My eldest son is 21. He’s got 3 stuffies…… had them pretty much his whole life…. They were on display until he was about 16…. Now they’re vacuum sealed & put away. Idk why he wants to keep one, I understand the other 2. Owning stuffies isn’t the end of the world.
I’m 39 n still have stuffed animals who says ur ever too old for soft cuddly things
Pretty sure any human of any age gets upset about someone giving away their possessions without asking first.
I’m 34 years old and to this day I still enjoy receiving stuffed animals. He is 11 stop pushing him to grow up. It can create insecurities.
My daughter is 12 and still loves her stuffed animals. When we moved recently she went through her stuffed animals and parted with a lot but it was her choice. She kept those she loves the most. Let him make the choice on what to get rid of.
How about you let him go through some important things of yours and let him throw them away or donate them to the thrift store! You wouldn’t like him having the say of what’s important to you and what isn’t. Doesn’t matter how old you are or what it is that’s important to any person. You didn’t ask. You didn’t even try to see where he was coming from, you just assumed, there must be something wrong with your son. There is absolutely nothing wrong with him but I would start questioning yourself and why you feel the need to give away things that don’t belong to you. I’m with the 11 year old on this one. Bad move, Mom!
They are important to him. If you want him to part with things he doesn’t need anymore get a tote or box of some sort and place it somewhere. Make it a donation tote. Explain to him when he feels like he has something he is ready to part with he can place it in there.
I still have stuffed animals from when I was a baby, they are sentimental. And idk why we badger kids to part with things they care about when half of us walk around with whole ass baggage we should have parted with years ago
It’s normal for kids to have attachments to things. Let him be him
My daughter is 5 and wants to keep most of her toys. I’ve had to explain to her in order to get more toys etc, she has to part with some. That we just don’t have room for more and more. It seemed to help and we went through her toys together. She played with them a little before putting them into the donation bag. Each child is different tho but I feel if they are a part of your decision then it’s not as bad.
To be honest if someone went in my room when I wasn’t there and got rid of my personal possessions I’d be upset too. People seem to want children to grow up too fast. I have a teddy, a rag doll and a leopard from when I was 2-3 years old. I’m a fully functioning adult (I think) I don’t cuddle them but I’ll never ever part with them. Allow him to be sentimental. He will pass them on in his own time or maybe like me he won’t and could give them to his own children. They go through enough changes at that age. Let him be.
I’ll be 35 in November and I still have stuffies from when I was little. There’s nothing wrong with it at all
#SunflowersAttractSquirrels #Harshadvise #toughreality
What evil parent would make their kid get rid of their stuffed animals?
They teach him love and compassion. They have sentimental value.
And it’s their possessions … how would you feel if someone made you get rid of you beloved possessions.
You can cause a lot of trauma but making him get rid of his things . Old papers and things like that are a different story but beloved stuffies and blankets and clothing
Maybe you need to rethink about that! What r u teaching your kid?
My mother did this… made me get rid of my things when SHE thought it was time
Now I have a hard time letting go of stuff including situations and drama.
And I don’t allow my kid to get rid of their things untill their absolutely ready.
And I hold a lot of resentment towards my mother for making me get rid of things I could have passed down to my kids( cloths, jewelry etc)
Sounds like y’all got a bright future together.
He’s 11. He’s a CHILD. It sounds like you’re more concerned with what people will think of you, or think of your son. Leave his stuff alone. If HE decides he no longer wants them then that’s when he’s ready. Probably won’t wanna go on vaca any more afraid you’ll throw away his belongings!
It is totally normal my 11 and 15 year old daughters still have stuffed animals and so does my 11-year-old son my 10 year old daughter. And my 15 year old daughters bfs has some her 16 year old guy friend has some. Totally normal. At least over here lol
Should be thankful he still a child…so much he could get into like drugs,violence etc…childhood is so short a time so let’s enjoy the innocence, there’s so little left in the world and let him hold onto his precious memories and treasures …
How would you feel if someone went and took some of your things to give away? He is 11 let him make the choice as to what he wants to donate.
With my kids I let them keep one thing they love but I twll them if u want more gifts like birthday or Christmas gifts you need to get rid of some we donate to foster closeta
I have 2 nets full of stuffed animals in Mt bedroom…and I’m 32! Let him keep them!
I still have a few from when I was young
It’s normal, let him keep them
What’s the rush? Let him keep them.
