Is it okay for my wife to go to a musical festival with a bunch of guys she doesn't really know?

Say it’s okay then when she goes Change the locks / Pack her stuff up and put it on the porch. That way you can say she abandoned the relationship & you didn’t have a clue where she was…


Are you really that blind?


If my guy did that, I’d tell him not to come home. Complete disregard to your feelings and relationship. A cheater wants to go to a concert and camp out with a group of random strange men? Nah, thats not innocent, why isn’t she going with you, or why weren’t you invited to this group thing? Gonna prove her love for you and that you can trust her by running off alone with these men, she must take you for a fool. Like someone else said, when she goes, pack her shit and put her out, she abandoned your relationship…


:flushed:Uhhhh WHAT? Is this a serious question??? HELL NO…WTH…if she does, tell her to STAY THERE! :woman_facepalming:t3:

Umm no it not ok!? Wtf

This is beyond ridiculous. Y’all both are made for each other.

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Yeah…nope. She’s done this three times. She will likely do it again. Find someone who will actually value you, because she doesn’t.

My husband and I have great trust and communication and there’s no way I would even consider going to a weekend convert with someone(s) of the opposite sex out of respect for my spouse and our relationship.

Ew absolutley not I dont know who the hell she thinks she is not at least trying to invite you but okay

Lost lands? lol go with her, you may not like that music but I’m sure she’d appreciate you being there with her and you can meet her friends too. I wouldn’t be ok with my spouse going alone though honestly…

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Why are you still with her? This has to be a joke three times, and now she wants to go to a festival with random dudes???


You’ve already shown her that she can do whatever she wants and you’ll stay with her, so I think the bigger question to ask yourself, rather than what she’s doing, is what are YOU doing with a person who has already cheated on you 3 times?!


You know the answer. Wouldn’t be acceptable for you to do that nor for her. Also not smart meeting with strangers. She’s asking for trouble. Will most likely be intoxicated and who knows what could happen to her then. If you can’t go with, there’s an issue and you have decisions to make.

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Absolutely not. I may be a little more extreme than most but I don’t believe in having opposite sex friendships to the point of texting, spending time alone, etc. Dump her and move on.

Hell no , definitely not.

Hahaha ABSOLUTELY NOT. and you’ll be doomed crazy if you stand back and let this happen. I’d leave :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Take your blinders off bubba

Oh dear. STAND UP FOR YOURSELF! She doesn’t get to decide what “redeems” her loyalty to you!!

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Dude!! Pull your head out of your Ass!!!


Even if she wasnt planning on cheating, It sounds potentially dangerous.

This is so unsafe for her, I don’t even care about the cheating. This is just unsafe all around.


Move on why you still w her thats awful

Oh she’s gonna fuck them all. Sorry


Oh dude, just say goodbye!

Did you marry your cousin?

Invite yourself and make it a couples weekend. Problem solved

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Sure just tell her while she’s gone you’re going to hang out with a bunch of ladies on a boat at the lake

Yikes. Going away for a weekend with a group of guys she hasn’t even actually met? That’s just asking for trouble. Not just cheating trouble, but safety trouble. This would probably be a dealbreaker for me. No regard for her own safety, and the fact that she’s already been unfaithful multiple times, nu-uh. Done. Sorry bud, stick up for yourself and protect your heart cuz it doesn’t seem like she gives a damn.


Definitely not. She belongs to the concerts, my friend.

If you can’t trust her, let her go, and I don’t mean to the concert.

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You still questioning this after she cheated 3 times? :joy:I thought women were silly


Yeah no cool. You should be going with her

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Nope! Not ok. She’s cheating for sure! Get a good lawyer.

this feels like a start to a dateline murder mystery
and cheaters all in one


Dude!! My God youre wife if a nymphomaniac!! 3x that you know of means 23x!! lmao Holy Shit man. No offense but drop your balls like a MUHN and File for A DEEEEEVORCE. GOD HAVE MERCY :joy:

Sounds like a sleazy hook up to me.

Cordel and Cordel. Divorce lawyers for men :joy:

I am not even going to bother pressing “see more” to read the rest of this nonsense…NO! Unless she is looking to be a star on cold case files. And yah she is obviously looking to cheat …duh! :roll_eyes:

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Are u sure that’s what’s going on are u just saying she is leaving with guys so u can put her in the woods somewhere :thinking:

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What the fuck, bruh! :joy: You need to throw the whole girl away, and get you a new one. Also, a divorce and some therapy-for you. My god, dude.:joy:


I swear I let her go to a concert with 5 guys she didn’t know for the weekend/life lol people are funny

She will beaking music alright!

Nope, if she cheated three times why are you still with her? Once a cheater always a cheater in my opinion.

Geta ticket and show up,


Oh she’s a hoe fo sho. I wouldn’t think that its that bad if you were going too but oh man she’s definitely going to be passing out train rides. Why did you stay with her after the 2nd time she cheated.


