Is it possible to get pregnant so soon after giving birth?

It can definitely happen! I was just about 6 to 7 weeks postpartum after my second at at my check up I was informed I was in fact pregnant again. Must have been that glass of wine lol!

It’s happens two of my sister’s kids are not even a year apart. They are 11 months apart.

My sister got pregnant with twins 5 weeks after birth. And she was nursing.

I thought the wait was 8 weeks? After the checkup. How can you enjoy have sex after just 4 weeks of having a baby?! How healthy is that? Your body hasn’t fully recovered.

Very easy to end up with Irish twins :smiley: <3

Yes you can. My oldest was born July12 my second July 11 following year.

Yep, that’s why they say wait at least 6 weeks to have sex

My bestie and her brother are 10 months apart.

My daughters are 11 months apart

I know someone who had a csection and was pregnant before leaving hospital :laughing: I was like how the fuck did u pull that off :laughing:

Yes and while nursing

I have an aunt who went to her 6 week and found out she was pregnant and also my husband’s mom did the same. You handle what you have to. Mine are 19 months apart and although it has it’s difficult moments, I wouldn’t change it for the world.

My aunts were born the same year lol. One in January, one in November lol. My grandma said she went for her 6 week check up and was already pregnant.

Girl it’s possible I have a two year old born 9/6/18 a one year old born 10/21/19 and an almost 3 week old born 11/2/20

Yes u can my littles are 10 months apart- Irish twins- !!! And boy is it a wild ride!

You are actually most fertile straight after birth. It’s definitely possible. I have my oldest two that way

Yes. That happened to me. I have Irish triplets. My oldest 10/2011, 2nd 9/2012, 3rd 9/2013.

YES! My children! 10/5/2004 & 9/16/2005! It is very possible!

If its before 6 weeks after birth pre cum can knock ya up a women is 10× more fertile after giving birth…when my ex wife gave birth to my first son we was told not to have unprotected sex for at least 6weeks due to the extremely high chance of her conceiving again within that 6 weeks

My sister in law had Irish twins, twice. It’s possible.

Sorry, it happens. Less chance if you are actively breastfeeding.

I did.
C section with baby 4. Six weeks later baby number 5 was conceived. 11 months apart

Your actuallly more fertile just after giving birth :see_no_evil:

Yes you’re extremely fertile after giving birth , who knew … not me that’s for sure mine are 6 and 7 :joy: xx

Yup u can get prego super quick after a baby.

Absolutely. Mine are 18months apart. It’s crazy most days but those special little moments make it all worth it.

YES … I did it twice
Ist born 7-16_97
2nd born 7-19-98
3rd born 5-31-2000
4th born 6-11-2001

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