Is it okay that my fiance checks people out?

I think most everyone looks BUT there’s a way he should look, the way he’s looking staring for long periods of time, making it flat out obvious, ignoring you while looking, all of those are disrespectful.


Its one thing to look and another to be disrespectful about it. I would just communicate that he can look all he wants but theirs a line. I also usually wanna be on people side about this stuff but the whole your good looking why is he looking elsewhere thing? 1. Still doesnt mean your the whole package 2. Some guys are pos and will cheat on anyone or “look elsewhere” as is in your case.

It’s human nature to look. Make a game out of it. I know you said you’re not insecure but I’m not sure you realize you’re insecurities. Also, just because you don’t have the energy doesn’t mean other people won’t. Your personal standard might not be theirs. If you’re not compatible move on. You’ll find someone you match with better.

Ummm :thinking: You clearly have a problem with it!! And that all that matters… but hell no I would NOT accept that behavior… and I say accept because that’s exactly what you would be doing.
Please don’t play games either accept it or move on…

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If you are not happy or feel disrespected why be in the relationship. People look at others they find attractive but yes he should be respectfully discreet. He shouldn’t stare . Glance ofcourse. It’s almost automatic . If being together is an internal battle once again why are you with him. For the sake of being in a relationship? If this relationship isn’t good for your mental and emotional health you can’t say you love him . What is there of value to love. You need to be single and work on yourself and identifying non negotiable needs in a relationship to set the standard of what you seek in the future .

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It seems excessive what you’re describing that he does. If it was a casual glance etc that wouldn’t be a big deal

A whole lot to unpack here…wow. ok…looking happens. We are all human. Then there is what your fiance is doing which is over the top. That is how things began to go downhill with my ex to the point he had to be removed by the police about 8 years later. He is not merely looking, he is shopping. He know this and you know this. You bring it up that it bothers you and he turns it around to you are insecure and you are crazy. He talks around and around and around like that and if he raises his voice and/or becomes very animated…especially with his hands…it’s a power move. It’s a mental tactic to make you question yourself and if you think about it…you will realize you don’t feel safe but that is usually smothered by the gaslighting he is doing. So now you are overly obsessed with trying to make sure he only looks at you like that and does not outwardly look like he is shopping. Hence going into your physical description there and stating that is why you are confident in yourself. Not that you are fun, intelligent, creative, loving, helpful and so on along with beautiful. You are being groomed…get out now, go to a therapist and wait a while before getting back into the dating pool. Good luck.


This is disrespectful to you, as wwell as other women.

My husband and I check people out together lol but that’s because we have a mutual understanding. It’s all about communication.


I’ve had an ex like this, Ive communicated thats its hurt ful behavjour to be eyeball ****ing someone in my presense. You could ask that they not do it in your presense but if they continually decide to do so then I think you have your answer. Some people just have wandering eyes, and it sucks.

I need to know is it like a quick look at someone’s butt or is he making eye contact trying to connect? I like looking at butts :rofl: and I’m not into women but the second is very different

I think you already know the answer!

Your needs are at odds with his behavior. He won’t change. You shouldn’t have to change your needs.


There’s a difference between having a quick look and obvious staring that’s saying “other women are of more interest to me then the one I’m currently with”

It is disrespectful and I always say if there’s no respect then they would probably cheat.

You teach people how they are allowed to treat you. He gotta go!


Looking is normal. Although what you’re saying sounds excessive. He can’t see someone and carry on a conversation? Honestly since half the time you’re together you hate each other … time to go. Why waste years on someone you hate.


Of course it’s okay!! Anyone can look, everyone does, as long as his love is only for you :two_hearts:

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It’s fine. To have a look.

Just as long as the female is above age.

I mean who sleeps in his bed at night you not them it’s not like he’s trying to jump in bed with them or they are trying to jump in bed with him I mean he could be a little more discreet about it and obviously not stare but you’re the woman he’s with and is in bed with every night not the others.

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Doesn’t matter where they get their appetite, so long as they eat at home !!

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I wouldn’t have him for my husband.


I agree. Its disrespectful

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To look is human, too ogle disrespectful. However, the love/hate thing seems to be the real elephant in the situation.


Omg this is me! I stopped going for walks with my bf cause he wouldn’t just look he stared till they were gone and if I talked ro hom he never heard me. Only difference I do have insecurities cause of pat relationships. Imo it is disrespectful… I wish I could leave him cause if you’re not happy why stay but I can’t…not sure how you feel about that

If you’re uncomfortable you should leave. I definitely think you can do better and deserve better.


