Is it safe to have a cat while pregnant?

I'm one month pregnant. I have a 3 year old cat. I've heard not to clean the cats sandbox because of parasites, which can affect the baby. Are there any mama's out here, who had cats throughout their pregnancies? Did u have any issues?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it safe to have a cat while pregnant?

I have a cat and have had two perfect babies. I just don’t clean the litter whilst pregnant.

I had a cat but I didn’t clean the litter box, I had my boyfriend do it.

I had 2 cats during 2 of my pregnancies. No issues. I just never cleaned the liter box

The only issue is the one you have said which is easily sorted

Once baby is here keep an eye coz cats are territorial and don’t let cat be in any of baby’s things

I had a cat and cleaned the litter box throughout my entire pregnancy. I just wore gloves and a mask and didn’t have any issues.


you can, you’re just not allowed to clean the litter box because of the parasites that can cause miscarriages

I had 3 of them with all three of my pregnancies. And they used to sleep with my kids when they were little and they still do now

Besides someone else cleaning it for you , maybe use a mask while cleaning it.

After you clean the box wash your hands. And don’t eat the cat litter.


Yes its safe ive had cats all life 3 kids. Use gloves when changing litter tray

I had cats during all 4 of my pregnancies. I just didn’t clean the litter boxes.

It’s fine! Have dad clean it!! If you /have/ to clean it yourself then wear a mask

Wear gloves and wash hands good after changing litter box. That’s what my Dr told me. And as for being scared when the baby gets here my 2 cats where prefect with my baby and still is?

It’s perfectly safe, just wear gloves and a mask. Wash hands thoroughly.
I worked as a vet assistant for 10 years and I worked while pregnant. You just need to be extra cautious.

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I just put on gloves and wear a mask.

I had a cat during pregnancy and my husband changed the litter box because you can’t but then he started sleeping her the crib I built and it scared me he was getting to comfy and didn’t want him sleeping on my daughter so I gave him to my mom

My boyfriend wouldn’t let me change the cat’s liter when I was pregnant. If you HAVE to change it then just pop on your mask and gloves or wash your hands really well

either have someone else clean the box or use mask/gloves and wash hands after. You can keep your kitty :black_cat:.

I had 2 when I was pregnant with my son.


Wear gloves and wash your hands, also the likely hood of your cats having these parasites mentioned is very small if they have never been outdoor cats

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I’ve always had cats. All 3 pregnancies. I did clean the catbox myself every time. My kids are healthy. I also even dyed my hair :joy:

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I had 5 cats while pregnant with my daughter, no issues. I just had someone else clean the litter box or wore gloves and washed hands, and was careful

I have 3 children. Have owned my cats through all 3 pregnancies. Scooped the litter box with a mask during my whole pregnancy for my last baby. My kids are all fine. Pets are a lifetime commitment not something you just get rid of. They are family.

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I have two cats. I clean their boxes I just wear gloves and a mask to be safe. I’ve had cats with all three of my pregnancies. I’m currently 27 weeks now.


I’m on a farm cats pigs dogs horses chickens etc never any problem and I have multiple house cats that never go out side…just be normal and than wash hands…me my daughter my daughters in laws none of us had any problems


I have cats but my husband does the litter box while I’m pregnant.

Yes, I did. My cats my job. I wore disposable gloves and mask. It is easier if you are using a “dust free” litter…pine,corn, etc., because in my experience the dusty ones produce a plume of dust when dumped. Just my opinion.

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Yes. If you get tested for toxoplasmosis antibodies, and you already have them, it is even safe for you to deal with litter boxes. If you’ve never had toxoplasmosis (you wouldn’t know without the test) it can harm the fetus to contract it during pregnancy but you can just take extra precautions when handling litter or avoid the litter box chore.


I always have had cats. Even when I was pregnant. My husband helped with keeping the litter cleaned. Mask and gloves works wonders if you have to do it yourself.


I have 4 cats, outdoor cats can bring in toxins and parasites but as long as you keep them clean and their cat boxes clean, if you want to keep them away from the babies stuff it shouldnt be an issue.

Had 2 cats during my pregnancy. Changed the litter box daily — just wash hands afterwards. No need to suit up lol.

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I think you get toxoplasmosis

Yes I just wore gloves and a face covering and washed my hands :grin:

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Wear gloves and a mask to clean

I did…I wore a mask all the time… Wash my hands

Have four kids and one cat. Have someone help with cleaning and wash hands after

Yes I always had cats but didn’t clean the box. Everything was fine. My EX husband still made me clean the chicken house though.

