Is it possible to stop contractions?

How can I stop contractions at 35 weeks? I can’t be on my feet for any longer than 30 minutes without having a contraction, I have been having contractions for 33 weeks, and they have only gotten worse; I have already been to the hospital once to stop them, but I don’t feel like going to the hospital constantly to have them stopped. I was told my daughter weighs 5 pounds already, and I’m not dilating. I never had this much trouble with my other two kids. Also, I don’t know if it matters, but I have had sugar problems with her as well.


You need to go to the doctor, not ask people on the internet.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it possible to stop contractions?

Don’t you think you should talk to your doctor and not Facebook?


Rest, hydrate, lay on your side, take a Luke warm bath and call your doctors nurse line for sure


I had my daughter at 33 weeks and she was 4lb 7oz. She only stayed in Nicu for her feeding.

You need to call your Dr

Follow your doctors recommendations! They are probably Brackston-Hicks contractions. Your body’s “ warming up” to get ready for the real thing.


Recovery position (on your left side), with your feet slightly elevated. If they don’t stop, you need to go in to make sure baby isn’t in distress. There are drugs to stop contractions but they keep you in the hospital for those.

36 weeks is term
If baby is born he or she will be fine

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Do u have a midwife? They would be able to help u.

Going through the same situation but already dilating. They told me to drink lots of water and try not to do so much walking. Are they Braxton or actual contractions?

Stay off your feet as much as possible.

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I know people on social media mean well with their experiences and opinions but no one knows your medical history like your doctor. You should really call and speak with him/her. Best of luck!


If they are legit contractions u need to call ur OB and go in to hospital


I would call Doctor make sure everything is ok. If it is then lay on your side and keep hydrated. You are basically full term at 36 weeks so if they are contractions I doubt hospital will stop them at this point.

37 weeks is term. SPEAK TO YOUR DOCTOR because every day in the womb is important for their lungs!!! Lay on your left side, keep your bladder empty and drink lots of water. Close your eyes and relax.

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Bed rest!! And drink lots of water. Also consult your OB

Call ur dr. They can stop it with a shot. Had to have mine stopped 3x and ended up having him at 31wks via emergency csection and he was born dead but was able to be resuscitated within 5min.


Giving birth will stop those contractions. Sounds like the solution


I was contracting since 32 weeks unfortunately I was in and out of hospital and had to have the baby by 34 weeks. As I couldn’t even wake up I was contacting.
Please dont take it lightly. You don’t want to endanger the baby.u suggest being safe and going to the hospital.


I just went through this… I went into preterm labor at 30 weeks but the contractions started at 26… they stopped them at 30 and I continued to have them… I just would slow down when they started… I ended up delivering st 34 weeks because of preeclampsia… the contractions get old after awhile though… keep pushing fluids and rest

A bath will stop false contractions (Braxton Hicks), but it will onset true contractions… so just be weary of that. But I would speak to your Dr… you can usually call the nurses line before just going into see the Dr or ER

They won’t stop contractions at my hospital at 35 weeks.

Go to the Dr. I had mine stopped twice when I was pregnant with my son. They gave me a pill to stop the contractions

My son was born at 35+3, he weighed 5lb 6.5oz and spent 9 days in nicu as he had a respiratory infection due to my waters leaking at 28 weeks. Hes a happy, healthy clever 8 year old now with no health problems at all. Good luck, i hope baby hangs on for you but if not the hospital are trained for this kinda thing and I’d say there is a huge chance that baby will be absolutely fine x


Well…this isn’t the place to be asking that. You need to be having a discussion with your OB


Stay hydrated and call your doctor. Even if it’s a virtual appointment. If it continues, get checked out plz


Hydrate and maybe see a chiropractor who specialize in pregnancy. Also, massage and acupuncture are also beneficial. You need to take care of you!


Yes…it does matter if your sugar is high. See your doctor, please.

