Is it okay to have sex two weeks postpartum?

No, no, no and no. You have a gaping wound inside your body, happily give your an infection :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t2:


A woman in a mom group Iā€™m in waited only 2-3 weeks and ended up having an infection in her uterus and had to have a radical hysterectomy 4 weeks pp. I still want to cry for her when I think about it. So many people told her to wait, she was feeling great, had a super easy pregnancy and birthā€¦ totally thought the dr was overreacting. Clearly you do whatever you feel up to doing, but be informed: the risks can range from slight discomfort or unbelievably serious. Weigh that out. Decide what you are willing to risk for reward. Good luck on the decision, I am sure all these comments have made it harder and not easier for you.


No. They have u wait to be cleared for a reason. U can become infected. U have a huge hole inside u. It isnā€™t worth potentially ended up in the hospital.
This question blows my mind. Why risk ur health for a few minutes of fun :woozy_face::woozy_face::woozy_face:

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Maaaate, I am still not ready(6 months later) couldnā€™t even use a toy when I tried, not brave enoughā€‹:woozy_face::see_no_evil: I would advise you to waitā€‹:rofl: or anal if you canā€™t :woman_shrugging:t2:

How can anyone think about sex after pushing a watermelon through a key hole :joy::rofl:


You should wait til you are cleared by your dr at your 6 week check up for risk of infection and risk of getting pregnant so soon after having your little one. With that being said though i only waited about 2 weeks and i had stitches. We used condoms and a lot of lube and went very slow to start out. I was fine.

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U know ur body I did 10 days I say go for it

We had sex the day I came home from the hospital. Biggest rule of thumb would be if it hurts or is uncomfortable in any way STOP


Lord let that bad boy heal up. You donā€™t want an infection


I would not listen to anyone saying ā€œitā€™s okayā€ or ā€œgo for itā€. I had a patient with a major infection who ended up in the icu on a ventilator for doing thatā€¦


Your Dr should have told you the risks of having sex to soon. Even if you donā€™t have anything going on on the outside inside is still healing. You should really wait until your 6 week check up which is when your Dr will give approval to start having sex again.

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No. Definitely not. Your cervix is still going back to normal.


I did I had a c section though

I had sex 3weeks after my second babyā€¦ fell pregnant with my third :woman_facepalming:t2: lol


Is this you? MĆ³nica Lazcano

I did 10 days after I had my son did not enjoy it at all neither did my partner. After that we waited 6 weeks

Iā€™m nearly 4 years in and still canā€™t be fucked with sex :joy: no in all seriousness Iā€™d suggest a little longer just because a whole human has just exited your hoo haa I doubt itā€™s ready for another person to go back into it :joy:

The issue is INSIDE your body. Because of the placenta, thereā€™s a large open wound in your uterus. Thatā€™s why theres a risk of infection. But if you want to risk it, go ahead I guess :woman_shrugging:


Drs say 6-8 weeks if not longer,

PLEASE be nice to your vagina and wait! Your body still needs to healā™„ļø

Nope you better wait until you heal. Infection and other things can pop up if you have sex that soon

I would say no, but the midwife at the hospital told me you can have sex when your ready too

I had to wait minimum 12-14 weeks for my stitches to heal!
Even after that long time, it hurt SO BAD :tired_face:
If Im ever in that position again, Iā€™ll be waiting even longer! :flushed:

No your insides are healing from the baby and placenta. You could get infection

We did 3 weeks out. I was 100 percent fine and normal outside, 4lb baby, but it felt like razors cutting my raw inside as. Its AWFUL. Your muscles are just weak, skin raw, cervix on wrong place, its too dangerous


Not a hood idea just yet as high risk for infection but you can have clitteral sex xx

I did. Itā€™s good to wait though.

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Absolutely DO NOT.
Doctors tell you to wait for a reason. Listen to them. You donā€™t want an infection.

Na girl, you have a big ass open wound inside you that is Healing, dont do it, for your babies sake, you may end up in hospital or worse due to infection

There are a number of reasons why you are told to wait 6 or 8 weeks. Listen to your doctor.

I did about a week after but I wasnā€™t in a healthy marriage and felt pressuredā€¦ reading these comments make me cringe at it more and Iā€™d stick to what your dr recommends.

I had sex two weeks postpartum. We started off slow and were nervous but everything was fine. Only you know when youā€™re ready.

