 11 year old doesn't want to get rid of his stuffed animals? - Mamas Uncut
I’m 35 and don’t want to get rid of my stuffed animals
Don’t make him part with stuff especially stuffed animals
Let him hang on to his childhood as long as possible. They mean something to him even though they don’t to you!
Im 35 and still sleep with one
Im 35 and have a bear from my childhood. Its not like i cuddle it, but its there in the closet. It means something. Poor thing, hes a kid let him have his emotions.
My 12 year old boy still loves his stuffies. Heck, I still have mine at 35.
I don’t see the problem with him having stuffed animals.
My 17yr old still has all of hers. I have a stuffed animal that I cherish and I’m 42. Nothing wrong with wanting to keep stuffed animals at any age.
I’m 60 and still have mine
Im 20 years ild and still gave a stuffed animal i wont get rid of. I know a few people older than me that still have a lot of stuffies
It’s normal. He’s still only 11. Heck my 23 yr old still gets stuffed animals from her BF and has some she’s kept from early childhood. Don’t force him to get rid of stuff, it’s good that he was able to part with some stuff. We have to stop forcing our kids to grow up too fast.
Don’t you dare touch your kids soft toys! He needs to choose which he feels he could give to others. He could put some in a storage box or memory box. But he needs to do these things himself as part of development. And respect any he wants to keep.
Let HIM decide what to get rid of. That way it feels like he was in control of it and less of a loss.
But honestly my 13 yr old son has a stuffed seal that he treasures. And a few other stuffed he likes.
I’m 35 and I have a stuffed frog that comes with me when I go overnight anywhere.
I don’t think its that big of a deal that he wants to keep hisstuffies.
I am 52 and I’ve got loads
Talking to him before probably would have solved this. He seems to be shocked that you did it without telling him. Stay at Home Moms
Yes it is normal to want to hold on to things of comfort in a world that is constantly changing
My almost 14 year old son still has a few stuffed animals on his bed. Whats wrong with that?
Normal. I had to barter with my 14yo to rid her room of the stuffed animals and made a deal with her to keep one’s she’s super attached to. He’ll get rid of them when he’s ready.
I have an Elsa squishmellow on my bed…
My 13 year old still has a stuffed cat he won’t get rid of
32 year old with stuffed animals
I’m 32 and I still have my stuffies. My kids all have theirs too. They mean something to him. Let him be a child.
Wouldn’t u be upset if someone went through ur stuff and decided to throw it away?! Totally overbearing. U should have let them decide, if u wanted to downsize.
My 11 year old still has stuffed animals. Let him be a child.
Yes it’s normal! I kept the stuffed animals from when I was a kid and passed them down to my children when I had them. Don’t make your child get rid of them if he doesn’t want to!!! That’s cruel
My son has one stuffed monkey that I won’t ever get of and a bear if I did he’d be pissed. He’s still attached to them and he’s bigger than me
Aww my son is 13 and still has all his stuffies. I wouldn’t get rid of them.
He will eventually grow out of having so many around but may always want to keep one that is super sentimental. Both my boys still love a few special ones and they are 10 and 13.
Let him be a kid as long as possible. Too many kids these days grow up way too fast. Enjoy the fact he wants to be a kid!
Plenty of adults still have stuffed animals. I still have some of mine. My brother still buys any owl stuffed animal he sees for me🤣
The toys is understandable, but not the stuffed animals. They bring comfort. No matter your age.
I have a almost 13 year old and he lovesss them still asks us to buy him more but I love this post felt like mine was the only one!
I still have some of mine from when I was little as an adult. And I still buy some randomly when I like them. You’re never too old for stuffed animals.
My daughter now sleeps with a stuffed animal I’ve had since I’m 2. I’m 35 and still steal it back sometimes
I’m 22 and still have like 5 stuffed animals from my childhood. Leave him alone.
I think toys or stuffed shouldn’t have an age restriction. Who are we to say what age someone will enjoy something. I’m 40 and still buy toys and stuffies for myself or keep my kids if they part with them. Why does that kind of thing matter so much is the real question.
