Is it rude to speak another language with someone who doesn't understand present?

My former work friends did it constantly I picked up a vibe it was about me so I never joined them at lunch or morning tea I waited until they were finished and sat alone few Australian workers said that it’s not nice to speak your home language in front of us Australian they laughed it bipped me off that killed our friendship

Sounds like a you problem. Sometimes, we have personal things we like to talk to our friends about and we will speak in a comfortable language, so others will not be nosey. Either learn the language, or stop being insecure.


Learn the language. That’s what I did. I couldn’t understand Spanish so I learned. Now the language we speak as a family at home is only Spanish.


My mom side of the family do all the time but half if then don’t speak English but it doesn’t bother me

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Yes,it’s rude … but if it were me, I’d ignore it … & I would learn Portuguese without letting him know I’ve learned it. Then you’ll be able to understand what he & his friends are saying, without him knowing it. :blush:

It’s the language that he probably more fluent in and comfortable with. Learn his language


Why not just learn Portuguese? Or use Google translate. Maybe it’s because you keep making a big deal about it and that’s why he keeps doing it.


It absolutely is NOT rude in any way shape or form. You have a self conscious problem. I speak Spanish, and my husband doesn’t. He gets amused when my mom and I speak it.
I also have 2 deaf coworkers. One of them is my friend. Sure he’s taught me quite a bit, but, when they’re both singing together, I have no idea what they’re saying. I think it’s really cool!

Download a translator on your phone lol


I think it’s rude. You and some friends Should learn something like sign language and only sign when you’re all together and he’s there.

Yes it is Very rude and disresrful ! Either he needs to stop are i wouldnt stay with his sorry ass !

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Learn the language so you know what he’s saying. :woman_shrugging:. Can’t expect him not to use it


In 2022 you can just use a translater on your phone, so do that and you’ll stop being paranoid or dump him… Depending on what he’s saying.


I do not think it’s rude

Learn his language or don’t complain. If you meet his mother she will expect you to understand her dialect to some degree. Just being honest! It’s a way to respect the person your with AND their heritage/family. Not doing so is kinda stupid.


Use a translator that’s on phones now a days or learn the language without him knowing and see what he’s saying and depending on what he says dump him lol

Yeah I would walk out. Ain’t nobody got time for that bs


I work at a company where 90% of the employees speak Spanish. They always speak Spanish around me because that’s there language. It’s never bothered me. I’ve been with the company for 8 years now and I can speak some Spanish. Learn the language


Perhaps is more the way he reacts/acts rather than him speaking a different language itself. My husband don’t speak Spanish and I do, I translate to him all the time so he knows what’s going on so yeah it’s him and how he alienates you from the conversations rather than you just not understanding it.


Pull up Google translate the next time it happens. I think if you’re in a group setting and someone is speaking another language, it’s rude. Now I think differently when it’s random strangers out in public, speak however you want.

Me personally, I don’t mind. I knew my husband spoke a different language thus I accepted what I was getting into. My husband does make it a point to his parents, family and friends that his wife, me, can’t speak the language so let’s all speak English so it isn’t rude to me. I think I should learn the language just like my husband wants to learn my language to speak to my non English speaking parents. If you love him, you have to make an effort on your part to be part of his life and if language is the only barrier, then take a class at a city College and learn it. That is, if you love him enough

Learn some new language. Don’t as his help surprise him


Do all his friends speak English? If not, then how can he communicate with them otherwise? I have been around other people whom speak in a different language and I have no issue with it unless they get mad that I don’t speak their language. I don’t see the big deal. Maybe he and his friends feel more comfortable speaking Portuguese to each other.

Well I speak southern English and some ppl still dont understand what I am saying


Learn it with out him knowing
Then just listen
Surprise him


Yes it is rude, either learn his language or get a real time translation app.

Do they all speak English? He shouldn’t get mad but if they all speak English, that would bother me. If they don’t then I’d consider learning Portuguese (I probably would anyway If my partner spoke it regularly). He should translate for you though. Rude imo

Where is the eye roll reaction when you need it


Umm no lol. Just because you don’t understand the language doesn’t make it rude for them to speak it? My bf speaks Spanish around his family because that’s what they speak and I only know some, but it’s not rude… you sound immature.

My husband speaks Spanish to his family and friends. I don’t always ask and bother him about the conversation unless it was something funny. I usually wait until they are done talking and or wait until we leave. I consider it rude when asking to translate too often. I am learning Spanish so I can at least try to communicate with my in-laws and they are learning to speak English so they can include me into the conversation as well.

