Let him keep them.
My mom got rid of mine (along with all the rest of my stuff) when I was spending the summer with my dad when I was 14. I’m still heart broken about it and I’m 27.
Let him keep them.
My mom got rid of mine (along with all the rest of my stuff) when I was spending the summer with my dad when I was 14. I’m still heart broken about it and I’m 27.
In my opinion I think that because you did it and didn’t let him do it himself he got upset.
My son is 6 and he’s very emotional. So when it came time to get ride of some stuff I told him that there’s kids who don’t have a mommy and daddy and aunties and uncles that buy them things. So we put toys in a bin to donate to kids. And he did it himself (mostly) lol and we got rid of broken and forgotten toys. Plus I told him the only way he’s going to be able to get new stuff is if there was room. So that helped. Good luck!!
I still have a stuffed cat my dad gave me when I was 8 and I’m 58.
My almost 15yo SS still has all his!! Regardless of age it’s never not normal…
I’m 30 and still have certain stuffed animals from my childhood.
My son is 14 he still has his and there’s no way I’m making him get rid of them ! They are from places we have been and from people who have passed on and they give him comfort on a bad day ! When he’s ready they will go but not until he’s ready !
My youngest son,is 14 and still has his baby blanket.Its ratty looking but,he won’t get rid of it.I’m perfectly okay with it.I feel like they will if ever get rid of it on their own when theyre ready.
My son is 10 and he still has all his stuffed animals he keeps them in a net . maybe one day when he grows up he can give it to his kids. I have dolls from when I was a child that I passed down to my daughter .
Let him keep it I had mine from 2-20 I stuffed Liberty bear my ex did not like it so he threw it away I was devastated it was comfort for me the Bear’s been through hell and back with me and it’s helped me in tough situations and even in Middle School I did the same thing I had that thing in my backpack cuz it helped me calm down cuz I have social anxiety
I keep my grandson beenie babies until he got married now his kids plays with them
I’m 26 and STILL have 3 very important stuffed animals. Do you know which ones he has value/members to? No?? Then I wouldn’t be touching them… my childrens stuffed animals are my biggest things. Idc how many there are, I can tell you where 90% of my 5 year olds stuffed animals came from
My mom cut my baby blanket up when I was 14, and I still am mad at her for it I still have a blanket I use for soothing and to cuddle with when I sleep.
Why does keeping stuffed animals concern you?
Please let him keep his stuffed animals and allow him to get rid of them when he’s ready. (Do not pressure him.) He may keep them into adulthood – and that’s perfectly fine.
I think he’s upset at the way you did it. You should have asked him to go through and pick the ones he can let go of, instead of just taking them while he was gone.
Please don’t take things like that from your child just because you think it’s appropriate to do so. Always have a conversation with your child before doing stuff like that. It can really damage trust and they may have a connection to it that you don’t see. My mother threw away my stuffies when I was in high school. I’m almost 27 now and I’m still heartbroken over the things my mother threw out. Plushies are for everyone🖤
Why are you most concerned about the stuffed animals? Grown adults collect stuffed animals. It’s normal to not be ready to get rid of your stuff. It’s his stuff. Kids don’t have much control in the world so they tend to cling to the things they can control, their stuff. Plus like I said it’s normal to not want to get rid of your stuff.
My 16yr old still has his. He gets rid of some on his own. But there is nothing wrong with having stuffies… hell I still sleep with one
Yes. My kid is 20 and still has a stuffy from when he was a baby. Pick another hill to doe on
If they’re his, let him decide if and which ones to get rid of. He might be starting to think more about what belongs to him, what space is his. Maybe he feels like his space and privacy were invaded by this because you didn’t ask him first. Starting middle school is a weird time. He’s in between some big stages in his life. Try to have patience and grace for him even if he decides to get rid of the exact same stuffies you would have taken. He might need more time after this to actually agree as well.
I don’t think this behavior is unusual at all. But with the aging I think kids begin to expect more respect toward their autonomy and consent on this kind of thing. I would get rid of toys or clothes or whatever for my own kids if they don’t use them, but they’re not even to grade school yet and it doesn’t bother them yet because the idea of personal property is still very unclear to them. I think at this age he may be starting to see himself as someone worth that consideration and he’s right about that. Let him have his stuffies until he’s ready to get rid of them and let him choose which ones get donated. By 8th grade he’ll probably start wanting to get rid of the toys that don’t really matter to him anyway.
