Is it odd that my sister doesn't give her kids a bedtime?

Do your kids have a bedtime? How old are they? I do not have kids yet but my sister doesnt give her kids a bedtime and I thought this was odd…they are between the ages of 10-15…she said she wants them making their own choices so they grow up making good choices…is it just me or shoudl she be parenting them?


What’s odd is that you care so much. My kids never had a bedtime and they are grown good productive adults


The 15 year old yes I agree is old enough to make that decision and if not making good decisions then a bit of direction is needed. The 10 year old though I would definitely have a set bedtime.


My kids have a set bedtime. They need their rest, and it’s my time with my husband. Children aren’t mature enough to make the best decisions for themselves. They still need structure and guidance.


Is it me or should you be minding your own? :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I find it odd you are so worried about it.


I’ve learned not to judge someone else’s parenting until you’re doing it yourself. My sisters husband always judged me with how I parented my own kid then they had their own and the things I did with my daughter he said he’d never do they are doing the same thing and he’s a lot worse than my daughter ever was. When you have your own kids they can have a bedtime and you can raise them the way you think is right.

A. Her kids, her choice
B. You’re judging her parenting without even being a parent yourself…


No one can answer that but her…maybe it works in their households. Bedtime routines have positives of course…but she also has a point. They also aren’t toddlers. So if they aren’t suffering in school and home life that’s good.


I should have stopped reading at “I don’t have kids” … But “shouldn’t she be parenting them” girl if you don’t mind your business :rofl:


Depends on there level of maturity and capability of making good choices. When I was 15 I would stay up all night playing video games and then sleep on school class and only just passed lol I didn’t see an issue with it becuase I could catch up with sleep at school. But if there making good choices and relise they need sleep to function then that’s good :slight_smile:

Side note : I wouldn’t let them have too much Freedom they still are children that need guidance


My kids are 7 and 15. My 15 year old we ask that he goes to bed around 10pm but it’s usually closer to midnight if bf.
My 7 year old has a sleeping problem. We give him medicine at 845 to try tk get him asleep by 930/10.

We mostly have bedtime expectations but it doesn’t have to be


I’m sure your intentions are good, but unless there are signs of abuse/neglect, it is always best that people without children stay out of parenting.


Her children, her choice.
No further thought required.


You parent your kids and let her parent hers. Everyone is different and things work for different people. I know someone who does this and the kids made good choices. My kids have bedtimes. Doesn’t make them bad parents


It’s really her decision since she’s mom, I understand your concern though and the 15 year old seems old enough to know when to go to bed. I have an 11 year old and it’s not voiced but she does know between 9-10 she needs to be getting ready for bed or in bed :woman_shrugging:t2: but every parent parents different, it’s whatever works for them, as long as they are doing good in school it’s not a big deal. Yes rest is important too though

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They’re not that young… my 6,3,2 year olds have bedtimes, my 12 year old knows when she should be in bed but I don’t enforce it. If she wants to be tied for school she can stay up later. She’s never given me a problem about getting up.
Let her handle her own kids :slightly_smiling_face:


My kids are 7 and 9 and neither one have a bedtime. They are both extremely active in sports so that tires them out. My 9year old will put herself to bed by 10 the latest. My son it depends with him. However neither one give me a hard time about getting up and getting ready for school

Nearly 7 and 5.5 and they both go upstairs at 7 and ideally asleep before 8. Brush teeth, read books, chat about our day. They wake up at 7am but going forward I will push the time back slightly but yes they will still have bed times, best to not allow any phones / tablets / computers or TV’s upstairs just soft tots and books, they’ll be more inclined to sleep x

She should be parenting them… my kids will have a bed time until they are 17 if they make good choices… obviously it will get later as they get older but at that age they need sleep especially 10 years old… my kids are just weird if they don’t get enough sleep.


not odd. actually studies suggest by their age they already know a good bedtime, and if they fail to abide by it then natural consequences will occur and hopefully help them to make better choices

Lmfao stopped reading at “I do not have kids yet”

Fr tho why you so pressed about her parenting choices? If her kids are thriving that’s all that matters. Idk maybe you should like get a hobby or something instead of worrying about things that have no bearing on your life :woman_shrugging:t2:


If the kids are suffering and school are suffering as their auntie you have every right to be concerned but if the kids are happy and healthy then please your better off not saying anything… only say something of the kids are being neglected and are suffering and you have a genuine concern for their welfare xx


Mine r 18 15 11 and all have 10pm bedtime

Mind your business. They’re not your children. She knows how to run her household so step back and mind your business


My 16 year old goes to bed when she wants to. My 11 year old son and 10 year old daughter have calm down time at 8:30, in their rooms by 9:00, try to be asleep by 9:30 or 10:00.
ETA so I don’t sound judgmental: But every mom is not me and every kid is not mine. They’re all different. She needs to do what works for her household and family and zero of that is your concern unless the kids are in danger.


