Is it okay for my wife to go to a musical festival with a bunch of guys she doesn't really know?

Kick her out and move on.once a cheater always a cheater!!!

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Get her out of your life!!!

Nope she’s about to do it again


Put your foot down and tell her to stay tf home! If she wants to go out with random dudes and if she’s cheated non you before she either stays home or you tell her to go live in that tent :joy::raised_hands:t4:


Off you go hangi pants!!!

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I can’t even read past the question before I say oh hell to the NO!

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Divorce her ass already


Only if you are in the tent with her :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Dumb question to begin with. But if u ask the quesion,you r already in trouble

Bro… she’s either already cheated on you for the 4th time or is getting ready to :woman_facepalming:

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Its just plain DUMB

She cheated thrice already!!! Run as far as you can from her!


Where are you in this. There’s a missing factor. Her WHOLE MATE. What you been up to lately? Sounds like you’ve been there step by step…informed. you didn’t find this info just yesterday.

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Put your big boy panties on and tell her how you feel… thats fucked tho and she don’t love you at all…


No man I know would put up with this crap, so in my book it’s bogus.

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Uhm is this a real question😅 i mean the fact shes cheated multiple times should tell you its not ok a d you shouldn’t be with her. But then to add that it was at a music festival, which shes trying to attend should again be a red flag. And furthermore, the saaame place?? She trynna meet up with the dude she cheated on you with. Cmon now this should be easily solved by common sense


Sounds like an alcoholic trying to justify hanging out at a bar

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it okay for my wife to go to a musical festival with a bunch of guys she doesn't really know?

Not… pack her shit while she’s gone and leave it at the end of the driveway with some divorce papers!! Trash took itself out, so to speak!


I think if she feels entitled to do that then you should go away as well. Give her something to think about. She obviously has it in her head that your not going any where thats why she keeps doing what shes doing and basically slapping you in the face and telling you to deal with it. Or better yet rent you a camping spot and get you some tickets and tell her your going as well. See what her response is. If she suddenly doesn’t want to go you might want to consider a divorce.


Why are you putting up with her cheating on you 3 times??? Time to pack!!


Who does this and why would it even be a question?!?! I’m confused unless you like getting walked all over! Two words for her - BYE GIRL!! Have some self respect…


Well only way to test her intentions is to say!!! “HONEY I GOT US BOTH TICKETS” if she gots yay! Your going! She had good intentions if she seems bummed than well that’s your que to let her go and pack her shit while she’s gone


Let her go and move on…have some self respect brother


Nope, tell her to pack up before she goes. She is not trust worthy.


Be kind to yourself and walk away from all the pain she is causing you… from all her lies; the mistrust, lack of loyalty etc. Dont allow her to do this to you. It wont ever change and it will only get worse for YOU. She is not affected at all because she is only thinking of herself. Nothing will change for you unless you take the first step. It’s hard but over time you will find ‘yourself’ and someone who appreciates the same principles and morals as you. Why put yourself through so much pain each time? Be strong and move right away from this person. You can only be a winner if you do. Good luck.


She’s cheating again.
Put her belongings at the curbside.


Not a chance! Pack her shit and move her out of your life! I’d never even suggest something this asinine to my husband or any partner for that matter. Best of life to you!


Sounds like she doesn’t care for anyone but herself or she would ask you to go. As far as proving love and loyalty, she needs to get those right before getting married. As hard as it might be, let her go so you can find that person who will love you like you love them.


Send her packing and tell her not to come back.


Ummm, cheating aside, as a woman, I would never go alone to hang out with a bunch of guys I don’t know. And to a music festival too, sounds like a good way to get drugged


Would it be okay for you to go to the bunny ranch for a three day weekend; you haven’t paid for entry yet but you have bought a box of condoms already? Your wife is clearly planning on cheating again and again and again. It’s now up to you if you wanna remain the cuckhold in this relationship or not. I hope you make the right choice for you.


Throw it out get a new wife x


Tell her she can go, but also tell her not to come back! Also that’s not normal what she is doing, it’s a dangerous game she is playing, it could cost her , her life!!!

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Tell her she can go, you just won’t be around when she gets back and to expect to sign some papers. You honestly shouldn’t have let it go three times because now she thinks it’s okay to do which is why you’re in the predicament you’re in now.


Where’s your divorce attorney? Have some self respect man. Good grief.


My mama always told me, if you can’t say anything nice ,don’t say anything at all. That’s it, that’s the comment lol :grimacing:

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Once a cheat always a cheat … You already know the answer you just have to make the move or keep on going through it


Nope, it doesn’t make any sense to her reasoning, she has cheated 3 times already are you going to see how many more times she will do it again? Pack her up and have her hit the road. You’ve put up with more than you should have. Breathe and live your best life.

Go with her. Have fun. Meet the guys. Make friends with them too. Look for tickets now and get one. Go along and have fun with her.

No it’s not ok! It’s not ok to go…its not ok to go with ANY group of people she does not know and even more so with a group of guys!
You need to end this relationship…it’s not healthy.

You all realize that, especially if kids are involved, if he leaves she’ll ruin his life. She’ll get the house. The car. The furniture. She’ll get half of his retirement. She’ll get custody of the kids.

And let’s not even start on if she suddenly was beat, battered or assaulted…

Not saying he’s a complete saint, but y’all saying, “just leave her” haven’t thought it out.

