Is it okay to have sex two weeks postpartum?

In my days we were told to wait for six weeks!

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Pretty sure your doctor said 6 weeks. He or she didn’t say that just to waste oxygen. Wait. 6. Weeks.

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I was told by my Dr after delivery, that I could resume my sex life whenever I wanted to(not tearing or stitches for me). I think I waited about 10 days. Not problems at all. I was told the same thing after my c-section(2 years later, I think we made it 2 weeks after that one). The most important thing is to listen to your body and stop if there is any pain.


You should really wait the 6 weeks. Your insides are also healing.


I had sex at 2 weeks.
I am fine.
Do what feels right for you


I always did after each kid :woman_shrugging:


This made me cringe :grimacing:


Don’t do it. Air can be pushed into the wound left by the placenta and can result in an embolism.

Not judging but omg that was the last thing in my mind lol I just wanted to sleep lol


Tell me you want 2 under 1 without telling me you want 2 under 1 :grimacing:


Your placenta has left a huge wound inside of you so you may be “healed” on the outside but you’re not on the inside.


It has nothing to do with your chances of getting pregnant again. Or if you had stitches or tearing.
It has to do with the placenta sized hole you have and the very high risk of infection.
You may of course feel ready but in reality you are not.
Id wait the recommended 6 weeks!
If you are still unsure from the contradictions in responses, speak to your Healthcare professional.
They’ll explain exactly why you should wait.
Congratulations on your new bundle.


I done it 2 weeks postpartum with my second. I didn’t know it could cause infections though, and even though I felt ready it still hurt.

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My doctor said to wait at least 4 weeks before having sex

Just because you feel good and had an “easy” delivery doesn’t mean you don’t have a dinner plate size wound where your placenta was attached. The risk of infection wasn’t worth it to me and I waited 6 weeks after all three births.


I’d say it will hurt really bad. I was ready at 3 but it hurt too much I couldn’t do it.

Though you may feel fine on the outside, you are still healing internally & this can cause bad infections.
Just because you can technically does not mean you should.


I would avoid actual intercourse, as the risk of infection is super high.
BUT, there’s nothing wrong with some good ol making out, that ends in an O😜

I was ready the next day after having a c section

I felt like I could like 2 days after ahahah …but I just waited 4 weeks

Infection!!! Oh Lord​:woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3: plus the risk of getting pregnant again is super high and if a baby implants on the inside of your body that hasn’t settled back into position yet you’re in for some real troubles.


I was ready (as in I wanted it) but I waited
When it finally dis happen I was ready to explode LMAO well worth the wait

I would’ve waited until my doctor cleared me.

…why not ask your Dr???..

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Jeez ! I would not do this !

I was ready but the risk of getting pregnant or an infection wasn’t worth it. Of course, do what you want, but know there can be consequences.


No, and you’re not ready either.

There is a huge open wound in your uterus. IDC how many pushes it took you to give birth :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:

Do a simple google search and start being a little more responsible. You’re a parent now ffs.


Honestly my doctor told me whenever your body feels ready to go for it just to be very cautious and careful. I to had no stitches no Rip’s all natural births no complications whatsoever and I only bled for a few hours after birth I was ready for sex within 2 weeks easily on all three of my birth and I had no problems or issues when I did, you know your body better than anybody else


Just wait. Just because you didn’t tear doesn’t mean your giant open wound on your uterus is healed enough to deal with sex.


They say wait 6 weeks. Most don’t. You know there is risk of infection and pregnancy, use than information and make an informed decision that best suits you and your body.

On another note - I didn’t want anyone even breathing in my direction two weeks PP w either child, let alone having sex.
Y’all be wylin :joy:


You might feel ready… but your body really isn’t

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Please please don’t, I did at two weeks and ended up with an infection in the womb that nearly killed me … had to be hospitalized


Even after the 6 weeks I didn’t even want my husband cuddling with me lol but you should wait. Like everyone else has said your risk of infection is super high not to mention you could get pregnant again

:woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: please just do what your doctor says and wait 6 weeks. It is not that hard to refrain from sex. Control your urges allow your body to heal you just gave birth to a human body out of your own body. You might not have gotten stitches and think that your superwoman but your uterus and vagina has just gone through a train wreck. You’re either going to end up pregnant right away or you going to have some type of infection or bleeding issues… seriously how many times has this question been asked and how many times does it have to be answered. And last but not least stop going to Facebook listen to your damn doctor!:woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging::roll_eyes::exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:

It’s very easy to get pregnant after having a baby so be careful

Why are so many people bashing her?? She asked a simple honest question which is the reason this group exists! She should definitely wait, if she wants to be safe… but having that good of a relationship with her significant other to where she feels that close to him right after giving birth is amazing. Good for her. Wait to be safe but good for you!


I didn’t wait and got pregnant right away. I should have waited but things happen now my two oldest are about 10.5 months apart.


Infection risk!!! There is trauma there even if it was easy

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Don’t do it!!! Even if you feel ok to!! Your uterus needs time to shrink back down the risk of infection is very high after delivery!


Its not that serious. You can wait.


It’s up to you,most dr recommend waiting the full 6weeks but will tell you that if you’re ready and feel comfortable then to go ahead. When I and my first son,we started messing around the first week,but didn’t have actual sex till week 2. We were fine,and then we got married and had our honeymoon before the 6weeks mark,I had my PP appt moved up to week 4cause that very next weekend was my honeymoon dr cleared me for all activity. But I was already having sex before then lol. Just depends on your body,and how you feel.

