I had my son a little over a week ago. I had no stitches or tearing and pushed him out in one push is it wrong to feel ready for sex any other women who were ready almost or 2 weeks in?
Just cause you feel fine don’t mean you are push out a baby does things/damage you can’t see waiting is best I’ve had three c sections and still waited even tho I new I was good better safe than sorry
You have a huge dinner plate wound in your uterus your best to wait so you dont get an infection in the worst case
You have an open wound inside you. A huge one, where the placenta was attached. That’s why sex is really a no no
Absolutely not. You are healing whether you feel great or not! Give your body the 6 weeks to properly heal please.
It’s not wrong but keep in mind your uterus is a giant open wound. Dr’s tell you to wait 6 weeks while you are healing especially to avoid infection.
I felt I was totally ready two weeks after and boy was I wrong not even the tip was OK
After your 6 week check up
You need to wait til your body heals that’s why the docs say wait til 6 wks
Risk of infection is extremely high. You have a a huge wound where your placenta was attached. It’s best to wait but ultimately it is your decision. Your muscles should heal, birth is a big thing. But for me personally i did not want to risk getting an infection or pregnant. I waited until I was cleared by my doctor to have sex. And will do the same for our second
Please. Wait ur 6 weeks. Respect what ur body went thru
I had Kidd 18 years ago. I was told 6 weeks
Your cervix is not fully closed from my understanding and it can lead to serious infections.
I had sex 2 weeks after and got an infection. You should wait.
I had a baby at 24 weeks. Went to a PP check up at 2 weeks and the doctor said it was okay to have sex, so we did and I ended up with an infection. I wouldn’t do that again, even if you aren’t bleeding, it really isn’t worth that risk.
I had sex 2 weeks after my daughter because I felt ready and the bleeding had stopped, with my soon who was c section we had to wait 6 weeks for me to heal internally. Talk to your dr x
I had sex 2 weeks PP after my 2nd baby and everything went fine other than the fact I was pregnant again at my 6 week check up they’re 4 and 5 years old now.
You have to wait, maybe not the full 6 weeks. You could try at 5 but you have to remember you literally pushed a baby out! Hell even at 6weeks for me I had pain trying to have sex and we waited two months and than I was fine to go. I get it you may want sex like right now but you could just enjoy pleasing your man or hell just make out and enjoy just that. We all recommend waiting 6 weeks though! Better safe than sorry
You would be putting yourself at risk for a terrible infection
Unpopular response. My husband and I are very sexually active and were sexually actively again 2 weeks after I had our daughter. I never ended up with infection at all but I know that is a possibility.
I wouldn’t recommend it,they say 6 weeks for good reasons
No. The doctors suggest a MINIMUM of 6 weeks for a reason. Your uterus is healing from trauma and you are extremely susceptible to bacteria and infections that you normally have more defenses against, plus you’re incredibly fertile immediately postpartum. Please be careful. The risks are pretty severe…
Unpopular Opinion: I had a c section with my daughter… and my doctor gave me the okay at 2 weeks pp to go back to my regular daily activities
Two weeks for my first two three for my last
You do risk infection I have had all natural births no complications an none at all.
Proper care I’d say helps shower before hand an then sitz bath after
Everyone is different honey , i didn’t wait six weeks I have Irish twins now they are ten in a half months apart but i love it…
we just had our last kiddo he’s now almost three months and We didn’t wait 6 weeks after him either but i knew there was no chance of another baby haha.
But you will have people like me that say i didn’t wait the six weeks and then you will have people tell you not to do it and wait the six weeks. But at the end of the day you will still do what you want.
I did. Pretty much the same thing. Pushed him out within 5 minutes of getting to the hospital. Was up walking less than an hour later. Two weeks after I felt healed enough to have sex. I now have Irish twins. Lol. You know your body. You know what you are comfortable with. Do what feels right for you. But just be careful… Lol.
Honestly I didn’t feel ready but my bf insisted and it was fine, just had to go super slow. 2 weeks PP… I didn’t get an infection or anything.
I did 3 weeks after…
I mean if she wants to give it a go that’s up to her. seeing a few comments others were fine but honestly I would just go see your doctor have them check you out and go from there. Otherwise if you do you know the risk of an infection and you’ll be on antibiotics after that. But I guess that’s up to you cause it’s your body
You are MORE FERTILE right after having a baby. If you want lots of kids and extremely close in age, go ahead. Otherwise, wait for birth control to set in. I learned this the hard way. My kids are 1 year apart both born in march. (We wanted lots of kids)
What I’d do for your sex drive!!! Two weeks pp I was not wanting to be touched (I had c-section.)