Key word I don’t have kids.

Girl we can all say we would do this or that before having kids, but go have one and tell me if your thoughts change


Mind your own business. Your sister gets to decide how to raise her kids.

The fact that people it’s so judgy even with their own family it is crazy. I will see you own issues before stepping on your sis and kids.””

I do believe in kids having routines but some works for some and not others. There is not a parenting book when you bring your babies home. You just have to see what works

My kids have bedtimes because when they don’t they stay up late then wanna sleep all day the next day and they sleep in class. But my oldest daughter doesn’t really have a bed time she’s 15 but she also knows if she doesn’t go to sleep she better wake up for school and she better not sleep in class and she’s honor roll, but she’s like me, we don’t need much sleep to be productive the next day. My 5 and 7 yr old have a bed time but most of the time they fall asleep by 8 themselves because we get up early ( we get up at 5am ) so I can go to work. It depends on the kid. If she’s allowing them to stay up and they’re sleeping in class and not doing good in school then yes she needs to parent them.

My grandkids have bed times
The girls aged 10 &14 go to bed at 9.45 (but they don’t go to sleep until about 11 pm )
My grand son who is 16 goes to bed around 11.30
But they all manage to get up at 7.30 am to get ready for school

I get wanting them to make the right decision
But it can make your mornings for school crazy
Give them the weekends
At that age
It’s not like they go to sleep anymore if the have a phone or a tablet
They are on them until who knows
Unless the parents have rules about them which most don’t .

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Why is it your business???

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It’s not ur decision their her kids not yours stay our of it

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“Should she be parenting them”
Stfu :woman_facepalming:
Not a mum yet has the audacity to talk like this about her own sister…
You ain’t it sis

I don’t have kids but… Nope stop there. Not your kids, not your business. Stay in your lane.

Geeze, no-kid-having judgements again.
It’s not your business. Mind your business. Stay in your lane.

Not sure how what your sister does with her kids effects your life?

My children are both under age 10, and we try to keep a bedtime. That’s just what works for us. As for everyone else I don’t care what they do with their children- not to sounds harsh. Everyone parents different and everyone does what works for them :blush:

I started putting myself to bed around 8-9. I’m a bedroom person though so I like to chill in bed or my desk rather than the couch. I was also raised by my grandparents so most of my entertainment was in my room. My brother on the other hand, needed to have a bedtime and told to turn things off repeatedly. It really is all on maturity level and the kid.

We technically don’t do bed times but we make our son atheist try and go to bed at a decent time on school nights. Weekends he stays up as late as he wants even though that’s usually just until 10-11. I never had bed times and I just went to bed when I was tired and got myself up in the mornings. Every parent is gonna have different parenting styles.

Once my kids got to those ages, no, no bedtime. Maybe an upper limit on school nights that they can be on games or in the living room but I don’t care what they do in their rooms till they fall asleep. My 8yo I still take to bed at around the same time every night but he’s got ADHD and I wanna go to bed

Mind your business Karen.

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I hope this is a joke :joy::joy:

My daughter is 14 and she hasn’t had a bedtime in forever. She’s on the honor roll and active in volleyball. She’s mature for her age. I find it odd you’re fretting over your sister’s children’s bedtime and how she parents.:woman_shrugging:t2:

Is it just me, or should you myob and not be judgemental?

My older ones in that age group go to bed when they like. They still have to go to school. It’s their choice if they’d like to do that tired or not. I’m too old to be policing that. I dont really have a bedtime for the younger ones and wouldn’t bother having one at all for them, but they’ll literally stay awake till the sun comes up so I’m forced to draw somewhat of a line for them. Usually 9pm but mostly coz that coincides with around the time I’m done hearing ‘mummmmm!!!’ for the day :joy:

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I say this in the politest way possible…wtf does it matter to you and how you run your household? We don’t have a bedtime and honestly, our lives are so much better for it. It works for us. We homeschool, I WFH and my so works out of town up to two weeks at a time. So for my sanity, I decided to stop stressing out over a “normal” bedtime. My 3 yr old is always asleep by about 10pm, my 9 and 10 yr old know to go upstairs with a light snack/drink (they also have a full bathroom and water station and the upstairs is the kids rooms) around 10pm. No excessive trips downstairs unless youre bleeding or having bad dreams. The internet goes off at midnight. As long as school lessons get done and no one has crap attitudes, I don’t care. Stay in your lane, hon. As long as they are clean, fed and otherwise happy it’s not an auntie concern.

