Is it rude to speak another language with someone who doesn't understand present?

This is hilarious. You are mad at him because YOU don’t know something. YTAH, and an insecure one at that. Please, let him go.


Girl bye. Learn the language.

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My bf is kurdish and he speaks pretty good English but a few of his friends only spreak kurdish so they speak it around me. I never ask what they say, sometimes if they’ve made a joke about something etc he’ll tell me about it so I don’t feel left out…but other than that i never ask what’s been said, if you think they’re talking about you or slagging you off the maybe you shouldn’t be together if you don’t trust him

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Rude? Not at all. My husband speaks Spanish and I don’t know it yet! I’m a slow learner lol but does it make me feel extremely curious? Heck yeah! I want to be involved too ! But I also know that just because he knows English doesn’t mean it comes naturally. He once told me it’s like constantly thinking of how to translate it when speaking English. So if I want to be involved more in those conversations then it’s on me to learn it, with his help of course bc learning another language is always better when you can add what you learn into conversation even short phrases to start. ( Also a tip to think about. If y’all were to have a child then he would teach him Portuguese as well, I don’t know about you but I can picture my son talking back to me when he’s older in Spanish and that def fuels me more to learn) :joy::joy::joy:

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I would learn his language and not tell him. As well as learn another language and speak ot in front of him :tipping_hand_woman:t3: my ex husband of ten years was fluent in German so I learned German just to piss him off

So. This is my boyfriend. And he can’t respect me or see things from my side enough to want to. Yeah bye boy I need a grown ass man.

You sound very insecure and really ridiculous! If your bothered so much find somebody that only speaks English :woman_shrugging:


Learn French and tare him a new one. Lol. I personally love German. I do understand though. It’s disrespectful because he knows it bothers you. Idk why he couldn’t speak English when with you.

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Either ditch him or learn the language and don’t let anyone know

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I translate Spanish & English in my conversations, it’s etiquette

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I’d be mad too! Personally I’d secretly review a Rosetta Stone book/course ASAP :woman_shrugging: or you could replace the boyfriend if that’s easier :joy:


My wife will sometimes speak in Maliseet to her friends. I don’t understand what they are saying. It doesn’t really bother me.

My boyfriend speaks Spanish. When he talks to his mom or friends in Spanish I don’t get upset. If you’re worried they’re talking about you look up the meanings for the word girlfriend as well as learn some insults and slangs curses from the language. But more than likely its just a cultural thing, they grew up speaking it and it’s habit

Portuguese isn’t really one you tend to pick up as a causal just be-freaking-cause language.

Chill your jets

He’s hiding things from you.and yes that’s rude.

I understand how it irritates you and if want him to speak so I could understand. But also if y’all are committed and planning a life together. Maybe try learning his language. I’m sure he would love that

Download a translator

This question is lame

Damn, nosey. Can’t he at least have his own conversation?

Do his friends only speak Portuguese? It might not have anything to do with you.

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Wow so insecure.
Maybe learn the language.


Learn his language lady! That’s his culture why youd expect him to stop I have know idea that’s just crazy

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Learn Portuguese, problems solved. Better yet, just get over yourself.

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Depends on the circumstances… I would be kinda curious what they’re saying. I think if he doesn’t say what he’s talking about then I would be kinda suspicious. Usually people will translate, I would :thinking: think.


It is rude if he doesn’t tell you what they’re talking about. He or they could be talking about you . Say goodbye and find one that speaks English all the time

Do his friends only speak Portuguese? Or don’t speak English well ? Learn it yourself.


Most of the time my hubby always put English first, he said it was"t right.He speaks French.

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If you asked for translation and he’s upset. I’d tell him to go for a long walk on a short pier.

It’s not obviously about you or something he doesn’t want you to hear :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t4:
Stop being such a beach


I think you’d be a super cool gf if you came on here upset bcuz you needed help learning it for him or to help him enjoy and be more about his culture but no you’re over here mad that she’s speaking his language and you don’t know it. Smh.


I think you are too insecure to date someone that speaks a language other than English. They have every right to speak whatever language they’re comfortable speaking. If you want to know what’s being said then learn the language.