Yes, it’s normal! I still have a doll i got when i was 6…I’m 45! Our oldest daughter had a stuffed Dalmatian dog…she wouldn’t part with…taking things they may have an attachment to, is terrible! Let him decide what to get rid of, but let him know some of these thing have to go…that’s what we did with all of ours!
My son and daughter still has there’s stuffed animals s since there were babies they have good memories from them and they still ask for more there are 14 and 16 they aslo still have there baby blankets
We had a young man at our church that has ADHD & brought a stuffie with him often til he was nearly in high school. He just grad college this May & working. They are only young & innocent for a bit. Let him be part of the purging, maybe give the baby ish toys to a younger kid so he can see the joy they will get out of them too. He likely was feeling stressed about his stuff being taken so suddenly. Make it a family affair & help him understand that it fine & normal to be attached to toys but if he wants new stuff he needs to part with some toys that he doesn’t play with as much. Make him choose his absolute favs and give him the power to help decide which ones he can part with.
Why would he need to get rid of them?
Aww, let him be a kid😔
Just let him keep them
I think it’s normal. Attachment is a good thing, I’d be more concerned if he didn’t care.
It’s not like, separation anxiety because then he would have needed/wanted to bring them to Florida with him etc.
I do think the only “mistake” made here was that nobody had a conversation with him before they were to be gotten rid of. Like, if you had made it to the thrift shop before he got home… that could actually be detrimental. When I was a young teen, my childhood home and everything in it was taken and I didn’t know until it was done. In my life for so many years, I had zero attachment to objects and placed no sentimental value on things. It took a lot of work to heal that and it’s still a work in progress.
Plus, if you came home from vacation and someone was throwing your stuff away and hadn’t even spoken to you about it, how would you feel?
Wow… and here I am 30 years old and just bought myself a new stuffie last week…
My 19 year old still has a few of his he wanted to keep. He has memories of grandparents and events with those stuffed toys. There’s nothing that says you just get rid of toys by a certain age.
My daughter didn’t want to give theirs up either. They had a lot mor stuffed toys so we bought a bean bag cover and filled it with the stuffed toys. They still have all them close and access to them if they want something with an extra seat in their rooms.
Why do you feel that it’s time for him to get rid of them? One of my sons still has his Curios George Barbie (he hides it in my items) he’s 27
Let him keep the stuffed animals what is it hurting
I am 38 I still have a few ones that I can’t get rid of and don’t want to
My son was sentimental over the dumbest stuff. Got mad I tossed a jar of tank liquid full of odds and ends. I think it’s a control thing. I had my son go through his room with me to toss stuff so he felt he had a day. Kids have very little that is theirs and I think it’s important to respect that. You wouldn’t want someone rifling through your stuff and making decisions on what stays and goes either. Tons can be better discussed doing it together.
I also made clear that with so much stuff kept Santa and parents are going to bring you less for holidays and special occasions.
I have so much trauma from my mum giving things away she perceived to not be important to me
It’s not a big deal, my son is 12 and really likes his stuffed animals. He thinks of them as his sleeping buddies fo sleep. Is it the norm, no, but so what. Let everyone be who they want to be.
Yes. He’s a sensitive person and enjoys his stuffed animals and other things. Don’t go through his things without permission. How would you like someone going through your things and getting rid of it? Each person is sentimental and cares for certain things. Respect your child’s feelings. I believe your child is completely normal. Be glad he is telling you his true feelings.
Idk, would you want someone to take it upon themselves to decide what stuff you should, or shouldn’t keep, then remove them from your home? Probably not.
Let him keep them. Tell him when he’s ready, to pick a few toys he’s willing to part with.
Omg this is seriously a non issue lol you’ll have bigger problems later on lol let him have them
Awww he’s just a sentimental kid…
You getting rid of things your kid deems important is what will cause separation anxiety and a general distrust of you. How can a grown adult be so concerned over stuffed animals? Like how did you make it this far, reproduce and keep kids alive for so many years with such a lack of knowledge
Let him keep them. My son will start middle school soon and still cuddles his baby blanket from when he was a baby. It’s damn near a rag now but it makes him feel comfy and safe.
First you need to allow your kid to have boundaries! You should never just get rid of their things especially if they are not there with you doing it. It’s rude and crosses a line we as parents need to respect. You should have asked first before you went in his room. And before you got rid of his things. He probably feels betrayed and like he has no privacy since you were rummaging through his room while he was on vacation. He will loose feelings of privacy and respect for you if you keep up with this and in his teens he will hide everything from you.