Why would she want to do this. For some reason it seems like she needs this male attention which is not healthy for ur relationship. She should not even think this is ok! That is how things happen unfortunately. Music festival drinking it leAds to bAd choices. Nothing against music or drinking but a female goin w a group of guys is asking for trouble. She shouldn’t feel the need to

You better go with. Very odd. I feel the situation isn’t appropriate for a married woman because it leaves you with doubts. That’s enough issues right there.

Just the fact that she thinks it is ok would be enough to kick her to the curb! Let her go and wish her well then put her stuff out in the front yard.

Lol let her go and pack her stuff and file for divorce. She is obviously going to cheat on you.

It’s hard to let go, which is probably why you asked. But, I would pack her shit, put it all outside and buy myself a ticket, camping spot and take a friend with me. Her reaction will tell you everything.

Noooo! To even think to consider this, and try to convince you itd be ok for her to do… Id be single by the end of today. She is too comfortable cheating because you have stayed and she thinks you will always stay! Leave now from the psychopath!

Let her go, shame on her for cheating. I feel you’ve given too many chances and she’s clearly not redeemed herself.

Not a good idea, and if it makes you uncomfortable she should respect that

I would not be going out with a group of guys I barely know. Ask her if she would be ok with you doing the same thing with a group of ladies? I don’t think she will like that. Y’all could go together but definitely not just her with a griloup of guys she doesn’t know.

Can’t you go with her? I never cheated, but I wouldn’t go to a concert with Facebook friends unless hubby knew them. Just me.

I can tell you what she is going to do as I’ve done the same thing in my past. But if you are smart, you already know.

Why are these post even on a holiday page? Everyday I see these post about relationship problems etc. I just wondered why we are not posting about holidays? Go to this group and scroll down the page. It sure is not about crafts and holiday fun. Maybe the group should have a different name.

I’m pretty sure she’s going to cheat on you with someone there this time too!

You should let her GO !!! No questions about it she wants to have her fun without you and it sounds like she is USING you buddy ….

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The fact that you are asking us tells me that you already know the answer and have serious doubts that your wife is being loyal to you and your marriage.

NO WAY should she go! Totally inappropriate! Stand your ground.

What woman would go with a bunch of guys she met online to a concert or anywhere else? Not a smart woman. She is putting herself in danger and disrespecting your relationship. Move on.

It sounds like to me she plans to pull a train. If you are cool with that, let her go and welcome her back.

If she has cheated on you three times already and you have to ask this question, then she is not the problem.

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It sounds like a stupid idea for you to even question it. Wake up!

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Grow some balls and a backbone dude…you are 100× better and no one needs to put up with her BS.


If either of you actually believe that, you are delusional. If she doesn’t know these guys, it is not even safe!

Absolutely not unless you can go with. If she gets pissed or says she won’t go then, shes up to no good.

Absolutely not ok and for her to think it’s ok is completely absurd.

You should have walked away after the first, second, or third time.

No it is not okay for her to do that. She can’t have it both ways. She needs to leave so you can move on with your life

Wow!!! Should you even ask? Sounds fishy to me… I say divorce her, if she cheated 3 times already then she will cheat again. This is not acceptable in a marriage. Divorce her ass and go find someone better!!!

She didn’t go to the Blue Ridge Rock Festival did she?

Go with her? If she has nothing to hide and no hidden agenda behind going then she should have no problem with you going with her and enjoying it together :slightly_smiling_face:

You still asking if its okay of course it’s not okay pack up all her stuff to go with her talk done

That’ll give you enough time to pack her shit and put it on the front lawn.

Hard no she’s looking to cheat again and seeing if you are gullible.

This is not ok! Its a big red flag! How you handle it is up to you.

She should not be going anywhere with other men that is absolutely ridiculous

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Only thing she’s about to prove is that she fooled you once she’s fooled twice and she will keep fooling you over and over.

Tell her if she goes take her stuff and live in the tent with the three men

She’s using you. Hire an attorney keep records of the cheating behavior and divorce her and find someone better.

As far as the cheating, once should have been enough . Not 3 times !

excuse me she’s what ??? cheated ??? 3 TIMES ? please. if you don’t end this now lol.

If you’re not invited, there is a reason…

Knock? Knock?
Who is there?
Your wife likes to f around on you.

Is her name Nancy Gribble and is John Redcorn gonna be there?! Dale is that you?

If you have to ask then you already know the answer

You’re being cheated on bro, let her go enjoy herself, but she’s not welcome back


Will she be wearing a bodycam?

Is she really that stupid? Get your ducks in order. Not a keeper.

And she’s your wife?

Nope not ok. You need to find a new wife. Sorry

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Ditch her now…run while you can.


Definitely not. Say Ul go to n can enjoy it together. If she kicks off. Then goodbye :wave:

Let her go seems like she wants best of both worlds sadly

let her go when she is gone take all her stuff toss in the street and move

I don’t think so! Tell her if she goes to stay gone!

No i dont think so …she needed to stay herself at home with you

They say 3rd times charm and you are still with her H-E-L-L-O

Cut and run dude. She’s about to cheat for the 4th time

Say See ya! When she’s gone remove her things out if u live together… I would’ve left after the first cheating scandal!!
Fool me once shame on you
fool me twice shame on me
fool me three times shame on both of us!!!

I personally would let her go. Then I’d buy myself a ticket and go to said concert :rofl::rofl:

Let her go. And change the locks.