It was fine with my pregnancies. Just have to watch their behavior when baby comes. Some cats are bad at trying to lay with baby. I had one I had to lock up because it tried to snuggle the babies face any chance it got.

I wore elbow length gloves and mask. What I had to do if I had nobody to clean the litter box. If I had someone to help then they did it and helped. Then I washed hands with antibacterial soap. Had hand sanitizer also. I then turned to a self cleaning litter box which helped but still when needing to change out and all wore gloves and mask unless someone did it for me.

Use gloves and wear a mask , you should be ok.

I had cat while I was pregnant…cleaned litter box just made sure I washed up real good after

High risk for Toxoplasmosis.

My man changed the litter box lol

You can absolutely have a cat while pregnant. There’s a few extra steps you’ll have to take when cleaning the litter box, but completely doable.

You can have cats, just don’t clean the litter box yourself. Have someone do that while you are pregnant like your significant other or a family member. If you can’t have someone do it for you then I would wear a mask and gloves and wash thoroughly after wards. Please try to keep your kitty. I’ve seen so many people get rid of their cats because they get pregnant thinking the cats would do harm, when they just don’t.

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I had a cat, but my husband always changed the litter and scooped the box. I also tried to avoid the room that the box was in. No issue, my child is thriving. Wear gloves, a mask, and put your hair all the way up in a bun, and wash and sanitize your hands afterward. You should be fine.

I clean my cats litter boxes and I’m pregnant. If you haven’t gotten a parasite from your cat yet, you won’t get one now.


Yes I had one just make sure if u can to have the father change the litter

I had a cat through both pregnancies. But he would do his business outside. No litter box to worry about. As long as you don’t change the litter or breathe the dust from it, you are fine. I love my cat

Don’t clean those litter boxes

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I have 2 kids and 2 cats. My husband cleaned the litter box for me both times I was pregnant and it was fine. I also spoke with a vet tech (obviously different than speaking with your OB) but they said that in order to get the parasite you’d have to ingest it. So if you absolutely have to clean the litter box, just be extra cautious and wash your hands very thoroughly when you’re done.

Yes, if u have to clean it yourself use gloves and mask, then wash hands. But if someone else in house can do it let them.


It’s safe. I sifted litter boxes throughout all my pregnancies. Never had an issue. Just wash your hands!


I have a cat. Did all the things throughout pregnancy. All fine. Toxoplasmosis is the culprit they say to watch for. But if you look up how a cat becomes infected with it…unless your cat does any of these things you have no need to worry. Most probably wont get it. Especially if they are indoors.

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Not only do I have 3 cats, but I’m a vet tech. So I will tell you some tricks :smiling_face:. If you have someone that can scoop the box that is best. However I was told if I HAD to scoop, to get the long kitchen gloves and mask up! When I was at work they wouldn’t let me handle cat poo, but if I did I was gloved and masked. They do sometimes (been a tech for 15yrs and have seen 3 cases, all were picked up as strays and kittens) parasites that can be harmful to you and baby. Also at work they would only let me handle the nicer ones :rofl:. (Upset cats are something I’m good at dealing with so this was hard for me). I made it through and my LO is 8wks now and both of us are doing well. If you are worried you can always take a poo sample to your vet and have them test it to be sure kitty is clean. If you do be sure to tell them your pregnant and worried about toxoplasmosis.


Yes. Just have someone change the litterbox for you

My friends cat mauled her baby at 2 weeks old. It was terrible. She walked in the house and put the baby down in her car seat and the cat pounced on the baby, scratched up her face, and she needed stitches. She had never had any problems with the cat before this


Preferably no. I worked with a vet. No aviary and no cats. Their fecal matter contains contaminants that are toxic and can be fatal to a fetus.

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I have two cats. Currently 38 weeks. No issues. Also had cats during my first pregnancy with no issues.

Yes, just don’t change the litter

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I had five cats with my first pregnancy, no issues you have to wash your hands anyway after cleaning the litter box pregnant or not :hugs:

U can wear a mask and gloves while changing it, and then wash ur hands right after with soap and water and u should be fine.

I had my cats i just did not clean the cat boxes.

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Girl just mask up and make sure u wash your hands throughly after u change the box. Lol. Most strictly indoor cats dont carry the parasite.

