When hes ready, he will let go. Hes fine. I think its totally normal. Hes sentimental. Thats not a bad thing
My 13 year old still has her blanket from a week old!!
So what I do with my kids is tell them that we need to make room for new stuff and sit with them as they choose what to throw in the trash bag. Mine is 11 and still has stuffed animals. No worries
Geez my 15yo son has a whole bunch of stuffed toys on his bed.
I still have some stuff animals from my childhood and I am 46. No way will I ever get rid of them. I will pass them onto my daughter who is at the moment 15 and loves her stuffed animals when I am ready to part with them.
It’s perfectly normal let him hold on too his childhood goes by way to fast…
Mumma my girls are 16 and pokemon plush crazy leave it until they are ready we ditch paw patrol big plushes do a family meeting and tell everybody your doing clothes for charity and everyone go through toy boxes and make room for new toys and next wardrobe clean up same again
I kept all of mine in my room until my early 20’s then handed them down to my daughters. I had well over 30
I sleep with a stuffed animal as an adult. When my Uncle passed away my husband bought me a stuffed rabbit. I sleep with it every night.
The world is about to change in big ways for him. Let him keep the comforts of his childhood until he’s ready to let him go…and be thankful he’s still innocent enough to love stuffed animals.
My son is 18 and still has his old toys in a big trunk in the attic bc he won’t part with them. Also it might help if next time instead of packing up stuff while he’s away maybe have him go through and pick what goes and stays. As adults we can forget that we would feel really violated if someone went through our stuff and just got rid of what they felt wasn’t important.
You don’t. You let them have them as long as they want. My child is 19. Doesn’t live at home and when that child moved out. Child blanket went with him. Child has slept with it for almost 18 years. I could never have the heart to take it.
I didn’t part with mine till high school and i have like 50 of them. I still have some now that my kids now own i have a childhood blanket that i received from my grandma when i was 1 years old that i still use on occasion and take everywhere we travel. I am 25 with 3 kids lol
He was probably mostly upset that you did it without him choosing to and not the actual items. That’s kind of a breach of trust there taking his things out. I would go to him and ask him to go through and part with things he no longer uses, or pick out x number you want to keep, etc
One of my kids will be 19 in December and still very attached to their stuffed animals even so much as takes them places with us. I think it a bit odd sometimes when they wanna take them into restaurant or the store and not just leave them in the car. That being said let them have their things of comfort. It’s not that big of a deal. When their ready to part with them they will. I still have a few stuffed animals myself that I have gotten over the years and I’m 47. Pick your battles.
Why does it bother you that he likes them? I still have my baby doll from when I was 2 year old, and when I’m at my dad’s, I sleep with it. I’m 24 years old. Let him keep what comforts him. Who are you to go into his room and decide for yourself what he “doesn’t need” anymore? You didn’t even give him a choice.
Let him be a kid for as long as he wants to be. He’ll grow up soon enough.
Just my opinion … but I think there’s a few reasons he got so upset.
One, these are his things, and you didn’t ask him if you could take them.
Two, you hid it from him.
Three, you’ve invaded his privacy.
Four, you didn’t leave the decision up to him.
Five, his world is changing, and he needs to know that those things that comfort him will still be there for him.
Finally, I’d like to say, that I don’t think it’s abnormal for him to be attached to his stuffed animals. I’m 61, and I still have stuffed animals.
Mom, your son is growing up, and you need to start allowing him to make decisions for himself.
I still have my stuffed animals and I’m 35. I love all my stuffies.
I am a really big “keep it forever” person. But also being 27 and having nothing not even pictures from my child hood makes me want to keep everything for my kids. And my mom has already stolen the first box I had put up for them and I no longer have super sentimental things from their infant years. It’s sad. I say let him keep what he wants. If your concerned take him to see a therapist.
I don’t understand why this is a problem? Let him be a child - poor chap.
My child is 12 and still plays with his.