He’s only 11… He won’t magically stop wanting stuffed animals because hes making changes at school… That said I’m 44 and I still love stuffed animals.
I think it’s just fine those are his little homies grown adults have teddy bears
I didn’t read it all tho just that he started middle school and doesn’t want to get rid of them and that was my response to that part of it !! It’s just fine mama !
Who cares if he wants to keep them let him be
33 yrs old here and I still won’t give mine up
Dont they sell stuffed animals on valentine’s and such, for adults LOL
34 and my parents still have most of mine and I won’t let them get rid of them
My son is 11 and in middle school and he refuses to get rid of his stuffed animal husky collection. Some he sleeps with and some are just stashed in his closet. I’ve mentioned a few times we should donate them but he always says no. So I stopped pressing the issue. It’s not like he’s carrying them around out in public and eventually he’ll make the decision when he’s ready to get rid of them.
Why you being so mean leave the kid alone
My 17 year old has all her stuff animals and some of mine from when I was a kid. Let him be. When he’s ready he will get rid of things.
My daughter didn’t mind parting with things when she was that age but my son still have toys and he will be 20 in December. He says he feels bad to get rid of them because I bought them for him but I tell him it’s ok he used them and that getting rid of them isn’t going to upset me or anything. He’s let go of a lot of things now but he have some that he said he wants to keep for when he has kids.
Lol, I’m 32 and I still have my favorite stuffed animal from when I was a kid. It’s my daughter’s favorite now too.
How do you know whether it is sentimental or not? That’s not your decision to make.
I don’t blame him for being upset.
I’m 29, I love stuffed animals so much I started making them I still have so many stuffed animals.
My 11 year old still has stuffed animals. Let him decide when and if he wants to get rid of them. It should be his choice, not yours.
I leave it up to my kids, they wanna get rid of something they donate. I never toss unless it’s broken or not able to be fixed. Broken things I Toss when they at school. Let him b a kid and leave it up to him.
I’m 31 and still have stuffed animals from when I was a kid. Let him be.
Im 31 and i still have my stuffies from when i was a kid, passed them down to my little one, no biggie
My sister is 25 and has a stuffed dog. He’s missing 2 legs, an ear and an eye. She would be absolutely devastated if anything happened to it.
2 of my older sisters still have their childhood stuffed animals. They’d take your hand before they allowed anyone to throw them away.
I didnt let go of my stuffed animals til i was 14 and that was just bc i had to
Dont make him get rid of them… plus he likely just thought they would always be where he left them, thats why he didn’t notice them missing but got upset when he seen them.
I am 51 and only in the last 10 years have relinquished my hold on the last of my childhood stuffed animals and only because my oldest dared to mix them in with hers lol. I also think that at that age they may want to be a part of the weeding process and not just come back from holiday and discover that things of theirs have been taken without talking to them about it.
Forcing him into getting rid of his things before he’s ready could lead him to develop attachment issues or separation anxiety. No need to force these things, let him do it in his own time if it’s making him this upset
I waited for my son to be ready and he came to me at 13 and said it was time to pass down some of his favorite teddys to a child that will love them. Maybe offer to let him take pictures of them and take him to print them out and put them in a small album to look at and remember his memories.
My daughter took her stuffed husky to college with her and with her when she graduated and moved out of state.
My 11 year old son still sleeps with a blanket and takes it away with us. He also loves his stuffed toys. They are only little for so long. They won’t get married with them.
I think it’s normal.
That’s not your decision! Pick your battles and pick them carefully. I don’t understand the mindset of wanting our kids to “grow up” so quickly. He has all rights to be upset. It’s just a stuffed animal and you’re making a big deal of it because “he’s 11”. sad.