Sure it’s ok if you want to risk infection and getting pregnant again but personally I wouldn’t
I did at 2 as well…my doctor said completely up to you whatever your comfortable with if no tearing or anything
There is a reason why they tell you to wait … but your fate is in your hands
There is a reason the medical professionals want you to wait!! That’s like hey I have a broken arm but I’m going to take this cast off a week later because I feel like I’m ready.
I have Irish twins as well. The only response for you is, when you and your partner are ready and you both feel comfortable. If you don’t want to be pregnant again so quickly then use contraception. Enjoy.
sod that they normally advise waiting 6 weeks don’t think i let him near me until 3 months later
I don’t want to be touched for 6 months pp, your husband is lucky to have someone with your sex drive my husband knows not to even look at me for the first six months, I have two kids 19 months apart and due on the 16th this Month
I have 3 kids my youngest are 10 mths apart. It’s safe but you run a bigger risk of getting pregnant in my opinion
I waited 7 months after my first. 8 weeks after my 2nd and 7 weeks after my 3rd. I had 3 babies back to back. Once your placenta detaches you have an open wound in there. Please take the time to heel
Don’t even try it . Wait the six full weeks . Doctors tell you that for a reason . It’s great that you had no tearing or stitches , but a baby came out of you still . You need to heal .
Your uterus is still a plate sized open wound and they take 6+ weeks to heal, whether bleeding or not. Better to be safe than sorry.
First daughter was a week old before I got it on and I healed 2 stitches girrll you will know when your coochie is ready, you do you
The reason you aren’t supposed to have sex until after your postpartum check up isn’t because of the trauma your lady bits went through, it’s the fact that the placenta leaves a giant open wound in your uterus that can easily get infected, or worse yet start bleeding uncontrollably
Just wait the 6 weeks… Could you be fine? Maybe. But sex is not worth risking infection for.
Just because someone didn’t have issues doesn’t mean it’s safe.
High risk of infection, high risk of pregnancy again which is dangerous for you so close to having had a child already. Not worth it.
Dont listen to what the doctor said. Its not like theyre qualified to keep yer best interests intact.
Go junp on that dick
9 days after … and another 9 months later im having my 4th being induced today
It takes over a week for your cervix to fully close, and even then you’re still healing. You’re just more prone to get an infection. You night not have gotten stitches but your insides are still recovering from pushing out a little human and trying to heal.
No give your body time to heal!
No, your body needs to heal. I did it at 4 weeks once and it was very uncomfortable. I waited until 8 weeks before I tried it again. I know it is hard to wait but your body needs some tlc before it gets back in the saddle.
If you’re ready, you’re ready. Only YOU know that. I had sex 2 weeks pp after my first was born and 1 week pp after my second was born YOU know YOUR body best. Edited to add: I had a really great dr with my first. I had to see her at 3 weeks pp due to mastitis and she found out about me already having sex again. I think I had sex like twice after 2 weeks of giving birth. she told me that I know my body best and as long as I wasn’t hurting or anything, I should be fine. We were super safe and super careful though.
You wanna get an infection? Cuz that’s how you get an infection. If the universal healing time is 6 weeks, what makes you think your vagina is magical enough to be completely healed in 2 weeks? An orgasm is not worth your vagina falling out. Have a little self control.
The placenta detaches from the inside of the uterus after the baby is born, this leaves behind a wound 6-8 inches in diameter that needs time for healing to ward off infection and hemorrhaging—at least 4-6 weeks for the wound to completely heal.
One of the many reasons birth givers need lots of rest and community care to recover & heal
Better to wait for Doctors go ahead . Body needs to heal .
No. Your body isn’t ready. It doesn’t matter what people on Facebook say. Listen to your doctor. 6 weeks is what they say. Do oral!! There’s a huge risk for infection so just stick with oral for now!
I know a girl that went back to work after 2 weeks, got the all clear from her dr to do so. Maybe call the doc and see what they say? Every person is different
Are your postpartum periods done? Wait
The reason you’re so horney is because your hormones are on overdrive. Your uterus is at HIGH RISK of infection from intercourse and ejaculate. You should wait 4 to 6 weeks for your own health. Not because your vagina, birth canal or vulva are not injured.
I’m sure your doctor told you to wait 6 weeks right?