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I was ready and had sex two weeks to the day after my first baby. Same as you, no tearing or stitchesā€¦just be mindful of pregnancy and have fun girl :relaxed:

I had sex 3 days after :woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging::rofl::rofl:

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NO! You still need to heal on the inside.


Nope go ahead and do it.

You do you girl lol I didnā€™t wait :woman_shrugging: I waited like a week just clean everything really good him too and donā€™t let him cum inside. There are a lot more women who do it before the 6 weeks are up.

I did with no issues. We went slow and were very careful. Iā€™ve never waited six weeks. However, my doctor doesnā€™t recommend everyone wait six weeks. Everyone is different.


Wait the freaking 6 weeks so ya donā€™t die and leave your 2 week old kid alone


No I waited the recommended time

I meanā€¦ you have a gaping wound inside of you. Infection is real. You are incredibly fertile. Why canā€™t you wait? I know for a fact you wonā€™t feel the same to your husband. Is it you that wants it? Or him?

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Let that thang heal sis. Be patient.


You may think your fine just because you got lucky without having to get cut open or have any tearing. But your body still healing from the inside weather you may think your fine. You probably stop bleeding already too which makes it even harder to wait. But like other ladies said what exactly can happen. Itā€™s best to wait.


Oh girl, surely wait at least 4weeks for sex, even tho the dr says 6weeks i waited AT LEAST 4weeks

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Idk how people want their husband on top of them jack rabbiting them again after you just pushed a baby out 2 weeks earlier. HEAL YOURSELF, your body just did some major things.


If u DO wear a condom cuz u r very fertile during those 6 weeks after!!

Not having for approx 6 weeks post partum is not about being/feeling ready (although Iā€™m sure most moms are not up for it lol). Doctors donā€™t want to risk you getting pregnant again as your uterus is still going back to itā€™s normal size. Thereā€™s also a risk of infection. Wait until your post partum and and get the ok from your doctor. I know with my first I was 5 weeks out (I had a c-section) and got the ok.


waitā€¦ arenā€™t you bleedingā€¦ jesus head out of the gutter. wait


Coming from someone who had a uterine infection, WITHOUT having sex. I had a fever for at least 4 WEEKS. I hemorrhaged from it at 3 weeks pp. Donā€™t chance it. Wait. Infection isnā€™t fun. I ended up back in the hospital receiving blood and IV antibiotics. Just wait the 6 weeks.

No u need to let ur uterus come back to normal and ur cervix needs to heal way too earlyā€¦ if u guys are that horny get off at 3rd base or something cuz ur raising ur risk of infection by ALOT



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I always waited at least 4 four weeks. Your cervix is still open. You do not want an infection.

If there are any clots, you can actually push them through your body and up into your brain which is not good. Just wait

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Why on earth would you want to?

Yā€™all has nothing to do with your vag being ready js


I did two weeks after both my sons lol


I never waited the full 6 weeks with any of my kids. And I have 4. But I at least waited 3-4 weeks.

I only waited a week :woman_shrugging:t2:

Let your body heal there is a big wound on the inside trying to heal where your placenta was attached. They tell you to wait because medically thsts what is best.


No itā€™s not ok. Thereā€™s a reason they have you wait. Your cervix is literally still open. Let your body heal itself.


You need to heal before you do anything like that. Your body just went through one of the most traumatic things it can go through. Risk of infections and pregnancy are also high. Yes you can get pregnant pretty soon after having a baby so unless you think those risks are worth it go for itā€¦

There is nothing wrong with FEELING ready, just know your body isnā€™t done healing and that will definitely put you at risk.


Arenā€™t you still bleeding? Why would u want to have sex?

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Absolutely not.
Doesnā€™t matter how you give birth. Natural, c section. Stitches, No stitches etcā€¦ itā€™s the inside that takes 6 weeks to healā€¦ for EVERYONE. You risk a nasty infection.


I waited three weeks and Iā€™m doing okay :joy:

Bunch a horn dogs on here :joy::rofl: I was so afraid my vagina would be damaged more lmao I waited the full 6 weeks. I healed my lil ting first.

Itā€™s great youā€™re feeling ready this early! But you really should wait. You may be fine on the outside but there is still a large wound inside your uterus where the placenta was attached. You are at a seriously high risk of infection.


Cervix is still open and itā€™s still a ā€œwoundā€ where the placenta was.