When I was 11 I had my stuffed animals and still do (24) they were the most constant in my life when we’d move they’d be there when I was scared of people fighting they were there and most of them were gifts from my now dead dad who wasn’t good with words
I’m 29 and I boxed up my stuffed animals sometime in highschool but they’re still in my dad’s closet. (He moved into my studio when I moved in with hubby and he didn’t have a whole lot so there hasn’t been any reason to move them) but I still can’t imagine letting go of them.
Ma’am. I’m about to be 43 years old and I recently fought a child for a stuffed animal thrown from a parade float it’s currently displayed in my closet
It could be a security issue. Kind of like how a lot of smaller children are with blankets, etc…
Aside from that, they are his possessions. I don’t think I’d go through my children’s belongings and get rid of anything without discussing it with them and it ultimately being their choice. Then again, my kids have a lot of my childhood toys to play with as well.
I’m 53 and still own stuffed animals from my childhood. You should be less concerned with things like that and be glad he isn’t out getting into the wrong things
I’m 35 and still have a stuffed big bird my Nana gave me when I was 2. I’ll never part with that.
Yes it’s normal dnt start throwing them away tooo soon bc it can cause anxiety and he can become a horder bc he’s afraid to let things go!!! Need to explain just bc you get rid of something doesn’t mean you loose the memories
First off its normal. I would suggest having him pick his own toys to get rid of. Get a box and have him fill it. While he does that, if he’s worried about the memories then have him draw pictures or write about those memories. Hes going to be attached and kids realize they dont remember everything and don’t realize how much life they still have to live with new memories. It’s a scary thought to worry you’ll forget your early childhood.
But PLEASE PLEASE don’t get rid of his stuff without him knowing and without letting him decide. Yes you can push him gently to get rid of some things but by you getting rid of this while he’s gone, you basically said your stuff isn’t safe and you have no control over your life. My mom did that and I constantly worried I would go to school and come home to something that was precious to me just gone. What if you had to worry every time you left the house that someone in your life would just get rid of your valued possessions. It wouldn’t feel good. My 6th grader still has his giraffe and so many toys from when he was younger. When it gets to much I tell him pick stuff to get rid of if you want new things. He can’t have a big Christmas or birthday if he has no room for new presents. He may be a child, but even a child needs to feel some control over his life
Right out of HS I dated a guy that was like 3-4 yrs older then me so he would 23ish he still had a pillowcase with stuffed animals in them he would keep beside his bed/wall… he’d get mad if I moved them lol… he may never grow out of it. Let him decide when he is ready . I never judged back then cause it’s not like he cuddled or played with them he just wanted them in their place.
He’s 11. He’s still a child. You’re way over thinking things. Leave him and his stuffed animals alone. My 11year old still has both of her baby blankets and sleeps with them still. My 12 year old still has her collection of beanie babies that she sleeps with in her bed.
Normal is one of the worst words ever!!! everyone is different!!
I know alot of adults that I’m friends with, myself included that still have stuffed animals. I don’t see why you’re making him to do it
You have to let your kid be a kid. Being in a new grade doesn’t mean there needs to be a drastic change. Be grateful and content that your child still wants stuffed animals versus what most kids are into. It harms no one and brings him joy. Don’t rush growing up. It’s bad enough being a pre-teen during these times.
I’m 24 and still have a stuffy my grandma gave me as a child I have others that also stay on my bed lol
I am 47 and still have some of my dolls and stuffed animals. For the most part they are packed in boxes but i will never get rid of them unless i absolutely have to
Your children’s belongings are THEIR belongings. Just because you think it’s “time” doesn’t mean anything. They should be apart of decisions about their belongings. Second, just let him be. How heartbreaking. This is how trust is broken.
My mom did that when I was 14. I was very upset. Some things are sentimental. You should try to declutter together so he has a say when it comes to his belongings.
Also I’m 30… these are mine.
Who cares leave him let him decide it’s his choice not yours My own mother has stuffed animals for God sakes
My son was a Sophomore before he changed his room. He put his kid stuff in a box and made his room into a typical teen room. I would say not to rush them growing up, let them go at their pace, no need to rush, just let them be little.