No wonder there are so many women with vaginal issues after having babies, judging from this post. The vagina isnt fully healed yet, and you go sticking things back in there. That’s like stitching up a wound, and then picking at the thread and scabs. That’s how you end up with scars
all 3 of mine I have had sex 1 week after. longest I waited was the 3rd baby I waited 2 weeks n I was fine
It is better to wait six weeks postpartum. I waited a little longer then that cause I did tare when I had my daughter. Give your body time to heal
I had sex 4 weeks out and got pregnant again​:joy: be careful!
Ready 2 weeks or 2 days? Yes very ready…waited 5
No. You need to heal and ya might get pregnant again. My friend was pregnant again by the time her baby was 5 months old. Don’t do it.
This is actually making my vagina hurt
You could always master-bate with your partner or do oral on each other
I did. I also got pregnant so be sure to use a condom!!
We waited 6 weeks after #1 and my body still wasn’t ready, and we waited 3.5ish weeks after #2 and everything was great. Listen to your body. If you’re still bleeding, I’d definitely hold off though.
I’d say listen to your doctor lol
Wow i waited 4 months
I had crazy hormonee right after having my daughter. Like extreme horniness. Lol. But not don’t have sex! Your body isn’t ready!!There’s a reason they tell you to wait. Just because others have doesn’t mean you SHOULD.
Yeah… if you want another child 3 weeks after birth and boom I was pregnant just over a month after giving birth! 10 months between my 2 girls
Risk of infection. You also want to use protection or you’ll be meeting the midwifes again sooner than you hoped
No- your body is doing a lot of healing right now that you may not even know (a lot of internal healing etc. ) listen to your doctor.
It’s different for everyone my doctor told me that six weeks is recommended. She also stated that if I wanted to do it sooner to let her know. I suppose they can examine you and let you know if you’re ready or at risk.
It’s not just the tearing & stitches you have to worry about. You literally just had a baby… your body is recovering inside as well. Surely your doctor said to wait the normal 6 weeks?
My babies tore me up so I was out of commission for a while
You shouldn’t but it’s up to you ultimately.
I’ll be honest, I didn’t, we used a condoms, I mean it probably isn’t the best advice, but it’s truthful.
I only waited for the bleeding to stop. Probably not smartest choice, but that’s me lol.
The risk of infection from the gaping wound where your placenta once was is extremely high… ps. I am 11 months PP and still not ready or wanting intercourse and I had a c section.
I did and then awhile after, got pregnant when my son was 3 months old lol
I did and it wasn’t a fun time… don’t bother
I had no tear or stitches with all 4 kids, and would say my labors were faster than most, but I allowed my body to recover for at least a month to 6 weeks… Every woman heals differently though…
You have a huge wound inside your uterus from your placenta that will take time to heal, the standard 6 week wait is to reduce the chance of infection
I think longest i waited was maybe 2 weeks n then started having sex. N the soonest was like i think 2 maybe 3 days after giving birth. But i did have c sections. I would definitely use a condom though. Unless u want to risk getting pregnant again so soon. Good luck.
Get it while you can!! Enjoy and stay safe
Go for it if you want an infection…
If I were you I would ask my doctor first I’m pretty sure he/she are going to tell you otherwise… We are humans and we need our moments too just stay safe
I was the same way recently. My daughter is 4 weeks old. I felt ready 3 weeks pp and I did. It wasnt painful, but quite uncomfortable. It’s hard, but I would recommend waiting until your ob clears you too. As others are saying, the chances of infection are VERY high. Not mention you are very fertile right now.
I did like 4 weeks after my son was born. It hurt so much we just went slow but other then that I was fine. I would wait another two to three weeks atleast
Don’t think I’d risk the infection or getting pregnant again. Can’t you guys improvise?
I barely waited two weeks and I had stitches. We just took it slow, but no way with my sex drive was I waiting more than two weeks no infection, no pain and I was just fine. Do what you feel is best for you. Everyone is different.
The risk for infection and getting pregnant again are very high. But I would definitely consult with your doctor! I had a csection and waited until I was 8weeks pp before having sex again.
I had sex 2 weeks in. No infection same birth as you. Dont bother though, it only feels nice for him
When you give birth, you push out a baby. After that the placenta comes away from your uterine wall leaving a huge open wound
A huge open wound that’s prone to infection and you wanna stick a penis in there.
Have some self restraint FFS!
6-8 weeks isn’t a suggestion.
I mean. Your doctor did tell you this. But here you are, asking. When you Damn well know you shouldn’t be doing it.
If you want sex then go for it, totally up to you
I’m not going to lie…I did it 9 days after having a C-Section.
I never dilated or effaced or anything. But I wouldn’t suggest doing it after having a natural birth because of risk of infection and your body is still closing up and healing. If you decide to do it, use a condom at the least🤷🏽‍♀️