How would that prove her love and loyalty? Lol

No. Just no. Even if she wasn’t a cheater, this is just plain unsafe. Since she IS a cheater though it makes me think she’s about get a :steam_locomotive::steam_locomotive:

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“She has cheated on me three times”. ……NO IT IS NOT OKAY for her to go alone!

:person_facepalming: dump her. 3x? Ur nuts to stay with her.


I’d let her go and pack my bags while she was gone. Bye bitch!


Kick her arse the the curb!!! Your wife isn’t a wife she’s a manipulator get rid of her😲you deserve more

Kick that B@#^# to the curb dude…at this point your just allowing her to disrespect you…she cheated 3 times shes bout that hoe life…

She living that single life.

I think you are getting f—ed, wake up!!!

Kick that cheating ass to the curb

If she goes and you stay you are a idiot dude no one deserves to be cheated on……three times…….no she’s already proved she can’t be trusted and I’ll tell you now she is going to screw five guys and this goes the same if it was a man, cheating on the one that loves you is wrong no matter the reason….just leave

Divorce the bitch . Life is too short to be dealing with that bs .
She’s obviously cheating on you.

Really? History of cheating on multiple occasions, random guys online, and at a concert where drinks and drugs are administered like candy. U should have left a long time ago. U shouldn’t have 2 put up with that. It’s a lack of common sense on ur part. No it’s not OK especially I’d she didn’t ask u if u wanted 2 go.

Send her on her merry way :wave:


How is this even a legitimate question?

Not ok unless you go too If she was going with other wife’s maybe ok

No! What makes it Not okay is her actions and the fact that it bothers you. Set your boundaries and stick to em. She can respect you and follow them or dismiss herself :v:

You deserve better!

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This has to be some sort of satire, no one is that stupid…or are they?

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Let her go, pack her shit while she’s gone, and have it waiting on the step when she gets back :joy:


Suggestion can you get a new wife😂

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Bro she’s probably already getting railed by them


Sometimes I really think these anonymous stories are actually bots… gathering their information


No best just move on

:joy: She is gonna cheat. You know it, we know it, she knows it and the random guys are counting on it!


Sorry man, she’s gonna cheat.

You deserve better DROP HER OFF AND MOVE ON.

Why are you still married to her?

She’s already wif 1 of them…let her go n hav locks changed


Maybe you could go have a nice dinner with a group of random women to take your mind off the wife you probably shouldn’t be married to anymore anyways!


I would have booted her the first time…

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How long is the festival? If it’s for the whole weekend I would tell her go. Then when she is gone pack your shit and move the hell out file for a divorce and move the hell on. She means you no good. She is a cheater. My book once a cheater always a cheater.


Send her off and while she’s gone pack your stuff and leave

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Dude…no. 3x? Pack while she’s gone and leave

What did I just read??? This is not three times a charm. Get smart!!

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Let her go have fun. You too! Buy a camp site, invite a couple of girls and show her your love and loyalty.


Nah. Leave her. She is probably already cheating on you with one of these guys who bought the ticket. If she’s cheated 3x already she’ll keep doing it. Sorry this is happening to you but leave now and know your worth more than that. You can definitely find someone else who will valuable you more than she does.


This whole paragraph is the stupidest thing I’ve ever read. Do yall live on another planet where all of that is normal?


Once a cheater, ALWAYS A CHEATER- hence you said 3 times….

I suggest u go along too or cheat back :joy::+1:t2::+1:t2:

Would she be ok with if the roles were reversed? I think you already know the answer

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You need to take your testicles out of her handbag.


Tell her to go that way it gives you plenty of time to pack her bags!

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At this point throw away the whole woman lol :joy: usually we say that about men but she obviously has no desire to be monogamous, nor does she care about your feelings or your relationship in general so time to take the trash out man! Best of luck!

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So why doesn’t she want you to go???
You already know the answer. While she’s gone pack her shit, put it in the driveway and change the locks. Time to file for divorce or decide whether or not you are ok having an open marriage because if she is going to be stepping out you should be able to as well. She is not going to stop cheating.

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Life is to short for all that bullshit man.

Once a cheater always a cheater… no way would I let my man do this with other women and I wouldn’t expect him to let me with a group of guys… I trust my husband 110% but it’s just not right!! And really if she doesn’t want to go with you there is big problems already :woman_shrugging: time to move on.

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Why are you still married?

Ha nah bruh shes cheating. Someone who truly loves u wouldn’t keep disrespecting u like that.


Well least she’s got a tent to live in when you kick her out :laughing::laughing::laughing:


Grow a pair dude and just leave

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Safe yourself to hear of the threesome!!! Get rid of her!!!

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Is this a real question???

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Show up to the festival to tell her your leaving her :sweat_smile:

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#1 go to couple’s counseling and talk this through with her with a neutral 3rd party who can hopefully explain to her why this could be a problem
#2 if she’s cheated on you even just once, then she’s broken trust and trust takes a long time to rebuild once broken. Actions speak louder than words. My personal opinion: either you go too, or she doesn’t go at all. Too many red flags.

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You lost me at “she cheated on me 3 times.” :face_with_spiral_eyes: Tf is wrong with you? RUN…run fast.