Is it okay for my wife to go to a musical festival with a bunch of guys she doesn't really know?

Wife thinks it ok for her to go to a weekend festival concert with a group of guys she met on a Facebook page. She doesn't have a ticket yet bought a tent and one guy supposedly paid for her campsite. She has cheated on me three times. First time was at a concert at this venue. She seems to think that her doing this will prove her love and loyalty.

If any of this makes sense.


How will this prove her loyalty? What is she thinking lol there’s lots of way to show someone you love them but going to a concert with other guys who you barely know, is not a way to do that. You sound like a very strong & loving person to get cheated on three times and still stick around, but I would recommend leaving her. Find someone who actually shows they love you and are loyal cause this lady is… not that.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it okay for my wife to go to a musical festival with a bunch of guys she doesn't really know?

And y aren’t you going


Yeah dont waste your time on this one


No. Let her go, pack your stuff, and leave.


Why not go together?

Hun. She knows these guys. Don’t fool yourself unfortunately

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3 times… im not trying to be mean at all… but what you allow is what will continue

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Get a ticket for yourself and go and you will see whats going on.

Okay since it’s definitely 3 rd strike pack her shit while she’s gone and leave it on the lawn

Go with her. See if she all of a sudden has an excuse. But, sounds sketchy in the least.


Ask her if she be okay if you went with a bunch of woman you don’t know. Honestly it be a no for me.


Divorce her, she has no respect for you!


You need to leave. You deserve better!!


Lol yes buy yalls tickets and be like hey guess what I went ahead and got your ticket and got one as well! See her reaction and then you will know if it’s Ill intentions or not if she really does not want you there


Pop up on the second day and catch her @ss

I would let her go, and when. She gets back you and your belongings will be long gone :woman_shrugging:


She’s going to cheat again. Tell her either you both go or she can go and the marriage is over.


Nope. Not ok. Not ok at all.

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Uhh… is this even a question? The 3rd time she has made you as her fool. Not sure why you haven’t served her divorced papers yet. :grimacing:

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Your a idiot if she goes,get a divorce.

Nope nope nope! Not ok AT ALL!! Time for you to find a new wife it sounds like!!

Oh my is this a joke ?

First of all…


This doesn’t seem real. :woman_shrugging:

And if it is, you should have left a long time ago

Tell her if she goes she will be someone else’s wife cheek of her


What the actual fuck?!

Wow Bro kick her ass to the curb

Wtf :laughing::laughing::laughing: :woozy_face: rocket science

No tell her to go and not come back

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Go with her or pack up while she is gone.

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Get both ur tickets and go with her… if she isn’t cheating then she will be happy that u are getting involved :+1: …
If she is angry and doesn’t want u to go… then its answered ur question


Uhhh that doesn’t seem safe…

Sounds like you need a divorce.


Sounds to me like she’s already made up her mind that she’s going if she’s bought the tent and some random guy has paid for her pitch. Disrespectful AF!!! Get rid!!


You decided to stay together with her. You are going to have to try and re-establishing trust or cut your ties. It’s not okay for her to not get to be an adult because of how her leaving your sight makes you feel. Regardless of the past.

So dangerous and I would say no, it’s not an ok situation for a married woman.


Take me to a music festival and see how she feels about it :woman_shrugging:t3:


I wouldn’t even be dealing with this type of shit. You need to just let her go all together and move on.

Lmfao yeah thats 100% sketchy.

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3 times and your still with her?? Brah, I woulda fucked that thing off the first time…

She’s getting banged, no doubt about it…


Why do these people going back to their wives/husband after they cheat on them

You’re a damn fool, read what you just wrote, slap some sense into yourself and find someone who isn’t a blant w#0÷e

Absolutely not. Get you a new wife bro.

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3x cheated? You already know then…

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Not gonna lie, this is a stupid question, shes cheated how many times?! Dude your walking through a minefield of red flags I’d send her packing and she wouldn’t come back if shes done it that many times you know shes capable you shouldn’t waste your life with someone you cant trust wholeheartedly

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Go with her or she don’t go …


She’s cheating again it’s not ok for her to go to if you aren’t going

I feel like you already have the answer to your question my guy.

She a hoe, let her go


Wtf. This would not fly in MOST relationships. Set boundries. And respect eachother and those boundries.

Yea she wouldn’t be Ok with you doing this…dont let her do whatever she likes and then come home, just my opinion tho.

Save yourself the headache of dealing with her infidelities and file for divorce already

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Ewww! Throw that whole damn garden tool in the garbage and move on! Tf? Just nasty!