You really should wait the 6 weeks. My ob did say if I wasnā€™t bleeding anymore it could be ok but you are extremely fertile. 4 weeks. Just because my ex couldnā€™t wait and I wasnā€™t ready doesnā€™t mean it was the right thing for my healing process

I wouldnā€™t personally, There is a too much chance of infection,

At 2 weeks I was still sore personallyā€¦not really ready for that. Its a healing issue though and thereā€™s a reason they tell you to wait

If you are that ready can you just do external. Like clit stimulation instead of vaginal sex? Lots of just foreplay instead of the actual deed should hold you off a few more weeks to heal your insides

Donā€™t get advice off social media. Call your obgyn. Tell them you understand itā€™s not best to have sex right now but you want to. They will guide you in the right direction. Most reputable sites say the risk of infection or hemorrhage is highest the first two weeks. But everyone is different.


Please do not take advice off of hereā€¦ talk to your doctor which Im sure they told you wait at least 6 weeks. Risk of infection just isnā€™t worth it to mešŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

Thereā€™s still a wound where the placenta was. No, donā€™t have sex yet

I know this lady; her child is 23 weeks old, and sheā€™s 22 weeks pregnant.:astonished:

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No. It sent me to the ER.

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I know all the women on here are saying to wait till the 6wk mark and while that is recommended, it depends on when the woman is ready. Every pregnancy is different and every woman heals differently. After I had my twins, I had some complications with after birth, that I bled for 8wks. After my daughter, I was like u, no tears or complications, so I had sex at the 2wk mark and I was fine.

I got a nasty infectionā€¦ would not recommend until the dr give the all clear


I stopped bleeding 5 days after I had my son and had sex when he was 10 days old.

Call your dr for medical advice.

My personal advice, WAIT. Thereā€™s so much thatā€™s just happened to you internally. I wouldnā€™t risk infection.


Old picturesā€¦ but FYI, you are EXTREMELY fertile right after you give birth, I did not know that. I waited a week. #2 & #3 are not twins, they are just the same age for 5w every year.


I wouldnā€™t. You still have alot of healing even without stitches or being in any pain. Probably better to wait till your 6 week appt and get cleared by doc

I felt ready but I still didnā€™t because doctors warned me not to and I think they know more then me about that stuff lol :woman_facepalming:

Donā€™t do it your body isnā€™t healed your organs need to have time to get back in place also how the hello are you even think of sex after pushing out a child that was the last thing on my mind for the first maybe 4-5 weeks

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Hormones are a crazy thing lol. With my second I was ready to jump my husbands bones in the hospital room :joy: we barely made it 2 weeks and I was fine.

Please dont. Also if you dont wanna get pregnant right away then especially dont do this. Youā€™re super duper fertile.

Even if you have no tearing or serious trauma to your actual vagina from birth, remember your placenta detatched from your uterine wall and came out as well. This left an open wound the size of a dinner plate inside your uterus and anything penetrating you could push bacteria up in there and cause an infection in the open wound. PLEASE donā€™t have sex early unless youā€™re cleared by your doctor.

Definitely notā€¦ held out for 7 weeks just to be sure everything was healed

Noā€¦the doctors all say wait for at least 6 weeks.


Girl no I did it and had a first degree tear ended up pregnant with a new baby already

ā€œFollowing childbirth, a womanā€™s body enters a healing phase when bleeding stops, tears heal, and the cervix closes. Having intercourse too early, especially within the first 2 weeks, increases the risk of postpartum hemorrhage or uterine infection.ā€


They say 6 weeks for a reason. ā€¦


You feel fine but your insides arenā€™t that fine yet
I would wait. Its so not worth getting serious infections.


I mean you have a dinner plate sized wound on your uterus. Thatā€™s why your doctor says to wait 6 weeks.


Your body went through a lot of trauma, the risk of infection and other complications is high whether you had stitches or not. I waited 5 weeks for my first and 6 for my second after being cleared by my midwife.


You know the answer, seems like you are coming here looking to see how many others did it and were just fine despite what your doctors and nurses told you.


I mean you can have sex, people just can tell you no. Itā€™s your choice, but if you get pregnant again since youā€™ll be a walking hormone ball. Itā€™s also not good on tbe body.

Way too early. Stitches means nothing. Your body isnā€™t healed. Infection risk is high. Bleeding and hemorrhage risk is high.


No itā€™s absolutely not ok. You have a huge hole in your uterus right now where your placenta was. The risk of infection is high. Wait until youā€™re cleared by your doctor.

What if the condom breaks and you get pregnant 2 weeks PP. Donā€™t do it.

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