I’m 32 and still have a couple childhood stuffies that I won’t part with that I’ve had since I was 8 and younger. I still love getting them as gifts as an adult and just let them hang out in my kiddos room with their other animals. I don’t think it’s unusual or unhealthy to have some things kept for sentimental purposes. They may mean a great deal to him. My son, now 12, has a bear I bought for him when I was pregnant with him that he will never part with. No unhealthy attachment to it but just knowing it’s still here and his, it’s special to him.
Yes it’s normal. Also you shouldn’t get rid of his possessions without his permission you should’ve done it together and not trying to get rid of the stuff behind his back. Just cause he’s a kid doesn’t mean things aren’t sentimental to him. Let him decide what he wants to keep and get rid of. Get two baskets one for kids in needs and one to keep and go thru each one and let him talk about them and the memory associated with that toy/stuffed animal and ask him questions like do you think another kid will enjoy this one as much as you do or do you think another kid will make memories with it like you do etc.
He literally has only been on this earth for 11 years! He is a baby jeez. Cut him some slack. Would you rather he be out vaping at the bus stop or selling drugs at the park? Good grief lady.
He’s a kid. I feel like boys, especially, are expected to grow out of something like stuffed animals sooner. So many kids have to grow up so fast. Let him be a kid. If the issue is that they’re damaged, maybe tell him he can keep a couple and exchange the other toys for something new.
I slept with my stuff toys in my bed till I had children. My youngest is ten and keeps his on his bed.
I don’t see problem with that
I had a giant stuffed teddy bear my dad got me when I was little until I was 13 or older I remember my first boyfriend went to through him out a window n I freaked out lol
Nothing wrong with having stuffed animals
I wouldn’t like it if you got rid of my things without asking me
The child made need them for some kind of comfort
My daughter is 23 and has stuffed animals from her childhood. Your poor child! Leave him the hell alone and quit making a big deal about this!
They grow up Way to quick Momma! Let him have his stuffies
My son just turned 12 and he still loves to sleep with them. I don’t think there is anything wrong with it. He still enjoys being a kid. I know he will grow out of it eventually, why rush it? It’s not hurting anybody.
So it’s okay for girls to keep stuffed animals at any age but it’s not okay for boys?? Eye roll let kids be kids why are you trying to “make him grow up” he’s 11 . Who cares if he likes stuffed animals, you wouldn’t be bating an eye if it was video games or cars or something boy related . Girl or boy my kids are welcomed to like whatever they want. My 11 year old daughter still plays with Barbies, should I take them away because she’s 11
My parents got rid of mine and I’m still upset about it. I’m in my 30s
Why would you take them? They are his memories, not yours.
Yes it’s normal. But why would you go through his stuff without asking? Especially at that age. He’s learning his sense of self and I’d say you probably just unknowingly lit the fuse of trust issues.
For the love of God, let kids be kids. They get adulthood thrown at them soon enough. Even if he doesn’t actively play with them, they bring him comfort and memories.
Why would you do that???
My brother 22 has all his toys still and stuffies. I have all my stuffies that are special to me and both my boys have them
He’s still a child. Let him be a child. These kids try to grow up way too fast nowadays.
I’m 23 and still sleep with stuffed animals idc, it’s a comfort thing. Maybe your son has the same kind of attachment
My fixing to be 11 year old would fight you over his stuffed teddy that only has 1 eye and looks like it has the mange.
VERY normal!! My girls are 14 and 16 and still keep there stuffed animals, that’s really rude to just go into his room and take them just because you assumed he’s 11 and doesn’t want them! Like wtf
Im 24 and still have my childhood stuffies. They are boxed up in the garage. Each one has so many memories…
Seems normal to me. I’m 34 and love stuffed animald
I am a grown ass mum, I didnt even need to finish reading this before I comment, but I still have some kf my stuffed animals. Yes that I still sleep with. I slept with my baby blanket until I had my own kids basically. He will storage them when he is ready. Don’t force him to give it up.
Completely normal… I’m still very upset I don’t have any of my childhood stuffed animals. My son loves all of his (he has almost 15-20) and he’s almost 9…Gender has nothing to do with it… let him keep them.
Ummmm yes??? I don’t even want to get rid of a few sentimental ones I have, nor will I ever and I’m almost 30 lol
I’m 24 and still won’t get rid of my stuffed animals from when I was little. my kids play with some. But Atleast half of them I will not let them touch.
I’m just wondering why you were trying to get rid of them without his knowledge knowing he loves them? That seems so mean. There’s nothing wrong with finding comfort in stuffies.