I don’t look at other men and I don’t think it’s okay for a man to look at other woman

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I don’t look at other men and I don’t think it’s okay for a man to look at other woman

He gave you his heart :heart:
Not his eyes :eye:

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There’s a difference between checking out and full on gawking like an I’d!ot. That’s disrespectful to not only you but the woman he’s staring at.

One of my ex’s was like this, would full on snap his neck to look and it was very disrespectful to me considering he would barely even lay a hand on me in a way that would make me feel like he found me attractive … there’s obviously more going on with the ups and downs … honestly what are the reasons for your downs?

Because we can’t really say “yeah leave him” without knowing enough context about it.

What he is doing is very disrespectful but what else has been going on for the issues you two have? That way I can have a better idea if it’s even worth it or not.

Personally it doesn’t seem worth it BUT that’s just me. Is whatever else you guys going through worth dealing with forever or not? If you’re answer is unsure or no then leave :woman_shrugging:t4:

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There’s a difference between checking out and full on gawking like an I’d!ot. That’s disrespectful to not only you but the woman he’s staring at.

One of my ex’s was like this, would full on snap his neck to look and it was very disrespectful to me considering he would barely even lay a hand on me in a way that would make me feel like he found me attractive … there’s obviously more going on with the ups and downs … honestly what are the reasons for your downs?

Because we can’t really say “yeah leave him” without knowing enough context about it.

What he is doing is very disrespectful but what else has been going on for the issues you two have? That way I can have a better idea if it’s even worth it or not.

Personally it doesn’t seem worth it BUT that’s just me. Is whatever else you guys going through worth dealing with forever or not? If you’re answer is unsure or no then leave :woman_shrugging:t4:


A wise woman once told me “Yes, I’ve ordered; but I can still look at the menu.”


Sounds like he may be insecure and likes it when you get upset.

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If it makes you feel insecure he should respect your feelings and not act that way when he is with you. One day the person he is ogling may take offence which could land him in hot water. Not much help to you l know but if it is affecting your relationship, maybe re think the viability of it.


If you have expressed a boundary and let him know how it makes you feel, and he continues the behavior, he does not respect you. Decide if you want to spend your life with someone who disrespects, dishonors and devalues you.


Who cares if the dog is barking, as long as he keeps his ass on the porch.

It’s disrespectful. I tell my man, you can look, don’t stare and break your neck though because others do the same for me and if i like their attention more than yours I’ll act the same way you do.


I’m sure my SO looks but I’m sure I probably look more …
And I am always posting funny memes on FB about not having a bf being single …
But any of my real friends know I’m with him & he knows I’m with him & I know I’m with him …
He knows I’m not going cheat & maybe it’s because we are older we are both at the point in our life if u want something or someone else go on …
But leave before u cheat


Don’t split because he looks…split because you hate each other every other week.


Sometimes men just need a taste of their own medicine to wake up! And if it doesnt bother them when you reciprocate that same energy… then he needs to go. Not all men are like this. But some do need to be woken up. 

Please remember: 1. a leopard doesn’t change its spots (maybe camouflage, but not change); 2. Your child is paying attention and taking notes on “acceptable” behavior; 3. love yourself & child more & get out. As you stated, it’s disrespectful & won’t get better. Do you really want that boy (yes, Boy! Men don’t do that!) that much that you’re willing to disrespect yourself? Don’t you & child deserve better? I understand there are beautiful people out there & looking & enjoying the view is okay & normal. But then there are voyeurs…don’t “let” life happen to you, “make” life happen for you. (Sorry about all of those "that"s used above :grin:)


And you want to get married to someone like THAT? WHY??? It will only get worse.


I can’t believe this is even a question and how many toxic people and they are out there today lol
It’s pretty natural for everybody to look girls look at girls too

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Everyone checks people out, but don’t do it into of your spouse/partner that’s disrespectful. Idk you guys sound like you have a toxic relationship. Maybe try couples counseling?

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It’s disrespectful my man does the same thing it’s also embarrassing I will walk ahead of him like I’m not with him sometimes so I don’t look stupid

He does not respect you. Get out!

My husband looks it don’t bother me cause I look too but at the end of the day we come home to each other. We have eyes for a reason now Staring is different I would get upset and say something or do it to see wat he says. But sounds to me like u should split cause of hating each other and if you have kids together I’m sure they feel all that too

Tape that mans eyes shut. How dare he be human. You sound extremely jealous.
He needs to run.

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Not a healthy match, move on

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