Lol My son kept all his stuffed animals on a shelf in his closet until he graduated HS and moved out lol. then he kept like two that had special meaning and put them away and donated the rest.
It’s completely normal and you shouldn’t even be trying to take them. Poor kid!
He probably would have never noticed if he hadn’t seen them in your car. Now you have to negotiate
Omg leave him with his stuffed animals.why do you want him to hurry up and grow up.enjoy his childhood.my six children are all adults now.
Please do not get rid of his stuff! My sister did that to me. She sold my stuffed animals I had since I was a baby. Even as a teen they were my comfort as I had a lot of trauma growing up. I was devastated, even to this day I’m still mad. Those were mine & she had no right practically giving them away. Please let him choose what stays & what goes & when. Even my kids all have things they keep & will keep as the grow older. They can then pass them down to their children, if they want!
My daughters 10 and she also won’t part with her soft animals. My sons 8 and he has a handful still.
Let them be little as long as they can
Why do you have to get rid of it
My daughter is also 11. She has a teddy bear net full of stuffies and a cedar chest full of them. I have made a deal with her that I will let her go through the chest to be sure there isn’t one in there that she has an attachment to and then one day when she is off to school I will secretly take and donate the rest…I used the let another child enjoy them rather then they be stuck in there for years. She knows that is what I plan to do and she is okay with it, but she does not want to be involved or in her words “anywhere near here when it happens.”
Every child is different… he’s still a young child. Enjoy this time with him❤️
Normal. Mines loves his also , because he likes the memories of how he got them , never plays with them much tho
You’re 100% reading too much into it. 11 years old is STILL a child! Let them be little!!!
No. It’s about secure attachment. It’s very normal. Everyone (adults too!) want to be surrounded by things that make you feel comfortable, safe and relaxed.
I know many adults who still have treasured stuffed animals.
Let him keep them for as long as he wants. He’s a kid let him be a kid.
My daughter is 18 and has literally 125+ squishmallows
My husband threw out my at the time14 yr old son’s stuff and he hasn’t forgiven
My daughter intelucal disability 29 still has some stuff toys
My 13 year old daughter still has all hers, she loves them and still asks for some for presents and I have fun with the challenge of trying to find unique ones she doesn’t already have. Let kids be kids as long as they want, it only lasts so long then it’s over.
My daughter freaks when her dad or I try to make her get raid of her stuffies. She calls them (stuffed animals) her stuffies. seems normal.
I still have stuffed animals from when I was a child now my son gets to play with them. But I’ve never really liked or understand the idea that getting older means we need to part with “childish” things. If you enjoy something you should be able to continue to do so. It’s not hurting anyone.
I think my partner and I have more attachment to my 4 year olds stuffed animals than he does
I was trying to purge toys/stuffies and non of the softies were sent to donations.
My soon to be 18yo still has stuffed animals. Hell, I’m 47 and I have my grandmothers stuffed animals since she passed at age 63. You’re the not normal one here.
Yes my son was obsessed with Pokemon. He still has all of them. He is 15.
I’m 23 and want my stuffed animals? Lol I’ve passed them down to my kids why get rid of them.
How is this even your worry. Of all things… why do you want him to get rid of them? They are just stuffed animals and most kids hold attachments.
My 12 year old son still has stuffed animals from when he was little and sleeps with his baby blanket.
Do you Have To get rid of them. Sounds like he has formed a relationship with them, there is no harm in that.
Why do you need to get rid of them? I’m 48 and still have some of my stuffed toys from my childhood. They sit at the end of my bed.
I’m 38 and have sea themed collection of squishmallows in the works…
That’s one thing I have promised to not get rid of. They have so many!!
Very normal. My husband had a teddy bear that we found at his parents home when were moving his mother. It is now in a bin in our attic. He said he didn’t have to see it all the time, but he always knew where it was.
Let him have his stuffed animals…hes getting ready to go through the roughest years of his life.