Idk what’s normal but my almost 11 year old still has stuffed animals. We ended up getting a hanging hammock for them so they aren’t everywhere. I get rid of stuff she doesn’t care about while she’s at school sometimes but I make sure they are gone before she’s home and she never notices. I have stuffed animals too so I don’t think it’s weird for kids of any age to have them
How would you feel if you came home and someone decided you didn’t need some of your things and bagged them up for donation. He’s a whole human being, treat him like one.
They do have a beanbag type thing where you put the stuffed animals in the middle of the whole material thing and it turns into a beanbag
Do they belong to you. Did he get rid of some of your things. You made a big mistake
box them and put them away…maybe one day he would like them for his kids!
My fiance and me are full 28 years old grown-ups, with an adult job and stable life… And we still hold on our stuffies and childhood toys. I
There’s nothing wrong with keeping them, especially when he is changing from childhood to his teenager years; he needs the comfort of his memories and you can’t just expect to rip them off of him from night to day.
Please give him time, maybe he’ll give them away later on life, but now you need to be there for him and understand his needs. You got this mama
If he doesn’t want to get rid of them I wouldn’t force it. What I did with all my kuds was, i got a beanbag cover that matched there rooms. Let them put thier stuffed animals in there so they still has them & cozy functional piece of furniture
Whats normal to you?
Yes how would you like someone to throw your stuff away leave him till he wants to make room for stuff and let him get rid of his stuff
It’s normal to get rid of toys no longer age appropriate. I do it with my children. They know that it’s passed down to other children. That’s how we get new toys. We can’t have the entire house filled with toys.
This post actually made me a little angry. Allow this child be a kid. Its stuffed animals, in no way are they bothering you. You threw away his possessions with out his consent and then pressured him to throw away other things for what? It sounds like you are the one with an issue not your son.
i still have suffed animals from when i was a kid, i think my sisters do too. i don’t see the issue you have.
Let your kid enjoy what they like
I had stuffed animals until I was 19 and 2 I even slept with, they were given to me by people I loved and some that passed on. I would be LIVID if they were thrown away behind my back. Ask before you decide yourself whether or not to get rid of someone else’s belongings, wouldn’t you be mad if he did that to you!?
I’m 37 and still have two of my special stuffed animals from childhood. I also have friends who still have blankets from their childhood. It’s not weird- it is nostalgic and eases anxiety.
Awwww. He’s 11. He’s a baby. Let him have his stuff, man. Idky but this made me cry a little lol I would be so upset with you too.
As a mother to a hoarder, I feel your struggle. My youngest HATES when I purge her room. Like there’s stuffys she has that she hasn’t played with for years but it’s WW3 if I try to donate them. Sigh…another purge is coming up before Christmas. I just pick my battles. I have my own stuffys so who am I to judge. Lol
How would you feel if you came home and found some of your stuff in someone’s trunk? Hmm? Probably a little more than pissed off. How about doing this as a team and getting rid of a few at a time instead of thinking that you know which ones means more than rest and getting rid of what you want?
I dare u to tell me to throw mine away:rofl:
So getting rid of his stuff while he was away… you though that was a good idea?! No… he’s not ready to part with them yet so let him have them… so what he’s 11 and in middle school? Let him be a child while he still can be a child… I’ve kept a lot of my stuffies from when I was a kid (I’m 39 now…) and I won’t toss any of my kids stuffies until they are ready… (they’re 17, 15 and 6…)
My son is going on 18 and he still has a his. Only a few really but they are special to him and me. Let him keep them as long as he wants.
Yeah. Plenty of adults have them
My 16 year old still has all of hers …let him have his stuffed animals
You went through his stuff while he was gone and decided what you felt wasn’t sentimental to him. This is wrong. Him being 11 has nothing to do with it, he is still a child. When he is ready he will give up the toys himself. Imagine someone went through your stuff while you were out and decided what isn’t important to you and just took it. Some people really need to realize children are still people
He’s a child. He likes child’s things.
My daughter is 23 and still has her stuffed animals lol. Kids grow up so fast in this world. Let them be kids for as long as they want to be. Adulthood will come soon enough
You would’ve known they were sentimental if you would’ve asked him first without taking it up upon yourself especially while he was gone!!! That was petty and you need apologize and let him him be a child!!! Be glad he’s into stuffies and not drugs or anything else that’s wild!!! Smh
I’m an adult still have stuffed animals…sooo yeah let him have them until hes ready to give them up
I still have stuffed animals from when I was a child/teen. Why are you thinking that he has to get rid of them?