I’d suggest a conversation prior to anything like this in the future that way it gives him time to wrap his emotions and get on board with a Spring cleaning ect. We all need to purge at times but babies don’t understand this. It needs to be taught. And you can’t do it when they are on vacation
Man let a kid be a kid. Of course he’s upset, you are getting rid of his things without asking his input.
Make up a few boxes & tell him they are yard sale or donate boxes. One for clothes & shoes, one for stuffed animals & pillows/blankets/towels, & then one for toys & household stuff. Then do a mini online sale & tell him he can buy one new toy with the money he earns.
Or if you’d rather just donate make a deal with him. Put 5 items in each box & he can have ONE new toy when you go grocery shopping.
Make a weekend where everyone in the house chooses something of theirs to put in each box. If he sees others doing it he will want to pitch in too.
Why would you take them away?? let him grow at his own pace. Going to middle school doesn’t mean he immediately stops being a kid.
You’re the one with problems over here. Trynna get kid of your kids toys without his consent. Like, what? Poor kid. Let him keep his stuffed animals. Maybe it brings him comfort. He’s only 11.
Leave him alone! Let him be a kid he’ll part with them when he’s ready
If he didn’t notice they were missing I’d keep one and send the rest on the way.
It could be that he’s more afraid of going to middle school than you were aware of and any other change is too much. I’d leave it be for now and try again later after he’s been in the new school for awhile. There’s no real rush. Good luck
I would let him keep them it’s precious he is still so innocent at that age. If you’re trying to make space maybe he can help you by helping get rid of stuff he doesn’t care about and doesn’t use anymore.
There is no age limit on stuffed animals! I have a ton and I am 40. Why would you take what he enjoys away? Stop trying to make him grow up so fast. This breaks my heart
I am 26. If you try to throw away my 36 stuffed toy Pandas we are going to have issues so no I don’t think it’s a bad thing at all. One day he will tell you when he’s ready to let go.
I still have my stuffys. I’m 64.
He is 11, totally fine and normal to be upset someone took his stuff to get rid of. Force him to get rid of his things and you could cause issues with him. As long as his space is clean and liveable, who cares what he wants to keep. Plus you could do an exchange with him, see if he’s willing to part with something he has for something new or better, let it be his choice…
He will let them go when he is ready to let them go. He’s acknowledging that he’s growing up and it might be a scary realization for him. 11 is still pretty young in my opinion - he’s not strange for still wanting to hold on to stuffed animals.
I believe the bigger problem is you did it without asking and letting him decide when he is ready. He is going through some scary changes remember to be kind.
Yes it’s very normal. He’s in that transition of puberty and adolescence into teen. I think you made it more difficult for him by not talking to him and letting him decide what goes and what stays. You’ll be doing this often with him now as he will want to make his room less childish as the year goes on. So now you’ll do better next time.
My kids got rid of most of theirs when we moved, but both kept a few special ones. Every kid is different, but either way, my 13 year old still has some in her bed even lol
Imagine you went on vacation and someone went in your room and decided what you get to keep and what you don’t need. It was probably more about him not being involved or consulted.
My girl’s 13 and not only does she not want to get rid of any of her old ones she’s still actively searching for them every week
Would you be concerned if the child was a girl??? Boys are allowed to have emotions and emotional connections.
He’ll get rid of them when he is ready
You took his things without asking… you’re in the wrong
My step son is 10 and same issue. His bed is full of them. He sleeps with them and won’t let me get rid of any of them!
I’m 33 and I still have a favourite Teddy bear that my daughter now owns… its absolutely normal
My son is 12 almost 13 and still has stuffed animals. I’m 30 years old and I still have a few. He’s also old enough to make a choice of what he wants to keep and what he doesn’t.
My son is 8 almost 9 and he’d lose it if he knew I got rid of some of his stuffed animals. Lol. He sleeps with 1-2 every night, I don’t allow him to sleep with more than that. And occasionally, I get rid of 1-2 that I’ve noticed he doesn’t ever sleep with or play with. He doesn’t notice and I make sure they get gone as quick as I take them out of his room so he doesn’t find them later. Lol. Sometimes I just give him a basket to fill up with toys he wants to get rid of instead of picking some out myself, but he knows he has to find old ones to get rid of himself or I’ll be in there doing it when he’s at school or something. We usually only do this before his birthday or Christmas.
Ma’am he is still a child
When he is ready to let go, he will. Let it be his decision.
My 18 yr old still has some in his room. Sorry at heart!
Mine took some to college
It’s normal. He’s not ready.