You need to get the medication that stops your contractions (I forget the name of them). I almost had my daughter when I was 5 months along and I had to take them until I was term

Drink more water? I didn’t realize being dehydrated could cause contractions until I went in with what I thought was early labor. After a bag of saline solution the contractions stopped. Two weeks later I had my son.

If you’re 35 weeks I’d just go to the hospital,good chance is they’ll probably keep you and let you have the baby by now. I went into pretend labor at 35.3 and they kept me,told me I was far along to have the baby, and they wouldn’t stop my contractions or anything. But honestly it’s better to be checked out to make sure it ain’t anything worse since it keeps happening.

What do you mean by “sugar problems”? Were you diagnosed with gestational diabetes? You should be following a diabetic diet to the letter and checking your blood sugar levels several times a day.

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Call me an asshole but if it’s “so much trouble”… maybe you shouldn’t have any more kids. I mean if it’s so bad, try a condom lol

I would talk to your doctor about it.


Definitely ask your doctor and as much as it sucks I would think bed rest and elevated feet. Stay hydrated. Don’t get overly stressed if possible. Good luck.

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For everyone telling her to go to the hospital to stop contractions…90% of the time they won’t stop them this late. (Depends on the doctor and the hospital) Yes she isn’t full term but its safe at 35 weeks to deliver.

Drink some fluids. As long as your not dilating there is no reason to go to the hospital

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It’s your bodies natural way of getting ready for labor. They shouldn’t stop them unless they are active labor. Drink water and relax.

Could it be Braxton hicks?


Make sure you are also drinking a ton of water! It definitely slowed mine back down

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Wait…. She’s 35 weeks and been having contractions for 33 weeks or since she was 33 weeks?


Look up prodromal labor. Things you can do to help is relax, drink A LOT of water, Tylenol, warm baths, take a nap. I have them 7+ weeks with each pregnancy. Sometime it turns into active labor and I do have to go get them stopped but most of the time is just another symptom of being pregnant.

Had my daughter at 36 weeks. She was 7 lbs 5 oz and ready to leave the hospital before I was.


I finally had to have my cervix stitched to keep her in. Call your doctor- good luck!

Yes. Usually by injection

I would stay off your feet and put yourself on bed rest. I had Braxton Hicks and a lot of swelling towards the last trimester and that was the only thing that helped me. Easier said than done of course because we always have something we gotta do but I would just set a timer for 15 and then put my feet right up for awhile and lay still. Like if I had dishes to wash I’d do a few then feet up. Go back awhile later and do some more than lay down again.

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Maybe your due date is sooner than u think ?

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I would talk to my doctor.

It could be Braxton Hicks. At that point in pregnancy, mine were frequent, fairly regular, and painful. How regular are they?


My daughter was born at 4LBS 10 oz at 35 weeks zero nicu time at a point they gave up trying to stop mine, because they happened so frequently.

Stay hydrated and rest but if you were to have her now, everything would be okay. She would be just fine.

I mean this in the nicest way, but for things like this, please don’t ask “wanna be facebook doctors” please go seek medical attention and call your OB or go to the L&D Floor. It’s better to get checked out than something be wrong. That’s what they are there for. Working in the medical field I’ve seen so many things happen and go wrong because people took advice from people they don’t know and it turned out badly. Please just go get you and baby checked out. Best of wishes for the two of you :heart:


I’ve been having contractions every day for almost my whole pregnancy, went to the dr once because they went on for 5 hours without stopping. They monitored me for a few hours said “yep you’re having contractions! But since you aren’t dilating there’s nothing we can do” and sent me back home. I was just told stay hydrated and I got put on low activity at 20 weeks but have a 5 year old and 2 year old at home so :woman_shrugging:t2:

As soon as i reach 28 weeks i always start contractions My doctor gives me Ventolin to stop contractions. It helps with my contractions till i turn 37 weeks the they stop administering it. Cant remember if its a quarter a tablet or a half. Please talk to ur doctor about this. It has helped me in both my pregnancies.