My 33 year old son has a stuffed ratty Power Ranger just wants to keep Doesn’t bother me
It’s normal. I’m not understanding why you’re especially worried about his stuffed animals.
One thing I did when my kids struggled with letting go of items due to “memories” was I offered to let them choose what to let go and I made them a photo album with pictures of them playing with their toys or just pictures of the toys/items.
He will eventually grow out of this stage and some day you’ll miss your sweet cuddly little boy and long for these days.
No I’m 31 and still got stuffed animals
No kids want to get rid of items. Whether they’re sentimental, they never touch them, or they’re broken and withering away in the corner. It could be three years it collected dust and they’ll still say, “No!! I was gonna play with that!!”
When I do a clean out I make sure the kid(s) are at school, sleeping, or away at that moment where they can’t see what I’m discarding and get rid of it then and there. Otherwise they try to take them or throw a little fit over me getting rid of it.
It’s completely and totally normal for him to not want to get rid of anything he owns. Even stuffed animals.
He’s 11… You’re acting like being 11 starting middle school means he can’t be a child…
He’s a child, let him decide when to part with his toys…
As far as the stuffed animals go, I’ve had one for 37 years, I will NEVER get rid of.
Well I think anyone any age can enjoy a stuffed animal and I think your wrong for taking his stuff behind his back …that’s mean and wrong. There is nothing wrong with an 11yr old keeping stuffed animals. But an adult taking things that belong to their children behind their backs is definitely not right. I’d be mad too, this is something you and him should be deciding together.
Honestly my mom sold a bunch of my stuff at a garage sale when I was away as a kid and I was so mad, I’m still upset about it lol only cause we could be rich mainly haha. Seriously though, my niece is the exact same and wouldn’t do it with her Mom. Her and I are very much alike and have a close bond so I sat with her and said we will make 3 piles. One to give away, one to keep and one to think about. Once we were done sorting the ones she wanted to keep went into the bins, the ones she was giving away went into a garbage bag and in the hallway. We then had a break and snack. Went back and looked over the maybe pile and were able to put most in the give away pile and kept a couple. She ended up giving away so many to be honest. Just make them in control and be patient with it.
just let it be, they are his, they must hold some sort of special sentiment for him,
And separation anxiety? Seriously! Having a long term emotional attachment to a stuffed animal might promote the idea that you don’t just grow up and get rid of things- and will bleed into becoming a decent human as an adult. You know, teaching kids that relationships, animals, children, and a spouse aren’t “disposable commodities”
My son will be 18 next year and he has all his stuffed animals still. Why do you feel he has to get rid of them? I’m in my late 30s and I still buy myself stuffed animals on occasion.
No my 23&26 year old still have their favorites in fact my 4 year old granddaughter Carrie’s the one
I’m 24 and still have my pandas I got when I was 3 lol. I think people become attached because they do make a sentimental value of these things. Let him keep them. They probably mean more because you or someone else bought them
Im 36 and have stuffed animals all down my headboard my oldest sons is almost 20 n still has a stuffy from when he was younger. My 16 yr old son has his blanket from when he was a baby still also. It’s just a memory or might be comforting for your son. Some kids have anxiety and that might be what helps him. Ask him why he wants to hold on.
Let him choose when and what he wants to get rid of his things. I’m 31 and I still have some things from when I was a kid, a lot of the stuff I have means a lot to me and I couldn’t see myself ever parting from them, especially the things that my grandma gave me
I’ll never understand people doing things just because. He isn’t hurting anyone. Why make him get rid of his stuff? You don’t know what memories he has with each of them, why he loves them, or what you could be hurting by taking them away . You didn’t even ask. I honestly think it’s down right mean. If you feel that his room is overly full you could let him choose what to get rid of himself. Chances are he’s not playing with stuffed animals anyway, he’s keeping them for comfort and it’s pretty mean to take away HIS comfort for YOUR selfish reasons. Let him be 11. Let him be sentimental. The world is hard as hell these days, let that boy be soft in the ways he chooses.