It’s def normal for people of all ages to have things they care about. And way to make your kid not trust you anymore. You have no idea which ones are sentimental bc you didn’t even bother to ask.
My husband is 28 and still has childhood stuffed animals as do I what is the reasoning behind him not being able to have them?
I say leave him alone
I tell my kids that they have a bunch of new toys or stuffed animals and ask them to please choose a few they would be ok with giving to another little boy or little girl in need. That way they have input and they feel like they are able to have input and choices. Even if they don’t want to get rid of their stuffed animals it allows them time to process and choose effectively. Hopefully it gets better !
I’m 25 & still have my stuffed animals, I still even buy me squishmallows. Let him keep them
Sorry I didn’t realize a 11 year old boy (really a child) should already be having social expectations put on him. I have never in my life heard of someone telling a little girl at 11 to get rid of her stuff animals. Sorry but this is a whole child who finds comfort and memories attached to his stuffed animals and toys and you just did whatever. He absolutely should and is probably heartbroken.
Sorry but DO BETTEE
It’s normal for adults not wanting to get rid of their stuffed animals.
Don’t worry about your 11 year old. There is a certain love she/he feels having them around.
Give the child his stuffed animals…he’s not an adult …let him be a child for as long g as possible…
Andy didnt get rid of buzz and woody and the whole gang until college… Its fine lol
I’m 50 and still have mine and so do my grown sons
Let him stay a little boy, mama.
Why are you so against him having feelings entangled in lovely memories for him? Why must he get rid of things he doesn’t want to? You need to reflect on why you don’t want him keeping things he loves. Just because someone is a certain age doesn’t mean they need to get rid of important things.
When he’s ready let him go through them I even let my 5 year old go through his toys with my help. Maybe they really mean something to him.
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I’m almost 30 and the only thing I have from my entire childhood is a baby book and a baby blanket. We never moved in my entire life but my mom got rid of everything when she considered it too much. Now I’m 29 and buying stuff from Childhood because I never got to hold onto anything as a child. 
Idk but I always have him participate in getting rid of things. Also he knows that when I was a kid I lost everything to a house fire & two yrs ago our town had a massive flood so kids lost everything too. So I ask him if that’s something he wants to help with or not. I don’t press the issue. I don’t do it behind his back either
You’re being a massive AH and instantly destroyed all trust and any bond between you and him. Congrats.
He is NORMAL!! Dont worry Mama, he is Fine!!!
Why are you in such a rush to make him grow up? Definitely don’t donate things without discussing it. Your child will start to feel like nothing is actually theirs if you just randomly toss stuff whenever they leave the home
My 12 year old daughter still holds onto special stuffed animals and blankets. I don’t think there is anything wrong with it. If she wanted to hold onto them until she is 20, who cares!
Throwing out toys when your child is 5 and not looking because they have a million and you need to downsize, they would never notice, is one thing, but when they become older, its different. They have feelings and attachments to things and are figuring themselves out and I think it’s great to let them decide on what it is they want to rid of or don’t. Some kids are a bit more attached to things for security reasons. It’s not fair to take that security away from your child.
No I’m 30 and I refuse for my mom to give away my Beanie babies lol
Leave that boy alone. There’s nothing wrong with stuffed animals, they’re a comfort item. No different than those fuzzy socks or fluffy blanket you love.
Maybe he thinks you have too much of something. How would you like someone trying to force you to get rid of all your shoes, or clothes, or whatever items you have a large amount of? And then they take to social media to get opinions bc they think there’s something wrong with you for not obliging.
Uhm I’d honestly never make my kids get rid of those lol I would keep them myself and have:rofl:
I still have every doll and stuffed animal I got growing up. They have memories I’m not ready to part with. My husband doesn’t mind as long as I don’t keep all of them on our bed…
my daughter has some of my stuffed animals
Wow you went into your son’s room when he wasn’t around & decided to take his belongings away forever. How would you feel if someone did that to you? Can he go into your room & decide you haven’t used certain items in awhile & get rid of them? You violated him. You broke his trust. This is less about the stuffed animals & more about you betraying him. My mom used to do this crap. I hate leaving my home even as an adult. I always fear something is going to happen to my home, belongings if I leave. Good job mom/b!tch. You taught him not to trust you. He better watch his back. Mom will steal from him.
He’s 11 leave him be
I still have some of my childhood stiffed animals
This is definitely a you thing. I also hated stuffed animals but you literally cannot do that to your kid, trust me you’ll never hear the end of it let him have his stuff.
Let him have what gives him comfort if girls can keep their stuffed why can’t he? Nothing wrong with it