Lay on your left side that takes the pressure of you heart and drink lots of water. I would check with my OB

You’re not supposed to be dilating yet you’re only 35 weeks. You could be experiencing Braxton Hicks which are practice contractions. Being dehydrated can cause them to be worse and cause cramping. Make sure you are drinking lots and lots of water. Real contractions get stronger and closer together.

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Lay down, stay hydrated.

Drink water when this happens

I have this and was diagnosed with irritable uterus the have given me medication to relax the uterus but it’s not really working. I’m basically on “rest” not bed rest but could end up that way.
I have been having it for 4 weeks now and I’m only 33 weeks very frustrating!

Drink lots of water and rest!!

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it possible to stop contractions?

I’m 35 weeks 6 days and I hemorrhaged at 33 weeks 5 days. I spent 4 days in the hospital, 2 of which on a Magnesium drip to stop contractions and bleeding. I also had to get steroid shots to develop the baby in case they needed to deliver. Now I’m on bed rest at home but have to go to the OB and also the Maternal and Fetal Medicine Specialist once a week. They’re doing the NST once a week. Stay off of your feet and don’t try anything weird to stop your contractions. Your baby could go into distress if you do. You don’t want to end up in my situation where you and your baby’s lives are at risk. Stay safe!

My ob just told me today to never try and stop them myself, when in doubt go in and get checked out!


I delivered my daughter at 35weeks, don’t panic if you go into labor now, baby will just be put on oxygen for about a week if everything else has been great through pregnancy


As the mother of 2 preemies… if in doubt, get checked out. Don’t just call, go in and get checked. They can’t really tell if it’s normal or an issue without checking and monitoring. If it is they can give steroids to speed baby’s lung maturity which does make a difference if you deliver early, and they have different medications to slow labor or stop contractions. Stay hydrated, rest, and if it keeps starting back up or you just feel something is wrong it’s always worth getting checked. Waste a dozen visits if you have to, it’s worth it to be there and catch it in time if there really is a problem. Baby #1 I called doc over and over with contractions at 26, 27 weeks. I finally said I was coming in whether they liked it or not. Too late to stop at that point, they bought us 4 days with meds in the hospital before he was born and spent 9 1/2 weeks fighting in the NICU before he could come home with us. 15 years later I still wonder if I could have carried him longer, let him start healthy and avoid the horrible things we went through if I’d known then what I do now and insisted on coming in sooner. Baby #2 my body tried to boot out just as early but multiple medications and trips to the hospital to stop preterm labor made them my only nearly term baby with no NICU time. #3 was on the same track as #2 and probably would have made it to term but came early for other reasons. Preterm labor actually saved her life. I went in for contractions yet again at 34 weeks, monitors found her in distress with the cord around her neck and man they got her out fast after that! She did 2 weeks in the NICU, which sucked but no biggie compared to what my 27 weeker went through. My body hates being pregnant and is not the usual, but my experience has taught me it’s never worth it to just ignore or make do with symptoms that could escalate and put baby at risk.


Call labor and delivery at the hospital you will be delivering at, tell them what’s going on and see what they recommend. Make sure you tell them about the sugar issues and how long the contractions have been happening

I’m in nursing and 27 weeks pregnant myself with similar symptoms… My coworkers and obgyn reminded me to stay hydrated take frequent breaks and eat more regular small protein rich meals… Best of luck to you!

Honestly, your babies safety is number 1 so I’d go to the hospital however. Relax and see if that will help.


Talk to your OB! Curious - your 35 weeks and have had contractions for 33 of those? As in when you were 2/3 weeks pregnant?

I had irritable uterus with my last pregnancy and had contractions stopped at 28w. No changes to cervix and wasn’t labor just lots of contractions every 3 mins. They continued all the way through my pregnancy and I would have been at the hospital almost daily if I went every time I had them. Mine were never painful, just tightenings, so I figured its not labor until they become painful. I thought for sure I’d go early but went into labor at 40+1.
Is it possible that yours is irritable uterus too? Maybe it’s something you can speak to your doctor about

Steroid shots at the hospital although I wish I had never let them.