I would use duolingo and learn portugueses without telling him. Other than that I wouldn’t change a thing on what you are doing. Also, make sure that when you do start to learn what some of the words are make sure your facial/body language doesn’t betray that you understand him.


I would put a translation link on my phone and play when he isn’t noticing. It’ll tell you what he’s saying


If everyone present speaks the same language, like English but they speak in another language that 1 or more people don’t understand that’s disrespectful. Especially full conversations and when laughter is involved as well. I translate all the time, I make sure when I translate to include the joke or why people laughed.


U live in the USA. English is an always be American English Language. They speak any other Language in the USA, they need to go back to there COUNTRY


I would try to learn the language. I dont see it as rude.

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He should at least translate for her. If not, there is no respect.


I would learn Portuguese behind his back and start listening in :slightly_smiling_face: if he wants to be rude, show him up lol

I would feel single and ready to mingle…

It doesn’t actually matter if it’s secrets or about you, because it implies that you would have nothing of value to contribute to the conversation.


Ooop. Learn his language.


quietly learn Portuguese. it’ll be hilarious the day you join conversation.


It sounds like he’s having private conservations with his friends & you’re mad you can’t understand them. Mind your own business.


Its hardly obvious that its about you or something he doesn’t want to tell you lol I know I dont like repeating my self now engaging doing that in 2 different languages hahaha

I would be learning the language without telling him…


does his friends speak English? maybe its easier for them to communicate in portugese . if he doesn’t tell you the conversation then something’s up


It’s disrespectful. I’ve always been fluent in two languages. My husband only 1, if he’s there we either mix or stick to one we both know.


I see both sides. Maybe you could make the effort to learn Portuguese. How would you feel if you never got to use a skill you have and when you do someone is irritated with you.

On the other hand it is kinda rude that he doesnt at least translate.

My father’s family is Russian and they often spoke to each other in their language when they didn’t want mum or us to know what they were saying. We (Mum and my sister and myself)found it incredibly rude. It caused lots of issues with my parents. It’s extremely disrespectful in my opinion. Could you exclude your partner any ruder when they’re there with you?

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My boyfriend speaks Spanish as a second language but sometimes forgets words in English when talking to his family so he switches to Spanish and I don’t speak Spanish. He does it unconsciously but will generally apologize later. I’m generally not offended because I was off in my own little world anyways and I feel like a guess at his family’s house so if that’s what they do I let them do them. He does teach me small Spanish words on the side and if the conversation does still include me he’ll revert back to English.

I would keep on a walking. If he cared about your feelings at all he would t do it.


Secretly learn his language, and when he pops off something about you, reply to him in his language.


My moms first language is Italian so with her family, even though they know English well, it’s easier for them in Italian cuz that’s just how they always speak to each other. My dad doesn’t like it as he just speaks English and also thinks it must be about him…99.999% of the time it couldn’t have less to do with him. She speaks the language she’s comfortable with with who she’s talking to :woman_shrugging:t4:


My hubby is puerto rican and him and his mom speak spanish in front of me I just ask him what he’s saying and he tells me .

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I am Mexican as well as my husband. English is my second language as well with my brothers and my job is in an English enviroment here in Mexico. He has never asked me what we are talking about and I don’t speak about him at all if I do wamma say something abt him it will be in Spanish. I also dont speak in another language on purpose it just flows I dont really realize which language Im speaking in unless I stop to think

Former exchange student and kid exposed to foreign languages here.

If he’s speaking Portuguese to people who speak limited English, that’s one thing. But generally, people should speak a common language. If you’re living in Brazil or Portugal, then he might have a point. It’s important to learn the local language. I had 2 friends growing up whose parents were from France and Colombia. The parents often spoke to their kids in French, but I could tell it was 1) to teach them French; and 2) usually related to chores and stuff that had nothing to do with me.

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You are correct . It is rude to leave someone out of the conversation by speaking a language they don’t understand . Since you have spoken to him about this and he continues, he is telling you loud and clear that he doesn’t care about your feelings . His friends dont either ; if they did they would check his behavior. Find someone who respects you and move on.

I would feel like I needed to find a new mate who respected and trusted me. You should too. :v:


I live in South Florida where the majority are Latino and speak Spanish. I am just used to it.