That’ll end you up with another one… lmfao ask me how I know :joy: (I also waited the 6 weeks because I had to have a c section and was put back on birth control - very in-affective for me lol)

I did LOL one 12 days after, one 10 days after

Girl, you just has a your vaginal heal damn.

Lmfao no. That’s why your doctor says NO at the beginning, Jesus. :flushed: you have an open wound in your vagina regardless of tearing

When you have a baby and the placenta comes out it is literally an open wound in the womb and the cervix takes 6 weeks to snapback to place too so its open for infection. Its all about infection really… best to listen to medical advice I would think! Sorry

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There’s other ways to get an O without risking a very bad infection that could possibly kill you, leaving your child without a mother. Which is more important… getting an O or raising your child?

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Wait. The doctors used to say 30 days. You need to heal.

Why is it so hard for people to wait six weeks for sex? There is a reason the dr tells you to wait 6 weeks.


I waited almost 2-3 months after each of my kids were born to have marital relations

It’s whatever you feel is what your body can handle, obviously take it easy because your insides are still trying to heal (which is why doctors say 6 weeks!)
even if you feel like your healed!

No. The risk of infection is too high. You have a gaping open wound inside your uterus where your placenta was. It is about the size of a dinner plate. It takes 6 weeks to be sure you are healed inside completely.


I had sex at 3 weeks PP. if you’re not comfortable/in pain during it just speak up. I’m sure they’ll understand.


I definitely wouldn’t want to risk it… It’s not the tearing or the stitches you only need to be worried about, but your cervix and risk of infection. Your cervix is not healed after only 2 weeks. Also you are extremely fertile after having a baby… I ended up having my daughter very close together with my other daughter, I got pregnant two months after I had her, so basically at my 8 week mark I ended up pregnant again. I waited the 6 for most, but I believe maybe after 4 weeks I did with one of mine. My doctor said when my bleeding has stopped and if it isn’t horribly uncomfortable, but if it hurt to the point you couldn’t stand it, to not then.


I waited only 4 weeks with almost all 6 children I’ve birthed.

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It’s not about your vagina ITS ABOUT YOUR UTERUS. your placenta leaves a DINNER PLATE sized wound behind once it detaches that is totally open to infection. You are also extremely fertile.

Give your vagina a break

Someone is wanting Irish twins :woman_facepalming:


Do it if u want it’s up to u I had sex not even a week after I had my son and nothing bad happened but just no all the risk before u do


Don’t,wait at least another 2 weeks,for your own sake cause infection is bond to happen.You are taking a chance ,do what’s best for your body.

I was given the okay at 5 weeks.
Just because you didn’t tear, doesn’t mean you’re healed after only 2 weeks. I didn’t tear with my daughter but was still advised 6 weeks no sex. There’s a reason doctors tell you to wait six weeks. You’re at a higher risk for infection due to the plate sized “wound” left behind in the uterus from your placenta. Not to mention you’re EXTREMELY fertile.
Then again, your body, your choice.
We can only voice our opinions :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes…and the end result was 2 children 10 1/2 months apart which I do not recommend!


Whenever you feel your body is ready… I did🤷‍♀️


When you feel ready I’d say but then I was pregnant again 3 months after my c-section lol x

Don’t do it. This Is the silliest thing I’ve read all day.


Your doctor says 6 weeks wait the 6 weeks


I had sex 1 week pp and I had a csection and I was perfectly fine and had no pain at all. It’s honestly up to you. There’s always going to be someone out there that’s going to try to put you down but it’s your body and your choice.

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You’ll regret it, and feel real bad about yourself afterwards. Give your body time to go back to normal


Girl I was 1 week pp if you feel ready that’s up to you.

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Yes. I had twins. Knew it was risky and used protection. I think we waited 3 weeks. And it was great! Take it slow but if you’re ready, go for it!

Don’t, The reason why Dr. say six weeks postpartum is because there is a open wound inside your uterus of the size of paper plate where your placenta was


What does your doctor say?

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I did…ended up with 2 babies 10 1/2 months apart

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No. For several reasons.

If you can go for it

Uhm no. Besides it being gross…you are super prone to infection.

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Girl let your kitty rest. Lol poor thing is tired and you can hurt yourself by not being completely healed even if you feel good. Their is a reason Dr say 6 weeks

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I was 6 week due to stitches

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You have a dinner plate sized open wound in your uterus, best to wait at least 6 weeks for that to heal. No matter how good you feel, it’s not worth the risk of infection.


Why can’t people listen to the doctor’s recommendation? Doesn’t matter if you tore or not or how long you pushed. It’s your insides that need healed🙄


You have a wound inside of you there is a great risk of infection. You might seem fine but inside your uterus there is a big wound!

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Jesus, no! Just because a bunch of idiots on this post decided they know better than doctors and they got lucky, doesn’t mean you will. You have an open wound inside your uterus no matter how many pushes you needed, and your cervix is still hanging open, giving bacteria plenty of room to get up to that wound, and give you a potentially serious infection. Be an adult and wait.


Idk how you could dare want to. The urge wasn’t there for at least a month for myself personally.

Give it 6 weeks to prevent infection

We waited 2.5/3 weeks and it wasn’t as terrible as i imagined but was uncomfortable the first time or two. Also you’re more prone to get pregnant again so be extra careful, unless that’s your intention.

I did. It was fine. I’ve had six kids. Just be careful

At the end of the day it’s your body. You may regret it though.