I believe this is a question for your OBGYN.

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Better safe then sorry go get checked out if U need to be in hospital then that would be the best place for you and baby. It could turn out it’s nothing serious too. Better to know then not know.

Look up Prodromal labor. Also, this happened to me at 33 weeks with my last and they put me on bed rest

Epsom salt bath and magnesium can help calm the uterus

Stay off your feet for one more week then you’ll be considered full term.

Consult with your OBGYN. Try staying off your feet as much as possible. Stay hydrated.

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it possible to stop contractions?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it possible to stop contractions?

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We can offer advice all day long, but nobody here knows your medical history/risk factors etc. We don’t know enough to give you safe advice.
If your contractions are only happenings while standing, sounds like you should not be standing (bedrest) but I highly recommend, no matter what advice you get here, you call your doc or midwife and follow their advice.


Talk to your OB at the least! You shouldn’t be wasting your time here asking the internet.


In the hospital. There are drugs to stop contractions, but they need to be closely monitored.


Constant bed rest may help. But I know that’s next to impossible with 2 other kids!
I had my 3rd 3 weeks early. Water broke no contractions. They wanted to keep me in hospital for 1 more week but since I had 2 others kids (1&4) at home and they determined from tests that her lungs were good they induced me. 1.5 hrs she was born at 5lbs.10oz. She had lower blood sugar levels and a bit of jaundice so kept her in nursery for 12 hours with the lights. Her blood sugar levels came up enough that she was discharged and we went to the docs every other day for a week and half to make sure she was all good. Which she was! She was perfect! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: congratulations on your 3rd. good luck!


Had twins and the contractions were real, but about 20 minutes apart for 2 weeks at 37 weeks. Went to the doctor when they were 5 minutes apart and he said the one way to stop them for a while is to have an alcoholic drink. I argued that it would hurt the boys. He explained in the old days 80’s women with contractions in the hospital, they gave them an IV with alcohol to slow down the contractions. I went home tried wine, it was terrible and then sipped a rum & coke. Contractions went away for a day or so, then kept going until delivery at 39 weeks. My advise - talk to your doctor and make a suggestion. I feel for you as those on going contractions were painful!


Might need to go in bed rest but definitely should call your OBGYN or your doctor for more information.


Is it possible they’re Braxton- Hicks?

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Go to the doctor? Maybe not ask random people who have no training what so ever :woman_shrugging:t2:


Erm, if they are real contractions, your baby’s coming! Could be Braxton Hicks. You can’t stop real contractions. Contact your health visitor or gp. if your in a lot of pain, bleed or waters break go to hospital.


Don’t get out of bed drink a gallon of water a day

Paracetamol but you should get checked with your doctor x i had my daughter at 34 plus weeks had to stay in hospital for 2 weeks weight 5lbs 11 ounces x that was 31 years ago x

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I had contractions start at 27 weeks and they continued until I was induced at 41 1/2 weeks. When they started, I just either laid down, stretched, or got on my hands and knees to relieve pressure. It helped a lot.

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Why on earth are you asking ppl on here for medical advice. Get to a Dr immediately, you & your baby could be in danger. Honestly some ppl just baffle me.

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I had this with my third as well. They called it an irritable uterus… I was bloody irritable alright!!! Contractions every 5 mins for the last month. Think it’s the joys after multiple pregnancies… 10 years later I still have that odd feeling occasionally.

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Soak in some hot water like taking a bath

Go back as many times as it takes to stop them until your baby is better developed, and ready to come into this world.

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Go to the doctor. They will monitor you.

You need to go to the doctor, not ask people on Facebook.


Need to call your doctor ASAP, not all pregnancies are equal and if you have sugar issues, you should be following up with your doctor and keeping him aware of what’s going on.


33 weeks? Is that a typo?

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