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My husband cleans our litter box now, I e always been told not to touch it while pregnant.


Cyes it is safe and you can clean the litter as long as you do it about every 12 hrs to prevent toxoplasmosis (and if it sits you get amonia if its not properly cleaned)You have 24 hrs after a poop before it becomes an issue

I was always told not to clean litter boxes but I did have cats while pregnant never cleaned the litter boxes someone else did for me

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Yes it’s safe. Just use gloves to clean or have your partner clean it

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I’m on baby 4 now (this is a surro baby) but have had 3-6 cats with all my pregnancies. Just have someone else do the litter

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I have 4 cats and I’m pregnant and I’m usually the one to do the box because I have no choice. Just wash your hands well after.

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Totally!!! Just keep on loving that fur baby. I’m on my 4th pregnancy and we have always had a kitty or two!

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I never had an issues with my cats. People are overly dramatic when people are pregnant. Might as well not drive a car cause u might have an accident and that isnt safe for pregnancy? I wouldn’t worry about your feline pets. All good girl.

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Always had a cat even while pregnant never had any issues

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If you have noone to change the cats box for you you could wear gloves and a mask to do it to prevent getting the parasite.


I was told through all 3 pregnancies but I only had cats through my first

Some one do it for you or mask and gloves

I had to no issues :woman_shrugging:

You can have cats just not a good idea to clean the cat box as the ammonia from their urine. But if no one else can change it for you just wear a mask and gloves. But make sure the litter box is clean regularly


I have 7 children and have had cats throughout all my pregnancies. I still cleaned their trays etc, was just careful and washed my hands immediately after. I had no problems with any of mine xx

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I had cats, and I cleaned the box throughout my pregnancy. I wore rubber gloves and washed my hands thoroughly after. Other than my now 16 year old complaining that she’s the shortest one in our family at 5 foot 3, we had no issues!


Wear a mask and gloves.

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We got a cat while I was 3 months pregnant
I just never went near the litter box and didn’t let the cat lick my fingers or face … but if he did I always sanitised
But he loved sleeping on my belly/chest

As long as you aren’t ingesting your cats poop you will be fine. Wear gloves and wash hands but really everyone should be doing that anyway when cleaning a litter box

What I was told from a vets office and since I’ve learned as long as the litter box is cleaned out daily you’ll be fine it takes several days for the parasites to grow so as long as you keep up with the litter box you will not get anything

I had two cats with both pregnancies and clean the litter box. I would wear gloves and mask, then wash my hands really well abd all is well


When I was pregnant we had 2 cats. I don’t think you should find a new home for your pet just because you’re pregnant. If you have to clean the litter box make sure you cover your face with something thick and wear gloves. If you can have someone else clean it for you that’s even better

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Do some research. If your cat is an indoor only cat, there is a very low risk of Toxoplasmosis.

The way the cat’s feces can become contaminated is by eating animals with infection, which is then shed in their feces later. You can just as easily be infected by touching dirt (gardening, pulling weeds, etc) that an infected animal has pooped in.

You can wear gloves and a mask if you feel your animal could be exposed, and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.

You are fine!

On baby number 4 and I’ve always had cats. I also am there main provider so I have to clean the box…I myself don’t go through all the trouble of mask/gloving up I just do what I need to do and so far have had no issues ever.


I had 3 cats with my first and then the oldest died and I just had a baby last month so had 2 during that pregnancy. No issues as long as you stay away from cat litter


I’ve had cats my whole life. Even though 2 pregnancy. Waer a mask and gloves if your the only one that is able to clean the litter box


Just wash your hands after you clean it. I never had any problems

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I had 5 cats while pregnant. Wear mask and gloves and clean daily


My sister was pregnant and went totally blind in one eye because of a cat disease from cleaning the box just be very careful !!

When I was pregnant my father kept me away from cats but I heard that it’s unsafe to clean the litter or something that it can effect the baby might want to check with your doctor to make sure

Just wear gloves & wear a mask whilst cleaning litter box. No probs at all.

Wear gloves and wash your hands

Talk to your dr. They won’t tell you not to clean the cats box but they will tell you how to clean it safely and if you should be concerned about your cat. They can run tests. :smiling_face:

Had more than one throughout two pregnancies, and my daughters did as well. Wear gloves to change cat litter and wash your hands when done.

I had a cat, just got someone to clean the liter box, other then that it was good

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