So the post says when I’m in his company so does he speak English then switch when you walk in the room? Ifso that’s an issue.but otherwiaei see no issue. Also learn the language!! I was with my ex 14 yrs and never learned Spanish. We have 5 kids and I regret not learning and not teaching them! So for sure if you plan longterm get to learning and teach any future kids!! If could go back and do it over I would.

Learn the language! Nothing worse than being around folk chit chatting and you have no clue to what is being said.


Personally after I get upset enough about something I find out how to deal with it. In this Situation I would be privately learning the language and then ease drop like a mofo before letting him know about my new skill. :rofl:


My spouse is Puerto Rican and barely spoke any English when we met almost 12 years ago. I took French in school. Lol. I’m used to him speaking Spanish around friends and family but I barely speak any. Enough to know what they are talking about. :blush::woman_shrugging:

Perhaps it’s his only chance to use his portugese. Perhaps pickup the language or let him be with his bros. You don’t know what they’re saying anyway.

It’s not!!! If you are so upset learn them language, also why you think he is talking about you ? If you feel that way find a boy friend that only speak English :rofl:


Break up or learn his language


I would learn it in private

Do google translate next time

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I get that. Its super frustrating because you probably feel like a 3rd wheel and are unable to take part in any conversations. Thats sucks. How does he not feel rude doing that to do🙄


I think its rude he isn’t translating. If you asked and he’s not telling you what’s being said that’s rude.

You need to learn the language then.

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If he can’t make an effort to realize that you are there too and try to help you learn so you can be more involved in his life then he’s not worth it.


Don’t they have apps that “listen” (record) and translate?


Get over yourself seriously. He can speak Portuguese with his friends if he wants and there’s nothing you can do about it. He needs to find someone else to be with cause you’re super insecure

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Use google translation lol I don’t need it, but I have it on my phone :sweat_smile:

My nail salon does it all the time


Only with complete strangers… in a circle of friends you should not be forced out of your native language bc one person does not understand… it’s on you to level up!


Uh that’s his home language, shouldn’t be a problem if he speaks it to his family or friends. Do they only speak Portuguese? If so then well you need to get over it, if not then they are probably just used to speaking Portuguese so they automatically speak it. If they all speak English well u already let him know how u feel and sounds like he doesn’t care or respect ur feelings about it. There is only two things you can do, get over it, learn the language or end it if it’s that upsetting to you and you can’t deal with it. Ok 3 things you could do.


Nope. Not unless you’re intentionally trying to leave that person (that you know or love) out to talk about them or make them feel bad. Then it’s just shady.

I’d tell him that his ass better start speaking some damn English when we’re with his friends. It’s disrespectful to you. Or you could just learn it :person_shrugging:

You must be super interesting to think he’s always talking about you. Get a boyfriend that only speaks English if it bothers you. Simple


I would be google translating their conversation :rofl::rofl:


It is time for another BOY friend if he is that rude.


Learn to speak the language. Problem solved ! They have apps to learn. Try Babbel . :blush:


Just before you break up, pull your phone out and say to them, "hold on, I need to write down what I am sending you dumb asses! (a fart wouldn’t hurt)!

It’s not the speaking another language part that is a problem. It’s him getting mad if you ask what was said that’s a problem. That’s just being an asshole.

I personally think it is rude.

Yes and no. Depends on the situation. In this situation No, it is not rude.

A family member did this, get a pocket recorder and do a Google translate, You would be surprised what you can fid out!!


My dad forced my mom to not teach or speak her native language of Icelandic cuz he was so worried we would talk about him. Now my older brothers (not my dad’s kids) and my mom have conversations all the time in Icelandic and my sister and I have no idea what’s being said :cry:

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Try learning it if you see yourself being with him long-term. Honestly it probably wouldn’t bother me much. I have friends who speak to their family and other friends in the language they know and I just ignore it. I trust my friends enough to let me know if it’s something I need to know.

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Learn Portuguese or get a new boyfriend.

it is rude but I would try to learn the language if you plan on staying with him!

It’s your choice to stay and if you think it’s long term, learn the language. It’s rude for you to expect him to not be comfortable around his friends. You don’t need to be present with him, and you don’t need to know what they are talking about. Part of having a healthy relationship is having boundaries and that includes non mutual friendships- he has the absolute right to have friendships that do not include you and if he wants to invite you, that’s different.