2 things

  1. Mind
  2. Why is it always non parents that have something to say about someone’s parenting?

Sounds like she is parenting them by saying she wants to give them the choice so they know how to make good choices

You should mind your own business, and spend your energy on your own kids/family. How she parents isn’t your concern unless there was neglect or abuse.

My kids usually put me to bed around 9/10 :woman_shrugging:t2:

Always had routine in our house and still do at almost 17 yrs old

My 4 year old doesn’t, but after 3.5 hours of preschool 4 days a week, followed by an hour of speech therapy 2 days a week, she doesn’t stay up very late lol. She’s exhausted lol

We stopped bedtimes around 11 years old. You can’t force someone to go to sleep when their body is not ready for it. My kids know what they have to do in the morning and know how much sleep they need.


Mine never had set bedtimes. They’re 18, 16 and 7… I just tell them to go to bed whenever I feel like it lol doesn’t mean they go to sleep at that time, but they go in their rooms.

Why are you even here?? :sweat_smile: it’s Mama’s Uncut, not Nosey Aunties Corner​:raised_back_of_hand:

It’s really none of your business… and my kids haven’t had a bedtime in years and they were that age. I just didn’t want them at the game system after ten. They choose to be tired that’s their own fault

Depends on the kids personalities. My 8 & 10 yr old have to be in bed by 8:30 to get enough sleep on school nights. If they don’t they are very difficult to get out of bed in the mornings and go to school in a bad mood because they aren’t fully rested.
I have a 17 yr old that has been in charge of his bedtime for a couple of years. He has stayed up late and even all night and still went to school. He didn’t dare try not to go because he didn’t want me imposing bedtime rules on him again. He’s teaching himself those valuable lessons about choices and consequences.
As for you…. What are you going to do about it? You are not the parent and it’s not your household to run or children to raise. If lack of bedtime routine is the worst thing happening to those children then they are ok.
Many parents choose to let their children sleep where they fall and send them to school sleep deprived. It’s not a good parenting choice but if that’s the worst thing happening to the children they are still in a good situation.


Since I was probably around 8 or 9,i had no bedtime. I learned very quickly how much sleep I needed, and when to go to bed. I was encouraged to head to bed if I looked tired or it hit 10pm,but it was never mandatory. Im fine and honestly have better sleep habits that most of my friends.

I have always had a set bedtime and routine with my kids. Even a friend I knew that ran parenting classes for a courthouse said that kids need structure and routine just like when they’re at school. My oldest is almost 12 and still has a set routine and bedtime schedule she has to follow.

Is it odd that you can’t MYOB?

I mean, I don’t have a set bedtime for my 6 year old and get this, she’s in KINDERGARTEN! OMG :scream: We aim for 8-9 and that’s the sweet spot for her.
Here’s a parenting tip for you OP: MIND YOUR BUSINESS. If you like a set bedtime because it suits your family faaaantastic! But some of us don’t and that’s okay too! We are ALL good mothers and I’m sure your family member is too. So hush it :shushing_face:

Stay in your lane and mind your own business.

My 10 year old has a bed time through the week but not weekend the teenagers go to bed when they’re ready as long and they are quiet and don’t wake the rest of us up. Usually they still go to bed at a decent hour they’re growing up it gives them a little freedom and teaches them responsibility

Wow,people are so mean……I’m sure you are sorry you even asked! What happened to just being kind to each other? She simply ask a question……wow! I’m in several groups for Celiac and Mast Cell Activation syndrome and people are kind and supportive….this group,not so much!

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Keep your nose on your face where it belongs not in her business

10-15. Some 15 year olds have babies. Lol. When people don’t have kids they question people with them. You can’t possibly understand. I’m sure u have heard that before. It’s true

Stay in your lane, sis. You don’t even have the right to have an opinion.

I dont have kids but…I

Everyone parents differently. As long as they aren’t struggling in school or at home then I’m sure it’s ok.