Some kids want to.hang on for memories but in time he will ignore them wait till teens and watch…
Maybe it had something to do with the fact that you tried throwing away his belongings while he wasn’t even at home, without telling him. Smh
Really? While he was away you stole things from his room to give away? That is reprehensible. Those toys belong to him, not you, not the family, him. You should be grateful that you hadn’t given them away yet and you hopefully haven’t permanently damaged your relationship with him. If he has too much stuff in his room ask him to put together a box of stuff he no longer wants to donate to children who have less. That way he gets a less cluttered room and you are teaching him to give to charity.
i really do think it is because he had no say about it. But be careful that he doesn’t become a hoarder. However I would say to him that there are children who don;t have much and it would be nice if he could share the love with other kids.
I am sure they mean something to him or he wouldn’t want to get rid of them. Put them in a box in his closet and let him decide when he wants to get rid of them.
I am 73 years old and I have stuffed animals I won’t get rid of. I have my teddy bear my parents gave me when I was 5 or 6. I have a elephant my father- in- law gave me who is no longer with us. I have a raggity Ann doll the my granddaughter carried around by the arm all the time when she was little. My great granddaughter was given an elephant this pass Christmas and she in turn gave it to me for Christmas. She means the world to me and so does her elephant. I sleep with it ever night. I lay it across the top of my head because I don’t like the my head being cold. I have more but I think you get the picture. Sit down with him, pick up one of the animals and ask him if it has a name and why he likes it so much. This may help you understand why he wants to keep them.
Leave them… don’t rush him to get older
Nothing wrong with him keeping them as long as he wants. In fact, they may be worth money when he is much older. He will probably be ready in a couple years or three.
Wow. It doesn’t matter if he wants to.give things up or not. They are HIS things, not yours. And why do you care so much about stuffies?
I’m 27 and honestly, I’ve kept all of my stuffed animals. When I was about 17 or so, my mom asked me to go through my stuff and possibly get rid of some. I literally couldn’t. I sobbed. Idk. I don’t see any harm in letting your son keep his stuffies as decor in his room until he tells ya hes ready to get rid of them. sometimes they are just nice to have and very hard to let go of.
Im 30 & have stuffed animals. Who cares? He could have worse things!!!
Don’t rush him to grow up. Middle school is terrifying. Trust me, he’ll grow up soon enough.
You should’ve let him go through them to pick out what he wants to keep and donate.
I’m 24 and have now probably three trash bags filled with my most favorite stuffed animals. For me I love collecting them bc they are soft and comforting, also don’t throw them out without his permission, it’s rude.
Mine moved out on their own at 19 years old and when I packed up their childhood bedroom. I suggested getting rid of some stuff(I figured the 3 huge bags of stuffed animals would be the first to go).
Nope, they said get rid of anything except the stuffed animals so they sit in my attic
I am 41 and I still have my stuffed animals from when I was 5 x
He’s old enough that his feelings should matter, and things he cherishes as well, since he is in middle school like you say. Treating children like they’re in middle school also means allowing them to voice they’re concerns, listening, and respecting their feelings. He should help decide and go through the toys, and not have to get rid of everything. It’s deeper than material objects. It’s also his memories of his childhood. He probably has some realization that parts of his childhood are over. At his age, you shouldn’t be doing it behind his back anymore, also. My son is 4, and we talk about toys to keep and donate. He has made it clear to me which toys he never wants to get rid of. I have older things from my childhood, so why can’t he? Not saying you have to keep everything, but it probably feels deceptive to him to find out like that. Instead, let him be a part of it, and respect his feelings.
I’m 23 and let me tell you I have a whole wardrobe full of stuffed animals I refuseeee to get rid of hell they’d be on my bed if my partner or my kids didn’t sleep in it
Let kids be kids again!!!
Let him keep them. He’s only young once. This is the way kids should be…this is normal
So if something of yours came up missing and you didn’t miss it until you seen it would you be upset? Is it really a bad thing? Also lol what’s wrong with stuffed animals?