You need to relax …… sounds like it’s his primary language especially if that’s what his friends speak

He’s probably enjoying having someone to speak Portuguese with, maybe you should learn the language, problem solved and great for your brain :brain:


He should at least explain some of what he’s saying to you or at least try to teach you. My boy who speaks languages say ppl do it and talk madd trash especially about the person who can’t understand :sob: he need to do a mix of both I don’t see how that’s hard to do :woman_shrugging:t5:

My husband speaks Spanish and english… family, friends, whatever… he speaks Spanish to them and I sit here like “I wana hahaha too” been trying to learn but that’s totally on you, you wanna join the conversation learn the language


My husband is Portuguese and his mother doesn’t speak English, luckily his friends are not. When he came to Australia at 7, his mother told him to assimilate so he did.
At first it’s difficult to handle when everyone around you is speaking Portuguese, it is a difficult language to learn as an adult. I have some fun with his mum and use a translator app on my phone.
It is not fair for him to be speaking Portuguese with you there and not explain to you what is being discussed. His friends all speak English and if you are there, they should speak it.
Try duo lingo to learn Portuguese because trust me after 13 years together the only word my hubby has taught me so far is the Portuguese word for knife lol
Stay strong :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

No. If u have a problem with others speaking their home language…LEARN IT! That way u can understand it.


I would feel like leaving and be GONE. Yes, it is very rude and disrespectful.

Yes, it’s rude. The only reason that is acceptable to do it, is if someone doesn’t speak English at all.

This annoys me when I go for pedicures. Especially when they start yelling at eachother.

Next time I’m going to turn on my Google translate :rofl::joy::rofl::joy:

So yes, in a family situation it would definitely bother me. If he’s a keeper, learn it. If not: split now or forever hold your peace

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I’d find someone else


Record him on Google and it can translate it for you.


I agree that it is rude to speak another language when you are present and don’t understand it, especially when you have told him it bothers you. He could at least tell you what is being said.

Get over yourself English was enforced by the western education system. You should learn his language and instead of complaining. He can speak more languages than you stop being petty and rude.

Personally I think so but that’s just my opinion


Disrespectful unless they don’t speak or understand English

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As someone who speaks multiple languages, if there is a common language everyone understands then that should be the language being spoken. So if his friends can speak English then they should when around you or it’s rude. If not then you’ll have to learn the language and it isn’t rude.

Extremely rude and he’s being disrespectful just by not caring how it makes you feel. He doesn’t care about you. If he did he’d treat you with care and Respect. Unless his friends don’t speak English, which I’m sure you wouldn’t be upset about this if they didn’t🤔 So I wouldn’t even be around him when his friends are, actually…I wouldn’t be with him to begin with. Know Your Worth.

Learn the language and don’t tell him, then surprise him one day when he is talking about you. Honestly tho it probably just feels good for him to speak it.

Sounds like he likes to play games with you. Not very nice.

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Download the translation app or learn the language

Most times its not really an issue. But this, this is just rude.
He doesnt want you to know what he is saying, gets mad too. And you want to stay with him.
This is a huge red flag for me. I personally wouldnt be interested in continuing this relationship

Then learn it too :woman_shrugging:t2:


You’re way too self conscious. This is a language he’s grown up with. If he didn’t understand English and asked you to not speak it around him how would you feel? Upset? Angry? Try learning his language rather than patronizing him for who he is. Bc girl chilllllllll


My sister in law speaks Spanish only and my family and I communicate in English. We try to speak in Spanish to each other around her but it’s not what we’re comfortable with. We’re comfortable speaking English to each other and speaking in Spanish to each other is weird to us. I don’t think she gets offended, if anything she tries to practice and understand it because that’s how we mainly communicate

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If he goes from english to that yeah hes being rude prob talking about you.

Been there done that comes a time to get over it most times it’s just easier for them to communicate and they forgot.

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I would record than translate on Google.


Learn Portuguese then? Geez lady. He’s aloud to speak in what ever language he wants lol


I grew up in a Finnish speaking family and parents talked Finn in front of us kids when they did not want us to understand what they were taking about. But if your partner is doing it infront of you, I’d say it’s rude and disrespectful.

Try Duolingo app. It’s easy and fun.

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That would piss me off too

It is disrespectful and rude.
I like the advice to download the translate app. Try it .

Why are you with him?