When I was younger…I didn’t have a bedtime… But… If I didn’t get up for school in the morning, then I would have a bedtime. My 12 year old, he does. Because he will stay up all night long if he doesn’t. We’ve found out what time works. I let him figure out what time he works best. We tried 10. But, he was tired every morning and throughout school. So went to 9. Now it’s 8. And he says that’s a perfect one. Cause he isn’t as tired in the morning or during school. He still hates mornings and it’s always gonna be a fight to fully wake him up… That’s just him tho lol. But… You do not have kids… Should you parent them?? Your don’t even know how🤦

I can’t stand that. They’re letting the CHILDREN make the rules. That’s what’s wrong with kids these days. Parents don’t parent anymore. My kids have the same bedtime year round.

I wish my parents had been more strict on a sleep routine, I have horrible sleep habits now. It might not have helped, but who knows?

I believe she believes that this will let them see that their choices, and actions have an impact on their lives and if they make the wrong choices there will be consequences.

Try telling a 15 year old what time to get to bed🤣 what planet are you on😆

A clear case of M.Y.O.B. When you have your own kids you can give them bed times. Unless you suspect abuse/neglect, let her parent as she sees fit.

Tell us again how you think parents should parent when you are a parent. Right now you have exactly 0 cred.

On school nights They have bed time. Weekends they don’t

I have quiet time for my kids and they usually fall asleep on their own.

You should be minding your own business.

You don’t have kids…just wait until you do then maybe you won’t be judging so much. Not your business

If my sister posted about my parenting on social media I would take that as shots fired you should of kept your nose on ur face with this one

Worry about it when you have your own children! My goodness……

When you do have kids then come back about bedtimes. Unless you have kids you don’t understand
There 10 and 15 years old and made it this far in life already so I think your sister knows what she’s doing

my kids are 11 and 12 right now and ever sense they were in preschool and before they have gone to bed well one has been going to bed at 8 the youngest she falls asleep on own on floor tell her go to bed otherwise its 9 the oldest never slept had to give her meds to and had give her till preschool and thats been at 9 and both in bed by 9 Everynight its a set schedule we get up monday through friday at 5am to get ready for school catch the bus couple hrs later and work.if they didnt have set time they would never go to bed.i know they are not asleep yet right away but they are in there room and its quite time.

I had a bedtime up until I was about 15-16. Mainly because of school.

BUT remember everyone parents DIFFERENTLY. And thats okay.!:grinning:

What’s odd is you worrying about how she choose to parent her kids!!!

Parent or not stay in your lane. To each their own, if it works for them then great! Now if they’re sleeping over at your house that’s different.

It’s pretty common. Some kids do better on a set schedule, other’s not so much. I am sure your sister is doing what she feels is best for her kids and if her kids are happy and healthy, and going to school then you shouldn’t really worry about how she parents her kids.

It’s called “lazy parenting.” Parents want to be their kid’s friend & not the one telling them things they don’t want to do.

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Her kids…her house…her rules…not your business

Younger kids should have a routine in anything specially bed time

No bed times!!.. let me explain how this makes them be more responsible!!! 1. You are going to school regardless and 2. If you chose to stay up I better not get no calls about you falling asleep at school! Example: your child stays up late playing video games and still has to get up the next morning and be active at school by the time they get home it’s omg I’ve been so tired all day! Mom- hmm bet you won’t do that again… feeling the instant repercussions of their choice they will choose to go to bed a little earlier! Now if they do not learn from their mistake and continue to stay up and their grades start failing or having troubles in school then it’s time to step in and say well until you can make better choices you will need to be in bed by such and such time… now with little kids of course they need a round about bed time bc most smaller children are not capable of understanding the choices and consequences!!! Also let me add that if you make every choice for your children as they get older they may start to rebel or make bad choices because they aren’t capable of determining what consequences could come with their decisions! We all let our kids make some type of decisions whether it’s their bedtime or what food they want or what they want to wear! My suggestion would be with younger kids let them choose little things as they get older you can add bigger decisions but when it comes down to PARENTING… the goal is to raise them to be able to take care of themselves and make good decisions as adults. So good luck when you do have kids

Are her her well mannered?
Are they able to get up for school?
Are they making good grades?
Are they feed?
Are they able to have good hygiene?

These questions are far more important than a bedtime!

You don’t have kids so you don’t know what you’re talking about :laughing: Mind your business.

You don’t even have any kids so have a seat

It’s her kids after all… what’s the story behind this? She doesn’t let you stay at her place rent free? She doesn’t give you money? Give us the whole story. All this 15 years you didn’t care and now suddenly you care :rofl:

You pay attn about your kids and she pay attn about hers there I fixed it for you