Yes, rude!! They are excluding you from the conversation!

Leave a translator app on when you’re with him. You’re gonna find out real quick what he’s got to say.


Find someone you can speak pig latin with

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I have a husband from Albania. I am learning the language. Maybe instead of thinking it as a bad thing maybe take it as a challenge to learn something new if you want to understand what he is saying.


Gosh I remember back in my young days I was in Italy with my sister and parents, we were at a wine tasting festival, there were young waiter boys in their twenties my age at the time there was four of them, they were watching my sister and myself being giggly obviously tasting wine and not being drinkers I didn’t understand what they were saying but their body language spoke volumes they were not being nice in what they were saying I don’t know what got into me but walked up to them told them in Scottish that they were disrespectful .they were shocked one of them said do you speak Italian I said no but I knew what they were saying. We got apologies from them all…

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Learn the language and you will know what they are saying :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:


When they start talking, turn your Google microphone on. And then Google it with translate and you’ll know what they are saying


I’m married to a Greek and I only speak English. I go to Greece every year and I am in the same exact situation. Most of his friends speak English so they include me in the conversation, but there’s a few who don’t, including my mother in law who don’t know English. You either learn the language or deal with it.


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This is what I do…

If there is no need for it ( if everyone speaks English )I walk away from the area then I’m not wondering anything, but yes it is disrespectful if he is doing it intentionally


Imagine if you spoke another language and someone got upset with you for speaking English when you are around the very few people that speak your first language. That language is the one he identified with. It’s who he is and he probably enjoys speaking with someone from time to time that has that same culture. Probably feels like hoke to him. If I was you I would have a talk with him. I would say I understand why you want to speak this language with your friends but I feel like your talking about me and I wish you would included me in some of your convos and help me learn this language at least a little bit.

If he gets upset when you ask him to translate for you … I do feel that is a little odd . But do the friends know English? Or do they only know a little ? Its hard to comment if there is alot of the details missing . Maybe he just wants to hang with his buds without the girlfriend present idk :laughing:. I would walk away . But I probably would be annoyed to be honest . Especially if he got mad at me for asking what he said . And it does seem like he doesn’t want you included in that particular conversation or else he would speak your language . Thats my best guess. More details I could say more.

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Why put it on here? Just leave! He is being an ass and knows he is.

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Order Rosetta and learn the language without him knowing and you’ll know what he’s saying, or put in a head phone and use Google interpreter


Get a translation app and act like you are listening to music and listen to what they are saying.


He’s being rude but don’t ask him anymore what he’s saying. Ignoring the action will show him it’s not getting to u. He will either stop it or u can dump him and find someone that’ll respect u. Good luck

Me too my co worker speaks Spanish and I can’t understand either so I think it does suck and rude is right go back over the wall bitch… lol

That happened to me and yes it’s very rude.

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Learn the language without him knowing

Learn Portuguese and stop being so immature.


Take lessons online and learn to speak it too?

I speak multiple languages and would never speak in a language my kids or family does not understand in front of them. Maybe you could try and learn to speak Portugese or ask your partner to stop doing it?

Sounds like Portuguese is his 1st language, not his 2nd. He most likely only speaks english when necessary, as so many do when it’s not their first language. I had an ex that only spoke Portuguese in his family home. He lived with his parents, who emigrated here, and only spoke Portuguese. It was awkward for me, but I understood the situation. I can understand the frustration if they all speak and understand english, but choose not to speak it in your presence. You’ve voiced your concerns, he’s made it clear that he doesn’t care, so do with that what you will. Decide what you’ll tolerate and what you won’t, and go from there.

This depends entirely on if they are english speakers or not.

My in-laws speak Italian I don’t just ignore it

Isn’t there an app that translates??? Pretend you’re listening to music every time and just chill haaaaa Don’t let on that you know and see what ya learn!

Yes, it is. Translator is smart to use, like others mentioned.

While I was having my only child, the nurses kept speaking in Spanish and looking at me. It was so uncomfortable and so unprofessional. It’s a lack of courtesy.

My husbands first language is spanish he speaks Spanish to some family members while we are all in conversation but he’ll always translate back to me we just had a son and I make sure that he only speaks to our son in Spanish if him speaking another language bothers you stuck to your own but if its because he speaks the language and leaves you out of it and you’ve had the conversation about how it makes you feel in a culturally safe way and he still does not then you need to make the best decision for you