Aside from the attachment, he might be feeling really out of control in his life entering middle school so the clinging is just trying to keep control of something. Let him keep it. It brings him comfort and it’s one less thing he has to deal with in his world.
I still have a stuffed elephant that I received the day I was born. I’m 31 now. My 11 year old still has all her stuff animals. She still plays with them and snuggles them all. My 12 year old sister still collects stuffed animals. So now leave your child alone and stop concerning yourself with this nonsense
I’m 38 and sleep with a teddy bear every night. It’s not up to you when someone else gives you there things. It’s so wrong for you to just assume that it would be OK to get rid of anything of his without his permission. And you convincing him to get rid of stuff just because you think he should is horrible, he’s not ready. Let him keep his stuff. Kids already grow up too fast stop trying to push him to grow up faster. Poor kid.
This hurt my feelings my son is 10 and never would I ever get rid of his stuffed animals he loves them and I love them I would’ve personally had a talk with him first and have him choose his losses. I think you went overboard and I would resent you for that for a long time. I would be pissed if someone threw away any of my stuffed animals and I am a adult. You have boundary issues
I think you took his stuff without asking or consulting him. That would make anyone mad.
Imagine going a week away for vacation and when you return your husband had given some of your stuff away without consulting with you, how will you feel?
What is exactly wrong with him wanting to keep his stuff? What is wrong with him wanting to keep his stuffed animals?
My daughter has tons that she wants to keep , I bought two hammock and just putted in the corner of the walls to avoid the mess because she doesn’t play or sleep with them anymore.
At that age you should do that with him , I did it every Christmas because for me was the best moment of the year to clear up my daughters room , I always told her that we need to give / throw stuffs away to make room for her Christmas presents
Let him keep it! My mom got into a bad car wreck when I was 8 and has brain damage so I pretty much lost my childhood because of it and it took me a very long time to get rid of my toys Especially my stuffed animals so maybe it has something to do with some type of trauma he went through? I was I think 14 when I finally started to get rid of my toys and such
How would you feel if someone bagged up your personal belongings to get rid of without knowing? Heartless… plus if he wants to keep them… so what? I still sleep with one of mine and im 35… married with kids…
I didn’t get rid of mine until I moved out when I got married, and I actually still have a select few and I’m 52
Let him keep his stuffed animals. Why would you just take them out of his room to throw away without asking? I have a lot of things that I probably wouldn’t notice missing right away, but would be very upset to find out they were. Just because you think he’s too old for them, doesn’t mean he is. You want to force him to grow up? You will regret that.
Yup completely normal
I’m 62… I still luv mine ! It’s memories and luv !!! Let him be !
Suggest removing the ones that are not special.
He is normal. Don’t force him to let go of his toys, they give him joy just by knowing they’re there. Rule of thought if you take something away replace it with something else. In time he will voluntarily let go.
I’m 38 and still have child hood stuff animals. It’s become my son’s and so forth. There is no reason to get rid of any of them. Let him keep them. You’ll be happy you did and so will he
My oldest is 14 and still has most of his stuffed animals. Why rush it. Let him stay little as long as HE wants. It’s not your choice to make. They are his and he will let them go when he is ready. At that age they have s9 many thing going on with them that they can’t control. I would just let it be.
My son,granddaughter s had stuffed animals I let them have them till they were done
Absolutely normal!!!
I am 42. I still have e my cuddly toys, my sindy dolls, house and furniture and my little ponies… no plans to get rid of them.
My sisters can only get new toys if they part with some.
I’m 25 and I still love my stuffed animals. Let him be
I still have stuffed animal and I’m 37. My 16 year old son still has the bear I bought him 14 years ago.
My daughter still has all her stuffed animals and dolls she has as a child. She’s 49. Sometimes they’re just sentimental and special.
I still had stuffed animals into my teens even longer I still have a few from my childhood. Very normal indeed.
I’m almost 28 and still have a couple stuffed animals from my childhood
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