I was in my 20s already had my own child and I still had some stuffed animals at my parents house, they were boxed up not in the way and she gave them to good will. I cried and went to the same goodwill and asked to search for them. They let me and I did and I found them. Some people just have a deep sentimental attachment to things. But son is almost 10 and still has 4 blankets he treasures. And through the years of having his friends over or him go to friends, they also have blankets and stuffed animals they hold on to. My 15 year old daughter still has some stuffed animals and things from when she was young. He will eventually out grow it. Don’t push him to get rid of them, it may create resentment.
My 11 year old has soooo many stuffed animals ( I am talking in the 100’s). She has social anxiety and these have helped her through some very tough times. Some have more meaning then others so last week we asked her if she would consider giving some to Project Harmony ( a woman/childrens battered shelter). We explained what they do and how a stuffy could really help a scared little girl or boy. She gave up about 70 animals.
If he wants to keep them let him. Don’t speed up the growing up process. You will miss this age.
My daughter is 9, and still loves her stuffies. It’s the only toys she really still likes to play with and buy.
Yes it’s normal. He is a child…
Just taking them is like a move my mother used to do and now as an adult I have a hard time letting go with things (hoarder) because my stuff came up missing all the time. Found out later in life my mom got rid of stuff while I was at school all the time! It’s rude. 11 years old or not you should sit them down and ask them to go through their stuff and see what they’re willing to part with.
My some is 13 and still has his stuffed animals. Let him hold onto his innocence as long as he can mama.
My kids are 7 & 4 & I would never go through their stuff & throw things out without them their to agree. You wouldnt be happy if someone did that to your stuff, so why is it ok for you to do to your child! Tell him your sorry & next time you both sit down together & go through it all. & why would you be concerned cuz he likes stuffed animals!? Like are you thinking hes a baby & not mature cuz he likes them, or is it something else? Grown adults still have stuffed animals. Let him be a kid
That’s honestly fucked up to just get rid of his stuff while he’s gone…let the kid have his stuffed animals. It isn’t harming anyone ans it’s better than him getting into worse things. He will do what he has to when he’s ready. Give it another 4/5 years and maybe then he will be ready.
My son (20) just recently went thru his stuff to give away- he still kept some. I can’t imagine the trust you just lost with him -going thru his stuff and going to give it away without his permission. He’s going to be scared you are going through his stuff when not at home.
My son turned 30 this year, tucked in his room somewhere he will always have the stuffed Tigger from when he was a newborn and a giant stuffed tiger he received when he was older. they’ll fallow me always mom!
Let the kid have his stuffed animals I’m 33 and have build-a-bear pokemon stuffed animals and I dare you to try and take any of them
It’s normal. My kids hated getting rid of dolls & stuffed animals. I eventually talked them into choosing some to give to their little cousins for Christmas.4 of them are grown now & still have some they won’t part with
Yes, its normal. My 13 year old daughter still has hers. Its up to her what we get rid off or not.
This is normal. Mine is 13 and has some of his beloved stuffed animals from over the years. He has expressed sometimes he feels sad bc he knows he’s growing up and not little anymore. I think this helps them hang on to a piece of childhood a bit longer. Let them be little
My 13 year old son still has stuffed animals. Some he recently bought with his own money. I’m going to let him as long as he still wants to. I want him to stay young as long as he wants to. No rushing to make my boys grow up here lol
He’s only 11! Yes you’re reading too much into it. Let the kid have his stuffed animals and have fun being a kid while he’s still A KID! Don’t need to worry about him not maturing, etc - it’ll happen. Let him be a kid! I’m 37 and still have mine. There are larger battles to fight and forcing a kid to part with things they’re not ready to is not right. Part with some things but if the stuffed animals are special, leave it be!! They’re not baby toys. Come on.
My son is 15 and still has favorite stuffed animal I don’t think anything is wrong with it. I’m 34 and have a few of my favorites from childhood still. Of course they are boxed up but it’s just something I couldn’t part with mainly bc of my childhood and they were my only comfort.
He is a kid let him be one
It’s normal to not want to part with things. My oldest is 14 now but for years he would talk to them. He told the stuffies about his troubles ( bullies at school ) he still sleeps with a lot of them too. He has hundreds of stuffies. When he needed to bring them everywhere when he was like 12, I said no. They can stay in your room and I won’t get rid of them. As long as it doesn’t become an unhealthy obsession, it’s normal. Let him have his stuff