Please don’t be any more of a fool than you already are since you have stuck around the first three times🤦🏻‍♀️

Got to be the craziest thing I’ve ever heard


Dude. You gotta let her go. Make her the ex wife, asap.

Kick her out. Let her live in that tent. Meanwhile I can’t believe she would do something so dangerous. She doesn’t know these men.

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She belongs to the streets :joy::joy:


She is playing you hardcore. If she has already cheated on you 3 times, why are you still with her?

News flash cheating again l

Dude yeah no run she is manipulating and playing you. She most likely does know the group of f guys and is fucking at least one of them

I would not personally be okay with that at all. Either I’m going too or I’m finished. It’s hard enough to attempt to build trust again for a person who has hurt you that many times and she’s just gonna leave you wondering all weekend what’s going on? Negative. There’s an alternative motive here, none of that makes sense at all. These men aren’t out here renting campsites without expecting something in return…


She’s going for a dirty weekend

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Umm… ?? No?? Unless she is bringing you with I would say that’s a BIG FAT NEGATIVE

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3 times?! Nope. She has 0 respect for you. Get out now.

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Let her go to the concert and greet her with divorce papers when she gets home.


No. Shes up to something shady.

Why are you with her if you don’t trust her ?? She cheated :woman_facepalming:t3:


Really? In todays troubling times, do you honestly think its ok for someone to meet up with a group of strangers of the opposite sex for a concert, sleepover? You already know the answer so dont fool yourself… love stinks sometimes

Uhhh why are you still with her ? She’s totally screwing around

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No way ! You go with her! At all costs , go with her !

Tell her ya you can go but you ain’t coming back when its over!!!


If I was in your situation, the first time I was cheated on, I’d have walked away and not return to her. Love and trust go hand in hand. By putting up with her doing that way, you are condoning it.


Ummmm what…. She should probably just go ahead and move into that tent in my opinion… y u are still with someone that’s proved not once not twice but three times that u KNOW of that she doesn’t give a shit about u is just beyond me… stds are out there be safe…

Can’t turn a hoe into a housewife


Tell her to do one better off without her.

The only way to prove loyalty is by not going. Actions speak louder than words. You made it clear that you aren’t comfortable with it so she needs to respect that. Especially after cheating. ALSO, if she doesn’t know them well, how does she know she’ll be safe?

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If you really need to write this on Facebook, you either enjoy being cheated on first time cheating on you should be enough but three come on seriously you can’t be that dumb your just the guy paying her bills

She has cheated on you 3 times…and you have stayed each time…she thinks her actions are ok or you will continue to stay regardless because that is what you have proven to her. Leave her and go find someone who actually deserves you!

wtf!!! NO!!! bru, she’s going to go cheat again, and prob with the guy who bought her campsite. Dont be an idiot, find yourself someone better.

She is still cheating. Tell her to go live in her tent :rofl:


No. Why would she let anyone that’s not you pay for anything? Definitely not

Wow freaking Wow I can’t believe you would even question if this is ok??? Hell no it’s not OK and it’s not OK that you took her back after she cheated on you three times. Once a cheater always a cheater!!! Wake up man!


Why are you still with her if she’s cheated THAT many times already??? That’s the first issue. Second, if you’re that worried about it, why aren’t you going with her?? :face_with_monocle::face_with_raised_eyebrow: Seems like you obviously don’t trust her, and she’s given plenty of reason not to.

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Well golly Goober…she done be straight with you this time. :woman_facepalming:t3:

you need to pack your bags and go along.


3 times and why are we still with her again I missed that part :face_with_monocle:


So, she has cheated on you three times, and one of those times was at a venue such as the one she is attending in the upcoming future with men she met online. Sounds like she’s gaslighting you. Making it out to be your trust is the problem when SHE is the one who initially broke that trust. This is something that a narcissist pulls to make you feel like you are the issue, and not them.


The only person you can control is yourself.

Suggest let her go have divorce papers waiting for her when she gets home and run!

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If you have to really ask this then you already know.

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Why can’t you go with her?? Did she even include you into the thought process something is up. Im sorry once a cheater always one


Nahhhhhh she’s needs to go! Better tell her ass she can live in that tent from now on.

For me that would never be something I would do. Just not a safe choice.

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Uhm no thats not right

No just no!
Leave her there

Of course let her go. Pack your stuff and let her come home to an empty house. Or change the locks and let her stay in the tent permanently.